ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAYV, MARCH 2lst, 1973 IVMTAus FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTE!) A tWTIL 5:00 p.m. TUEDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 Sée Agoncy As classes «of personal and Commercial Coveraires *Ukq: MaIn St. Oro». 983-503a BYAMS aloua BURNME SEVICB .mz PFINANCDG Lav lâiereft, at.. ?TOfl*26-205 CHARLES ýREID. Oronos Licensed Aitctioieer, and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit l'e for termns and dates PHONE ORONO',983-5914 Monuments and Our quality and service leavei' uothlng to be deslred A*k the persoon who bought front ut, a neighbor, friend or relative T'he RIITTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colect v. w. iRUTI'E Offite -8855216 Home 885-222 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Ormoo Pbon. 8834 PRINCE CRUrT ROATS Aluettoe V KMMb gguemâCHAIN SAWS Basairste anl maim et.14M ovraM Ia M 4 cycle B E.'-U PIJMPING OUIT SEPTC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone '186-252M Clarke Public LIB RARY Nondy, Tuesday, ThurM"a au« frlda7 :30 te 8:30 p.M. ]Ronday, Thursda, Friday ~~~rmo ~o.6 0 :03 p.>. =y100t.18 03 a e & Female months. Pi, ole Èeekend. FOR SALE Miniature Poodle, 3 Orono 983-5817 on the 1n-c FOR SALE Compicrnent Stereo like new. $175.00. Phone 983-5240.ac ARTICLES WANTED Clarke Museum w'ould like to borrow a 4 poster bed for 6-8 months for display purposes 'only. Ali articles are insured. Phone 983-5379. a-c HORTICULTURAL NOTICE Bring your gardening problems to the Horti -cultural meeting on Thursday, March 22 at 8 p.m. in the Main Hall of the Church. Mr Leroy Brown Agricultural Representative for Victoria County will speak on themny phiases of gardening and will aiso answer any questions. If you haven't any problems, come any- way. Orono Society, iinvited to Newcastle on March 29. b-21-c GUA*ANTEED *MUFL8U FOR SALE b. é eith Treguia at the O0mb- awa 'Iidat Muffler 5hOP, for a free exhaust BY«tom insPectiOn.' lie Bond st Weat, Oshawa, Just east of Ontarlo motor Sales. Cail 57"6111. NEED A NEED A SUrM>P UNI> FRESURE SYSTEN HARVEY PARTNER PLUMBING and HEATINO ORONO 983-5206 ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTLNZI ÉLECTRIC 1HEATiNG4 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE 1ECA BLECTROHOME GUABANTE» SERVCE Hamilons I nsurancs, Service NAI WtEE, 050K KUNais, ali Sue Sawyeoe JImato 9S3.11ire Stafford' Brothers Limlted- Manfcue,. Any Tirne is Buy yeurs fregh and cisp from FREDIS FRUIT )QAEKET HW.115, ORONO HEL> WANTED Middle aged man requîired for Ilght duty for nigllt shift. Please contact Nesting Furniture in per- sn, 0irono -0ntarýo. t- HELP W A NfED Part" time Cook and Waitresâes Phone 983-5560. Coach anid Four Restaurant' t-f NOTICE Dr. A. F. Mcenlewill be oin Hfolidays Marci 17 April 1, inclusive. c-13-c FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON REPRESE-N1TATIVES earn money! make new frlendM, Got more. out of if e! Becom-Onie' Cal Mrs. Watson 725-9696 CUSTOM SNOW 1PLOUGHING Contact Orono Landoeapflng. PHONE 983-598 Dead or 2rlppled Farm Stock Telephono ole 263-2721 W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED @Mu " fr e a rg M et p»VusuS s,în t"a w Or"* Ara iwlsaufl. 