Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1973, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 19733 Minister 1ev. B. E. Long, SUNDAY: MARCH 4tk, 19713 Orono United Churci: Chlrch School - 10:00 a.m. Worship Service - 11:15 a.m. Special Speaker, Rcv. C. A. Armn- strong of Alcohoi and Drug Concerns, Iinc. will take the services at both Orono and at Kirby. Church Membership meeting can- celled for this week due to the World Day of Prayer service. Friday, Marci 2, World Day of Prayer service, 7:30 pm. in tie Kirby Centennial Sehoo. The theme- "IAlert to, our Timnes' Ail aduits and youth welcome. Nori-denomnfational, KEY '73 WORKSHOP: Monday, Marc>' 51>'at 7:30 pi.m. in the main hall, Oronlo United Church. Evcryone la weicome. Sunday, Marc>' 111h Orono Pub- lic Scho<l Baind will provide special miusic for the morning service. lrby United ÈChurch: Worship Service 9:45 a.m. church'SciodI - 11:00- a.m. Dial 'A Thought: 983-9151 ANGLICAN Establishcd 1 S Rcg-ular Sunday M Service - 10:00i Hely Cmuin First and VT«hîrd SýL Morning Pray r,-- Second adFut Holy Baptism b ;y-'Pl T te R clr 9 CUSTOM-MADE Re CARPET by Hlardin Crosïey WalI-to-WVall or Are CompleteBUe Kitcheni Carpet, Har F. A. Kra i 37 - 41 King St. Phoixo 623-TOI Fre Emîuffi 1Decoatint Sen IjAC K RICA] ýWhenByigoS VOUR 01 Member o sa trict Ra sa Once again wu'e been b_ escd xviti1 lots of snowv, muci ta trie skiera and ski-dooer's gice. On Mondav, Feh. 19,1973 the Grade 13 French class went te Tr nt iiriiv ,r>ty b have a tour of the schmol and use their lang- uage lab. Ai Fo on lhonday a wbhole bus icad of sWtuents trav- ellcd tb Durli College. They were able to sec -the facîlities liat werc available if they plan- ncd to attend tha college in aler ycars. On Tuesday, tic Senior Boys' Ba kjç(ýball p'a-, cd a very import- ant game against Anderson. Tiey won tis, game with a score of 66-51. This put them int a three way tic for first place On tuis sanie day tie Juniior and Senior Girls' Vohicybahi travelled 10 Bowmanvillc., Tic Juniors were able to win lwo games out of tirce but tie Seniors didn't £are so, weli. On Wednêsday, tic Volîcybali teams went to pete for the LOSSA title, didnl't do sû well and came1 very disappointed. Girls' com- They home On Tiursday the Senior Boys Basketbal tcam travelled to Osh- awa Catholie and because of their great team 'effort, they woni. Many students have shown in- terest iu the mini co>urses and because of this fact, we arc go- ing to be -able toi have -these courses. More news next week. Diane Barnett VorhipThie Oronq MWeely Times- n a1. About a vear ago (April, 1972, to be specifie) you gave me space undys in your valued paper to diseuss some aspects of tic ruhject which Sudas concerna ý'devcelopme,_nt, growth po'nment and p rore, " i it discourse -4h45 1 ventured lie staten ent that ~ lia~ae, consideration (of the related fact- ors would "opeii up a subject which wiIl be of pa.ramount con- cern b onoiaci 10Canada in geneýral !in the d 7s10Cm. evidece of"dev pme t tat sodhave? sunmrecncera for eooyhere in the village the slaiin of rodway tirough tic cedar whindbreak en- ig ud tering onto TauntonRod as re- fcrred to in your re- iLc leit orial. But a stink bomnb of umorecmr- ea Rugs mous portent was lrppd in ofe Hope early thus week heïn we trsurfaces ail learned that tsairea hlas been sehected as jan bonorary garbage dump for thec city of mp ~Toronto. i's like Ie pgaýg letter lutp which infornis you tihat your frSnt lawn has been ciosen b ,re- Ltd.ü aceive ten loads of slc os E&É ýnext few yea s, bestow upon us Esat about 2.000 tons "of, solld waste il materlis to be deposited on a 500 acre piece 'of ground near Ilie Sm shores of beautifulLake Ontario. Thtis wiil be carefully manlcured so as te discourage the homing ins-tincets of flics, rats and assorti ed vermin and will fÈinally emn- erge as a parcel o'f beauttiful pa rkIand. Wdlil, thîis citizen wol ike to gO Cin rco)rd as a dutîgThom- as. Furtiermore, jIwIhI sa.y tint if the people of Hople Tws D(and this district' genci0bhl) are ready 10 acccpt this kind of mcl- arky as fact, thcy will deserve ail tic blessings tint lime has Jl RI' in store, for tic -problem Of gar- bage disposai is not one of temp- E. oratry nature but one of mounting LE eoncern At 'the risk of boring -m3 readers, let us consider eli ~ ~ eime figures. if wc take tirat 50-mile-cor- orof land ranning fromx Que- ~cCity tirougi Montrea',.King ,)n and Torontc o 1 ido, "I id liaI t otai 6%of aad's population. Tus isi necorridor vwhich ýProue SO0/ ofCanada'5 mankufactur.ed odsand about 30% 'Of thc counlry'5 agriculture-' goods. It's getting crowded. The ,Toonto-ÇerttàRegion, 1oe l New5 Tic A.C.W of St. Savîour's Anglican Churci were very pleascd' to have so many at their