Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Feb 1973, p. 1

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VOLÙME 37, NIJMBER 9 ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARV 28th, 1973 Library To Welcome Keith "Have A Gond Heart," encourag- es Dr. Siemon Bv Carole Ordonez Dr. Kýeith Slemioon will visit the Clarke Tovnship Library next Wednesday and there give a talk entitled "'Have A Gond Heirt." He will tell us hou, we can avoid problems assoiated with our hearLknd explain to us uit what those problems are. Dr. Siemon, who cornes to us from Bowmanville, is the first speaker in a series of free lectur- es to be sponsored by the Clarke Township Library, The Doctor ,bas kindly' accepted the Librarys invitation and will donate the evening in informing us in the very important area of the heart and its proper care. Dr Slernon's talk wil start at '7:30 and run to 8:0M After a short intermission he will invite' the' audience to ask hlm quest- ions relative to the heart and its proper care. Witli the close of Dr. Slemon's final advice te us, the Ribrary volunteers wiil serve coffee, tea and cake in Dr. Slem- on's honour. The ev ent will 'be heid in the Library located on the soutlieast corner of, Churcli and Cent're Streets. The room will accomme- date approximately 50 people, and the lectures will be lield on a first-come, first-served basis. O)RONO HYDRO PURCHIASES TRUCK Orono i-lydro, 'at their on Monday evening, four tender for a 1/z-ton meeting received truck- -Cowan Pontiac submittcd the the lowest tender at a price of $2800.00. Other tenders from Roy Nichols Motors and Arche Bar- nard, Newcastle were within $50. of ihe lowest tender. The Goodyear lndustrial Pro- duets Ltd plant ln Bowînanville is eperating today despihe sug- gestions at à union.meeting Sun- day that it be shut down. Ken Hloop er, president of Un- ited Rubberworkers, Local 189, said a membership meeting was held Sunday te dlscuss problems whicli led te a work stoppage February 14. The company violated a conn- tract agreement allowing promno- tions Mr employees wlth the miost seniority for a trial perlod ia which te prove tliey are quai- ified, Mr. Hooper said. An arbitrator ru led the cern- pany hlad b reached the oontract at a subsequent arbitrahion meet- ing, lie sald. Mr. Hooper said when lie approached management about the issue lie was, told te "forget about tlie past." Strike issue About 200 union members vot- cd unanimously te make the mat- ter a strike issue and a top pri- oritv in the forthcomig eontract negetiations expeched to cern- iiî1ce aoud Decembejýr'1. Mr. iloope vote at thef ship nmetirý conlmmeflte. expires Feb. "People w and Cad on happen," MI' .1 operate leg; won't be (O Rçcently lui the Ginhe and Mîail a'picture appeared of Miss SWr sm Goode, daughter of Mn. and 1 Ray Goode, Orono, wlio is on per- manent staff at the new Deve-1op- ment Centre ah Humber Col,-- Weston. The Centre is the only one built on a campus aîîd fil of nine being eshablished o the province. The staff jointiy with the Peel and Braima- bon Association for tlie Mentaliy Retarded and xitli any child with a handicap needing speciai cation. At present, Susan having learn- ed sign language from the Na- tional Institute for the BliSi in toucli witli the School for the Deaf. lias charge of Seani 6 ignated pro, years, blind and deaf since hirOi. observation who since coming te the Centre upper level, three monthls ago, lias !- rers and si) te ommiirunicate with lier, and Ment for ( wlïth lip cf speciai faclilties cllidren in i bas learned to waik Oic himself. She reports Sean. as, a Reau2zing little genius, and 4ith. facilities for help frei tlie inedical fic.,' witli multiý special edubcaion programs those requiîi mnay become a special citizen la cd by the M~ the commnuuty. and social5 constructed1 *Parents or foster parents are Susan fnds1 welcome at all Urnes bu visit the estlng and Cen.tre for counselling and ho, graduate of ý>bser-ve the ehild's behavloeul' Saford FIEj %Wd progress in relation te a des- b<mough, on, Cr wiIl Cau a strike Eist gener îlmember- ýgaft-rr negotiations T e prsent contract 19, 1974. ere pretty riled up I knows what will I-Hooper said. "But ;lly and 1 hope there istrike) because it à Ce-ntrec Toraet0 On Sundeyý, March 4th, 8 of North Amcerica's top harness liorsenien' wI1I b6 at Kawartha Downs Il cway tb compete in R.-T4' " Tout îamnit of Clbamp- ion-." Iloolsing up in a head to he'ad bal icare lwo French Can- adians Who battled it out in the BuffalIo Racexay drivers' meet, Herve Fîllion and Gilles Gend- non and 6 of the top drivers £rom the Jdekey Ciuh circuit Brent Davies, Bon Waples, Ross Curyan, Bon Feagan, 1Bill Well- wo'od and Wes Coke Gilles Gendron, 28 year old na- tive of Quebee city, now resident of Montreal1, third rankejd ini rac- es won (274) North America 1972. No other harness driver has corne to the top* rank cf North American harness raclâg as quick- ly as this handsome young French Canadjian. Not even Herve Fil- lien. Gendron, wrho races a publie stable based at Mointreal and who is much in demand as a leading7 catch driver there, was only first licenced t6 drive horses lin 1967 (winning il races and grossing $21,422). Last yenr, he ranked third In al1 of North America somne $515,345 with 234 of thoe some $515345 wth 234 of those wins coming in a record Canad- ian year by any driver. wDuld bc illegal," he said. Mr. Hooper said he will also' consuit Len MeLean, the union's legal con2ïe, to determine' what further actoîcn be taken at this time. Jack Taylor, plant manager, said: "The company has rc ceived a recent alibiration, award !i rc Spect to job posting and bas ae- cepted it and is acting i11 accord- ance with the ternis of the award." NEW ORGANIST HIREI) The. Oroqio United CIurch has obtaiined the services of Mir. Doucg Dewell of Hampton ns -gnt Mr. DewelI will f111 the vacancv left by the resignation of Mrs. B. D. Morion. It is understood that Mr. Dcxv- ell who teaches muçie in a - - ber of area schools, wil ,l t-k oxe oew duties as of Ai) il lst. Trustees iffer Lhumimns Do Sice nMsFrttcu Isan Goode gtram frein an rtiower on the entire 1having one way mir- îecial auditory equip- ooking at staff and the different rooms. this new type of )r retarded children ýiplehandcaps and Jing special was meed- (!