1 iO.y Foster 983-6801 William Turanilky' (Kendal) 98315420 Ray FInnie' (Bethsuiy) 277-22801 Dane Found 623-3966 ROY Stroug 52 r il Betaamy LOST Male Cat mnissing 4 we-Iks. B'ldy and tail, grey and black, raccnton striped. Fa~ce, chest, ýsEomaëh, legs are white. Sinali brown patch on inose. Answers to Herman. $25.00 reward,. Phone 983-5919. a-p ATJCTION SALE Se'Iiing, Saturd-ay, April 7th at 1 P.m. sharp 'the entire herd, dis- persai of Kendal Valley Farm, one mile east of Kendal on Coun- ty 1oad and Y'2mile forth. SeIl- ing without reserve 32 head of goodbeef cows ail bred Charolais, Plus 25 good cross-bred, .200 to 500 lb. calves. Also seliing at the sale wiil be 5sows, 2,,litters of pigs and a good Yorkboar. Chaàs. Reid, Auctiionieer., Lawrence Harris, Clerk Northumberland and Durhami County Board of Education MANAGER 0F 4DATAý PROCESSING App~lications are invitedt from per-.omsç with experience in data processing. ,Experience with school board operation would he an asset. Pres:ent program for Accounts Pybeand Budget Control in co-operation with Durham Col- lege of Ap-plied Arts and.Tecli- nology, App!ican1t shoulci be able to give techinical advice for pro- posed devel,'iopme(nt, of RJE on Board owned comiputer being con-. idrdin addition to operation of student program s. App)fly in w riting to the, under- sign ed statingý education quali- il 'ijons and experience by r ooa, April 2, 1973. M. A. MacLeod, BuiesAd- ministrator and Tesrr Northumberland ind Durham Countyý Board of Euain Box, 47o, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 STATIONARY ENGINEER 4th CLASS Applications wil be' received until. Fridlay, March 30, 1973 for the 'positio)n. at the Cobourg Col- legiate InÏstitute East. Combined Caretaker, Operating Engineer for oil fired low pres- sure Boiler Operation. Reply in writing stating qual- ifications, aderess and telephone number to: M. A. Macleod, Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer. North- umberland and' Durham County Board of Education, Box 470,,Co- bourg, Ontario. MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Bîltings, Orono, annouince the marriage of their daughter, Audrey fEileen, te Mr William M. McNaul of Osh- awa. The marriage 'was perform- cd by Rev, Basil Long ini Orono United Church on Saturday jMarch l7th, 1973.. a-pý Trentway Tours JEASTER WEEK-END SPECIAIS te WASHINGTON, D C. NEW TORIL CIT 0* 0 GRAND OLE O'PRY' APRIL l9th, to 22uid 0*0,.je For information -contact: Box 1,1?, PEïýÉTÈROOUGH Phone,on~Ufe 1-0417 TRENTWAY TOURS TO MARITIMES and CAPE BRETON, ISLAND 14 DAYS . manuy departures NE WFOUNDLAND 22DAYS - Departs Aug. llth GASPE 8 Days - Depàrts July 22 and 29 For furtÜer.c informiation contact,, -Box,.772, Peterborough Phone toil free' '1-800-461-7615 TRENTWAY TOURS TO ALASKA YUKON, and COSTAIl5WATERS CRUISE By Air, Motor Coach and Cruise Ship Departs- Junie 25 anld Aug. Il For furthciunL-formation contact,: B#x 772, ceboog Phone, toll free 1-800461-7615 TRENTWAV TOURS TO' WESTERN CANADA, 21 flays Departs - July 2,'9 and Sept. 10 For further infoýrmation' contact: Box 772, Peterborough Phone toli free 1-800-461.7615 TRENTWAY TOURS Summer-Fun Specials To MOOSONEE 3 flays, QUEBEC CITY, 4 Days AGAWA CANYON and MACKINAC ISLAND 6 Days For further information contact:. Box 772, Peterborough Phone toil free 1-800-46147615 G;ant C. Wade .... , nsurnceAgency &n* - caLut w GENERAL, INSURANCE - Tfr Bx 82 Newtonvllle, Ontario Telephone 786-2921 ORC Box 61, Port Hope, Ontario Telephone 885-2288 NOTICE RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY respectfully wisleà to announce a 10% reduction of ahi cemetery Memorials aud Markers ordered and paid for between now and March 31 for Spriîng erection. This offer is made annually in order, that their entire staff may be employed dutring the winter months. RUTTER G RANITE COMPANY has an excellent selection of domestic and foreigu granites ln mauy coloursfrom -whic-h to choose, RUTTER GRANITE ÇOMPANY is located at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, telephone 885-5216.