Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1973, p. 2

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2- - ORONWEELY S, .WEDNES1 31, )Ul'y 11th 1973 orooveekly times SeodCas Mail Registration Njumber 6368 publîshei d every Thu' sday at the office of publication MOST WILL AGREE It is lk that most people wîll agree witb the svstem of setting up wards in the town of Newcastle for the elctioti of counicillors botb to the imunicipal council and the regional counicil. Altbougb the decision is not yet final ail prescrit municipal couincîls have passed their agreement to the ward systemn. Reee R. Woodyard, noted one important factor or conisideration for the future and that was iri regards of corsidering one area such as larke compared to Newcastle. île sa id we wili ail be one area and counicîllors sbould consîder thîs irin ahl their decîsions. We believe tIis should bc easy fo accomplisb as if apparently bas been so in the County systemn of Educatiori This sy stem will give eacb area Witbir the new municipality somle irepresentation on, botb tiers of goveraiment. Many have expressed a conc.(eri- in the past few weeks that such centres as Bowanvlleor Drigo couid rate ail representafiori if the cou-nillors were selectedon an are-wide basis. This is notlikely to hiappen. / Oshawa bas rejected the ward system but according to the Province they are to have a ward system to cboose, their couincllors. t was the feeling of Oshawa that the ward system does in a mariner eliminate sonîe good counicillors from gaining a seat on counicil. Tbey felt if was better f0 select the best countcllors no matter fromn what area in the cify they came rather thanl placýing empbasis on representation for individual areas. Furfb-er fhey staf e that a good counicillor does goveî n for the overaJ1 benefit of the entire community. Bofh systemrs have the ir good points but if does appear that initialiy the ward'sysf cm is the best for th(- Town of Newcastle. FAI TH IN SONG This Sunday, July lltb af 2.00 p.m. those in this area have the opportunity f0 attend what is being called Faith In Song. The program of music provided by talenfed local, musicians is being presented af the fairgrounds in Orono. The evnf is being sponsored by a joint effort of many of the area churches. Plan fo attend this afternoon program of music. .. THIS .WEEK from Ottawa CORPORATE TAX CUTS The federal government's- corporate tax cuts received final approval in the House of Commons. Proposed by Finance Min- ister John Turner in the May 1972 Budget, the tax on manufacturing and processing industries will be reduced to 40%e, from 49%, retroactive Io January 1, 1973. The tax cuits are intended to encourage investment by companies and to create jobs. ENERGY STUDY Energy Minister Donald Macdonald bas begun a tour of Western Caniada to hear the reactiori of provincial govern- ments and resource industries to the federal government's stcîdy on energy tabled in the House of ('ommons last week. The report studied energy prices and consumrption over the next 30 years. the effect of trit U.S. energy crisis on Caad , ibeproposed Mac- kenzie Vtley pipeline, the possibility of a government- owned petroleum corporation, Eastern Cndasdeperidence on1 ouim npoFIs. The study concluded ihat Canada bas sulfîc:ient energy supplies, at Icasi untIil the year 2050. However. the price of energy will likely nîîe PM'S JULY i MESSAGE Prime Minister Trudeau in bis Dominion Day message, FClarke Museumi and Archives îlours -2.30 to 5 p.mi. 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays 2.00 to 5 p.m.i Sundavs Admission 35 cents Aduifs 10 cents children Yeariy Faily Pnss $5.00 early Individual Pass $2.00 said Canada is coming of age - - "the accumulated years of experience as a nation have provided Canada with a rich" contribution f0 make to the rest of the world." He said Canadian values encourage "each of us to, develupý our fullest potential and ask that . . . we respect each other's differences."' FISHING BOAT SUBSIDIES Fisheries- Minister Jack Davis announced that the minimum sze for Canadian- buit fishing vessels eligible for federal goverriment sub- sidies bas been reduced from 45 to 35 feet. More than $100 million will be invested over the next two years on fishing vessels, now being planned or pro- jected - - 35%4 of the con- struction cost, about $35 million,' to be covered by Ot tawa. AGRICULTURE FORECAST Department of Agriculture economists are predicting a slower rate of increase for retail food prices during the remaînder of 1 973. l-arm iricomne s expecied to reach a record S2.8 billion ibis yecar,' up subsi.in1i lly from 1.87 billion in I172. And worid whcai productioni will be up in 1973, but trade will be down. llowever, wheat prices will remain above those ofrctyur. Plumbîng and Heating 24 Hour Service New, installations Aiteratiorîs - Repairs Speciaiizing In Hot Water lleating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 Orono Brecue Good humour people F,,ew yet to dcar Intentions Other than Reeve Woodyard of Carke Council there ap- pears at time of writing that few others have given indic- ation of intentions to run for regional or municipal counicil under the regional system of goverriment to. come into effect on Januarv lst, 1974. Deputy-Reeve Kirk Entwis- le stafed somefime ago that he would not be a candidate for council under the regional system as be had bis