Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1973, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES, WEVNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1973 Students Becomo CIassroor Fourteen students from Cob- ourg Colfegiate Institute West spend 30 minutes a week teach- ing reading to grade 2 students at Thomas Gilibai dSehool and both the "teachers" and the "learners" are enjoying and prof- iting froni it. The secondary schooi students are giving some extra help to the grade 2 child- ren who are having some reading and phonies difficulties. The grade 13 students ail volunteers, operating under the direction of Ann Thomson, Primary Consult-, ant, for The Northumberland ana Durham County Board of Educa- tlon have learnedi a number of approaches to teaching younger chiidren After a period of PreP- aration *the senior students eag- eiy. plunged into their first les.- sons and eacli was assigned to one student for phionies' or two tudents for reading for the year. They iearned to he patient and to understand that sehool work, 3v0%oOFF .PIPES Regular $7.95 te $1095 Reduced 30 percent to $5.57 te $7.67 A good variety of CroydenL, Sicana and Diamonds Ail good quaitY pipes 4-ply Weol and Needies Pattera 'Books Crochet Needies and iiocks ORONO, ONT. Elme r's Ga rage TEXACO SERVICE $111 St. North, Orono lPhone 983-5130 Home phione 987-5167 Oxford ffRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS WILLIE 3. SCIMAHL Phone 983-5606 Spe-cializing il; ail kinds of STIONE"WORK and We aise do chlimiiev Repairs no matter what level, was difficuit to some than to Mikt Leblanc, a grade 12 ent stated: "My two studei not relate to me A' a teacl( more as a friend or brt Amnervai LeMarchant and lene Tracey sm)o of gr-ade 1: feit this -speciai blid of. r ship with their students to Marlene sees this asa lesrning *experieace. She like to be a nurse, therefoi the, very oldi. She feels tI wants to know peoplec ages - from the very yct like to be a secretary a: good way to start. Amerval volunteer for this i simply because, she " cblidren Mr. John Fo?, princip Thomas Gilîbard School ai Williams, principal of Cg Collegiate Institute West ar pleasedi with this projet: have noticedi that many& ïtuderuts are now showing est in this type of assistanc SOME GOOD; SOME BAD "The budget announce John Turner the Ministerc suce on Monday niglit coi reference to several iteu major concern to, farmers1 Frank Wall, lst Vice-PrE of O.F.A. to s Board of DÛ meeting held ýon - Februai 1973, Mr. Wall indicated th provisions Madle regarding transters betwcen father au being exempt froonaital tax on quota rights, the i1w accou Ili coiicept regaidinlu herd plans, and the uri.latc duction or renioval of 1 aw frui aI tbe- nn ers îuth'rDoe 1 Bosurd of D)' r r'i suppo ted V '-p passed a tr bande-! that tariff reductionsl rot1 ducleions for e n cacn be ph .111ented until rec srOC-- tiated. The B3oaru l- ain l ,F.A and enlacb mbi-r Board, tb contact their11 protest the inadequate m1 contained in the budget1 ing taxing of quota rightsi transfers a-id the reinsta of basic herds as capitl as ENNISOKILLFN JERSEY SETS RECORD The highest, record rE Club from the Record of Perf or- mance, Ottawa, during the month of january in the class for cows là years and, over was that made by Enniskiilen Jtster Flashie, a daughter ,of Liadale Bijou Flash, ow'aed by R. p. Stenger sud Son, Enniskillen, Ontario. At il years of age, she producedi 11,301 lbs.. milk, 627. lbs. fat, 5.550%in 301 if you want'te do something about your education. . . you probably ean. See your Aduit Counseflor 7 to 9 p.m. at the BOWMANVILLE HIGli SCTO07 GUIDANCF. OFFICE The service is free- confiden'ial -asd no appointmen t is necessi*'y n by Bob Watt, Assoc. Agr. Rep Durham Beef Improvement An- rg nual Meeing- The Annual Meeting for this' org3nization was held on Febru- ýmore ary 5th at Orono. The guest others. speaker> for the day was Mr. àsu-Charlie Gracey, who is the Sec- nts do retary-Manager of the Canadian irbut Cattlemen'f Association Some of rotere the areas that were* discussed