LOCAL WORTS KENDAL EAGLES AT THIE BOTTOM OF IHEAP Tne Kexidat- Eagles are, having their problems thîs year and having played thir- teen games have yet to only win two games. The Eagles are plnying with three other teamns in the league represent- ing Port Hope, Bowmanville and Oshawa. On Frdiay evening' in Osh- awa the Eagles again meet defeat 17-4. The Kendal Club staýrted on the right foot and drove in two runs in the first haîf of the first inning but trailed in the remainder of the gamne. Fielding errors accoun- ted for most of Kendals p)roblemns in the game. Osh-, awa dfid take advantage of good hiitting in the first part of the- game to increase their edge in the game. Jerry Thompson coming into the game 'on the Kendal mo,1und did manage to slow the mnomentum of the Oshawa crew. RACING AT KAWARTHIA DOWNS In the opening race at Kawartha Downs last Thurs- day two local drivers naîled down second and third posit- ion. Derek Newman driving Glenn Tennant's Golly's Dolly' placed second with Jack Williams driving Judge Chief to, the third place finish. Keith West, later on the card, drove Donna Duke Dee to a first place finish in a time of 2.09. Junior West placed fourth in the same race driving Green Acres. Junior also finished fourth with Wil Lor Finigan. On Saturday's card, Keith West placed third with Charlie Peake's horse,, Hilltop Anders. The race was won by Blue Ice in a time of 2.08.4. In the fourth race Jack Willimas placed fifth with Hope Song with the win going to Eternal Circo in 2.112. Ross Brown driving Royal Mac Gratton won the fifith in 2.09.1 Keith West finished sixth with Ja De Glassford. The ninth race went in,2.06.2 and was won by Destiny's Shadow with Sir Edward Pick For Special Times Worth Remembering PHOTO S AND ~ *~'DEVELOPINO Snapshots, slides and lots -of real pleasure can be yours.* Keep a camer a close at hand and let our pros do the processing. STUTT'S PHARMAC Y PHONE ORONO 983-5009 Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club DON KEY Bt"A S E B ALL TH1E MULES CHALLENGED BY LOCAL PLAYERS ORONO, FAIR GROUNDS Wednes., J uIyi GAMETIM.ýE 6.30 p. rmwGNC QUALITY OMES Erected on your foundation, plumbîng, heating, wiJring, carpet, etc. Write for FREE CATALOGUE: Danadiana Modular Homes Il 76 Blair Road, Suite A, Burington, Ontarbo L7M-1K9 Phonte (416) 6Î39-4116 Clarke students competitve at invitational' meet Clarke High School Athietes placed well in the Fanfare Invitational track and field meet held recently in Oshawa. Competition was keen with competitors from ail the area High Schools competing. The Clarke relay team of Roger Downs, Ian Brennan, Ron Beitie and Ed. Clarke placed first in their division. Janet Lovekin and Laura McKnight, both of Clarke finished one two in the girls hurdies. Jim Brennan placed first in the Junior Hurdies with broth- er Ian taking the first place finish in the senior hurdies. Ed Clark finished second to Ian Brennan in the senior hurdies. This group of young athletes at Clarke have 'been most competitive in ail the area track and field meets this year. placing second. Junior West finished third with Canal View Way. PLA('EI)TIIIRD IN CAN - AM Muddy George owned by Lawrence Hooey raced in the final leg of the Can-Am last week ini Ohio. The horse lead most of the way being edged at the wire to finish in third place. This race went in 1.59.4. NEWS RELEASES FRO.M ALEX CARRUTHERS Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham in a report fromn Queen's Park announced the approval of a performance boan by the Ontario govern- ment through the Ontario Development Corporation to be used toward the cost of a new plant in Bowmanville. Lap-Tech. Ltd. will reçeive a $100,000 O.D.C. boan to build and equip facilities to produce crystal hlanks for communi- cations and other electronic systems f rom natural and industrially grown quartz cry- stals. When the new plant is in operation, eleven new jobs will be created and the company expects to provide emnployment for an additional 28 people within five years. Alex Carruthers In a news release from Queen's Park Alex Carruthers M.P.P. Durham announced that tenders are to be called next week for the contract noted below: Contract No.73-66 Grading, Draingage, granular base and pavn on Highway 2, Cobourg mile and from Port Hope east limits easterly excluding 1.0 mile section - 2.3 miles. Alex Carruthers Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durham in a press release from Queen's Park has an- nounceed the calling of tenders for two projects in Durham County. Tenders will be advertised for the ministry of natural resources on dune 25 and 27 for the cleaing and painting of elevated water tanks at the ministry's tree farm at Orono. The estimated cost is $2,500. and the expected completion date is august 30,1973. Tenders will be advertised for the Ministry of Correct- ional services on the same dates for the Exterior painting and repairs to thePine Ridge School located in Bowmanville The estimated cost is $10,000 with an expected completion date of September 15, 1973. Tenders will be advertised on the same date to re-shingle the main dormitory at the Pine Ridge School in Bow- manville. Alex Carruthers MPP Dur- ham in a press release from Queens Park has announced the calling of tenders for two projects in Durham County. Tenders will be advertised for the Ministry of Natural Resources on June 25 and 27 for.the cleaning and painting of elevated water tanks at the ministry's tree farm at Orono. The estimated cost is $2,500 and the expected completion date is August 30, 1973. Tenders will be advertised for the Ministry of Correction- al Services ýon the same dates for the exterior painting and Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS WILLIE J. SCIIMAHL Phione 983-5606 Sl)ecializing ln ail kinds of'STONEWORK and FIItEPLACES We also do chimney Repairs (>RONO WEEKLY TIMIES, WVEDNESDAY, JULY 4th, (; PORT HIOPE The motion was put l1 ENDORSES Revve Ruth Clarke as a result NORTHUMBERLAND of the meeting of the Reeve's REGIONcommittee A resolution endorsing the prînciple of a regional govern- ment for Port Hope, Hope and Northumberland County was passed, by Port Hope council Monda y. repairs to the Pine tlidge Sehool located in Bowmanville The Estimated ocst is $10,000. with an expectd completion date of Septembe 15, 1973. Tenders will be advertised on the same date to re-shingle the main dormitory at the Pine Ridge School in Bow- manville. This bookiet can help you to use electriciuty more effectively Although we have enough electricity in Ontario to meet ail our pres ent needs, it stili makes good sense to use it wisely. Thats why your Hydro has produced this booklet-a simple guide to suggest ways you can save on the use of electricity and other forms of energy in your home Ask your Hydro for your f ree copy. your hydroQ Orville (hatterton Electi ical Contracting Electrie Heating anid Serv;ce .Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario ORONO FIREFIGHTERS' PANCAKE BREAKFAST SATU RDAY, J ULY 7th As early as 7 a. n. and ser% îng until??? Pancakes, Sausage, Syrup, Coffee served at the Orono Fire Hall ITSFUN FOR EVERYONE damamb.