Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1973, p. 6

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j ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14th, 1.97,1_____________ ,î WiII Winn, sonI of Mr. Rebhert rz . ye was hit by asick and ýerioeusy injured. Ha uis lai te Oshawa General Hospi- This ha- heem a most unusual Mardi hwiàth tmperatures ecimb- ing up i t'lte fifties and se mucji ratei-. Amotvery day the tow trc asby. It is called to pull c js ut ef the sida roads or eut et thair w lanes. One is led te u Xvet~t thîg las cone. ilocvc w'May stili expect tie equnociaigales on Mardi 2lst when te sehol chudrenare SetcTank GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUx SERVICE LORNE HARDY, Leskard, Ontarié, 'Phone 9U-5128 Building .a Hbuse?J e renmodehhîng your Preix( j mne. 1iheD contact FIoy icoIsON Mighway 115 and 35 % mle sonth of Oronà PHONE 983-5651 WekEdSpecial neerbuy SidsMfflers are guaran- for as long as you own Pie ar, with f ree installa. ttAia 600 shops in North ~ utom pipe, bending for - regn, antique and Amer- Icanmade cars. - h s~elriffflers for a living e te de a batter job. mcl nr YMîDAS men at: Phone 5681 'belrth Tregunna, Briau Ishil, Terry Sutdllffe home on vacation. Mais. J. Fonk and Mrs. H. Pos- ter spent Tuesday with, Mrs' J. Byers at Port Hope. Dianne By- ers sp ?nt tie past week-en.d with lier grandmotlcr, Mrs. H1. Poster. Mrs. D. Barneit canvas3sed, the west an.'-~ of the sixth lice and Mr. G Callicart the east and on bahaif et the.Ontario Heart Foun- dation. Tliay wisi te, thank those who supportad this w3rtliy cause tlie amount et $65-00. The Woman's Institute met on Wadnesday eveni.ng, Fehruary 28 a~t lie home of Mrs. E. Couroux witi ciglit preisent The vice-president, Mrs Martin Manders opened tic meeting witi tic Ode Roll cal Give an ,cx- ample of f aise advertising. Mette> - Maie sure whcn buy- ing that you gel value fur your money. Minutes, were read by Mrs. H. Poster (aeting sccretary for MMs Low). The Penny Sale, MaY 121h was dlscussed, The quit'la being made for the Penny sale. There la to be a StanleY Party at Uic home of Mrs. E. Couroux Marci 14 to gel articles fer tic Penny sale.0 A paper was rcad telling about the Erland Lee homcstead. The, changes tisat have been made and things sllll te do. They are holding a bazaar itie springý Thcy would luke te send an ar- Mrs. Manders, convenoir for Horee Economicý9 and Heallh chose as her lopic 'Thc Consum- er'. Sic gave a lot of examples eof how tie- consumer ts tricked' mbt kaeping articles by f aise ad- vertisinýg, pointiing eut maaiy things te wabci for wien buying. Mrs C. Langstaff, the other convanor, put on a centest which was won by Mrs. Henderson and: Mrs. Ellbott Tic Postal Code was discusscdý. Kendal people haven'l recaived Penny collection was taken and lie meeting closed hy siaiging 'Tic Qucen"., A lastY lunch was served by Mrs 1 ElliotI and Mrs. Coureux. Tic Switzer Brotiers Quart- ette will sing in Newtonville Churci on Suniday morniing, Merci 251h aI 10:00 arn. A bus wil take tie Keaidal Sunday fSehool children bo Newtonville'. The bus will leave Keaidal Sun- day Sehool aI 9:15 a.m. Service will ha witlidrawn aI Kendal. We hope evcryone in thc neigibour- iood will go bo Newtonville te hear these talented men. K irby News, Mrs. Rose Youmans and daugi- ter, Mrs. Dora Morris, spent a few , days li Durhiam, Ont., with Gertrude, Mrs. Wm. Hcwitt, an- other daughber. Il was a sad oc- casion as their son anid brother-in law, Mr. Wm. Hewitt passed away in Durlham Memorial Hospital af- ter baing confined te hospital for twe mentis. Mr and Mrs." Stevens, Kendal and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chapman were Suinday dinner guesîs et Mrs. Hartwail Lowery. Congraulations tD Mr's. Allin who clebrated lier birtiday Mardi 131h. Wm. 81st Kirby Home, and School are holding a St. Patrick's card Party on saturdav evuning- at Kirby Centennial ;School. Mr Hdv Sdwi Lowary passed a- way ^aI Memorial Hospital, Bow- mranvi' 7eo Tufisday morning, March 131h. Mr. Lewery will ha neA eai Bar 0w Funaral Home until Friday. Funarai service will h- held Filay at 2:00 P.m. from Kirby Uniledt Churci Tiare is te ha an Orange service en Thurs- dey evcning aI 9 P-111 Many I.,valved la Pre-Ecaister 'lessage At United Chu--ch The format, for the Sunday merning service at the Orono Unitied Churcli departed some- what frem the traditional and with a shared participation set the pattern for a serias of pre- Easler services. The Orono Public School Con- cart Band takîng its place in the choir loft providing musical selec- tiens for the service as well as in the singing of the hymns. Their selection of. "Thec Gates of Kiev" and a trumpel solo by Ian Moff at highlighted their performn- ance. A group of four from. the Or- oe, HI-Os presented a Lenten dramatization on "the first word fiýrm thcCross." Rev. B. Long carried the message furthpr in his address plaa-ng,. further erm- phasis on "Father forgive themn for they knvtw not what they do." The services oxer, the next f ew Sundays and prier ta Easter wll1 direct thought ta the last seven words from the Croqss Clarke.HRIgh Nows Wei, I guess winter lias left, us for this year. This was very convenient for Uic track team hecause now they can go out- side in the frcsh air. They have their regular practices cvcry Tuesday and Thursday. Anyone, wanting