Progressive Encre Pary Friday evenîing. Eleven tables werc play- iiQg. They plan on having another in thc near future. MXr. and Mrs. Hoarace Best and Mr and Mrs. Ivison Tambivn have returcd from a two wecks vacation lu Hawaii. Mr. and Mus. Kirk Scribner, Cumberland, U.S.A., visited Ibis weck witi Mr. and Mrs. Don Staphes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLaren are i.olidaying in Mexico for a couple of weeks. Mrs Ken Gamsby is visiting strctching from Coîborne on tic east to Hamilton on lie, west and inchuding tic Kawartha Lakes district and tie southern Gcorg- îan Bay' arcs, now has a popula- tion density of 1100 persons per square mile (comparcd with 1009 in the Neticrlands and 598 in Britain). At present luis area has one of tie fastest growti rates of any' eastern industrial nation and tic business and pol- itical fraternity are predictiflg a population o)f 8,000,000 by tie ycar 2000. That would be a dens- ity of some 2,500 persous ,per square mile - really something to contemplate., We tiink we have garbage now. We tiink we' have' traffic and pollution problea The rest of Canada is talking about ýregionaI disparity, but is anybody- in tuis population corridor lstcning? Il is truc liaItic he "developers" are having a bonauza and land speculators are in their giory - Callyvour who seils, isai PLUMBING AND HEATING 1Now is the timie te think about Spring d4ecorat!ing. We have several sample books from whichi you maY select papers whieh are a- vailable in not more than' two or three days. Corne in and look them o.Ver her soni Mr. and M"rs. Jim Gamsby, and famity in t Therese, P.Q. Mrs. Mary Morris celebraied Lc~ iitdayon Wedneý,day, Feb. 21st' by entertaîiing relatives and friends Congratulations. Mlr. and Mrs T. rry Granamin f Yi-îc4on svere rccrt vi- itDrs w~1h ±r illrs. Fd Graham. hv ndl_ .Carl 1Ki=inm a-d W.irrein ii lted ons Sunday Wi:h IMr. anid Mrs. Manly Kim- me~tt, Napanee.,, Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa spent the weekend witi Mr. and Mrs Carl Billings. Mrs. Elsie Kelly, B*owma iville was a visitor on Friday with the Billing9s'. Mrs. Marjoe ie Hublv, Toronto visted on Sunday with Mrs. I* Forrester, Mrs. Maluske and! Miss Ethel Bouck. Miss Wendy Watson received hý- h'.Dpize medal at tie Pine 'Ridge Competition ield in Ajax on Sunday, February 25th. The folloxving skaters from the Orono Figure Skating Club' took, part in the Pine Ridge Cpmpeti- tion held in Ajax on Sunday, Pcb. 251h, 1973. Wendy Watson, Nancy Madili, Joanne Cercer, Michelle',Major, Kerry-Lynn Grady. 1The-se skaters were required to skate a figure test and 11/min ute Free Skating programi. A great deal of preparation wcnt inte each individual pro- gram and congratulations are ex-. tendced to these skaters o n be- haif of the Orono Skating' Club. but it is all damned poor social, engineering and it is courting dis-, aster -on a phenomenal scale. If Toronto is already choking with its owný garbage, possibly. Toronto shouid iearn 10 dispose of il in Toronto - anid the soon- er the better. If this becýomes too much'- of a chore (through rccyc- cling), then stcps should be tak- en bt restrict "growth", just as we do lu our human biody when minnt growth becomes known as a canIlcer. Warren Lowcs. ELETïC;v, CONTRACTIG Eî,lCTRIC HEATING~ AND SERVICE Phione 983-5,546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO (Continued, from page 1> said the chaiman couid fotsec- cr' id aiiy motion. Forrester was of, the opinion that he could as ît was, a three-man board and if flot, it cüuld create a sta-lemate. Affer ooniderable discussion aild' due to the fact that users w7id hbe moving into their newý homes late i Mardi, Forrester moved the charge be $36,00 luý the sub-divsioi but that on com- pletinn of the new well that one siingle rate lie set for the entire, system. The motion was seconded", by Partner aud carried. 1r. Simpon stated tiat fifteen houses had already been sold in the sub-division FERUBARY Sth to '208ih' -SALE- 12000 GRAIN REFIN-A-MIATIC ~WATER SOFTNER NO INSTALLATION CHARGE Yonians Plumbing 983-5624 *l' <i i ~lE ,D~C USE ~ LWAV S 1* DEMAND. Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Ladies' StIppers Se many have been asking for OrlIon Pile Slippers which wve new have in stock. Shades of pink, blue, gold blonde minik, turquoise aud white. $izes 5 to 10. Nýew Terry Bath Towels, some with hand> towels and face clotis te match. Plain shades and floral designs in predominatilig shades'of pink, yellow, and mauve- p j J ST ONGS Sprlng Dresses See our selection of New Ladies' Dresses for Spring., Attractive styles In the season's most popular shades. Sizes 9 to 22%h. $20,00 to $32.9 tub". lim. ------------ 7--- ore»I 1

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