Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1973, p. 8

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<rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 19th, 1973-8 THREE REPORTS HANDED the Township Auditor, Walter COUNCIL RE MOBILE Pope, based on findings at HIOME PARKS Sandy Cove. Total revenue (Continued fromn page 1) fromn the Rice Construction mobile home development as Rice Construction Co. Refer- proposed for Clarke, would ence was made to fidings by amount to the Township in the Wc.Ikey Regional Council. Ward 3 Notice to Equipment Owners For Winter Maintenance Operations 197)3-74 Season the following equipment is required:- INQUIRY NO. 73-7-9 TR1UCKS WVith a minimum G.V.W. 27,000 piounds (Single axi' e) or :14,000 poun ds (tandem axie) for mounting power sanding units are required at the foll owing locations:- 2Trucks - Norwood, Youngs Point;" Codrington; Roseneath; Bobcaygeon; Lorneville; Bloomfield. 3Trucks - Lindsay; Jet. Hwys-. 401-115; Jet. 115-28; Jct. 401-28; Coboconk; Pontypool. 1 Trucks - Grafton INQUIRY NO. 73-7-10 TRUCKS -With a minium G.V.W. 42,000 p:ounds (tandem axie) for mounting power sanding units are required at the following locations:- 1 Truck - Grafton; Bobcaygeon; Bloomfield; Lorneville; Pontypool; Jet. Hwys. 401-28. 2 Trucks - Jet. Hwys. 401-30; Jct. Hwys. 401-115 INQUIRY NO. 73-7-11 LOADERS -With 1 Cubie Yard Bucket - WITHOUT OPERATOR 1 Loader - Norwood; Roseneath; Codrington; Pontypool; Lorneville; Jct. Hwys. 115-28», Jct. Hwys 401-28; Jct. Hwys 4-3;Jet. Hwys. 401-115 LOADERS - With 1 cubie Yard Bucket- Four Wheel Drive - WITH OPERATOR 1 Loader - Grafton Sealed Tenders on forms suppliedby the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer until 1:30 p.m. Local Time, Wednesday. October lO0th, 1973., Specifications, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office, 138 Ilope Street, North, Box 15Q, PORT HOPE, Ontario. LIA :W3; Telephone 885- 6381 when requesting tenders please specify location(s). The successful bidder must have P.C.V. License or apply foi same within seven (7) days of being notified. The I owest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY 0F ~ TRANSPORTATION! ANDý COMMUN ICIATIONS Ontario Clarke High Sehool Registration for INI G HT SCHOOL CLASSES L IL TAKE PLACE ON Wednesday, September 19 th amount of $383,120. This represents about 45 percent of the present tax return rates the report. The reeve suggests that this money could be used either to lower the present tax rate or to provide beiter services. He also states (bat the tax revenue from the development would be 27 percent of the total of Clarke and Newcastle. He pointed out that it should be counicils concern to bring about a reasonable tax balance in the community and spoke of possible rising c osts due to the regional form of government. The reevè's report also contained many interviews in the Sandy Cove area where this development bas meant greater business for adjacent commercial and service. ent- erprises as well as stimulating local organizations 'and church organizations. In summing up his report the reeve states that he could notsee that the land being considered, south west of the 401-115 highways being con- tinued for agriculture as it was eut-up by 401 highway and that to return it to farming would now cost a considerable amo,'unt of money. He also felt that to reserve the land for park land did not comne under the jurlisdiction of the Town- ship of, Clarke. He concluded that the Municipality proceed to negotiate with the develop-, ers. A summary to the auditors report attached to the reeve's report states that such a development would be finan- cially beneficial to the Town- ship,- County and the Board of Education. The Township Planning Consultant also con- cludes that from a pract ical planning point of view, there is no reason why a dvelopment such as Sandy Cove should tnot proceed in Clarke Township. The decision it states, is a policy matter which involved both Clarke Township and the Village of Newcastle and their preferences concerning- the type of development they wish to sec. DEPUTY-REEVE'S REPORT Deputy-Reeve Entwvisle fil ed a report with council in opposition to'the development stating that