Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1973, p. 2

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-. ~ .I~LV~A ~ A 'l ~Itl -1> m12 OkONO WEEKLYTIMES- hemd Gm..M M! mbe 8 PuMislh.d oay 8 rda tth i7m( ubo A NEW ERLA FOR GANARASKA .The Ganaraska River Conservation Autbority could 'well hbc ntering a new era with much greater involvemient la the ecological affairs of, the community. This was re- veaied by the new chairman, Mr. Ed. Haynes -of Cobourg in his address to the authority mnembers at a get-acquainted dinner meeting at the Greenwood Towers in Port Hope iast week. The Authority lias been hampered in its work through the lack of sufficient fuuds and no doubt through the laek'ý of enough driving force to becomne involved in those matters for which the autbority wýas designied. In the past as land ýcosts rose the authority backed off fromn purchasing due to lack of funds and a drive to, keep pace with the changing times. ,I the last few years Mr. Roy -Foster as chairman, had heen able to spark sorme initiative to purchiase lard resulting in the obtainleg et ofthe flall's Mill iin Baltiore and aiso a tract of land frenting, on Rice Lake. But o)ther than this the Authority lias been complacent and Iagglng behind 10n presentý day trends anld developmients. Mîr. IHaynes 'spoke of invoivement li those imatters that affect the over-ail comimunlty eùlogicalIy and hie w'vould nie to see the Authority hecomie more- invoived as weli as being a voie i the coxmunlty. He also spoke of!imore land purchase which off course means a wider financial base with incereased finanalspotfmth participatiflg commiunities wVitbin the autIhority. The importance of Conservation Authoûrities must be relzdthroughout the community as thleY are the onlY orýganizations,ý that fromn the local level of govermnent h1ave anyv control or direction towairds ensurlflg the pro-, tection of the environmieft lhi ail aspects. The powers of the At'hori ties are qIuite' extensive if theY se desire te use them aid ilithese memiber-s must stMadup and ho counte d li the- decision making. WeFx( welcome the irection g.ien y the new chair- mran .and are hopeful that themeib'hP can sec the wisdomi in this approach with their supportand ceffoorts. The day foliowiflg bis policy, statement the Ganar- aska 1 membe rs travelled oÔver the site of- the proposed garbage disposai area of the CPR, in Hope Townlship. The Autiorty illstuy hi, proposal further and make a sttm 1tpr oayhcaring. This is the first nieve Vo the idea of conunity involvement by the Authôrity as outflined by the chairinan. KandyThrPO ______ phonie 983-5759 *Ail Carentry Work. Rejnodeffiflg W. bufid from the foimdattofl Up G ENERAIL JNSURANCE Bo>x 82 Newtonvile, Ontarto, Telephone 7862921 Bl ni, Port Hope, Ontarlo Telphne88-228 .WeIl Drilling PONTYPOOL Phenie: 705-277-2504 Covnfies Council The c:wenditure of $10,000 te- wardG the rci;t.rati5îi al Cob- ourg's Victoria Hall created xnuch - debate la thie Unitcd Counties' Council last Friday. Af Ici a number of motions and amendmcnts, Victoria Hall was granted only $5,000 'for the pur- pose of providing a United Count- ies' room in the building. A recommendation of $10,6000 to be included in the 1973 budget as a grant towarcls the restoration of Victoria Hall was questio ned bv Mrs. D. Brixtnell. representa- tive for Brighton Village, because as :she suggested to Council, it was creating a precedent.' Foster Russell, representative of Hamilton Toýwnship, after giv- ing a rundown of the- "old days"' at Victoria Hall, said hie realized tixere are many other historic sites to be preserved in~ the two counties, but this building was losely 'associated with council, unlike the other. Reeve Ruth Clarke o! Port Hope first suggested that the f ig- ure of $10,009 be cuft to :$5,000 because as she pointed out, there isn't any munijcipaýlity Which doesn't have somiething- it isn't trying to, restor-- e. She alsoaddIced "W could use the money very icl l Pr Hope rather than. down there." An amnendmeint was brougbit forth that $5,000 be granted to Uice restoration of a room dfe- votd to C oun vonil i Victoria H1-alli dws asdb 18 to 17. Golden Plough 11Lodge nowbhas a new addition,whh includes New Dutch Oven RESTAURANT Highway 115, Orono HELP WANTED Experlenced fltime anid part Uime wçaitresses, dish- washers anil gas attendant Please ): 83-5001 a-c an auditorium, chapel, au ad- Plans have bee n made for the demoition of the oid wlng and they are consi'Iering 'ivH' the oid chapel into two marrled couple quarters. $4o, 00 is1 being budgeted for operatimg costs this year, redec- I I Put If, ail in your Pockhet KODAK POCKET and flm Priced to Save Emember Tho se you have; at Easter with Carlton Cards Ouvantroom ad crafs room orating, lanscaping, and the work involved in the demolition. The cost of the drapes whichL have been orclered to replace the ones li some'rooms wili be $1250. A new colour television has been purchased hy the H-aydei Estate Trust. SAVE, 20% 'CAN CAN' Pa.ty Hose $1.20 EASTER Bunnies & Eggs From Smiles IN Cliuckles Store Closed Wednesday, April 18 Good Priday, Aprit 20 STUT'S HARMACY PHdONE OBRONO 983-5008, WilamC. Hall, B. Comme Cè'hrtered Accou ntani Phoe Newaate .987-4240 Ail day Wednesda Or.. Silh WE'RE OUT TO0 FRIENDLY SALESMAN> BILL GARRETT GREN MeQUAT FRIENDLY SERVICE "" ANAGER ARCHIE GROTH FRIENDY O YS ~OPMA AGR FRIEN DLY EE 'AE DUANE SAWYER WE'RE ALL FRIENDLY. AND EAGER TO LOOK AFTER YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS. PHONE US - 623-4481. 219 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE Where FrieirdlyPepeMt Dog D-aWan Parking Regulationu The residents of the Police, Village of Orono and area are hereby notified that the enforcement of the Dog By-4aw, prohlbiting the running at large of dogs, anid the regulations of the Parking By-laws will now be undertaken In the Police Village. Residents are asked to co-operate in this matter. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES 3 pr. $3.45

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