Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1973, p. 1

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e Some one liundred attended a' regional forum held in Clarke Higli School last:Friday, sponsor- ed by a citizens' group from Clarke and 'Newcastle. 1 The meeting was chaired hy Paul Riley of RR, Nescastie with speakers Donald lrvine, parlia- mentary assistant to the Ministry vof. Intergovernmental Affairs, Alex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- ham; Kirk Entwisle, deputy-reeve of Clarke; George Matheson and George 'Humphiries, bothý of In- put. Donald Irvine outlinod the provincial regional proposai. In his address lie stated that it was an incorrect gssumption that Reg- ional Government meant higher taxes. He said insome cases they' Orono 1- eekty VOLUME 37, NUMBER 8 go up a littie whule in others they drop. -Taxes, lie remaÉked, are related to services and if the quality is improved it naturally shows up on the tax bill. Hie also pointed out that reg- ionai government was not easy to carry out. "We couid stay as wve are," lie said, "but yur govern- ment was elected to give leader- s Times "ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1973 slip and to provide 'you a strong voice in yonr future." Reeve Thomas of Cobourg re- viewed the Hubieki Pine Ridge Regional plan and asked support of this plan. In this' proposai Clarke and Newcastle would be grouped together' to form tlic municipality of Newcast le. Hie said the plan would bce on a five, year trial basis. It left out Bow- m anville and Darlington. ln coosts the reeve stated that Clarke's taxes wuld increase only $15.00 for every $10000 of taxes in 1970 compared to $37.00 if in the, Oshawa region. He furtlicr statcd tliat urban centres wliich would have a decrease in taxes had unofficially stafed they would forego this decrease to assist the rurýal areas Mr. Mathesori and Mr. Humph- ries of Input statcd they were flot opposod to regionai governxnent if it -suited their needs. Bofli. were liowever opposed f0 region- i ties, .witli Oshiawa. Mr. Humpliries stated tliat 60% of those contactcd in Orono were opposed to being part of the Oshiawa regional., 72% of tliose contacted in Newcastle wcro op- posed to the Oshawa region. Jr Humpliries also staf cd thaf the Ohawa arca and the Port Hope-Cobourg area were two dis-, tinct different ways of life. The Input group expeef to unveil their proposai. near the end of February Supporting County Regional Plan Depufy-recvc Kirk Entwisle of Clarkè Townshxip saidi people were now taking a second look af a regional proposai that was madje public by flic Counties in 1970. This proposai included ail oethe Unitecd Counfies' municipalities as a regional arca witli ciglit sfrosig area municipalities.' Hie said taik of, regional gový ernmenf was nef popular in 1979 witli flicresult fliattflic proposai wüs shelved. Thc proposai saw Bowmanviiie and DàrJingt on as oue municipal- lty while Clarke and Neývcastie was, anolier lic said flic statist- icai ,!data cf flic Counfies' sche)ric was outdatcd but would be brouglit up. ,te date.lic said flic proposai was valid 'and- viable. lie suggesfed fiat witli a large regional arca.flic people 'wouid feci 'lost- lie favourcd a .,unît cf 'Itegionai gaverment in,>ýhieh flic people wouid feel comfort-, able. bec'ome învolved and oui, whicli was approachable. lie saidi govcrnmenf sliould lic for flie people; net for flic hureaucrats. Dcpufy-recve Entwisle sfated fliat, Clarke Couincil liad unani- piously support cd a United Coun- fies region. Alex Carruthers Hiqts At Two Boa rds -Province Stili To HoI(yd Pos;t. line foremtan witli Ùng Centre at Hayrnarket. 'Vir- for cahle snlicing in~ accordance Commuinity Telephone Company ginia. witiCniea System Practices. of Ontario Lt d. at Orono.