te lose their extra wint- ter pounds should join- just for the exercise. Tie qymnastics club is stili going strong. They still practice every Wed'nesday and mary of thema have joincd the traci teamn se that, lhey can stay physically fil O n Thursday the music class hadt the opportunity' of visiting Oroneý Public School. They play- ed a few selections for the Oraoi Band, and tien tic Orono, Band returned the favor. Beth bands Ihen togethetr played some sigit pieces. Prom what I have scen and heard botihbands are vcry good for the lime tiey've been playing togetier. I think al people involved with bath bands should be high.ly congratulated. Triursday was net a vcry, wel- corne day because everyonc re- ceived their report card. I think most students knew some of tieir marks already but this lime tiey iad te show their parents. Gloomy faces met ,me every- where as 1 walked.tic halls afler school. Maybe cveryone will do better next terra On Friday the Grade 12 and 13 Frenchi classes had the oppor- tunity te go te Oshawa te the McLaughlin Art Museuma and- sec copies of.Uic works of Rodin and his contempories. Eveycne felt tiat it had heen a worthwhile trip because even today a bit of culture doesn't hurt., Mfin' courses are ceming up and, 1 think eveV,-yne is looking forwjard tea a rest from the reg- ular rou,,tinie o c),,' hf e. I just hope1 that no ona will abusa thase few days of "fun" educa- tieon. More neWS naxt wveek. Diana Barnett ',oyS STILL BEST BET UCO GRAIN IIAN SAYS (Soya beans will again ha tha crop te grew this vear, indicatad Hloward Pitz, tha Chathiam grai n depae taient manager of TUnited Co-oparatives ef Ontario , tLe ,soet l100cash crep preducers ai- landing fthe 3ti annual Co-opr- ativa Grain Marketing Conter- ,enca in Chathiam. "Prices forsoya beans ara more turcs prices. Dcfending his use of thei Chic- ago mariat, Mr. Piîz said, "it SÛiR provides the hast indications et current and deferrad values ef grain or any given day since, daily quotations represent a con- census of world- widc huyer and seller opinion, taking mb oac-. count all the factors involved in the prica-making mechanism." -. He warncd that the present lew «'old crep" soya bean supply makes new crop prices extremely sensitive te naw crop outlobks. The prasant scarciîf has crealed current record highs of over $6 a bushel, and lias caused tic U.S. Dapartmant *cf Agr$culture (USDA) te release additional ac- res for soyabean production with a pradictad 1973 record U.S. crop ot 1.5 bilion hushels. W AN4TD by the Police,.Village of Orono and Township of Clarke PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER and DOG CONTROL OFFICER SALAIY- $6,000 per anu ls $50.001 per month car afle Interested applicants are invited to'send thefr letter of application with ail personal data to, the underslgned by March 23r4d, 1973. B. W. COLLINS, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Adminstrator Township of Clarke, Orono, Ontario Corpeoration 0fThe T.wnsh9p 0f Clarke Notice To AIl Dog Ower No person shall keep or maintain any dog in the Township Of Clarke unless sncb a dog bas bec» licenced and registered under By-Law No. 1673 of the Corporation of the Township of Claike and >subject to the provisions of Section 5 and 6 of the Dog Licence and the Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act, and has on a collar to which is affixed a dog tag issucd for the current year for the said dog. And take note the followîng excerpts from the above noted By-Law:> No person shall allow bis dog to become a nuisance nor permit iltote owl or bark excessively. Any person so aggrieved may appear before a Justice of the Peace and swear ont an Information charging the owner with a breach of this section. No person who is the owner of a dog shah allow it to run at large within the limits of the Township of Clarke. Every dog which la found running at large may be disposed of by the dog contrIol officer or other officer that the Council may by resointityn appoint. For the purpose of this by-law a dog shah bc dcemcd te bc runuiing at large, wben found off thc preIises Up. on which it is habitually kept or, on a public bighway or other public place and not under the control of any person. 1\ The dog control officer may seize and impound'any dog or dogi found running at large within the limits of, the Township, of Carke or any dog found without a tag con- trary te the provisions of this by-law. Any person shall be.entitied te take iûharge of any animal found running al large and deiver the saune te the Township of Clarke poundkeaper. (B. Caswell, Con. 3. Lot 10). And the following excerpts fr om the Dog Licence and Live Stock aiid P'eultry Protection Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 133, Section 12: ANY PERSON MAY KILL A DOG, (a) that is found kiling or injuring live stock or peuitry; (b) that in a township or village is found between f sunrat and sunrrse straying frein the premises whý re the dog is habitually kept; (0) _a is found Etraying at any time, and net under proper control, upen premises where live stock or poultry are habitually kept. Tbe 197 3 Dog Licences are now availabie and may ha purchaqed al the Treasurer's office, Town Hall, Orono. MUST BE 1973 LICENCES MUS BEPURCHASED BY MARCH 31, 197-3. B. W. Colins. A.M.C.T, Township Clerk-Administrator

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