Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1973, p. 1

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-VOLUME 3'7, NUMBEPR -121 Most property taxpayers In the western section of Northumber-' land and Durham Caunty will find tbemseives banding out less rnoney to support their public School system this year.' Last Thursday the Northumb- earland and Durham County Board of Education aPproved a educa- tieon il rate decrease for Bow- rnanville, Newcastle and 'the "Township of Darlington. While the $22,371,775 expendi- ture esimate is 91,190,753 more than last. year's and the iargest in the board's history, it is match- ed 'by increased revenues and surpiuses frorn iast year. After ail the additions and sub- tractions were made to that basic "figure, trustees found tbemselves agreeing to ask the 24 munici- palities Within the-ir area of jur- isdictioii Vo colect a total of $6,390,928 in local tages - only $2,169 more than the total asked for last year. SmalI Incre.-se This small increase will be col- lected in a few municipalities, so rnost of the trustees can go smil- lng back to their constituenis with news of a smali iducation miii reduction. Accordi-ng f0 board figures, resiclerts in 16 of the 24 area munciilites iilsee reductions ýin tir eucaionmiii rate. Clarke, Township residents who iast year paid $86.13 for every $1000.00 of assessment will this year p-îy f$8651, an increase of 3p, ceul IL.PDeWith, treasurer of Clarke, stated Twueday that be. had just receive theTownship alcto which wtý up som-e $188,0. e said he was not s-ure whetber or mot thec iucreascd asseosment wouLd (Offset tl'is iner'ease. Assess- mnent lui the Township has in- reased bctwcen $200,000 and $250»0 Othig year. lit ownnvldthe miii at àecreaises from the 1972 level ofe 5 L.4,t 55.21 this year. Inotr wor-ds, taxpayers wili dish ont $5521, this year for eve7(ry $ 1,000 assessment on their properties. In Newcastle, the rate decreas- es from 60.55 to 59.50, wbile a, 2.41 drop in Manvers puts thec miii rate at 69.90 and Darlington residents will have a rate of 74.87 In Cartwrig«ht the miii rate wüfl increase from 84.34 to 85.96. The Iargest drop came in, Part lIope, whlere the miii rate wili decrease from 50.16 to 44.36. Largest Drop The iargest increase cornes ln Brightion,. where the mil]. rate will jump to 49S86 from, 43.8ý1. ln drawing up the ievy figures, board officiais used 100 per cent equalized assessment. "The fluctuations between, mun- icipailies corne from the previous year(s) created by a variety of reasons," said a staff report. The largest 1973 expense wil ba instructional costs (iargely sal- aries) at $14,504,732, followed by $2,404,872 in debt charges, $1,952- 124 in plant operation eosts and $1,952,123 in plant operation costs and $1,686,784 ln transpor- tation costs. A total of $642,444 will ha col- lected in Bowmanvile, $112,138 in Newcss tle,, $197,790 in Cart- rihS491,595 in Clarke, and $760592 in Darlington. Trustees ifrorn the n c4ern.seec dion of thie school board area a- ir e iintervi! ifwill Pot cbrdbtako h ugtbc jo their, contiu ts "As far as NewcasIle is conu ecerned, they will be relieved that their taxes will not be going up," said Ken Lya1l, trustee for Clarkeg Hope and Newcastle. "Taxes have beeu going up but it looks like we'Ve reached a plateau. They're mot going Up this year." ORONO'WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1973 And Two Trucks The Council of the Township of Clarke authorized the calling of tenders for the purchase of a 160 h.p. grader as wali as tendering for a, 32,Ô00 lb. truck equipped - witlh box, snow plow and wing and a further'truck of 30,000) lb. caPacity equipped with a hopper- type sander. 1 Some. of these purchases are contingent on approval euf the suppiemeutary road by-law. The esfimated cosýt of the grader and two trucks is thoughf Vo ha in the nelghbourbood. of $53,000. This along with the proposai to add furfher bays at the garage would Dr. Grant Coulson bas kindiy agrecd f0 share bis evéulug, bis expericuce, and bis uuderstaud- ing n itb our commuuity on M'Y i nesday, April 4. Dr. Couflsou cornes to us from Oshawa w1-litb a firm background on i sbec of narcotie abuse. Aside from cvex tensive readiug aud researchiJng, lie wvorks ivitb thuse, who hai7e alJrËàdy falien îrto cbrofnic urug abuse patterns Establishec for this purpose is the Oshawa-Whufi- by Crises Intervention and Re- habilitation Centre. Tbe Centre is aiso simply known as "56 Col- borne," which is derived from Uts address, and bas such people as Dr. Coulson giving help to troub- led abusers as a resideuntiai