-lias The ten-day course empliasizcs The cIassr curriculum gives the .eomplefcd a Fundamenfals of the -splicing of acrial. under- student sufficient knowlegde to Cable Splicing course at the Con- ground andY direct bur ied- cabte idcnfifv and understand how al finenfal Telephone System Train- using speciai tools and materials types of teleplione cable work; test for faulty cabie: and pcrform ___________________________________________- complex cable splicing tasks. BOWMAN VILLE CONSERVATION AREA EYED 1Plans to cstablisli a conserva- 'tien area in flic valley lands south ,of Vanstone Mililin l3ow- xnanville was rcferred to the con- servation areas advisory board of the Central Lake Ont ario Conser- vationn Authority Tucsday for fur- ,ther study. The Town of Eiowmanville re- quesfed that tlie autliority make the, 20-acre land site a conserva- tion area and tliat flic cost bo assossed tÔ ,ail the benefltting municipalities in the authority'.s Mauriceý Prout, a member of the autharity and Bowmanville's deputy reeve, requested the pro- posai- come under furflier study bcfore any delcsioni is made. The majorify of the land is privately owned. DEVELOPMENT STOPPED UNTIL PLANT ENLARGEDý No further development can take place in Port Hope until the water filtration plant is enlarged. Council was old by tlie Ministry of thc Envirovment and tlie On- tario Water Resources Commis- siontliat the present filtration plant and waterin Ltake arceflot' large enough to cope with any furtlier development. Post joincd flic Continental Sy- stem in 1966. Upon being questioned iast Fri dsy at flic Clarke Higli Scliool in regards the future of the Northiumberland and .Durhiam Board of Educafion, Alex Car- ruthers, MïPP for Durliam, sfated tliat flic people could be pleas- anfly surprised when the, prov- ince, announces its final format for education witliin tlie propos- cd region. He- said lie was flot at îiberty to make an announcement but felf the decision of tlie Mi nisfry of Educaf ion would lie suif able. Splendid Local1 Entertainment Enioyed At ýVarietyý Night Unit 3 of flic Orono U.C.W. hled a very, enjoyable and profit- able varicty evening and. bake sale où Wednesday of iast week. The Orono Public under the direction Caldwell, opeýned flic Scliool Band of Mr. D. concert wifh Propose, Metro Ga*rbage To Hope Twp., Site C.P. Rail lias fakcn options on some 450 acres in Hope Town ship just nortliofe, Wesleyvillc -'whicli wvould bie used te bury 400,000 tows cf Mtre garbage yearlyý. The site is located bc- eween -t,-iglwav, 401 and flhe.P Ralwàay. C..Railiway liepes te enfer info an agreement with Metro te remove garbage front the city t10 a massive iand-fili site with ,peraf ion near flic end ýof 1974. if la expecfed te take 18 menthies te -.onstruet flic special rail cars and Vo construrt a spur lime intO tlic land-fill site. A iein Mi.nln TownshiP as ruled out due to hcavy onno-,itioti ,and aise a dlaim by C.P. Rail that flic site xvas only one of 150 site3 considcred L. R. Smith, vi ce-presi.ýdeýnt, 'eastern section of CP Rafl said flic landf ili site could evenfually become a conservation arca, pub- lic park or golf course. The proposai, must go bef ore flic Environmenfai TH-aring Board for a publicelicaring before pro- vciiapproval is given. C. P> Rail lias offered te join flic prov- ince in placing a wasfe manage- ment researcli centre af flic site and lias aiso met with Ontario Hydre officiais to discuss flic use cf combustable wast e as a seiirce of energy. The Hope Township site is cain- able of liandling 25 percent cf Met,'g waste ôver a 30 year period. The companv, expecfs f0 haul 2000 fons of garbage daiiy from Metro in 30 special riu cars. Tlie refuse as dumpcd wèuld lie spread in two-foot lay- cers o a'total