193 Port Hope a grees ~9P te join Cobourg Hiockey opened for the Orono Minor Hockey teams last week wi'th six teamns seeing action. Ail the gamies were piay'ýed out of town due to the soft condition of the ice at the Orono Arena. Two local teams posted wins out of the six gamles palyed. NOVICE FLYERS- The Orono Novice Fiyers were defeate( by a one goal miargin in Bewdiey by the Bewdiey entry.tTh( score :3-2 over the local Fiyers. Todd Miller and Ken Farrol scored the Orono goals with assists to Bret Johnson and Joil Bol tonl. NOVICE ATHLETICS - The Athletics also lost their gamne ir Newicastle at the bauds of Newcastle by a score of 3-2. Kebbý Prescott scored the two Orono goals with Mike Leslie pickiný up an assist. ORONO PEEWVEES- Thue two Orono PeeWee teams picked up the two victories withi the Flyers defeating Bewdley 4-1 and the Hornets defeating Mlillbrook :!-0. Kevini Hoog and Joey:ý Seneco each scored two goals withthe Flyers with assists going to Darrell Zoschike, Steven Clark, Ron Talsm.a and Pat Willaimis. Thie goals getters for the Horniets were Dennis Simpson, Marcel Charland and Martin Vissers. Assists went to Tomi Hollinger, Martin Vissers and Peter PIHIlp ORONO BANTAMI-Both the Orono Bantamn Eagies and the Oronio Bantamn Faicons went down to defeat. The Falconslost toBwde 6-2 wt Bill Hudgins and Doug Hancock scorinî the Oronýo goals. Assîsts went to Paul Yeomans. Scott West and Greg Iicke scored the two Eagles goals witlb assists going tfo Richard Williamns and Milan Popadich. The season bias been weii started in Orono w,ýith every boy on thle local teamns getting the opportunity to take part in the great winter sport of hockey. The programi, as in former, Yars, is being sponsored and financed by the Orono Amateur Athletic Associationi. RACES Wins rather eiudcd the local horsemen on Saturday .ai Kaatabut thcy did take two second place finishes. Th'le first race was won by Carnie Bay with Trotties Pride taýki ng the second event. D. Newman of Orono did drive Little Jenny to a fourth Place finish in the second. The tirid race won by Wrong Time with D. Newman p)lac-ing si-xth with Hammer Boy. Dee Dum Greer won the fourth \with Jack Wiliams finishing third with Harwill Siriley% and Keith Wes~t fifth with Eastwood Scot. Armbro Lcthai won the fitb with Junior West piacing si,t with Green Acres. In the sixth the win went toPeter Way Sultan with AprilM. Maigic in second place. In the seventh Rusty Pete was the wýinn1er with Keith West finîshing second driving Ja De (Gassford. Mary B3ing won the eighth with Geraid Robinson dingHigh Class second. NINS AT, MOIIAWK Pointer Jâ5, owned by Doug Mlartin and Ken Laton of Newcastfe and trained by John Hlooey, Orono, won the fourth race at Mohawk Raceway on Tuesday November 2th. Brent Dav ies was the driver. The race went in 2.12. Muddy John, owýned by Lawrence Hooey and trained by John Hiooley placed third in the tenth race at Mlohawk on~ Sunday Novembher 24thi. rent Davies was the driver. Port Hope Counicil las' week t voted informnally approving a e plan in which P ort Hope, ie Cobourg, Hope and Hamilton lx Townships would join togeth- er to form a regional area. t was also proposed that the d regional area have a two-tier e from of government. 1w Mayor Michael Wladyka n said, "We are talking of more than restructured county go- in verment. These maps Mnic- )y ate that we are looking> at ig regional.government. "Lt seems to me from ,d everything that I've read that d regional governments are getting larger shares of any d grants going. Ail uncondition- ala grants seem to be geared to regional government and 62 S. percent of * the population of ýr Ontario is under regional government."1 The Mayor pointed out that ýe John White, provincial trea- surer, is ecuaignew ;t regional governments not 'S simply re-structured counities Reeve Clarke commented that Cobourg was flot repre- sented at the reeve's commit- r tee meeting and "They've r been after a one-tier govern- ment would mean that there wouid be one overaîl counicil for the whole region dealing with aIl municipal business. The mayor said that the province has been encourag- ing separated townls and t villages to join regional go- verniments. Reeve Clarke stated that lif 1 Trenton decided thaàt they would flot come into the new 1 NorthuLimiberlanid then she u~n- derstood that Murray town- 1ship would flot join the new Northumberland. 