Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1973, p. 5

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UNITED CHURCH Orono Pasto ral ~ Charge S Minister: S Rev. B. E. Long B.Th. April 22nd Orono United Church: Worship service - Il a.m. Chureh Sehool - 10 a.m. Message: The Seventh Word from the Cross, "Father into Thy hands 1 commit, my spirit-. Good FridayService, April 20 at 11.00,a.m. "The Iast hours of Christ" Celebration pf HoIy Commnunion KEY 73 Study' G(roup Monday 8 p.m. in the Friendship Room. Kirby Unitedl Church; Worship 'service- 9: 45 Church School- 11.00 amn. Diai-A-Thought: 983-9151 Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24ilour Service New Instal lations Alteratioîns - Repairs Specializing In îlot Water Ileating Foreed Air lleating Septic Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establislied 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m, lloly Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by apl)oiritment with Rector 987-4745 Rev: 1IL Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. USTOM-MlADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley ýWall-to-WaIl or Area Rugs Complete line of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaces F. A. Kramp Furniture Mt. 37 - 41 Kîng St. East P~hone 623-7071 Bowmanville Free Estimates Decorating Service JACK RICA RD REA LIOR 99 King St., E. BOW.MAN VILLE Local news Mr. and' Mrs. Dick Roberts were the honoured guests of a surprise party on Saturday evening on the occassion of their twënty-fifth wedding anniversary. The pàrty was heid in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall where da'ncing and a dinnerwas enjoyed. The local fire department answered three calîs over the weekend as a result of grass fires. The first came on Saturday on a caîl from the third line east of Highway 115. Sunday evening aroundl 8:,00 p.m. the department was called to the base uine east of Newcastle to put out a grass f ire on thenorth side of the railway tracks. Another caîl was recei-ved a t9:O00p. m. for a further fire on the sount side of the track in thie same area. Mrs. Martin Mantel is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill MeNaul of Oshawa visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CàcrI Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris of Oshawa attended the Pan- cake luncheon and visited relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N.F. Firsher of Oshawa and1 Mrs. Leroy of Hamilton of Orono, spent the week end with their family in Acton, Ontario. Bicycle safety' The increased popularity of bicycles is once'agaîn becom- ing apparent on Ontario high- ways. Unfortunately the in- créased popularity of these vehicles has also resulted in increased bicycle collisions, deaths, and injuries to bicyc- In 1971 there were 459' collisions in Ontario involving bicycles. These collisions re- ýulted in the death of 34 cyclists and injuries to an- other 376. In 1972, collisions increased to 504 causing death to 35 cy-clists and injuries- to 422 others. Every effort should be made by alI, includîng the parents of youthful cyclists and police agencies, to reduce collisions involving bicycles. In the past, the police have been somewhat reluctant to lay traffic charges against youthful bicycle offenders. However, it' must be rememb- ered that, many of, thèse same youngsters are being kîlled when in collision with auto- mobiles. For the past six years, the. Newcastle Detach- ment bas investigated at least one fatal bicycle accident each year. A bicycle is a vehcile and the operator should be treated in much the same manner as the operator of a motor vehicle. Since bicycle acci- dents have become a serious problem, in the Province, strict enforcement will be levied against cyclist offend- ers for infractions of the rules of the road and bicycles considered to be unsafe for the road. It should be taken into consideration by alI, that bicycles are prohibited by law from operating on controlled access highwý,ays, eg: Hwy 401, and 400 HEATHER REBEKAH LODGE No. 334 taters; Dic-taters; Spec-taters Sweet-taters. There was a good Tesson.in the story, now we can say to ourselves "1which"Tater" ,am I? Two 15 year members, Sister Laverne Barrabaîl and Sister Violet Dunlop were Durhamn Agri-news By: Bob Watt, Assoc. ýAgricul- ture