Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1973, p. 7

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. .. .... .... . .. .... . . SEl if ~AST/ ~ :W. FRANK REAL. ESTATE: LIMITED *234 Kng Street Easte * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 :FPort Hope office 885-45430 :For prompt, courteons, : : efficient service when: * buying or selling and: : for the largest selectiou* :of properties ini the area s * Contact * Orono Area * Representativws 0 Charlie Reid * 983-5914 s-Roy Foster e * 983-5801 *William Turanskye * (Kendlal) * 983-5420 Dane Found: * 623-3965 .. Roy Strong e :Betha ny 52r 11: Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh. bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company, 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone coliect * v. W. RUTTER office -885-5216 Home -8552 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE G 'LF FINANCING 1,) w interest Rates Phone. Tyrone 263-2650Gu ORONO LANDSCfflIWG SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 (harles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in farmi Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Clarke Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 te 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday, ,Friday Afternoons 2:30 te 5:00 Pu.. Saturday 10:00 te 12:00 a.m. ORONO LCTI Herb anîd Gerr Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRMICTING ELECTRIC IHEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Randy TIîompson Oronso, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remnodelling We btdld from the foundation up Box 1L3 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Lîmited Maniufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dunidas Street East- WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAYF BOATS AlMouette Snow mobiles McCufloch Chain Saws Repairs te aUi akes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWNOBILES Grant C. Wode Insurance Agency Gene'ral Insuirane Box 82 Tel 786-2921 Box 61 Tel 885-2288 Port Hope, Ontario - I M I H1ORTICULTURAL, On Thursday Octol 8 p.mi. in the main Siebe Rekker of P< will show his sfides and bird life at the tural meeting. The same evening show will be held. arrangements thi classes for geraniur and cacti. Bring you in between 6-30 and Enter your namne fo prizeI. Everyone wel( NOTICE U.C.W. General wîil efleld on 'il October lath a t 7.30 p. main hall of Oronc Church. Dialogue by P Daw, » resident of Presbytery and Mrs. Redpath. Stewardshi man. Topic "just a the Bucket." NOTICE Clarke Museum an that there will be a1 demonstration of mac Wednesdays l7th and October. From 2 p.m. by Mrs. Horner, Gar Admission is '35c., Thursday the 18th 2:1ý a teaching demonstr Chair caning byv Grahamn of Newcastl( NOTICE The Orono Amateur Association wvill hold night at the Arena or day October 18th at 7 Any parents interesl able to heip out welcomied and greati, ciated. NOTICE COIN CLUB - Anyor ested in starting a C( (Can.) Reply Box 12ý castie. I. * COMING EVE] * Oiental Cooking sponsored by Orono iU be hield in iihe-Main Orono United Church 29th at 8 p.m. Admissi, 40 Door Prizes. Buy earlv by contacting members or phone1 Lycett (983-5142). TRUCK FOR SA 1/2- ton V8 Interi ber ha] ort 3of Ho tIi ere 7.3( ýconr 17- Ni Mrs Or p ( Dr noi teai rar d 24 to 4 der AIS, 0 bc ati( NIrs e. unIces iching ne on lth of 4 p.m. nHlli o on 04:30 ion of . L. day October 24, 1973. Sýpecifications may be ob- tained from the Office of: M.A MacLeod, Business Ad- mninistrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, Box 470, D'Arcy Street, North, Cobourg. K19A 4L2, acNORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAIA COU'NTIY BOARD 0F EDUCATION Athletie CARETAKER a work Applications will be r-eceiv- n Thur- ed byý the undersigned unttil :00 p.m. Tuesday, October 2:3. 1973 for ted and thie position of full time il eCaretaker at thie Bowmnanvîllje ll bppeSenior Public School. y pr- Know1iedge of cleaning mnat- a-c erials and caretaking proce- work from verbal and written instruction and withi other ie inter- people required. oin Club Reply in writing stating 8, New-- qualifications, address, and telephone numnber to: a-c M.A. AMacLeod, Business Adnr-inistrator and N' Treasurer, *. Northumberland and Durhamn .CWtoCounty Board of Education, Hall " of Box 470, October COBOURG, Ontario. oni $1.00. tickets NRIUBRADAND U.C.W. DLIMIM COUNTY BOARD Mrs. F. 0F EDUCATION TENDER 17-24-ac 'l"IP 1(HSHO - and LE DR POWERS PUBLIC -national. SCHOOL 63,000 miles, good engine, new tires, box on back, needs some body work, makeoffer, Phone, 983-5002 -ac FOR SALE One 1971 Nordie Ski-doo, 24 h.p., and one Mark Il ski- boose. Phone 983-5470. ,FOR SALE Girl's Figure Skates. Size 1.Phone 983-5a982. a-p Milison Insurance Agency fe Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Re&. 