treatment centre. Dr. Gouison works also at the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital ris a 1 professionai psychologis;t. Tbrough bis experience there and at "56 Colborne"' for 1'à~ years along xith police contact, the Doctor warns us to be pre- pared because be bas accumnu- lated ý.me rather unorfbodox vîews on the problerns associatcd with the improper use of narcot- les. He states thaf, as an exampbl,, he helieves lu the legalization of due Ca a et 'l à drMuIs and at the lecture will ex- Plain and Support bis belief. Dr. Coulson not ouly wi]i in- vite questions but, will praclhicalv,, linsist on them, as that will be why bew]li be here, douatiug lus lMe i-e opes the public nl take advauf qec)of this oppor tun- ity by askiig tbose questions which are on their mliuds. (It may be a good idea to jot down auy questions whicb corne to your mind during the weck and bring them to the meeting su that you wou't forget to ask tbem.) The Library wili supply small cards on which anyone may jot down a question in the event if is one wbich the individual prefers not to ask openly. Doctor Coulson may conduct bis talk more like a group meeting than a lecture, giving an even greater opportun- ity for learuing. 1This presentation is the fourtb iu the series hein organized by, the Ciarke Public Llbrary and wi1l sfarf, 1-4 the others, at 7:30 p.m. There is a capacity for ap- proxîmal ely 50 peaple in the Lib- rary room and seats wiil have to ha given on a first-come, first- served basis. 1Rcfresbments will be, sarvad after the lecture, Orono United Church Main Hall was appropriately decoratcd wifh shamrocks, Irish bats etc. for the U.C.W. General Meeting on Thursday, evening, March 15. There were some 50 Vo 60 persons in attendance, inciuding visitors from Kendai, Kirby, Newcastle and St. ýSaviouir's Anglicani Church.1 The meetiug opeuîd witb Mrs. E. Touckburu as piaiist and 'v- eryon-e singing "Ouward' ChrEft- ian People" --foilowed bu- the Lord's Prayer lu unîson. President Mrs. F. Lycett, after, exfe'unding a welcome to ail, gave a readîng, "An Old Irish Bless- iugl'. Unit 1 was lu charge of De- votions. Ms. Lycett notad tha many things that are to ba donc lu preparation for takiug a trip - especially wben going abroad. Thf>me of the Devotions was ".A Traveller's Guide to llaaven.:' Mrs. Lycett's comments -on the uccessities to be attended io wlieu travelling, were iutersper 5- ed by eacb of seVen 'other ladies from Uuit 1 reading Seripture i -rsas pertai iug fo accomnmoda- tiou, pas -pou-,S, deparfure tîme, f eket- îuùstoms, imigrseation, iuggage, vaccination -and inocula- tion, currencv and time changes. This beiug the LenteRI season - it was me'ntioned that we some- times make sacrifices at this time. We should'fast from certain unpleasant aspects and feqst on the baffer qualities in'life. Mrs., (Continued page 4) Reeve Wooulvnra' flutIin~ -- w~ W ~ f y a ta l) IIONEY TAKES NEW OFFICE A. ceremony was held last Tuesday, in Belleville, for iBus- seli Hon-.ey, former Nortburnber- Ian Duham federai member of par1i,9mi ut, who xvas officially sworn in as a county court judge for Hastings County. The sweariug in cer mony was perf'xýrmed' by Cbicf Judge Colin E. Bennet, Federai Justice 2/3,inister, Otto Lang, mnade the anauncement two weeks aga that Mr. lloney had been appointed to the pos- ition of County Court Jud*ge. i'icrease total capital expendi- tpre for the road departrnent in an anlouint -of $88,000.00. Council also gave their ap- provai' of a recommeidation by the road committee to instal a Conijnunicatjon Base Radio Sta- tion in the general office of the Township. Council is also to look into the feasibilijty of a dual s-Çtchboard in the rad and gen- eral offices. Oounicii also approved the tend- ering for crushing« gravel,7'haul-. ing, stock pi'ng,, the laying of refined oil, 5000, feet of snow fence and a skid rnounted weed sprayer. The common; theme presenited last Wednesday at the Town Meeti ng ln Orono tbrough both the UiJated Couinties regional pro- posai and tbe Input regional pro- posai was to the effect that they. werc opposed to a regional area inncuding the United Gounties witb the Oshawa-Pickeri-ng area. About sixty were present for the meeting which was chaired by> Mr. Douglas Moffatt. The meeting wvas sponsored by a group of local citizens. from Clarke Towuship and Newcastle. The meeting was caiicd to pre- sent the various proposali be- fore the public. Reeve E. R. Woodyard first presented the proposai of the Un- ited Counties which exciudes the Oshawa-:Pickering area from a proposed region, eneompassiug the present