the Reeve's report although interesting was in- conclusive and superfluous to the argument. The deputy- reeve report states that it would be quite impossible to hope for a balance of assess- ment with the development of 1,000 miobile home units along with a few hundred convent- ional homes in south Clarke and Newcastle. It was also pointed out that the reasoning for using farm land to develop because a high price was paid for it was surely improper philosophy to use in planning, and an absurd planning prin- ciple. He said the division of land by highways was not the case in the Rice Construction proposai or that of H. Payne as both properties are agri- cultural units complete with farm. buildings. The Entwisle report also states that the financial af- vantages to Clarke and New- castle will be greatly diluted when they are shared under regional goveramient from Bowmanville to Pickering. He said under the regional form of governmient it would be possible to plan without as- .stessment being the over-rid- ing criterion. In the mnatter of a petition presented (o council opposing- the Rice development the deputy-reeve states it was his feelings that the people were saying that it was inappropri- ate that one developer could operate under a different set of rules. The report st<ates that he sides with the petitioners that no special concessions be opinion of the 'deputy-reeve that neither has the reeve attempted to prove that the mobile home concept will remain deàirable inthe corn- munity, that the 'no children' stance is legal, socially desir- able or enforceable, nor has hie elaborated on how Cobble- dick's jvoad will be closed. In concluding the report if states "the Reeve's report gives no inducement or con- vincing arguments to justify defiance of the Planning Board, in my opinion." DOUG MOFFATT REPORT Mr. Douglas Moffatt, a member of the Clarke Plann- ing, Bo ard also filed a report in which he stated that hte had checked with the asessmnent office in Cobourg and was informed the 'double-wide' mobile homes depreciate 25 percent in value within five years and that as such the assessment of the develop- ment would thus decrease within the period of five years. He was also informed that in Continued fi'um:.page 9 f its you win a new 1974 motosi Your%"l key is w-aiting for you at your Moto-Ski dealers! (NO PURCHASE NECESSARY) Try your key in the ignition of the newv Moto-Ski Model F 340 at your Moto-Ski dealers-if the key fitsthe Moto-Ski is yours absolutelyfree. Contest ends November 1 5, 1 973. One key per visitor. Winners' names wvill be announced in this paper. See ail the great new '74 Moto-Skis on display NOW. ROLPH HARDWARE Box 249, Orono, Oniario Phone 1416-983-5207 TO THE VOTERS 0F CLARKE, ORONO AND NEWCASTLE It is necessary to.-my conscience that 1 state publicly that 1 abhor the rejectionby Clarke Co uncil of a Planning Board recommendation regard ing* massive 'mini-housing' at a Council meeting held on, September 13th, and the circumstances surrounding the meeting. The meeting, and similarly one held earlier in the same week on September 1Oth, was called by Reeve Woodyard with unreasonably short, private notice to Councillors - and no notice to the public. In effect, a split Council vote on whether to fol low the Planning Board's recommendati.ons against..the mini- housing proposais, or whether to support a report by Reeve Woodyard which supports the mini-housing proposaIs, was resolved by:the deciding vote of Reeve Woodyard in support of hisown report - surely a distortion of execut ive fair-mhindedness. At the meeting, written rebuttals of the Reeve's report were handed out by Dougq Moffatt of the Planning Board and by myself. Neither documents., which argue against the Reeve's point of view, were digested by Counicil or properly debated before Reeve Woodyard called for,'the vote. 1 was deepFy saddened that mfy opponent in, the imminent election forý local Councillor, Bob Chater, supported Reeve Woodyýard's manipulations - indeed seconded the fateful motion - withouût first'analysing fully the writtenopinions of Doug Moffatt or myself which were handed to him. KIRK ENTWISLE i7tlî E'rE' fNIBF R 1973t ÏC

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