Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1973, p. 3

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-.-,eTir ing nurse received colour'ed TV Remniniscing of almost- a lifetime of nursing most of it at Oshawa General Hospital wa> a happy part of the retirement tea for Miss Mar- ion Brown, RN at the bospital recently. Miss Brown, daughter of MNrs. J. D. Brown, Orono and the late Mr. Brown graduated from Oshawa General Hospit- al Sébool of Nursing in 1929 as :Sundae@ 0spvecial *BUYONE î ANDGETONEe NEW CANDLES 0 BY AMY 0 New Colours and shapesO *SCENTED AND PLAIN IDEAL GIFT @IâMiddletons ORONO, ONT. Durham County sa les Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evening 7:30 p.m. SHEF,P - CATTLE, HOGS -HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 Bill Mosley Auctioneer and Proprietor a private duty nurse and became the friend of many Oshawa familles. She also undertook part-time nursing at-the hospital when required. In 1956 she began ber general duty ln Sykes Wing in the private rooms and later in A wing (Surgical Unit) she was promoted to Assistant Head Nurse of 3A in AUgust 1962 and to Head Nurse of the Surgical Unit, mestly eye surgery, on 3C January 1964. Miss Brown moved to the G Tower last year as Head Nurse of the Surgical unit. Mrs. Joyce Stewart, Direct- or of Nursing welcomed the large gathering of staff, rela- tives and friends from Oshawa and area on whose bebaîf, Mrs. Joan Westfall, Head Nurse, presented the guest of bonor with a colour television and a cheque. >Dr. H. M. Sanderson ex- pressed the best wishes of the medical staff wîth a cheque and Assistant Administrator, David Home, presented a certificate of service and a gif t of money from the Board of Directors. 1A bouquet of roses from her family and other gifts were a token of love and esteem for the guest of honor, who was visibly overwhelmed by the kindness shown. 1La her words of thanks she said it had been a privilege to train at Oshawa General Hospital and thanked her mother who was present for the sacrifice she had made te make ber career possible. Miss Brown recalled escap- ades of her training ýdays- making fudge and raspberry pie while on night duty, and sneaking cobs of corn from the hospital garden by flashlight. "That was years ago," she said, "and now, the time bas corne for a different way of life with time for trips, friends and hobbies." CATHMAR Well Drilling ,PONTYPOOL Phone: 705-277-2504 IF YOU ARE IN NEED 0F CALL HAfLE ORDER NOW 796i-2972 LARGE OR'SMALL QUANTITIES * ATTENTION FARMERS!! I I WHY PAjmY MORE? I ISA VE ON e DIESEL, FUELI e MOTOR OIL *~ eGASOLINE I * Premiuwn QuolifyI Form Tanks undI <, '1 .~.Pumps AvouaobleI *Phone 668-3381 -Collect DX FUEL DIII l ~For Prompt Courte ous Service * Cal Us Today Kendal news The long dry speil of weather during July ended on Saturday Juiy 28th with se- vere thunderstorms. This ramn will help but more is needed. The Tobacco harvest begins this week. SA pretty wedding took place in Kendai United Church on Saturday afternoon July'28tb wben Betty-Ann Swediger was united in marriage te George Bannister by Rev. T. Snei- grove. Miss Neisba Neal was the bridesmaid, and bis brother was groomrnan. About 40 guests visited tbe reception in Newtonville hall. The couple left for Nova Scotia te visit his people. Tbey plan te reside in Bowmanville when tbey re- turn. Mrs. Allan Foster played the wedding music. A fine service was held in The ceunties ceuncil bas passed a bylaw te authorize fthe, brrowing of $1,486,000. Most of the rnoney is required for road improvements. La a report te counties council on Wednesday fthe chairman et the read and bridge ceimittee Reeve K.E. Parr of Seymour announced the awarding of three cent- racts involving nearly haîf a million dollars. The bot mix patching and resurfacing ef vanieus roads la the eastern region had been awarded te Haraden and King Construction Ltd. at a price of $59,260.68. Other costs would increase the total price ef this work te about $99,000. Another cenfracf for the resurfacing and reconstruct- ion ef parts of country road 38 la Campbellford and Seymour township bad been givea te, Bennett Paving and Materials Oshawa at a price ef $207,429.