Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1973, p. 7

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-ý <iANT ADS FOR %ENEDA PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNT : 10:0 a.m.TUESDAY PHIONE ORONO 983-5301 :W. FRANK: :REAL ESTATE: LIMITED: e 234 King Street East e * BOWMAN VILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 * Port Hope office 885-45438 Fer prompt, courteous,, Oeficintservice whene 0 9 * buyinig or selling aride 0 0 efor thle largest selectiono a @of propertles ln the area s * Contact * rono Area a * .Representativm 0 * Charlie Reid e e 983-5914 Roy Foster 983-5801 fWilliam Turansky: * (Kendal) * 983-5420 * Dane Found S 623-3965 0 Roy Strong *Betha ny 52rl 11 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves notbing to be deslred Ask the person .who bought from us, a neigh- b)our, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect, V. W. RUTTER office -885-5216 Home 885-5222 BYAMS PLUIMBING - IEATING' Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phione: Tyrone 263-2650 G9 I NEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER Plumbing and Hleating -ORONO 983-5206 suf T!Coý UmmWm U ff m fl m MMUNwTm Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for temns and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch Chain Saws gepairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUE¶1TE SNOWMOBILES FEMALE HELP WANTFËD Avon Representatives .. earn moneyl- make *new friends! Get more out of life! Become one! Caîl Mrs. Watson W25-9696 ORONO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 FOR SALE Good used furniture. Town used furniture at 19 Temper- ance Street, Bowmanville. Cail 623-4681. a-c WANTED 1 bedroom apartment wantcd to rent, in the Orono area. Please contact 983-544,8. a-p Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency General Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 Newtonville, Ontario Box .61 Tel. 885-2288 Port Hop.e, Ontario Callyour ficenseil Plumbitiq & MÂechanical Contractoz Who seils, infstalli and 9uarantees OND ELECTRIC CARMA N Herb 'and Gerry Duval S983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IHEATING Electrical Appliances TV. - COLOUR TV. RADIO - Hi-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed service Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Siafford Bsrothers Limited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Randy Thompson Orono, Ontarlo' Phone'983-5759 Carpentry Work Remnodelling We butild from the foundation up m I Plunibing and llenting Phone 983-5207 Orono lmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 Milison Insurance Agency for AIl classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 lies. 983-5754 HELP WANTED Press operators required immediately on piece-work basis. Good wages can be earned. Apply Curvply Wood Pro- ducts, Orono. a-c - b-c OFFICE PERSONNEL NEEDED Accounting - typing - order desk. Must have had previous office experience.- Good wages and benefits. Apply to Curvply Wood Products, Orono, Ont. 22 29 HELP WANTED Wanted immediately, ma- chi ne operators for routers, saws, and drilling. Also re- quired 1 experienced sawyer. Good wages. Apply Curvply Wood Products, Orono. 22 29 ORONO PUBLIC SCHOOL BAND MEMBERS, Rehearsals begin August 27th at 11.00 arn. at the school. b-p NOTICE Antique Gun Show and Sale - Sunday August 26th - Red Barn Auditorium, 172 Waynè Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. FILMS Chickens Corne Home: Laurel and Hardy Film How Things Have Changed:- From the ranchlands of Al- berta. In One Day- Weather Fore- cas ting. NOTICE IN HONOUR of their Sth Wedding Anniversary the family of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow invite you to an open houseat their home 36 Elgin Street, North, Port Hope on September 9th from 2-4 and 7-9. a-p HORTICULTURAL NOTICE The Orono Horticultural Society's Annual Flower and Vegetable Show will be held in the Main hall of the Church on Thursday, August 23. Doors will be open to the public at 8 p.m. Please phone entries for the Planter and Window Box Competitions to Mrs. F. Zeg- ers 983-5490 by August 17. Please phone or send your list of entries for the Show to Mrs. E. Touchburn 983-5245 by August 21., A special prize has been added to the list for the most points in the SPECIMEN FLOWER SECTION. Entries received from il a. m. to 1. 30 p. m. the day of the show, August 23. NOTICE Orono Junior Gardeners Annual Flower and Vegetable Show will be held on Tuesday, August 28th in the Main Hiall at the Church. Doors open to the public at 7 p.m. Cone and encourage the children and receive a pleasant surprise when you see what they have accomplished. Remember Junfior Garden- ers that your gardens will be judged this week and also to bring your entries to thie show between 13.31) and 5.15 p.m. a-P FALL SPECIALS to New England and C ape Cod Seven Days Departing September. 