'1 OXONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1973 0. P. p.R ot The fl wn oo eil colisins n occurreun_ ,c,,, -I wre bivetigtedlivthe Newc-- tic -De- haemen ofth'ýý 1Clitario Poi --ïiý Polic',e btw-i Fbruary 18th ý,IK! ebruiarv 24, 1973. Onire again poor 1-ad and w.eather econditions a~wtth? lntrito'ff uard, r-esy'ýidinn rahgiwoekly acdetrate. ~iiry-nemotor vehich'ý;-arcid-' -nts were investiated i" which Spersons suffered pr.(-,onal in- ffry nd 5 persons, we re (charged 7.iJth r1 lving offenes, ANo ivestigated w"re831 gen- ~ra ocurrnc's o whch4 we'e sireports, 4 di3racs ~sut,4 domiestiecolainZÎts, -loron, investigation, I1 nissing ,,e_,rson repart, and 1 errattie or *y~geru ï iving complai1t. ~ewere 3 occurrences invo1- ~gtereovery of stolen prop- Efght pet-sons are charged lth _q.;ninal offences, 1 persoun char- ged'j wfth a liquor violation, and~ 4 ersans charged with impaired A resume of> occurrences In- ïvsigtd i the past week are lbtllows: ,Süortly after nddnight Feb. 18, a motorist with a flat tire Trwy. 2, east o! Bowmnvlle, ~cotace«a nearbv resident for nstae.The resident oaned motrt his own mar ack, so i lashllght to make repairs cl¶anging the tire, the ,orijt drve away with the ýe4troWed property. On rF'ebruary' 18, 1973 a barn * 'the rear of the General Store K Ienda Was destroyed by fire y he extent, of $250,00. Twn nusWho werc smokcing and ývïfth matches were held ibcI for the fire. ABuwma¶1vijle resident Te- ¶lored~t teft of her ladies ýý)rtâbag Land,$70.00 Casqh en eb. e, 173. Upon rcturnuflg from a ble ride, the womnan-. dis- geedthje-hand bag stolen fromf jocked vehicle. OnFej. 20, 1973 a MOtOr ve- ,&I tolen, froni Brighton was yievrdabandoflcd on Hwy. 401 * NèwcastlIe. A Pterbûro resident was ar- retdon Feb. 23, 1973 when d o be in possession o! a stincar. Charges of assauit ýgTease' lW,4 whcn the accuse _ssaulted a Newcastle of- miiffle r * dsMufiers are gua&tn- t-,for as -long 'as yOu oua bûe car, wihfre nal-I tioa at $00 shops in North America-', caEstom pipe beading f«r forelga, antique and Amer- Isimadt gars. Wehsalraumfers foýr a living Wye have ta dlo a b ULer job. ficer while making the arrest. An investigation by the O.P.P. auto theft squad Toronto result- cd in the arrest o! 3 men from hendlal on iFeb. 22, 1973, whçàn fGund to bce in posression of a stolen truck and automobile parts. On Feli. 23, 1973 a Coborg resident was picked up on the main. strcet o! Newcastle by a passing motorigt, and taken to BoDwmaizville M-tmrî-ial Hea pital ,where he was treated for knife wouflds. Information revealed that the man was drninking at the lTotel in Newcastle, whcre he bie- camne involved in a fight, at which time he was slashed with a krifP hN an u'nknown assailant who fled the, scene. Defensive Driving: Statisties show that licenced motorists who completed the 8- hour Dofetilive Driving ceourse had subsantiallyv fewer accidents and viohatims t hain other drivers. Ast .udy cnut- by the Na- tional Sa! ety Council îinvolved. More thon 8,000 Defensive Driv- inig Course graduates from 88 CO- operating agencies. -h revealed that accidents ameong Defensive Divhng graduates were reduced by nearly one third in the year followhng the course,,whîle Mav- ing violations werc eut by one- fourth. The results aise showcd that semne types o! collisions were reduccd 40% or more. and the use o! set beits had greatly ini- creased., Defe-nsive driving courses as- sist toward better driving habits, and are available ini many corn- munity colileges and sa!etY Coun- cils thi-oughout Ontario Dnlving Tlp - Snowmobile SafetY: As o! January 31, 1973, 31 saowinobil.e fatalities wene uncur- red durung the current snownio- bile seasen- in Ontario. The ma- jor problems confrontillg snow- mobilers, are the "seven deadly sins cousing dcath." 1DRINKING - over thre quarters o! ail snowmobile accid- ents repented involvcd the con- sumption o! alcohol. 12. COLLISIONS - with motor vehieles, fixed aobjects, and other' snowmobiles. 3. UNSAFE ICE - on lakes and rivers ,unvolving drowniaig fatal- Mtes 4 RIDING RAILROAD Tracks collisions with trains. 5. OVERDRIVING HEA-D- LIGHTS - travelling to fast at night to avoîd unexpected ab- jeets. 6. TRAVELLING ALONE - be- coning lest or stnainded with a Fa.-mers would be given a tax break under Input's regionial gov- ernment proposal for the United Counties. Projeet 2073 says a special milI, rate for active f arm properties ,thould lic instituted ta "stimu- late this.major local industr.y by giving f armers a significaint por- tion 'of the benefits. resulting from the savings produced by the more economicail one-tien form cof goverinm ent."1 The report said studies o! the tan rates in ecd of the munici- palities had been updertaken to study what effeet equalization o! tan rates would have.. Tax rates in several o! the, 24 municalities, particular1y the rural f arn at-ens, would climb, Says Project 2m7. The report de recominend a different miii rate forfarms and rural residential poperties. "'Thus, thec tan rate generally' in the more urbanized townships need not drap and tax rates for farmq need not increase signifi- cantly in aay township." "lBasically, we sce no reason for increases in the total. tax re- venue provided that the provin- cial grants (for negional govern- men.ts) arc avoable.," saYs, the rePort. 