municipalities in the United Counties along with oth- er centres to the east as far as Trenton. The brief stated that there was sino communîty of ln- terest in the regional area as pro- posed by the Province from east of Toronto to east of Cobourg. Ht aiso stated that there would exist an inbalance of power. favouring tbe westuru area and 'there was too littie consideratioil of ecmi- In supportîng an eastern reg- îon of the United Couinties and the, area e ast to Trenton the re-, port claimed that the area had a homogenous character. That the area wasflot ln danger of unbal- anced domination and that it ai- (Continued on page 5) Receive 'Six Applications For Traffie - Dog Control Officer Six application have been re, ceived. by the Orono Police Trustees for the position of Traf- fiç Control Officer lu Orono and Dog Catcher for the Township of Clarke. The Trustees and the Council -of Clarke are jointly seekiug a confrol officer to act as traffie officer lu Orono and dog catcher throughout tbe an- tire Township. The Trustees took no action on the applications on Monday evan- ing but wiIl interview the appl- cants Friday aiong with a repre- sentative from the Township Council, Mr. Robert Chater. Communication was received by the Trustees on, Monday that thzý Ministry of Communications and Transportation will be mc- sponsibie for costs ineurred by tbe local Fire depa,-tmeut on an- swaring calîs f0 highway fires, wbc.n cails are made by author- ized- personnel. lan the past the Trustees or Township have re- ceived no rernunerafion for cllis on . the two bighways paS-înIg tbrougb the Township. Mr. Gieorge Lunn bas been hired to replace Mr. H. Mooey who has retired as custodilan at the Orono Village disposai area. Mr. Partner also stated that a coiuplaint bas beeu receîved, from Air Management branch lu connection with smoke from tic Orono dump. The Trustees are to investigale the VIllage sidewalks on Thurs- day lu preparation to have sida- walk fork done tbis year. The Trustees bave made applications to the Township to make use of some of their winter works funds for this work. Consideration is aIma being, given to ereet1 further street lighting ini the business section of the Village. The cost to the Police Trustees is estimated in' the ncigbbourhood of $1800.00. Discus5sion became somewhut spirited. when thea Hydro and Watcr manager asked for a pal- icy for water and garbage charg- es for those eonducting a com- mercial business from their own borne. Mr. H. Partner moved that such customers becbarged both the commercial and residential, rates. After some discus ion R. Forrester ,s.condecl the ïmotion wbich carried. MV-r. Simpson rg istered Plt1f to the doubl,)e char-ge sfliug that be could ,not support the motion. lu the discussion of water i xvas rcportcd that-somereins have connected both their (Àistern and municipal water systemns ta- gather by means of a three-wvay valve. This is against gaverning law aud the manager was authar- ized ta have sueh connections cor- rected. U.C.W. General Meeting Amidst Shamrocks And Hats Reve TA, Wood.yam-d at the' Town Mcetiug, beld, lu Oronro last wcek stafed that tbe CoîmucilA t fPh o ra b of Clarke Townsbip backcd the Uuited Counties plan for region- ai goverumieut. Hle furthered his coniments in that, couiAt i r rdlonîgn oppose cîtîmer tflInTput plan uer the ilubicki plan. Neil Newton of Enniskillen mn II speak ou photography at the Ire said the Couuty plan uvould Clarke l'ibî-ary lonigbt, Wedueg- ha less costly thon the others as day, af 7:30. the caun -tv' y bceme could make use of the present adrini4tratiou building in Cohourg. He saîd tbat Last wcek, M-r. Newton hclda Osbawa n ould be better off with- showtng of bis photos lu Toronto ouf theUnifed Counties area bef- of familiar places and faces in fer off withouf the Oshawa-Pick_ Durham County and he will ering area. The area betweeu Prohably have soma on display Darlingfon and Trenton is re- Vnight. lafed, hie said. Tur concluding biis remarks ha said that if the Province decided outlined, council's 'action lu thal fa acept the IlubiekL plan or thcy bave petitioned the. local Input's Projeet 2073 -it would ha MPP, Alex Carruthers, to inforiz alrigbt with the Couneil of Clarke thn noviacialare povmed of be "Our first eboice howcver is thea n owyCak prvdo e United Countias' plan," haesaid. ing associated witb tha' Oshawa- Pickering area lu a regional gov- Deputy-reeve Kirk Entwisle. emsment. it kt ý4r IW 'v m là- À$91% la JE vv ee'kly àpqmw% es Regionoil Briefs Opposeý Link With Oshawan Region

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