22nd to 29th Agawa Canyon and Mackinac Island SIX DAYS Departing September 3th CALIFORNIA Twenty-three days Departing Oct. lOth THANKSGIVING SPECIALS TO New, York and Vermont Foliage Tour Grand Oie Oprey' Nashville, Tenn. New York City October 5th to 8th For deta ils contact TRENTWAY TOURS LIMITED Box 772 Peterborough Phone Toil Free 1-800-461-7615 NOTICE Ail Hockey Moth'ers please' get articles or $2.00 donation for Penny Sale in as soon as possible. Thank-you. Hockey Mothers Executive Presideht, Lenora Hickey. NOTICE *Anns' Beauty Salon will be closed August 28th and August 29th only. a-c TO SELL BUY ORRENT CALL 983-5301 for Cîassified ORONO WEEKLY TIMES RISING PRICES1 The Federal( bas undertaken i rising food prices en their effects with fixed incom* SPrime Ministe announced a thre( gram, assuring -there is no shori in Canada, nor' allowed to develo] - ternporaryc beef and pork exp< - old age pens( corne supplement will increase quart than annually-i flow receiving $10 will receive $1 October 1 - strengthening Food Prices Revi and giving it powe tigate individual1 increases. Commfents ont ment's measures vai - Thomas G. B( sident of Domini -export contri provide relief for co'nsumers "if ad effectively- - Robert Olley, wan 'economist an man for the Consui ciation of Canada c"4can now miakea tion to containing that it Aill prevent ing" -Progressive Co Party Leader Rot field -- governme: THIS WEEK ~ from Ottawa HIT ing to fix broken legs with Government a Band-Aid without ffrs t o deal with setting the legs" and to îess- - NDP Leader David Lewis on popl Î-- most of the program is on. ppe sheer, meaningless fluff». er Trudeau Within two days of the e-point pro- annou ncem ent, wholesale Canadians meat prices across Canada age of food had already dropped $ 200- will any be $5.00 a hundredweight. And p four maior meat packers are forecasting lower ineat prices controls on for consumers. 'orts ions and in- JOBLESS DOWN t payments aaasuepomn terly rather fCuesnad unemloye t a pensioner figuress Caadidarpei tat 00 monthly the unemployment rate for 05.30 onl July is down to 5.2% froM 5.3% in June. The total of of the unemployed Canadians de- iew Board creased by 42,000 in July. ,er to inves- food price- WITHDRAWAL APPROVED The decision to withdraw the govern- Canada's observer force from ary: Vietnam received the support olton, pr 1e- of 84% of Canadians, accord- ion Stores ing to a Gallup PoIl taken rols should the first week of July.' Par- rCanadian tisan approvali of the with- dminitered drawal was- Liberals, 83%, iminitered Conservatives, 92% and NDP, Saskatche- 84-6. nd spokes- HOUSING STARTS UP mers Asso- --Board Housing starts in Canada acontribu- during the second quarter of g puices in this.year reachied 78,533- it profiteer- double the starts recorded for the first quLarter, _38,798 ar'd onservative almost '7,000 mrethan thie brert Stan- number of' starts in the ent is "try- second quarter of 191)72. Clarke Pub i c LI8RAÀR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 p.M. Monday, Thursday, ,Friday Afternoons 2:30 te 5:00 p.rn. Saturday 100Wt 12:00 ar. %'edniesqday, August 1.5th, 17- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F JENNIE ALLUN, late of the -Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Married Woman, Deceased, (Orono R.R. No. 1), who died at the Town of Bowmanvill'e on the 8th day of May. 1973 Intestate. Creditors and others having dlaims against the saidEstate are required to send particul- ars and full proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the lOth day of September, 1973, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the dlaims then received. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont- ario, this 3Oth day of, July, 1973. Adfinistratrix, Ruby Jane Shackleton, by her Solicitor, L.C. M-ason, Q.C. Barris ter and Solicitor 135 Wellington' Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K DAVIS TO DEDICATE (Continued from page 4) officials from branches and local co-operatives' across the province. Leaders of ail of Ontario's major farm, organ- izations and of major co-oper- ative organizations through- out North America are also expected to be in attendance. The nine story, $212 million steel and concrete structure, lncated at Highway 10 and Burnhamthorpe Road in Mississauga on the western outskirts of T oronto, houses some 300 central office staff of UCO, the largest farm and urban supply co-operative in Ontario. lý 1%01 ab ab m Nb 1% v ab d& a Ab la

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