1While costs for fine services should not change significanVly as they would remain as they eux- rently exlst, says thereport cer- tain townships which, at present make no direct contribution fior the 'services by the Ontario Pro- vincial Police, will face minor in- creases in this respect by payung for this service thraugh the re-- ional council. Na regional, police force weuld, be etablishcd under Projeet 2073. RLO.P.EF. LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN' Posteards and stamps will be provided free o! charge toanY- anc in the Port Hope and Hope Township area who is intercsted in registening their protest Vo the Pl1roposai by C.P.R. te locate a, sanitary land fMI site for Metra damaged snowmabile. 7. LOOSE CLOTHING- becom- ing entangled in moving parts Travel on ice, covercd lakes or rivers and on public thoraugh- fanes, bas taken the greatcst tîll of snowmobile fatalities. LOW GAIN ---- -- -------- FOR EAST INPUT SAYS The only thing Oshawa has to offer residents of Northumberland and Durham is industrial tan shar- ing, says a citize'ns' committee o! United Counties residents who have prepared their own brie! on regional government. Citizens' Input, in its propoFai for a one-tier regional govern- me-.t for the United Counties, ex- plains why it does not feel there would be any benefit for portions of the two counties to be indud- ed in a regional government with Oshawa. 'Peope live in the United Counties because theyare plea- cd with the life style," says hI- put in its brie!, Project 2073. "It is entircly possible that a eonsid- erable number of United Coun- tics residents appear on "Oshawa traffic surveys . owever, the pturpose of their travel is net nec- essaniily noted, nor for that mat- ton, the fact that they may be going through.» IlWe consier these so-cailed afficities (clted by the province) to be, totally irrelevant," says the brie!. "'It therefore becomes obvious that the only posibe benefit Toronto's garbage in Hope To>wn- ship. 1The suggestion is made that Hope Township_ residents', mail thein posteards to Howard Quan-, trili, the township reeve or other members of the Hope Township Council. The H.O.P.E. group sug- gests that Port Hope residents mailthein letters to James Auld, Minister o! the Envlronmcnt or ta AlIex Carruthers M.P.P., Dur- haff. that Oshawa' can offer the United' Counties 'is the somewhat ques- tionable, matter of industrial tax sharbng," says the brie!. It goes on to question if this thought would. benefit the United Coun- tics. "WII this taie place before or after Oshawa pays off its multi- million dollar municipal debt,' questions the brie!. "Con the Uni- ted Counties depend on a sharcd tax assessment with a large ur, ban area Uike Ohawa while very life blood depends on an Ameni- can automobile manufacturer?" Building a House? or remodelfing y.ur pr«t-ea ontie calme Floy d icholMsonI iPfoue 983-5m4 oitoNO RESTAURANT amlsand15amu3 %Mlle s mof O(h PHIONE 983.5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WBWK spedallzlag la Pizza - Meals Corporation 0f The Tewnship 0f- Clarke Notice To Ail Dog Owners NO Person shail keep or maintain any dog In the Township of Clarke unless such a dog bas been licenced and registered under BY-Law No. 1673 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke and subjet t. the provisionso! Section 5 and 6 of the Dog Licence and the Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act, and bas on a collar to whlch is affixed a dog tag issued for the current year for the said dog. And take note the foilowing excerpts fromi the above noted By-Law: No person 9hai allow bis dog to become a nuisance nor permit It to howl or bark excesvl.An esnso aggrieved may appear before a lWseeloi the peae and swear ont an Information charging the owner wlth' a breach of this section. No person who is the owner of a dog shai l alow It to run at large wlthin the Jimlts o! the Township of Clarke. Every dog whleh is found runnlng at large, may be dîsposed of by the dog contrlol officer or other offieer that the Council may by resolution appoint. Fer the purpose of this by-law a dog shaH be deemed to be runnliiug at largewhen found off the premises Up. on whieh it is'habltually kept or on a public highway or other public place and not.under the control o! any person. The dog control officer may seize and impound any dog or dogs found running at large witbixi the lizits o! the Township o! Clarke or amy dog foundi wthout a tag con- trary to. the provisions of this by-law. Arty person shall be.entitled to take charge of any animal found runnlng at large and deliver the sane to the Township of Clarke poundkeeper. (B. Caswell, Con. 3, Lot 10). And the following exeerpts from the Dog Licence andÉLive Stock and Poultry Protection Act, B,.S.O. 1970, Chapter 133, Section 12: ANY PERSON MAY KILL A DOG, (a) that is found killing or injuring live stock or poultry; (b) tbat ln a township or village is !ound between suxîset and sunrise straying from the premises where the dog is habitually kept; (c) that is found straying at any trne, and not under proper control, upon premises where live stock or poultry are habitually kept. The 1973 Dog licences are now available and may be purchased at the Treasurer's office, Town Hall, Orono., 1P,73 LICENCES MUST BE PURCHASED1 BY MARCH 31, 1973. B. W. Colins, A.M.C.T. Township Clerk-Administrator FASHION LONG'S-CENTRE Main Steet ORONO Poe 8-n RAIN WEAR' MARCH lute SPRING v.ith a Fashion Detalled Nylon and Cotton Raincoat A liard wearing spring coat wlth loads o!. fashion. Knee and full length i F rench Navy- Periwinkle Blue or Aie J:Brown. Sizes 8 -1. GiRLIS SVYEATERS Completely wshable. lies 8- 14 EXTRA VALUE 15% OFF LADESSWEATERS ORLON in Pastel shades. S , M,- L. THE GREAT ONES 7.Sto $10-9é