Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1973, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUABV 28th, 1973 OCRONO TYKÈS ENTER FINALS AT OAKWOOD The Orono Tykes played into lhe final championship round ia aà Tyke taunnament last SaturdaY inv Oakwood.. The local club woa Septic Tank service GENERAL PUMPING 214ïHOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo Phone 983-5728 their first two gamnes only to be defeated in the championship and final round of the series, Todd Haynes was the big scor-, er for Oroino'with five goals in the three gaines. To>dd scored two in the first when Orono defeated Cannlngton 2-0O He repeated this in the secoind gaine when Orono edged Beaverton 3-2 Greg John- soin completed the scoring for the local club in the gaine. Assists were to, Peter,.Bolton and Wil- liam VanSegglen. Oronro was defeated by Sunder- jand in the final gamne 6-3. For Or-ono Todd Haynes ooll1ec- ted his fifth goal of the series., Stev Stec and Bruce MacLeaân lietted the other Vwo Orno go9(als.; Why Pay More? Sauve Money!l ON DEX PREMIUM QUAITY -~ PFUEL oit _ ti DISL OIL i.I Phone 668-3381 -Coîlect *DX FUEL 011 For Prompt Courteous Service CaRI Us TodaY ORONO %SPORTS DOOR FRAMEFS TO BE REPLACED ThLe Counties Board of Edi'ca- tion received notification thai door frames at the Orono Public School which have rusted. will be replaced. The work of replacinçi fraxnes is o take place during the March recess 4TH ANNUAL PORT HOPE HOME SHOW The-ainnual home show will, be held again this year on May 25th and 26th' in the Peter Campbell Arena, Port Hope This an- ýwith Stooemy Coast in the fourth race and paced seventh with Swinging Sami in the sixth. Glenn Tenant's Golly, Dolly was thirdl in Kingston oni Sunday. Muddy George owmned by Law- rence Hooey won its race at the Greenwood on Thursday. nouncement was' mnade tüdayt by 1&. AI M. Morris, proinoter o! the show for the last four years. After working on the floor plan over the weekend he said there .were the regular exhibit- ors iined up plus an addition thia year of antique furniture and if snace permitted boats, motorçyc- les and a small showing of sport- ing goods along with campers and trailers. But he added first and for-mrost it is stili the home and gaid ln show that lias pleased the public before. There is sili some centre space left to retnt as there are always some "late corn- ers" he added. If someone is re- modelling or building or decor- ing this certainly the show to put you ini the mood as it covers everything. Last show was attend- ed by over 8,000 in the two days and 'as usual there is no admis- sion charge and free parking. ORONO MIDGETS EDGE WIN FROM COBOURG The Orono Midget took a 32 win over cobyourg last week with Ian Brennani, Myles Braniidt and Doug Black scoring theý- Oron>o goals. Assists were credited to Keith Powell 2 and Jim Brennain. ORONO BANTAM EAGLES DOWN BANTAM FALCONS The Oronmo Bantam Eagles fac- ed the Orono Bantnm Falcons on Friday night with the Eagles tnk- ing.-a 5-2 victiory. Chris Robinson scored two of the Eaglefs goals %dth the others by Kennyý Neal, NickY Van Seg- glen, Douig Henderson. Eagle as- sists went to Paul Yeomans, Don Denis ,ý2 and Doug Henderson. The Falcongals were scored by ,ian Moffaitad John Cornish with asý,sststo Greg Hickey and Jasoil Lee. PEEWEE FLYERS DEFEAT MTLLBROOK 5.1 The Ormno Flyers -with two goals from Tom Gustar and single counters Vo jinLycett, Mchael Hollinger and Robert Gratnt de- feated Millb)rook 1 - 1, Gary lap- ciorp and Stephen llaynes collec- ted an assist apiece.' ORONO ATULETTO PEEWEES 6-1 OVER M~ILLBROOK With two goal efforts from Scott W"-st and Mark Charland and single goals by Jim Leslie and David Reid the Oroio Athie- tic PeeWees downed bMilbroo*k bv a score of 6-1 David Reid be- ,ides his goal obtained two as,:- siats. Michael Mitchell a]so was credited with t*o assists along wlth singles Vo Kevin H-ogg and Charles Quantrili. TYKE, FIBST YEAR The First year Tykes were1 de- fpated 4-1 by npi Oshawa teamn re- cently. Dan Coombes scoredt Or- ono's goal with assist to Greg Philip. TWO ORONO NOVICE TEAMS MEET IN DRAW The two Orq.njo Novice teams, the Athletics and Flyers played to a two-all tle over the weekend. .Mike Leslie and Wayne Mac- Lean sooredt the two Athletic oounters with assist to Robbie Tasma. Dnny Barlow and Kevin PhÎIp scored for the Flyers ith assists to JBobby Mykls and Tom Hoiling- ORONO DRIVER PLACIES FIRST AT KAWARTHA DOWNS Derek Newman of OÏý11o drove Glen1holmO, Joe to n first place' finish at Kawartha on Sunday in the third race. Gerald Robinson ook a second NO COVER NO MINIMUM- Snowmobilers welcome. Arrive on your machines and, we'fl have a "Warmer-Upper» Speclal for yon. 983-5001 for reservations VALUE CUECKED, BRANDED, WELL TRIMEE, LEAN, TENDER Short Rib Roasts lb.sSc, LEAN, MEATY, WELL TRiME»D BLADE STEAKS Ideal for meat baves - Fresh Mlnced Ground Beef lb 88c, Stewinýg Beef lb. $1.08 llrais MiId Seasoned, Sma li Lln S A U SAGE lb. 79c Pork Liver lb. 55C Finest Orange Pekoe 60 te c Salada TCen Bags Silver Aniuiversary Tray Off er arton pkg. SKig Sze i ide $1-68 DR"KAES FRESH COOKIES, Choc_ Chip, ýPeanut Chip, Choc. Fudge 2 lb. bug only $1.12 CORNISM'S, O0s lb. $le02 Swift Premlum, Boneless, FuIJy Cooked DINNEÊR HAMS .$1,3 Swift's Eversweet Brand Bacon Rindless 98c Value Checked - Branded BIADE ROAST IL 99c Pork Rocks lb. 55Cý Assorted 48 fi. oz. tins AIlen-'s Fruiit Drinks 2-69c GREEN ONIONS 2 large bunches 25e SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT ------ 8 for 79e FLORIDA RADISH 3 celle bags 29c Barbecued Ch!cken MIOT OFF TUE GRILL Thursday, Frlday, Saturday Phone 983*5201 DANCING SATURDAY NIGJIT 9 p.m. to 1.0OM .n and,.CAVALIERS REITUEN MTm U Great dance music. Plenty of Free Parking. Complinentary Late Snack Miîdget Tournament, OSHAWA versus ORONO coinmenclng 6:30 p.m. PORT PERRY versus LINDSAY commencilng :30 p.. Bob Dest .Meniorial Midget Toutnaunent SLturday, March IOth Aifilssion 50 cents Tournament of -Champions AT K wartha Downs SUNDAY, M ARCH 4th Post Time 1:30 p.m. EIGUT 0F NORTH AMEEICA'S TOP DRIVERS TO COMMEE Serve Fillioi, Gilles Gendron, Brent Davies, Ron Waples, Ross Curran, Ron Feagan, BIU Weilwood and Wes. Çoke Enloy Harness Racing At Ifs Best ---------------

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