Representative PERFORMANCE PLUS SALE: -- The Ontario Beef Cattie Performance Associa- tion is sponsoring a sale of high indexing station tested bulîs on Saturday, April 28th, commencing at 1:00 p.m. at the Arkell Test, Station, just South of Guelph. In order to be' eligible for this sale, bulîs must be withini the top one-third, indexi.ng bulîs of their breed or cross. Since the hulls wilI jîîst have completed test they will be approximate- ly 12 to 13 months of age. This sale is thé first of its kind in Ontario and emphasisý will be placed on INDEX of rate of gain during the test period. Actual rate of gain figures are only meaningful if they can be compared to some standard. The INDEX on rate of gain during the test period. Actual rate of gain figures are only meaningful if they can be compared to soîne standard, The INDEX on rate of gain accompli.shed this by compar- ing the individual bull's per- formance relative to the average performance of the group in which it was fed and to 'the average of the, breed. The INDEX for breed average is 100 and consequently the INDEX readily indentifies whether or flot a'young bull's ability to transmit growth to its off spring is above or below breed average and by how much. The range of. INDICES for young bulîs which have been station tested and index- ed to date is from 75 to 135. Only bulîs which have achiev- ed an index in the top one third of this range will be eligible for this sale. There will be 75 bulîs of, all breeds. to choose from. 4-H PROGRAM NOW UNDERWAY:-- Starting on Monday, April 9th, the varions 4-HClubs in the 'County have been holding their -Club Meet- ings. At these meetings, members have elected their officers for the coming year. and selected their Program, for the cominig months. Young people between the ages of 12 and 20 still have until May lst to enroil in a club of their choice for 1973. There are a wide range of clubs to choose from this year, so that we can meet interests of as many young people as possib- le. If you are -interested in taking part in a youth pro- gram where the idea is to "Learn to do by Doing", as well as getting to meet young people, contact our office and we will give you more details and let you know of the upcoming meetings. Create Harmony by truth and co-operation. Sister Slater in her address gave us many things to think about and practicle. One point she stress- ed was for every officer and member to read and study the constit -ution. If every member would read the Constitution they would understand the rules and regulations which woulId be a great help to the officers and it would be much more interesting_ for members at regula-r meetings. .After a presentation to the President the Heather Officer vacated the chairs and May- belle officers closed Lodge in a very dignified mnanner. A social hour was spent in' the dining hall where a delicious supper was served by the committees in charge. Consider regional area moving farther north The Oshawa branch of the some change Canadian Federation of Uni- he said. "Bi versity Womên learned Wed- the governr nesday night that the Oshawa- putting forwï centred region may be ext- cd. All sont, ended further north than have been originally anticipated but cou- whether they Id be cut off at the eastern not has not extremity of Clarke Township. mmced. A panel of four, including "I persom Gardiner Church, senior reg- any alternat ional studies officer for the Port Hope ar Ontario government, made region." presentations and fielded qu- He told the estions from the floor at a would domin public meeting on regional counicil if govcrnment Wcdnesday night included. in the auditorium of McLaugh . Among av lin Lihrary. tives propose Other members of the panel of the two to were Whitby Mayor Des or Bellevill Newman and Frank Markson, making a sel treasurer and commissioner of the Unitec of finance for the city of TAX RISI Oshawa. The meeting was Mr. Chure. chaired by John Howden, ary studies1 reeve of East Whitby Town- taxes in ne ship and warden of the County rapidly for of Ontario. years bcfonc Mr. Church, in an interview He said he after the meeting, said that learn thata John White, Ontario ministen outside of r of treasury, economnics and ment had ex] intergovcrnmental affiairs, cent increasE "made it quite dlean" that past five ye Scott