Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1973, p. 3

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Home and sehool arrange informative meeting An informative meeting for ail parents has been arranged by the Orono Home and School Association April24th at 8.00 p.m. at the Orono Public Schooi. A film produced by the Metropolitan Lif e "Looking at Children".is to be shown. This film demonstrates in sound and action' health probiems such as hearing, speech and other perceptual difficulties as well as chronic conditions. Our guest speaker for the evening', Mr. Frank McQuay, Speciai Education Consultant in, the western area wili expiain thege probiems more fully and answer any ques- tions. Everyone is welcome. TWO STUDENTS ON DEAN'S LIST Two Bowmanvville area students have been named to the Dean's list for the winter quarters at Andres Univer- sity, Berrien, Springs, MIch- igan. Gerald King, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. King of R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and Robert Prouty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Prouty, aiso of RR 3 Bowmanville, had to achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale to be é ligible for the Dean's list. Gerald is a junior bioiogy major at the Seventh-day Pidventist school whîle Robert is a junior French and mathemnatic mahor. major. The Coutil 0f The Municipality 0f The Township 0f Clarke NOTICE. The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke hereby give notice that it intends to pass a ,By. Law to close or stop-up the Road Ailowances in the Vill- age of Ororo wuthin the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham. following that is to say: Ail of Village Lot One (1) forming part of the original Road Allowance between Concessions Four (4) and Five (5) across Township Lot Twenty-nine (29) according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono, to- gether with parts of the aforesaid Road Allowance, ail witbin, the, said Township of Clarke, mère particularly described as foliows: COMMENCING at the South-Westerly angle of Village Lot Eight (8) in Block "B", according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono; THENCE South 71,degrees 17 minutes'30 seconds West aiong the Southeriy limit of sald Townsahip Lot 29 la the Fifth Concession, being the Northeriy limit of the Road Ailowance, a distance of 895.45 feet to the point of, Inter- section with a fence marklng the. exlstlng Easterly limit ot a t'ravelled road runnlng Southerîy; THENCE South 36 degreeu 47 minutes -East In the Une of the sald fence a distance of 69.43 feet more or less to the point of intersection wlth the Northly limit of Lot 29 in the Fourth Concession of the. said Township of Clarke; THEN CE North 71 degrees 17, minutes* 36 seconds East aiong the iast mentioned Brmit, being the Southerly Umit of the sald Road Allowance, a distance of 872.96 feet more or less to thie point of Intersection with a Une drawn on a course of South 17 degrees 53 minutes East front the point of commencement. THENCE North 17 degrees 53 minutes West a distance et 66 feet more or less to the POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT Ail of the original Street Allowance lying between Blocks Eight (8) and Nine (9) according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono, being part of the original Township Lot Twenty-nine (29) in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Clarke; 3. Ail of the original Street Reser ve, lying between Village Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block 1U'1, accordlng to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono, extend- lng from the Eastcrly limit of Mill Street to the Westerly limit of Church Street; 4L AUl of the original Street Reserve lying hetween Block Four (4) and Block Thirteen (13) accoriling to C. G. Han- ning's Plan'of the said Village of Orono, extending from the Easterly limit of Miil Street to the Easteriy limits of the Village Lot Seventeen (17), Rear Range, Block 4,-,and Village Lot Eighteen (19) Rear Range, Block 13; 5. Ail of the original Street Reserve lying between Block Thirteen (13) and Block Ten (10) according to C. G. Han- ning's Plan of the said Village of Orono extending front the Easteriylilmit of Mill, Street te the Easterly limit of the Village Lot Twenty-two (22), Rear Range, Block 13 and Village Lot 23, Bear Range, Block 10, SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREOUTAND THEREFROM that part of the aforesaid Street Reserve that lies within the lands more particuiarly 'designated as Part Two (2) according to a plan desposltod in the Registry Office for the Regis-. try Division of Durham West as Number N21630, 6. Part'of Princess Street and part ot an unnamed Street Easteriy adjacent to Block "G" according te C. G. Han- ning's Planof the said Village of Orono, and more parti- cularly designated as Parts Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7) according to the Reference Plan deposited' in the Registry office for the Registry Division of Durham West as number 10 R. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desir-. ing to make dlaim or te oppose the said ByLaw will be heard la person or by proxy at the meeting of the said Council to be held in the Township Hall at Orono, Ont. on the l5th.day of May,,1973, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evenfng. Dated this 6th day of Aprii, 1973. B. W. Colline, A.M.C.T. CIeri-Administrator, of the munclpaui. Predict Ontario Regional plan to be imple mented in area Alex Carruthers, Durham MPP, predicts that Cobourg and Port Hope will not be left out of the proposed regional government, but he says that "No decision has been made yet - ail the briefs are stili being analysed". Mr. Carruthers said he doubts that the-two municipal- ities would be dropped from the proposed region because it would leave them in a difficuit financial position. He said that it is necessary to control the growth of urbanization from Pickering to Cobourg in order to prevent the experience of municipali- ties west of Metro Toronto, and if the municipalities in the Diamond Triaangle are exclu- ded from the region, in 'the opinion of the government, they will have no influence or control over'the advancing ur- ban sprawl. 