own, business to operate and that under the regional system a councillor could find himself with a full fime job.'11e said that being a member of Clarke couricil did require consider- able fime but that it was possible to arrange this time. As of last week Reeve Garnet Rîckard of Darlington had not declared his intentions onie way or another. Rickard bas often been mentioned as the likely mayor of Newcastle as well as the possibility of beirig regional chairman. The latter is an appointment to be inade by tbe cabinet of the provincial government. Mayor Ivan Hoobs of Bow- manilile as weli as Reeve J A. Bell of Bowmanviile are at this time making no comment on their intentions. From reports' it also appears that Reeve Afred Gray of New- castie bas littie intention in runnirig for any position under the regional system. Time agairi is the key factor as Gray operates bis own business. Newcastl e man wins fanfare car Friday, Jacob Dost, bis iife and fwo, children were a one-car family. Affer two o'clock Saturday affernoon, the Dosfs bad gained another car. The Newcastle area man's name was on the passport ticket stub drawn by Aid, Gordon Attersley af the Osh- awa Shopping Centre and Mr. Dost became the wînner of a blue and whit e 1973 chevelle. The draw was the final bighlighf of Fanfare for Osb- awaWeek in wbich stubs from sold passports were put in a large drum wif h the car being the biq prize. "IWe were all sbook up wben we heard about if," said Mr. Dost, a 21 year-oild employee of Generai Mofors in Oshawa. Mr. Dost, who was wifh bis family af the GM picnic on Saturday, was notified by telephone on Sunday by Aid. Affersley, the cbairman of the council commiftee whicb co- ordinated Fanfare activities. "Holy Cow! " be exciaimed, "lwe neyer expected to win anytbing like that." "I've neyer been known to be a lucky person, but this is just great,"he said. Mr. Dosf was on hand at cify bail this morning f0 receive the car keys from Aid. Aftersley. On hand with Ald, Attersiey f0 make the draw were Con. Christine Thomas and S.K. Dbawan, city internai auditor. Electrohome Re9. '~l9 Air Condc-itiofler $179,50 9J79 20" Ellectrohome 3Speed FAN Reg. $34.95 ____ Electrohome Electrohome Dehumidifier 8l' FAN Reg. $895 e g . $ 1 0 9 .9 5' I 54x36x13" 3 Ring WADING POOL $3.89 Rolph Hardware oronio, OtroPoe9350 J, ' / ,, I I DearMrs. Hadley, Thank you for your kind letter and for your help and courtesy dunîng the dura tion of the show. I would also like to thank the Library Board for giving me the opportunity of showing xpy pictures in such delightful surroundings. The experience bas been most gratifying, and people (from out of town in particular), are full of praise for our library and museum as a whole, and for the way in which the building is being used. Also at this time, the Board and staff should be commend- ed for its policy of promoting films, shows, lectures, etc, as this policy provides much needed encouragement and recognition for people such as myseif. Thanks also for the com- mission to do a painting of the library. I may wait for fal colours before attempting this as 1 understand you do not need this painting in the immediate future. Enclosed is a small gift *which cari be used at your discretion. Your sincerely, Ma ureen Remington Mr. Roy Forrester Editor Orono Week ly Times Orono. Ontario <July 4,1973 Dear Roy: 1 notice that in the Orono Weekly Times you' have.begun to carry a scries of news capsules under the heading "This Week from Ottawa." t is my understanding that this mnaterial is distribut- ed as a handout by the Liberal Party's national headquarters here in Ottawa. As such -- even though on the surface it may appear to be a simple present- ation of federal government activities - I think you would agree that the contents of "This Week from Ottawa" migbt be considered some- what suspect, because of its source. Under the circumstances, 1 was wotidering whether .your l-eaders- should know., the source and if this material should be accohilpaniied hy a notation advisirig them that it is supplied by' the federal Liberal Party? With best regards, Vours very truly, Allan Lawrence MP Northumberland-Durham YOUNG MUSICIANS TO'CQMPETE HERE More than'500 young Music- jans from across the province will soon be arriving in Oshawa for the 1973 Canadian Music Festival which will be beld July 14 and 15 at General Vaier Secondary School. The comnpetition, for young mnusicians 8 to 18, is being (continued Dage 5) PPRSOLD X H The Orono Timnes are sold0 the following stores in Orono, Middleton's Confectonery Stlitt's Pharrnacy M&M Variety Brick - lock -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -TMe 983-5441 Orono Building, a 1Hluse? or remodelllng your prese'tt one? Then Contact Phone 983-5049 Otono Septic Tank J~I VI~g GENERAL, P UrMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskal-d, Ontarlo phone 983-5728 LÂOT F WOMEN RE- ~GARD A MARRIAGE ICERTIFICATÊ AS A MEALI ~TICKET FOR LIFE. Orono Toin GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orono W illiamC.HlBCom chuartered ccunan Pho.ne Newcastle .987-4240 ALL D4Y WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY DXgSRVIE SATION Highway 35 and] 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Fremium Quality Products At the Most ReasonaLe Prices - Sto0ve 0'1 Dieel011 Available in any quantitY Phone 987-4215

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