ýinqtrYv of Community the Centre in 1972 lier work most inter- rewarding. 'She is a fClarke High and Sir Pupils of Grades 5 and 6 ah Lockhart's Sehool enjoycd a snowxnobile course at their school last Friday. Constable Joynt cf the Ontario Provincial Police ar- raîged and organizeýd the course wlth botS practical and elassroom demonstrations, Constable Joyit and Mri. Cane of the schoo's staff,epaie the eperation cf the inachiinîes as well as outUing safety rides governuîog snowvtmobiling Follow- ing the classr-ooin -course the pu- p!is were allowed to mon tthe -machines under guidlaîîce and pro- ceed along a trail set eut in the yard of the school. The course was concluded witli sîldes and a talk in the early aternoon. Neediess tic say the chuJýren een- joyed their outing.., Differing opinions almost broughit a stalemate to the Orono Po-lice Tustee meeting Mlonday eveiig when the Trustees were asked to set a water eonsumptiwn rate for hou -es ln the Hlome- Smith îub-division. Uînder the pre sent regulaUis properties .erved by O-rono Wnter in the Townshiip aie to be charged $5600 istead of '428.00 as in the VUlhge. The doable rate was set as certain proper- tics solth of Orono in the Town- ship could tnt be cb'irged a frontage or connection cliaige ev- en though a watermailn did pass thieir property. The double rate coxoers. consumption and frontage charges. Mr,. Pearce, hydro and water manager, asked for clarification as to the chargeto the users in the sub-division. Mr. Pearce in presentiug a sumimary of charges to offset the cost of the, second well, when completed, sugested a- yearly consumption charge c f, $36.00 or $39.00 for, ail users in the Oronio system. This compares with the present. $28 00 charges. ' Mr. Partner moved a motion that users in the sub-division ýbe charged 'a consumption rate of $39.00 a year. He stated that the Trustees did flot know wvhat they were faced with in operation costs for the area and the pressure pumip would cost an addiUtional $300.00 for hydro. "My interest is the Village itself," hie said. He also. said the second Weil would not have been needed if water use had been metered ini Orono. '-!e luse more water thail New- castle,' he said, Mr. Partner did not receive a seconde r for bis mrotion. Mr. Forrester stated that lie feit thýt Phe consumplon rate should be the saine over the vnhole system. H1e noted it was at the south of Orono and, asked vihy, it should change, for the si b- d iv i. lie al ,ýo caid the final costs of the second well were not known at this lime and ihus it v as impossible to make àany adl- justnments in rotes. Li the mnatter of water meters he said the~ in- itial cost would be consîderable ai1ong with the fact that . op-'ar- ation costs would certainly in- crease due to readiing meters and additional separàte billings. H1e moved that sub-division rates be the saine as in Orono at $2800 poiniîg out that already the sub- division had paid the Oreo sYs- hem $14,500.00. The motion was no econded. ~1.Simpson said the water 1 i houid lie an overali sys- ter, e îth a uniform charge. "Wliy p-iillz flic uscrs i he bc -b iv- The Orono, Police Trustecs ne- ce1 -ed two applications for by- la ex!cu tofricer bi the Po ice fllage of Orono. The ap- ar) - 1 ý ; hto be înterviewed ln the near future. The Trustees aïý a- a ho meet with the Town- ship Coancil to consider a poss- ible joint dog control, operation. A grant cf $100,00 was ap- proved ho the Orono Horticultural Society. A letter from the, Clamber cof Commerce te the Trustees offer- ing assistance to the, Youth Cent- tre was referred bu the Youffi Centre. Wôter Hector R entail Approved By Hydre The local hydre lias ag n set up a water heatex., reniai plan wbereby a user of hyd-re inOrono may either purchase or rent a water heater from the Orono Ut- ility. The outriglit purcliase of a 40 gallon water heater wvas set at $95,00 and a 60 gallon tank at $115.0 0 botli laving pressure and temperature values. A monthly rentai charge was set at $2.00 for either size tank. The rentai charge covers n6t only the rentai of the licater but aF, maintenance of, the water alo the installations cost as well lieaer while under the' plan A customer may purchase the unit after eight years for an amount of around $20-00. *Mr, Doug Tideman and Spence Urquhart of Ontarlo Hydro met witli the commission speaking on shared* facilities avaîlable te the Orono, Commission through COM- PEC from the Onttario hydro. It is tihe intention of the local hydre manager to hold an Open Iliause in Orone later this year. The pïogram would be arranged by COMPEC. ision," lie said 1He oointed, eut that it would ail balance out over a period of tim.e Mr, Forrester suggested that the Chairman second one or oth- er of the motions. Mr. Collins (Continued on page 5) 1 Wtaekly

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