1973 tobacco crop expected to decrease Smaller tobacco crops may be planted this year by the 150 tobacco farmers in the United Counties, because of lack of negotiations between the Mar- keting Board and the manu- factures. A meeting was held last Wednesday with members from the Marketing board and about 50 United Counties tobacco growers. The Market- ing 'Board dernanded a mini- mum guaranteed price of 78 cents per pound, and' if not recovered, the acreage plant- ed wiil be reduced, The manufactures council refuses to consider a brief prepared by the Board as beihg relevant, on a sharing profits on the tobacco dollars, The sharing of the tobacco dollar would. mean spiitting the profits on a 40-60 percent basis between the grower and the manufacture, but the board was told by the manu- facturers council that the sharing of profits earned on tobacco was not relevant to the setting ofminimum prices for a crop year. The council stated tha they must assume that their final of fer of 78 cents per pound has been rejected and that 1973 crops will be much lower in number. Kîrby news Mrs. H., Lowery and Mrs, James Lowery went on a bus trip to Toronto with Shiloh U..W. on Tuesday. Kirby Homne and School Association are holding a Euchre party at Kirby Cen- tennial Sehool thîs coming Saturday evening at 8 p.m. It wont be long until graduation time again. So they hope for a good turnout to support these graduates. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson (nee Joan Rutherford) on the arrivai of their dayghter and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Rutherford. 1Mr. and Mrs, Bill Sears, Scarborough, spent Saturday evening with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and Charles. Mrs, Dora Morris attqnded the dinner of the Quarter Century Club in Toronto on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs., Ken Bail were Sunday dinner. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Patterson of Orono. Mr., and Mrs. Jack MeKay, Starkviile visited Mr. andý Mrs. Ken Bail Friday evening. .Sorry to hear Mr. Ken Henderson had some ribs broken recently. Mrs. Veomans is holidaying at her daughters, Mrs. Merle Wight at Trent River, Mrs. H. Loweryand Mrs. Dora Morris attended the dinner and Preshyterial meet- ing in Oshawa on Tuesday evening. We are pleased to have Miss Ruth Chater join the Church at Kirby on Sunday. Also Mrs. dora Morris- received her transfer of membership to Kirby from Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ruther- ford and Miss Karen Lowery and Mr. Warren Jacobs of Toronto were among those attending the Brown-Best wedding in Orono United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.'Sid Rutherford and many others from Kirby attended the surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roberts at Newcastle on Saturday evening the occasion being their 25th wedding anniver- sary. Congratulations. Miss Karen Lowery is home having completed her first year at University of Toronto and is an employee of the Ministry of the Environment for the summer. Kirby U.C.W. are busy making quilts. They just completed a Colonial girl quilt which is very pretty. 1Mrs. William Allun is a patient in Memorial Gospital. We wish her a speedy recov- ery. Hospital dfrom page 1) The Board looks to 1973 as a year with extraordinary chal- lenges and notes the need of co-operation to integrate heal- th and social services. Young artist 1(f rom page 1) least we were quite impressed and feU our readers would be interested in seeing this work. To us the drawing certainly has a double meaning as thîs week some of the old is being set aside and new equipment comes into operation for the first time. The sketch was a must for the front page. Thank-you, Sharron and Stirling. Last of lIbrary series The lecture seýries at Clarke Library will con- clude to-night, Wednesday when Mr. Jack Georing of' Port Hope will provide slides and speak on the environment. Lecture beg- mns 7:30 p.m. The lectures have proved most interesting and in- formative with plen ty of debate following each ad- dress. A wide variety of subjects have been discus- sed. MESSAGE TO FREEZER OWNERS Could we assist you in, buying Sides of Beef or quarters? We are offering these at our cost plus 10 cents per pound for cutting and wrapping. WE SELL ONLY CANADAS FINEST GOVERNMENT Inspected Ai Beef MESSAGE TO FARME'RS SLAUGHTERING THEIR OWN CATTLE Consuit us about your cutting and wrapping needs. Von will be pleased with our workmansbip. Within the next two or three weeks it is expected that a decision will -be released on the development of the Wes- leyville Hydro plant. It is now speculated that the initiai generator will be oul, fire with, latter development being of a nuclear nature. It is considered that it will take some three years to complete the plant and at the peak of construction some 2,000 people wili be employed. Operation personnel will number from, 300 to 400. There is also a possible development of a smali har- bour for oil delivery, provid- ing oul is used. Burn's short Shank Skinless SMOKED HA.MS lb. 85C -Fully Cooked - Butt Portion Maple Leaf Mild Seasoned (ail beef) WEINERS, Burns Pure Pork SAUSAGE Meat Canada Packers BACON Devon lb. 89C lb. 65c lb. 87c Mapie Leaf Boneless Smoked Pork lb. Dinner Shoulders $1.29 Mapfle Leaf Miid Seasoned 16 oz. pkg. BOLOGNA Ib.69c FulIy Cooked HAM SLICES' $1.09 E. D. Smith Pure Strawberry, Black Currant JAMS 9 oz. jars 39e Sweet Mixed BICK'S Pickles 32 oz. jars 59e1 Phone 983-5201 M argarin e BLUE BONNET 2 Ibs. 69c. CORNISH'S +ORONO Orono Weekly Times, Wed., April l8th, 1973- Expect Decîsion ,' Soon on hydro Lp l'ant S ASHION LONG'S CENTRE' Main. Street ORONOý Phone 983.9350 GOOD-LOOKS EASTER IN LADIES' D.R. E.S. S. E.S< I AND FORTREL $21.95 to Kayser s \ee Big Special ~ 5 Reg.Price Sale Price ,, 1Ipair $1.50 $1.19 " 2 pair $2.29 ' 4 pair $4.49 PREIUMSWIFT HAMS "1½/ lb.tins only $1.99

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