Township, north of sure the in Oshawa would be included in the Oshawa-centred région. D He said Mn. White was i petitioned to include the township in the région and "it High- was obvious Mr. White thought they were right". --- lie said the govern ment bas also received representations- to include Brock Township's Cannington and Thorah town- ship Beaverton in the region, but no decision bas yet been m~ade on whether or not to include these two townships, whih were excluded in the original government rpsl Mr. Church said ever since 9 the Oshawa-centred région was proposed, consideration bas heen given to the exclus- ion of Port Hope and Cobourg but- no decision bas been reached. PAY The federation also learned with that they may soon be known as the Newcastle Region or Durham Region branch of the federa tion. Mr. Church said the two names have received a lot of Fi2d ou support. The district was once known as Newcastle, Mr. Church said, when the sR. L6 5 He siad he personally hoped the region would be known as "'anything but the Oshawa- W ccntred region", W There is always theý hope 1. e Bi nr ?Vï y m a t a E i e i n v S E e0i ý11, el ec E rlie -e a ýX] SE re; i n SERVICE STATION àway 35 and'115, just north of Newcûastle Featuring: Premiuinî Quality Products At the Most Reasanable Prices Stove 0%Pl Diesel %0i11 ~~ Available ini any quantitý Phone 987-4215, REDUCE YOUR MONTIILY PAYMENTSý OFF ail your biuis and higli interest loans ia low interest mortgage, FRO3M $2,000 to $20,000 (from10% per annum) DON'T JUST SIT THERE! ut about it by calling for quick, confidential advice chofield Mortgage Service Phone 576-1680 rE ALSO BUY IMORTGAGES FOR CASH Me's Short Sleeve Shirts New short sleeved sport shirts and knits bY CUrrie. Easy-care fabrics in stripes, checks, and solid shades. Sizes - S, M, L and XL. Now is the time to choose for summer while the select ion is good. Priced from $6.00 to $12.00. SHEER PANTY HOSE For high fashion sheerness, try our Burlington Cameo plainstitch panty hose. Sutlspice shade in sizes s mallo medium, long, and extra long. Price each -$2.00 TALL GI 1RLS PANTY HOSE "Whisper" tali girl panty hose, ail sheer sandal f oot. Fits 5'8- to 6'. Shades of maple, cinnamon and taupe. Price, each $1.49 NOV E LTY SCARFS Ladies' scarfs wîth ring in solid shades and attractive designs, suitable for wearing on dress or sweater. Priced each $ 1,79 LA DYý' BO DY S UI1TS M Fînest heavy weight stretch nylon body suifs, in sizes :small, S medium and large. Machine washable. Styled with short sleeve, pointed collar and four-button plaIcket. Shades of black, brown, red, mauve and white. Priced each $4.95 AR MSTROG'S Orona W%ýeek!y Tintes Wed. April 18th, 1973 5 greater than that under region ai government. Mr. Newmian sidregional goverament was needed be- s will be made, cause soon the areas outside of ut the reasoning Toronto will have greater ment has been populations than the city ard'hasn't chang- itself . ýs of alternatives ONTARIO'S SOLUTION put forth but He said regional govern- yare workable. or ment was the road-the Ontario yeat been deter- government had taken to cope with the situation rather than ally, canxÙot see administer the suburbs under ive to including one government as.the city of nd Cobourg in the New York has done. Mr. Church said large urban meeting Oshawa borders are splitting regions nate the regional down the middle and the they were not province bas recognized that the present municipal system ariety of alterna- will be dead in a few years. ed were inclusion "If we are going to continue )wns in Peterboro to have a strong government, le regions and the present system has to be ýparate region out changed." I Counties. Mr. Church said the present LIKELY system was acce'ptable in 1849 ýh said prelimin- but can hardly be expected to have shown that be acceptable in 1973. ew regions rise He said under the present the- first three municipal system, Port Hope levelling off. and Cobourg were the n-, -st was "amazed" to threatencd by the "urban areas in Ontari sprawl"', which is just starting regional govern- to affect them. He said their cperienced 60'per location, between Chicago and es in taxes in the Montreal, piaced them among ýars and he was the prime residential land in rnrease was no North America.

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