- 70. Other work weuld bning the total cost of this preject te about $25,000. Ganaraska Bridge ce., Port Hope was awarded a $116,933.70 contract te build a bridge and appreaches just west of Enniskiilen on County Rond 63 la Darlington town- ship. Other work wôuld bring the total cosf et the work te about $138,000., Mr. Parr said tbat after a peor start the earth grading et two miles of country rond 39 nortb east of Woler in Murray township bad been finisbed. Priming and surface treating eperatiens fer the year had been complefed. Sixteen miles or prime and 50 miles et surface treatrnent were dene this year. "The grading of the extens- ion of eunty road 57 trern bigbway 2 southerly te the MacDonald Carfier freeway la Bowmanvilie is well and underway and pregressinz exceedingly well," Mr. Parr saici. Now that ail plans have been approved we recommend that a bylaw be passed at tbis session te assume the extens- ion et ceunty road 57 frorn the South limît of higbway 2 te tbe STEAM SHOW (Confinued trom page 1) pm. of these vebicies wbicb are mnounted on rubber or fiat tires. The parade will travel througb the business sectien. Everything la eperatien steam whisties and ahl. Mn. Manders, president ef the Association states that if wili cest in tbe neighbobnod of $10,000 te, spenser the show la Oreno this year. The cost ef transperting the big machines bas risen as bas a number of other hidden costs la running the show. The Onono Chamber of Commerce are assisting the group with a draw and the operatïon of al~eer garder, at the show. The bteam Associa- tion are aise holding a draw for a steer wbich will be drawa at the conclusion ef fixe show in Oreno on sunday. the Kendal United Church on Sunday morning. Riev. T. Snelgrove told tbe children a story and title "Watching God put the World te Bed. Tben be chose for the tepic of bis sermon In White Corners. He stressed the need for rest. The psalmist said Be SÛil and Know that 1 arn God. Jesus said te bis desiples "corne ye apart and rest awhile."Tbere wilI be ne services in tbe Kendal United Churcb during August as Rev. T. Snelgrove is going on a conducted bus tour of tbe Maritimes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tbomp- son have left for their borne in Vancouver. Mrs. Allan Downes is taking a trip te New Brunswick te vîsit ber brotber.' Mrs. H. Foster spent the, weekend in Western Ontario visiting ber uncle wbo is ill. DECEMBER DEADLINE FOR METRO GARBAGE, Metro Toronto Works Cern- m issioner Ross Clark bas laid it on the line. Mr. Clark said Metro will have 97,000 tons of garbage by December and no place te put it if the preposed rezoniing of 1,300 acres in Pickering Town- ship te permit landfill sites is net upbeld. The Metro official was commenting on the action of Pickering Councillor Jack nerthl lmit ef the MacDonald Cartier freewav. He also recommended that the council request a $211,000 supplementary allocation of subsidy money from the ministry of transport and communication. The council accepted the report and passed the necess- ary bylaw "te assume a further portion of the road to be added te ceunty road 57." Cla rke Museum and Archives Heurs -2.30 te 5 P. M. 6.30 te8.30 p.m. Thursdays'and Fridays 2.00 to 5p. m. Sundays Admission 35 cents Adults 10 cents cbildren, Yearly Family Pass $5.00 early Individual Pass $2.00 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, August îst, 1973 - 3 Anderson who served a notice of motion, in which he inteads te, ask township council te repeal the rezoning bylaw, part of tbe agreement betweea tbe township and Metro whicb was negotiated in 1969. It will be debated Aug.,7. Pickering bad agreed te rezene 'tbe 1,300 acres of agricultural land and sand pits te a aew zoning which would permit iaadfill sites. The rezoning bylaw has yet te receive Ontario~ Municipal Board approval. The township passed the bylaw la 1971 but an 0MB heariag was postpon- ed because one of fthe major objectors te tbe proposaI was out of the cotintry. ALL TYPES SOF VEGETABLES now în seaso SWEET CORN CLOSE AND QUINTE APPLES PEACHESAND PLUMS F RE.D'S FRUITMARKET HIGHWAV 115 SOUTH 0F ORONO Notice of Public Meeting Tuesday, August 14, 1973 Canton Hall- 8:15 P. M. The purpose of the meeting is to explain and receive input'on a proposai to build an oil- fired generatirig station at our Wesleyville site. Your opinions willI play a part in the process of making a decision on this project. A temporary information centre with maps, displays and a model of a similar station wiII be staffed at Canton Hall from 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.' 1> UN lb. $1008 lb. $1.33 lb. 78c FOR THI "BURNS" FuIly Cooked Short Shaak Skinless )butt portion) sMOK ED )HAMSb Thick Cuit For- the Barbecue (Always Tender) HAM S LIC E S "MAPLE LEAF" Perfect for the B.B.Q. 1 lb. Skin less WI EnNERS California Sweet Tasty SEEDLESS GRAPES BUNCH RADISH GREEN ON IONS OntanioGrown Large Bunches 2 for 29c BEEF-TURKEY-CHICKEN 8 oz. Banquet Pot Pies - 4for $ 1.00I HIGH LINER Perch Fillets McCAINS JULIENNE French Fries Beans with Pork 16 oz. -85c A2 lb. 59c -29c King Size, Tide Detergent $1.77 Foîl Wrap 18" -ide, 25' roll 69C BONNIE 15 oz. Dog Food loc BONNIE 15 oz'. Cat Food 10c~ CORN ISHIS - ORONO 983-5201 Cou nties to sed$. million on roads E BEST MEATS IN TOI

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