Ol~Oft ~I~L 1~llfS, WbNEDAZAPRIL 11111, 1913 OromoIn.u Cbaxgt B.Th. SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1973 Oi ono United Churcl<: Church School - 10:00 a.m. Worship Service - 11:15 a.m. Message: The Sixth Word fromn Group partieipatýon with ti'e * Minister. Good Friday Service:ý April 20th at 11,00 a.m. "The last hours of Christ Celebration of lloy Communion KEY '73 Study Group M-oiday 8 p.m. in the Main Hall. Every- one welcome. Kirby United Church: Worship Service - 9:45 ar. Church School - 11:00 a.m. Dial A Thought: 983-9151 BOB YEOMANS PLUMBING and HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations Repairs Speciallziing in Rot 'Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R. 1, Orono 983-5624 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worshlp .Service - 10:00 a.m. HoIy Communmion-' .Fîrst and Third Sundays Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays RHoly .Baptism by appontmnent .with Rector '9874745 The Rev. H. Robert H Iayne,. B.A.. L.T1I. CUSTOM-MADE HDRAPES CARPET hy Harding and, Crosley Wall-to-Wail or Area Rugs Comlete Unme of Kitchen Carpet, Hardsurfaceu L, A. Kramp Furniture Ltd. 37- 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bowmanviiie Free Estimates Decoratiag Service JACK RI CARDîîf' REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buyiskg o- Selling cal WILF HAWK E YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Mdember of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board Local Niws The exterior wraps have- tomle off' the stores urcd.r cunstirucion n OronoO at the corner and Main and Centre &srreeLý and uie!r 1 ;p- pýcarance do enhance the bu3iness secdion of Orono. There is stili considerable work to, be down on the .-'ores which currentLy are, va- cant f a<ay tenants. Kvr. and, Mrs. Eci Graham spent !"-nciav with thecir son' Mr. andi Mrs. Terry Graham, Kingston. -r,.lRymond Chapman r'- turned home Friday from visit, ing with h j son Mr. and Mis. Pona1d Cbapman and, family in T H1ad 'r grariddaughter, Miss Mandy Chapman, returned with lier. to -spend holidays with her grandparents. Miss Sadie Brown has been a natient ini the Bowmanville Hos- pital. M"s. Fverett Brown eutertain- ed friends on Saturday last at a Trouseau Tea for her daughter Evelene whose marriage to Mr. (Cary Best takes place this Satur- day. Mrs. Ree Sutton is a patient in Bowmnanville Memorial Hiospital. Durham AgrJ-Nlews, by Bob watt Crop Equipment C Jni: On Tuesday, April l7th, a Wcd S'r-ayer Calibration and Corn Planter Clinie wilI he heldý frorn 10:00 arn. to 3:00 PM. at the Orrcro Arena. At this wxork-' shop there will -be demonstra- tions with, Sprayers and Corn Planters on bow to make certain correct amounts of herbicide are being used and also that you are planting the deýircd plant stand of corn. You are asked to bring your own lunch and coffee xviii be supplied at the noon hour. Important inaccuracy in using both of these two pieces of machinery cannot be over-em- phasized. Foo, higli a rate or too low a rate can have an effect, not only on yield, but also on cost of producing the crop. 1jt is hoped that this xviii be a very practical 1 workshon, wI'ere you xvili be able to get any irollems you miglit have, solved in this area. Stili Time For 4-B Memnbership: Young people in Durham Coun- ty xviii have - up to the f irst of May to be registered for the 4-H Program. At the present time, the first meeting for each of the different clubs is bcing carried out. So if you are interested or know of someone who might be interested in joining the 4-11 Ag- ricultural Clubs this year, please have them contact: The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 623-3348 as soon as pos- sible, so that they will not miss too much of 'the year's activities. Number of Herds on Milk Recording: in the Annual Report of the Dairy Herd Improvement Associ- ation, listed some interesting statisties on the number of herds on imilk recording, iu Durham County. The figures for 1972 showed that there were 48 herds enrolled under the Dairy HIerd Improvemlent Association and 44 AN DEL UMMER RESRT15ONE WHREFsH BITE AND MOQUITO Es DON'T. ORONO TOWING GENECRAL REAIES Phame-un crom9 herj on .O.. 0f iecord of Prformane 11À.,i-totýAls92 hri out of the estiliated !162Cmfr Couffty,giig n m to' 571;o Mî PcH .It i Nor!humberland lbad of' (Ici Clmm'reial Ilerds i&1Aon I'4TiJk PRecorcling - Onto rîn 6'i' - '<ictoria 57,7,ani Plr'iag 46%' Con iier (b " t1,,d r'o' -i - the average was 31 of b"jdh on t'st. Even thougb oui- Coi.intY is coisiderably above the averane for the provine. it i41 hard to explain why claser to 100% of the Courdty farmers are not usiïg onie ofthe Milk Rc~hgSs ,cuis to Ibelp them fin thdrdiir rMu'ýt Til Our S5F<y-v .Fvrc m the recent happ".'iings On 'ý'e liast couple of weeks, w i h food hoy<ýotts and rmarket i'b- ility, it is becorning mor e anfi p<n)re important that those in- volv <1 in f"irring - di ect1I' ayA jii iiccË'y - are coing bloIave fo +-I 0tpr own story. Cn'"tle liveliiraod of a larn<Iý nurnbpr of pcoole bing tied direct!'y to ag- riculture. It is too important for w; to ' ust sit l'y a"d ar- whtve fate others v. ould ý ilie f0 cireate for, us. New Spring fashions by "KITTEN" whîch you can mix or match, Washable Polyester Knits. BE SURE TO SEE: 'The new short sleeved Tuinbler-Top with back yoke and flapped patch pockets. The CARDIGAN VESTiu solid shades with front 'facing and pockets trimmed with matching check patteru The fully-lined front pleated regular length skirt la solid shade. The sllghtly flared cuffed pull-on Pants with elasticized waistband. Ail are available in several shades, sizes 8 to 20. Priced from each $1900t.$25,00 HOUSIEHOLD INI NOn stLI shorteniing-Tirêd iý! havin<g to scrape sotqlg i om your mc-_a-uung cup?Wel you ncedn't be if the, recipe as cails for cggs. By breaking tht, ge ir'o the cup first you ea lI!v' inside wita egg white. Pcouar th e eggs irto another container "fi repi'1lue of the egg vibut- wîll permit the shortening to slip out ýof the cup with no fuss a, MART IN SENIOR, I LATEX PLAT (Reg7'-- ' 20 a gallon) S,142ArLE PRICE G L O SEMI - GLOSS (Regular $12.45 a gallon) SALE PRIC Can bW, lnted to hundreds of popular shades at a small extra charge. Rolph Domimion Hardware Phione 983-5207 Orono, Ontario AR TONGSýr,