983-5754 For the supply and installation of Roofing Materials. Sealed Tenders, plainly marked, as to contents, ad- dressed to the attention of M.A. MacLeod, Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer, will be received at the reception counter of the Board office on D'Arcy Street, North, Cobourg, Ontario until: 1.00 p.mi. e.s.t., October 23 197:3 Specifications and drawings available at the office of the Board. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION TENDER Tenders are invited for the supply of One (1) Farm Tractor. Tenders will close Tuesday, October 23, 1973, 1 :00 p.m. Specifications may be ob- tained from the Office of:' M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham Couinty Board of, Education, Box 470, D-'Arcyý Street, North. COBOURG, Ontario K9A 4L2. ience preferred. Ph'one 98,39171 asking for Mr. S. Byers, of Curvply Wood Produets, Orono, Ontario. a-c COMING EVENTS Kendal United Church Ann- iversary' ,wilI be field Suniday October 21 at 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Gerald Hofstet- ter' B A.B.. ot jailetýiIi1e anct Daniiel Foster of CHEX Peterboro g gest soloist. John DeWITFI Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmanvillie 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient 'hnbuing i,,or Selling Contact: Gary Hancock 98:'-5155 Joe Barnoski 7 8 l-22 )02- Ross Davidson LOCAL NEWS Mrs. , Edna Shaw Allin, formerly of Orono and recent- hy of Bowmanville passed away' in her 66th year on Saturda'y, October l3th. The funeral service was held in Bowmanville on NMonday. She leaves to mourn ber death ber husband Norman Allun and sons George and Jim of Oshawa, Ralph Shaw of Cour- tice, Don of Bowmianville and James Allin of Collingwood. Mlr. and MIrs. Wý. Scribner and MVr. and Mlrs. K. Scribner of the U.S. visited with Mr. and Mý/rs. Doniald Stapies and £amily over the week-end. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130r' Home phone 987-5167 l6th ANN UAL ALL BLACK BR EEDER AND FEEDER SALE 550 HEAD 500 Stockers and Feeders 50 Breeding Cattie Purebred Grades & Cross-Breds ONE COMPLETE DISPERSAI, PETERBOROUGH SALE BARN South of fia shing amber ighit on Hlighiway No. 7 Saturday Oct 13 12 NOON SHLARP S~ale coin aencîng wîith the breeding catle, cossigmostly et vss wîth calves at foot and re-beedngopen and bred hieifers, stockers and feeders, both steers and heifers will be sold in uniform lots. Number of ggod 4-H1 Calves iMALCOLM BAILEY, Manager, Uxbridge, 985-7583 STEVE LIPTAY and ROSS BAILEY, Uxbridge, Autioneers 1 mi m w m JOooWeekly Times, Wednesday, Octoler 10th, 1973t-7 AUCTION SALE _______________________________________________ Selling Saturday October 2th at 1 p.m., sharp, the, restaurant equipment, anti- ques, household goods and college art work of Mrs. C.E. Litdbelow are some of the âIE HELP WANTED CARD 0F THIANKS atce for sale, but remem- 25th at Bookkeeper for Accounis I would like to say thank you ierte aem ymr lM.Payable and Receivable, typ- tialtyrlaiesms.ns n i ngessntMr.shothad a anlghour retei rindnessd Cold Box unlit, one horse Perry igesniasotad nnflousfrter idesÉotor, Restaurant Stove and. fbirds asset. Apply to Mr. S. Byers at shown to mie while I was a Drticul- 983-9355. patient in Bowmanville Hos- grill, platform scales (Fair- a-c pital. banks), old oak 6 piece dining .e Faîl For cards, gifts, visits, also room suit, one sewing mac- esides WVORK WANTED thanks to Dr. MIcKenzie, Rev. hine, 2 pine chairs (Kitchen), are Willing to teach and tutor Long ail the nurses and staff 1 buffet {pine), radio electric , coleus sign languiage in my home - on the third floor. :3 tables 2'8" by 2'8", screen ~ntiestak t th dath Wek ighs T te Hathr ebeahwindows, 2 wooden corner entiestal tothedeah. ee nihts To he eater ebeahKnick Knack, 2 chests of * p.m. or week-ends. $2.00 per hour Lodge to alI our relatives and drawers, antique Picture adoor with a minimum of 2 sessions neighbours for seeing my framesodise ptan ri e. per- individual per month. Cail husband got to and from pn,1old dushes, potsand -24-a -v'983-9259 Hospital. mpans, 1i old ter, inawn -3-10-17-a-c Also nmany thanks to al my mwehrs, smlldrecs pnd family for their kindness lw his l eod n eeting V TE given to Dad and mnyseif. gramaphone, 1 portable re- irsday, WNE Hazel Myles cord player, and collage - 19th Extra large dog bouse. Good century art using real flowers, in the condition. Reasonable. Phone underglass in antique picture United 983-5806. C framnes. Artistic flower ar- ýs. C rl N TICErangements drftwood, dred ýshawa Orono United Church Groupan arialHoe ad ouglas TENDERS wiîd be canvasingmforath Chair- NORTH-UMBERLAND AND wl ccnasn o h preserves. op in DUIRHAMI COUNTY BOARD biind on Tuesday, October Lunch (homemade) will be, 0F EDUCATION 23rd, after 6.00 p.m. served). 17 a-c Tenders are invited for the- Located at Mîr. C.E. Miller - supply of One (1) Hamnmer HELP WAINTED on Hwy 115 lst place north of Kniif'e Mower-. Typist, Bookkeeper, exper- TeDthOe etuat

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