Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1973, p. 9

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-Clarke - Intramnural sports, boys and Iî Ne'ws girls vlebl and bolvs floor Three more weeks tuîhoceyare being played as Chisma! fdoesn't seemi that long since the first dlay of sehool for this yç&r. Thlie tileenti are planning thie aninual Christmas Show and I imagine teachers and sfud- ents alike are planning many activities for their holiday week. By Dlec. 31 applications for uniet~Iti~.and. ther 1ppst- secondairy institutions should be completed and sent in. Students in the senior grades are visiting varionis universit- ies to find out whaiit thley are really like, what programns On Tuesday Novemiber 27 a they offer etc. Institution band from Thomas A.-Stewart calendars and pamphlets are in Peterborough visited our school. They played jazz and the blues. They were quite a contrast 10 the typical bands thaf have preformed at Clar- ke in the past. The students mnus t have felt them a welcoxned change' for they. played fhree encore selec- fions. Basketbali season is now beginning. The girl's teams have been selected for some lime. However, the junior and senior boys' team have been decided just recently. being thoroughly read, and the SGIS computer service is being regularly used. The question What are you going f0 do af 1er high school, is being asked more frequently. Senior students are deciding its time 10 consider the answer very seriously. by Carol Barnett. SII)EWALK POIIMIN (O(N(OMPEE The Orono Police Trustees haecompleted their side- walk programi in the Village for Ille year. sources wouldf be guaranteed 10 each level of gov ernmnent --, federal, provincial, and local. As \ou ma%, know, atIlthe present imie ontly the federal gov ernmniitbas unlimited taxing pow ers, And how often have you municipal leaders been old that the province cannot afford your demiands - hecause the pi 1-ovince is re- stricited to direct taxes. only, and the fedferal g-overonment bas pre-empted to itself the largest field of dIir(cttaxation ineome tax? In short. J beleive we should have 'in Canada a series of constitutional conferences, each one'devoted te, à very specifie topie. And, one of thes'e should be concerned with constitutional recognit- ion ofuur local, mncpland regionialgovernmiiietst. In that way, they could- be giv en a guaranteed field of jurisdict- ion, and a corresponding significant guaranteed field of taxa tion, revenue. Before that happens, there must be a federal -provincial confet-ence with the specific pu'rpose of arriving at an acceptable formula through which we, here in Canada can amend our own constitution. I think such a formula is nowý readily within reach. And the Prime Minister, shoutd con- vene sucb a conference as quickly as possible, especially as Premier Bourassa bas recommended such a move. Once that hurdle is crossed, theýn we can proceed with a whole series of meetings des,,igned to bring Our constit- utional guarantees in linemîfi modern realities and needs. incîuding those of Our local, municipal and regional go- vernments. Hooper's Jewefler's Ltd. DIAMOND HEADQUARTERS Solitaire D) mond Pi,111011(i 4KT 18KT Ringellow gold t 18 IKT For beauty, selection& value be sure to visit Hooper's Jeweller's Ltd Bowmanville Bosc Pea rs and Fresh Cider XGO)SELAECTION 0F Christmias Trees F R E'S FRUITMARKET IGHWAY 115 SOUTH 0OF OLONO '~ ..-~ ~in e'~ h i 2 -i ).1 o XN eeklyI.NTim ýes, WednIesdIay%, Decemb r 1) ('l. - /A. Lawvrence wants Region now planning to se pland committee AsomQwhiat Lunhappy Dutr apinmnsweremiacle on Uonsurwiteucntitu- ment. v'enPn te'o<( T& haie, ntof lion (the Briitishi No'th Ainer- Thes(e 11w Su ~r\ ices miostIthe first steps toward forml;lig confliets of interqests and ic.a Act ,Ithe fcderal gb{'ern -m.walio 1gfil tQ ll of us. They a land;!1(1division coniitflecproblem wittî granting con- inent has virtu,1ally no Juris- ,ar' proidedon a srrsd LDC) husdy.sents ov er the 'yýears, Coun. diction over the gvenen onstanjt1basis by muicipaýl- The LI)(, whICih ill Oper- lBalliniger said. of our, municipalities or' their ities a acoss ýthe ýnation. Yýet at trouhot Durham. Coun. ý Allan McPhaJi affairs. Because miunicipalit- nowhere-in our federal legis- Couin. Wiljliami Ballinger Brock) suggested the best ies are almnost xlsvl a lation, and certainly not in ournUt ide found it a bit way 10 handie the probl em provincial responsibility, I constitution, isthere any law ridiculous thiat the commnittee was only to hire the guy that, was rather puzzled as to why I defining the jursidiction and was mioving in such haste to follows our philosophy. should be asked to participate duties of municîpalities. 0f filsýuchi overpowerig posit- In a separate ýreport the in this sciminar. course,, there should be. This ions as the seats of a LDC. cqmmnittee recommended the, Howev er, I am pleased that situa tion is unreal, particul- The committee's problemn LDC, staff members faIt 1 was inivited, because now arly when anne considers tlic was that under the Durham within the planning and deve- that 1 am here, I would like f0 growth of mipnicipalîties in Act an LDC, had to be lopment department. The give your some. personal the last 25 t0 30 years. Somne oper-ating by Jan. 1;'1974. t suggestion was also made views relatîng to what I have regional governmietls are, then assumned somneof' the that the LDC's secretary just said. The categorizing of both in population and spend- functions presenitly carried treasurer be a professional municipalities --rural, urban ing power, igger than somne out by local committees of' planner. and regional -- as a mnatter of of the provinces. The need is adjustmient. exclusive provincial respon- even more pressing when An anticipated 1,500 appîic- The committee decided to sibility' Vis an ouit-daited, arch- considered fromn the always ations a year wvould be, adverfise next week for appi aic and positively' harmful vexing viewpoint of taxation received by the Durham LDC, icants for committee1 mem- constitutional anachronism. and finance, about f-wice that of any other bership. Pay would be $50 foi Il is somiething that belongs f0 Consider this: nowhiere in region. a full day plus mileage the past, 10 the history books, our constitutiônal papers is 'Wlile thefe' trC riber's allowvance. and Should be changed ln the there any' vguaranfee of a are appointed by regional The committee would also immiediate future, taxation field for the exclus- council, tLhereaffer they oper- seek recommendati.ons fromn Consider this: miost "people ive use of municipal ani local ate as an independent body, area councillors as 10 whoni services" -- social welfare, governmnents. The field of real fromi whose decisions the only they would like to sit on an. education, planning, roads, estate taxation has been appeal is to the provincial LD)C. sewers, water supply , and so traditionally recognized as governiment. This must be After some interviews eight forth -- today involve, if not belonging 10 local governmient accomiplished wîthin 21 days. people would be chosen, one exclusively , then on a part- But there is no guarantee that DISIKE IDEA f romn each area mnunicipality nership basis, a municipal, this wýill continue to be so. Both~ Coun. Ballinger and mnaking up Durham, The ap- regional or county govern- 1I would suggest to you that CounI. Bre(augh disliked the pointmnents wvould be passed there should be enshirned in uwhole idea, the former worry- by counicil Decemiber 19.. a conistifutional statute var- ing about what hie called, T'fiis would allow time for dn fious exclusive areas of taxat- bandits getting on thec LDC. or'ientation) and organization- ion, so that specific, and the latter that there were no a]I meeting before dan. 1 for ~, ~ Àhopefully adequate, revenue restraints on the LDC and that the LDC members.

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