6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Decemb er 5th. 1971 'IFïç WE BACH SAVE A LJTTLE, WLL ALL SAVE A LOT. With supplies of crude oil in Eastern Canada barely sufficient been estimated that if each person in Ontario saved just a to meet demand, real shortages of gasoline and heating oil pennys worth of energy each day, we'd save enough energy could occur here in Ontario if we can't maintain our imports. in a week to heat up to 2,500 homes for an entire year.- Alternate, more dependable forms of energy are being Nobody has the right to waste any form of power. The time developed, but that will take time. What is important today is has come for every person to-do everything possible to that each one of us makes the best possible use of existing ensure the wisest use of energy. energy supplies. Good energy habits learned now, especially by our young Little ways in which you can save energy may seem people, will help bring us through this winter, and pay off insignificant, but in fact they are not. For example, il has even more in years to corne. Let's get to work. r4lw syo canthermostat down at nîght E If you use E Prolonged îdlîng wastes gas ii Ca n -q a a humidifieryo'u'il stay comfortable you use the bus? Or ride wîth some- ft~~ft7ftwîth less heat E If there's a Shîvery one else? E Does your size of car coUIIseIV-e enirI53 Sam in the family,, ask hlm to wear a really fit your needs? A program for Li Jack-ra bbit starts waste gas loi - 7 Your heating system.I Clean forced-air filters once a month iBleed air from hot wateY radiators, fix Ieaks E- Empty the flue clean-oUt MEHavie the system checked by an expert Ei Insulate ducts and pipes in If areas ta idnt n adatorE Dont 40-44 Around the farm. use mtli pain on Eaitr A 18»2 ot water. A well-tuned tractor burns 10% less gravity air system with a single return Ins.Ulate exposed hot water pipes fuel Ei Underground or pressýUrized works best with in terior do ors open. E1 If your water heater has a dial, try storage tanks reduce vapourization setting it Iower Ei A dripping tap loss E Reduce tractor wheel slip and wastes up to 175 gallons of hot water you save fuel E Prolonged idlin.g of a month EI Dont use dishwashers tilI engines wastes gas E Can you turn they're fullILE Generally, a shower yard lights off earlier? uses Iless hot water than a bath. Are the door seais on your oven, E- Can you turn off any lights? E Has Lrefrigerator and freezer good? your company got an Energy E Don't use the oven if a toaster or Conservation Suggestion Scheme? I fry-pan wvill do the job E If you buy an 8 3 Keep the heat in! electric heater, make sure it has aI Isulation, especially in attics, pays thermostat E_ Use lower wattage We're tkn u.w die off in the long run E: Fit storm bulbs if you can E Use Christmas Al i taingo w andvie . h Uvnose weather-strip usddor lights fo mtl etm- s Ontario Government are doing their .lKeep fireplace damper closed pots that cover stove elements bt to conserve energy. Lighting and LýUerange hood ventilators only Ei Thaw frozen food befôre cooking heating levels are being reduced i whnnecessary E. If you sleep with E Defrost freezers regularly E A government buildings: a newI te window open, close the door pressure cooker saves energy as weîî emphasis is being given to economi- FiClose drapes at night. as time E1 Don't use the dryer till it's cal operation of vehicies: Ontario o Hydro and the Ministry of Education full. are encouraging consumners and 1417 Use your thermostat. ? ?f schooichildren to learn good habitsM Each degree you lower the thermo- 33-3U On the road. in the use of energy And thats just M at cuts fuel consumption about 3% A welI-maintaîned car is an economi- a beginning! L D It's possible to save by turning the cal car E Check tires and alignment .e Save this checkliîst. and save energy' Ontario wili play ils part in resolving the Canadian energy situation. Carrying out these suggestions wiII help aChieve-the national energy conservation goals. 4Govfemmntit@fOntar'io .; 77 77