deptli cf ciglit feef. At flic end cf ecd day the refuse would lie covercd witli a foot cf soil and ecd section when cern- plcted, covercd witl a flirce foot layer of soul. Under flic fcrms of any agree- m,m"t, Metro would have fthc riglit to iincrease refuse to 700,000, tons a year, Met re alsa intends te negofiate flic disposai cf 100,000 tons, of sewagc sludge. C.P. Rail' officiais conferred wltli Hope Township Couneil rep- resentatives. on Mondgy to eut- Uine the rail haulage syst cm. W- iton Bannister, deputy-reeve of Hnp-e, was reporfcd on Monday evening te have said lie had nef made iip is mind cx, whether or nef if was good for flic Township and would waif unfil a rcview of ail information was made. Allan Lawrence, M.P., for Northumberla'nd' - Durliam, des- cribed flic project as arcliaic "I' think fiere arc far better wýaYs of liandllng Mefro Toronto's gar- bage," lie said. "O Canada" and during tlie even- ing played several numbers. This band is certainly a credif to fthc school and eommunity and mucli credif must bie given to flic dir- ector and tlie pupils who practice so faithfully. We hope f0 hear fhcm often. -Mr Sterling Mather was flic geinial Master of Ceremonies and kept flic audience in a liappy mood wifh lis jokes and banter. The Glen Allun Family of New- cieadded grcatly te flic enjoy- ment of flic evening witli their music~al numbers. The Oron~o Hi-C Group pre- sent cd a coxnic pantiomino num- ber on "The Pied Piper"' with Donald McLaren as narrator. To add to the Fun Niglit fwo indies,.from Leskard madle a re- p"avt performance, entitlod ..The UlJe in thle Buc-ket!'. Mrs. Grant' and Mrs. Loucks were ,the ladies wvili Mrs. Raymond Cliapman nt flic piano. To add-tote imerri- ment a lobe wifli violin alsoû ap- peared on flic stage in theperso« of Rtr. Long. Valeniine Cup Cakes, tea and coffec were served buffet style, wsitli freshie for flic children. Aiso af flic close of fthe concert a bake sale was hled in Uic lower Christian Education room, whcre delicious pics, cakes, buns, brcad, farts and boaves were soon purchascd by those affendiing. App roxmately $150.00 was re- alized on fthc evening. Control Planning Mr. Alex Carruthers stated fliat eVen witli regional govcrn- mentflic Province would controt planning. in the area. lis com mer4 intimatcd that the Regional, GovDrnment could not get eut of -lino witli fhecProvincial scheme Hie aise statcd that the Provr mncc would be announcing a firmn laild use policy wifhin the next two weeks wliich would -clarify the intent of tlie Province. NOT ýOSIIAWA OR WIIITBV, STATES LOCAL MPP Alex Carrufliers, MPP for Dur- ham, was quite empliatie last Friday cvening when lie stated lie wanitcd xeither Oshawa or Whitby f0 b e the centre for rcg- lonal govcrnmesnt. Hie said lie would work against any sucli move and feit lie had accomplislied çonsiderabie ai ready in, gaining his wishesin regional govcrnment for the' area:. Mr. Carrufliers did not state whcre lie felt the contre for Ëe- gloel -govcrnment shouid be le- Pork Producers Gain Support The Durham County Pork Pro- duçers Association is supportipg a proposal te license pork pro- ducers. At the association's anrnaal meeting -,bout fwo-thirds of the pofk Pro0,Qcersà present voted in favor of the plan. The,1973 board, of directors cof the association was electcd dur- lng the annual meeting. Ken Bragg, Keltli Crago and Tom Pleasance wlll represent Darling on Township; Bob Chat- er. Don Staples and Jim Rickard will represent Clarke Township, Anson Morton, Ross Wood and Eric Fallis wili represent Cavan Township; Lawreince Staples and Howard Malcolm will represent Manvers Township and Dan Gould and Glenn Larmer willî represesit Cartwright Township. IMM" FI A-kt

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