L3 Mar- were the- new grading system, 1have the representation that bis coin- .elation- mittee was going to use of the 00o. hormone, Diethylstylbesterol in a real relation to U.S. beef impoorts. oud In the County discussion, such re, sh areas as the checkoff for cattie bis isa which are niarketed, transporta- of ail tion of cattie from the west and 'ung to the changes in the performance md she testing were mentioned. The new 1wouid executive for 1973 was elected projeet and is as folIows: The President, ýenjoyse? Mike Sawyer; Secretary. Newt Seiby; Directore £rom Cavan Tlownship are: K[en Clark, Ted Pal of McDowell. and hMorris MeGee; nd Jim from Hope 'Township, Bey. Gray ýobourg and' John Currelik; from Clarke re verY Township, Newt Selby, Bill Allun t and and Mike Sawyer; from Darling- other ton T.ownshiP,, Garnet : Rickard 9inter- bald Bill Bragg; for Cartwri ght ce. Township, Jim Byers and Neil Werry; 'for Manvers Township G George Neals and Ossie Mitchell. Swiue Workshop: on Monday, March . tb from ýd by 10:30 to 3:30 p.m. there xiii be a of Fin- workshop on Feeding and Man- otained agement of the Breeding Herd. ýms or This wili be held at the Ontario ýe" and Government Building in LindsaY. esident Areas to be covered include rectors feeding and nutrition, records, y 20, herd health, general management hat the and housing equipment and man- gfarm ur,ý dispoýa1 Lujnch will be avail- ad son able at the saine location. This 1gains area b, becoming more and More rentory im-portant as we are fining that *basic coinfinement housirg. Wt hs rai re- there isý a generai increase in the rifs on size- of herds, as well as, more als and facto s together lead to new type f arm- problemns. The -renie Tax 3e ing: mosl V~,3P rIv C.A. of the and f, -1llopkii? s,ý,urroWAs, Selby andïng andl Beaffle Ci "' tE"re Account- bc im- ant-_i,, ) h O b _a, si' h the guest no-speairer, at' a meetî 'sg in the <Or- ~lre- onoTni11o WedniesdaY, tructed l src'h 14th begh!b'iing at 8:00 p.m. of the lHe wilii discuss nieas, invoived in q.p. to income Tax Filing, as v el as iasures other tax îmrilicatîOns. regard- Rond-side 1Marketing Confe rence. sfarm on March 6 and 7' at the Hl- atement id-,y innFespeler, there xiii be ssets. the Annuai Roadside Marketing Confererice. on the 6th theY, WÎII begin at 5:30 P Im. with Dinner f oilowed. by discussion. On the 7th there wili bc speakers on the topics of interest to1 Roadside poed stand and Pick-Your-Own Oper- days, a Goid Medal record- Ntxt was Cresdale Mariu's Jane 11N, a daughter of Marlu Masterpiece, owned by John Ribbink, Tiverto11, Ontarie. In 305 days, she Pro- dUeed .11,675 lbs. milk, 582 lbs. fat, 4.99% at 13 ytars Of age. To Ope t ter System and the $14,500.00 paidi by Home An amount of $359500 was set 1Vadyevening at the Police Trustee meeting to defer the cost of operating the Orono Water System during 1973. This 'amount covers the cost -of daiiy Inspection at the pump bouse aIong with some mainten- ance during the twelve month periQd. Mr. Chas. Pearce, HIydro man- agen; pointedi out that the water system was showing a surplus of aroundi $5,000 00 each year. It is expected- that with this surplus Smih deveopment for the sub- division, north of Orono that au, amount of $20,000. to $25,000. xiii bc available to place against- the cost of the second weii. On the matter of the second weil, Mr. Collins, secretary te the Oono Police Trustees, statedi that it was hoped that the owner- second well is to, be piaced WiIh be settled shortiy. This matt'er bas 110W heldi up the contruction of the second, well for ever six months. Wiliamc. Hall, B. Co'mm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AUl day Wedpesday and Saturday DX SER VICE STATION an F15,autunrtÉ g: wc; Preminin Quality Produete SAt The Most Reasonable Price AvTailabLe ii any quanity ~Phone 9874215 Durharn Agri-News $3595.00 Set As Amount. uE~ ALE 4-HP, $34.5 $ 0 5 HP.$39995 $34900 6 H.P., $449.95 $390 ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 Highway 35 1

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