1 "The key to the whole thitng. is what is going to happen in the Quinte planining area',,l Reeve Cliarke stated. She expiained that the west end of Northumberland seems to be pretty weii settled in one municipality but that bound- ary decisions in the, east end are more confusing. Kirby News Mrs. Don Cochrane vîsited her Father and Mother at Whitby on Thursday before they left for Fiorida for the winter. Mr. and Mlrs. James Low- ery and Mrs. Hartweil LoW- ery attended the Federation of Agriculture Banquet at Blackstock on Thursday evening. The guest speaker was Mr. M. J. Kiassen, Marketing Deveiopment Specialist of the Ontario Food Council. Mr. Kiassen has just returned from Japan. He stated Canada has the cheap- est food in the worid. In Japan food is twice the price. One needs to go abroad to appre- ciate what we have at home. 1Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane visited their daughtcr Donna and Ken Thomas at Willow- dale on Sunday. .On Sunday there was a joint service of the Church and, Sunday School at Kirby, so0 those of the Congregation who wishied to go to Orono, to the speciai U.C.W. Service couid do so, those who went enjoyed the service of music and message by Mrs. Leroy Toli of T'oronto. She is a marvellous speaker and the leader of a choir. Little Samatha Shetter of Newtonvilie, is staying with L er 4Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, St. while her mother Barbara is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital undergoing surgery. We hope Barh will soon be enjoving Il 1973 1972 1971 19,71 1971 1971 1970 1970 1970 1970 1969 Mr. and MIrs. Rton Harris, hield a birthday pý arty for dauighter Kimi on Saturday evening. Those present were Mlr. and Mrs. W. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Ian McKenzie and Arlene Allun of Oshawa, Mr. -and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Douglas and Charles and Richard., LOCAL NEWS Mrs Ca!\vin Hamm hlas returned fromr hospital foliow- ing a car accident. Mrs. Aif.' Jakemnan is a patient in Bowmanviile Hospi- tal. We would appreciate re- ceiving your pieces of news. Phone the office 983-5301. -good heaith. tMrs. Rose Youmans receiv- ,ed word that her son Ed. iFitkin has taken a stroke at a hockey game last Friday evening, and is in serious condition in' a Los -Angelos hospital. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mrs. Youmans and her famii y. Ed has been connected with the Worid Hockey Assoc. since its inception and is executive Administrator working with the President in Santa Ana, California. C ongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reid Cochrane on the birth of a baby daughter On Sunday November 25th also the Happy Grandmiothier Mrs. Grace Cochrane. It is aiso Reids Aunts birthday Mrs. Hartweii Lowery. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char-lie Gay, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sears, Scarborough, visited Sunday with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris. Doug- las and Charles. Ilere is a good -list of La'te odel, totally re-conditioned cars from the friendly people Pick, One GRtAN TORINO, '2-door Hardtop, V-8, Automnatic, Power equipped, Vinyl Top, $3 80 Lovely cair. Lic.ER0323. Was $3795 NOW~~ FORD CH1ATEAU, 8 passenger Club Wagon. This one is a real individual dream truck. It bas air conditioning, stereo tape deck with radio, V-8, automatic, power equipment. aux. bot water heater, low mileage and lots more. n Sold new for over $6500. Lic. EAO 336 NOW $399 VEGA 2-DOOR,4 speed. Lic BWE579 NO W$ 72 W.. q$1725 TFORINO 500 2-DOOR I-ARDTOP, One owner in exquiste condition. V-8 AutomaticPower Steering and Brakes. Low mileage. Just arrived and ONLY Lic. DZX563 LAND ROVER 4 Wheel Drive. Low mileage. O)ne local owner. W'as $2895. NOW ONLY Lic. EBN1268 CIIEVROLET BEL AIR, 4-Door Sedan, Power equipped, V-8 Automatic, Radial Tires.Lic. EJR173 Was $2695 NOW $2395 $2480 MERCUHY COLONY PACK WAGON ail the options'including Ford's unique woodgra in siding. Was $2595. Lic EOL766 NOW $ 21 60 PLYMOUTH FURY 1, 4-Door Sedan, V-8 Automnatic, Double Power, Radio, Nice Car Was $1995. A real deal now for only Lic. EBB484 $ j,30 MAVERICK 2-DOOR, 6"Cylinder Automatic. Excellent on gas. Just in and priced at Lic. hIl1D038 FORD 11) PASSENGER CUSTOMI 500 STATION WAGON in immnacolate condition. Was $2395. NOW ONLY Lic. A"MW796- 1 $1895 $1995 1 BUICK LE SABRE in gleaming grey with red upholster ' and wVell equipped. Just the right car for elegant. dependable drlving. Was$1 8 $219>5. NOW ONL Y$1 8 Lie. DSR3S2 ~III 'M.. MI cmmmi *ATTENTION FARMAERS.. àWHY PAYMORE? * SAVE ON * e DIESEL FUEL * eMOTOROPIL .GASOLINE( * A Premium Quality* g .~ Farm Tanks and * Pumps Available : P...668-3381 - C.II.ct l'O X FUEL, DIII I For Prompt Courteous Service I * Call Us TodayI