I-Orono Weelkly Times, Wedng Kendal News, On Wednesday evening an electic storm passed along Lake Ontario and the twelve day heat wave ended. We had ideal autumn weather for Orono Fair.' However the' gardens and cisterns are in need of a good rain. It is too dry for fail ploughing. Mlr. Terry Carleton had the misfortune to seriously injure his neck diving into a pond near his home. He is in Oshawa Memorial Hospital.* We hope-that he will'make a perfect recovery. Congratulations to the Ken- dal Royals who have won the Ontario Championship. The final game was played in Kendal Memorial Park on September 9 against Harrow. On Wednesday evening Sept 5th the United Church Women and a number of visitons met in the church. They sang 'Jesus is the man". Mine eyes have seen the glory" and Joyful, joyful we adore thee." with Mrs. K. Wood at the piano. Miss C. Stewart read the parable of the talents from MVatthew 25. The offering was to be sent to India. The Sunday School chairs are for sale at $500 each. Miss C. Stewart introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Ner- mal Sinha of New Delhi, India. She said it was the first time we hiad a native of India speak in Kendal church. He had lost his way which often happens as the sign says Durham Road I but neyer mentions Kendal. His movie camera gave him trouble so he then showed colored slides which were beautiful beyond description. He showed thein beautiful parks and billiant flowers some trees were a mnass of brilliant bloom. They have.wonderful zoos. One animal was a white tiger whichi is very rare. Now they have found a mate for it and hope for more of these beautiful beasts. He showed some of their modemn roads winding Up into the mounitains like a snake over great valleys. He showed pictures of the bih 1 people of N. India and CATHMAIR WeilI Drilling PONTYPOOL phone. 705-277-2504 Orville Chatterton Eltectrical Contracting Electrie Heating and Service Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Oxford BRICKLAYERS esday, September l2th, 1973 'of Bangledesh in the east. Mrs. T. Stevens thanked him for giving us this glimpse into Indian customs. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott went to Collingwood last weekend td attend the golden wedding celebration of Reg's aunt Mr. and Mrs. Abercrom- bie, whose home is in Toronto, Kirby News Last week was a busy week with school opening and Orono Fair. The weather was ideal for the fair. Ifs that time of year when everyone wants their silos filled. Here's hoping the fine weather lasts. Grades five and six along with there teachers and. some parents enjoyed the opert house for the R.C.M.P. last Thursday in Oshawa. Chumch service resumed at Kirby on Sunday after the holidays. Sunday Sehool is to start next Sunday. Awards for last quarter will be given out for attendance. Hymn books for the choir and two flags were dedicated on Sunday in mermory, of the late' Mr. Hartwell Lowery. Mr., and Mrs. Wayne Low- ery and famrily Scamborough, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. H. Lowery. Mrs. Grace Reid left Satur- day for a visit to her relatives in England. We hope she has an enjoyable trip. Brothers and sisters of Mrs. Jamc,. Lowery made a surp- rised visit, on Tuesday even- ing in honon of Doreen and J ames, Twenty-fifth wedding Anniversary. Those able to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow. Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimigon Janet and Paul Cavan, NiVr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin, Woodville. Mrs. Gus Plitz and daught- ers, Carolyn and Wendy and daughters of Bay Ritiges and Oshawa, Mrs. Lawrence Far- row and family, Starkville. Mrs. and. Mr. Lloyd Barnes and Deanna of Hampton and ,Mr. Bill Farrow of .Newton- ville. Mrs. H. Lowery was also a enlier. We were sorry to hear Mr. Terry Carleton met with a 0 For a real treat try, Our 0 sOld-Fashioned *e Hard I-ce Cr e a m : COLD DRINKS: * We are open for * your convenience *10.00a.. to 9.OO p.m. .Sunday For s'happy, delicious * *SNACK BAR Ta ke out: : Orders 4 Phone 983-9291 e M&M :Variety very painful accident. We wish hi m a speedy recovery. Miss Lorna Lowery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery and grand daughter of Mrs. H. Lowery was chosen Miss Durham Central of Orono Fair on Thursday evening. Miss Ruth Chater was also one of the lucky contestants. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Santo, Oshawa, Mr. Gord Walker, and Gail, Thornhill and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Kenny of Hampton were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ken Bail, after the fair. Mn. and Mrs. Doug Hird, Whitby, were Saturday even- ing visitors of Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris after thé fair. AIl the Harris family had Saturday evening dinner with Mrs. George Morton, Orono. Mrs. A. Harnis, Bowman- ville visited Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris. Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. L. Ransberry and Mrs. L. Harris put a quilt together on Monday at the home of Mrs. L. Harris. It 15 f0 be taken into the Museum in Onono and it wil be quilted there. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hans- berry attended the dance at the Country Club at Lindsay following the Wedding of Miss Helen Knapp to Mn. Boyd. Miss Janice Rutherford, Toronto, spent the week-end at home and attended the Orono Fair. H. EARL WALKEY SEEKING REGIONAL SEAT H. Earl Walky, 61 has declamed his intention to run for Regional Councillor in Ward 3 of the prea Municipal- ity of Newcastle, October 1. Mr. Walky is a nesident of Newtonville and has lived in the area ail his life. He and his wife Gladys have two children He was plant Superintend- ent of Port Hope Telephone Co. for 36 years and has been Superintendent of the Ganar- aska Region Conservation Authority for the past three years. Mr. Walkey has a long and prestigious record in Muni- cipal life, having been a member of the sehool board for three years, and a Coun- cillon in Clarke Township for two years prior to becoming Deptuy-Reeve of Clarke Township for four years. He steadily clîmbed the munici- pal ladder and became Reeve of Clarke Township for five years. In 1963 he was elected Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur- ham. Again in 1967 he ran for election and was successful in attaining th e post of Deputy- reeve of Clarke Township, which he held until 1970. Mr. Walkery feels that: the ideas pnovided by provincial legisiation for Ward, "which consists of the Town of Newcastle and the Township of Clarke, "must be looked into and revised to suit the (Continued page 8) O. F.A. objects to' price ceiling on farm produce In a esolution passed eanly today, the executive of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture rejects price ceilings on famm products, in the face' of rapidly escalating product- ion costs., Thé resolution nefens to the fedemal government's propos- al to freeze the price of milk for a year, and to place a ceiling on the price of wheat used for human consumption. The pice of dairy nation increased as much as 23 per cent duning the- month of August alone. We are con- cerned with the increases in the cost of petroleum products machinery, fentilizer, labour, building materials, and trans- portation. The prices of these, and other vital inputs are soaring, " says Bnockville dairyman Keith Matthie. Matthie is the Federation's second vice-president. * PHONE e : Phone 983-5310 e * KITCHEN e * forS KENTUCY: STYLE: CHICKEN : *WEDGE FRIESe : FRENCH FRIES. sHAMBURGERS * * HOT DOGS * s ENJOY THE *FINEST * CHICKEN IN 0 * THE LAND * MAIN ST. ORONO He, notes, "The rail strike and the incneasing demands of workers in othen industries are bound f0 increase the pice of goods and services that farmers must buy." "For yeams, small sunpluses on the wonld market de- pessed farm income. Now, when world trade is brisk and prices are higher, farmers objeet to action which denies neasonable returns fnom the market place. We bitterly resent such moves by the federal govennment to reduce farm income, says Fedemation president Gordon Hill. "Since the Ontario Milk Marketing Board and the Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board have e- sponsibilîties to both farmens and consumers, the OFA trusts they will not be man- oeuverd into accepting this short-sighted proposal," Hill adds. Paul Nielson, District Manager for Manley Corporation (Kawasaki Division) presnts Marshall Keast and Mns Keast, owners of J & M Sports with a performance awand in the form of an all expense trip f0 Japan at the end of October. The presenfation was made af the Orono Fair Friday evening. Another example of a local boy making good in the business wonld. *RophDeminion Hardware PI * WINCHESTER 12 GAUGE :SHTGU mSHLLSI N No. 4, 5, 6, and 71/2 SHOTI *$2,79 BOX Immmumm m mmmmm mmmmm * mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mm o *Orono Amateur Athletic Association I * DANCE :Satý., Seèptemaon ber 22: * Orono Arena I 9tol Ted Koss and the Ca val iersI BAR PRIVLEGES $5.00 PER COUPLE ammmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm R. .E. * I . -I .. D . E . Evening Registration DURHAM COLLEGE Extension Courses You can register in person at the college Wednesday September 19 Thursday Septem ber 20 Monday September 24 6:30Oto 9: 00 pm. If you plan to register DO SQ NOW before classes begin as a minimum number mnust register before a course can run.