Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1973, p. 4

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~- -~- ORONO WEEKLY TIMI4 WNESOAY, FEBUARY l4tIî, 1913 Kirby News LAST WEEK Mr. sud Mmr. Wayne LowýerY and famnily, ýcarborough, lad Sulrday dinner with bis grand- Mother, Mm . H.Lowery. Mrs. H. L-owery had lunch Tues- eay with Mr., and Mrs. Wm. AlUn and John. Airs. Sadie Hamilton is a patient in Bow),manville Memorial Hospi- tai with the flu. The 'Kirby eornmunity was shocked to lear the news of the ,udden passing of Mr. Roy Thom- pson, Leskard, last week. Our tympatliy goes to Mr& Thomp5sof and f anily. MNr. Gus Plitz and bis dauglter, M,,. Ray Clark and Terri Le of Bjay Ridges visited ber sister, lIrs. James Lowery sud f amily on gunday. THIS WFEEK M^.. Harold Oopping was a pa- tient in Memnoial HOSPital, Bow- manvi.le last week retuanoed Vo» bis home on Moflday. S Miss Kcaren Lowery,TontO spent -thc we-ek-end athoe We werc plcascd to have as our guest minister on .Surldey Uic B]fev. Newt)on uf Oshawaý. Noxemia HAND LOTION Reg. 89e. Speciai 7----- 5e NOXEM-A - Reg.- $1.15 per 4 oz. 2- 4 oz. jars Spec. $7 Noxema DEODORANT ýSuper dry reg. $164 Sipecial - - ---------- $159 l -.ROI] on reg 89C. Spec. -- 75e A.bsorbiine Jr. LINAMENT Reg. $,1.50 Speciai ---- $1.25 check, our Bargain Table for Speciais whilc thcy Isat Good Selectioli of 8 Tracks aud Records oen. ~me'sGarage T1EXACO SERVICE MM St. North. 0 oT Phe 98Z.5do miss Donna Cochrane, Scarbor- ough and Mr.% K. Thomas, Thorn- Mil spent the week-end with hber parents, Mr. and Mvr,;. Don Cochi- rane. Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Thomas of Thornhill were Sundiay visi- tors. Miss Susan Bail, Toronto, spent1 the wcekend at home with lier parents. The ladies held gnother quilt- ing at the Churcli on Tuesday morning followed by a Pot Luck dinner and our monthly U.S.W. meeting. We were pleased to have Mac Allin and Mary Miller ýwith us. Mrs. Grace Reid, president, op- eaecd the meeting with Cal Vo Worship. Hymin "Breath on me brcath of God was sung with Mirs. Lowery at the piano. Barb Cochi- rane read the scriptures and Dar- la Lowcry was in charge of the devotionial and gave a readi ng on "Dont you seli any Cenadian Bo.oksy" followed by a poern written by a Cpnadian writer Pauline Johinson, and a prayer. The minutes of thc last meet, ing werc read by Inez Harris -and rol cail taken- Dora Morris re- ported on the Presbytery meeting and Barli Cochrane gave the re- port of the treasurer. The U.C.W. are catcring to Donna Cochrane wedding in July and 'a date was set Vo hold a bazaar ini November. A card of thanks was reccived from Mult Wannan'and from An- gola, We al sang Happy Birth- day o Barb Cochrane. A hymn was sung and, the Mispali Bene- dlction repcatcd. The finals of, the Pinewood Derby was held at St. Joseph's Churchi iiiBowmanvile on Satur- day with two cubsfrom the Ken- dal pack being .among the winners Danny Fowler received fourth for design and Kevin Lowery re- ccivcd sixth in the speed race. Both boys brouglit home tropli- ies. Congratualtioris, At 1-be recenit meeting of the Township of Clarke council a number of appointments were made to various Township organ- izattons under the jurisdiction of theTo sip Members to theClrk Town- ship Recreation Commission are: Messrs. Laverne Boyd, Jack Neal, John Murphy, Mrs. Norma Lee, Mrs. Dorotby 5tark, Mrs. Joe Bar- I»w, Mrs. Sharon Brown, council- lorReid and Reeve E. R. Wood- yard. Those appointed to the Oronbo Memorial Park: Board were Mr. Sterling Mather, Mr. H. M, Mercer Mr. S. B. Rutherford, Mr. E. H. Samuel, Miss Alma Cutteil, coun- cillor Reid and Reeve Woodyard. Clarke Township Cemetery Board appolntments were Russell Savery, John Moffat, Grant Wade Arthur Tbompson and Donald Vinkle. Newonvlle Community -Hlll appointments went to Wallace Bouglien,,ilugli Staplelon, Don Vinkle and Clinton Farrow. Orono Commuinty Hall appoint- Foderotion (Oiontinucd fnom Page 1) prices. A letter will be sent to Mr. Lawrence outlining reasons as to wby farmers disagree with his remnarks. Mr. Jeffery said there are two main reasons for this probe hav- ing littie effectivcness. Our econ- omy and the prices we pay for goods are closely related to prie- es in United States. When prices are high ini the United States they are oerrespondingly bigli in Canada. Many goods uscd in Can- ada corme from the United States. Poor weather conditions through- out most of the world have meant a shortage of feed grains. Poor grain crops in Russia, Eastern Europe and mucli of the Southern Hemisphere 'during the past year produced the most notable impact on demand. Adverse wcatber conditions have'been ex- perienced in Canada durîng the past - ycar. «'There is no way a govcrnment inveidtigation is going to be able to change these conditions," said Mr. Jeffemy Canadians still spend mucli less percentage 'of their earned income on food than. many other countries lie said. Mr. Gordon Barrie, Bowmanville said farmers were dissatisfied that the Ontario Milk Commission (a government appointed body) had denied the requëst of the On- tario Milk Marketing Board (a fai-mer elected Board) to *increase the price of milk 57c pe r hundred- weight, The Commission recently granted a 35e Per hundredweight increaes to fluid'milk producers' - twenty-two cents less than the OMMB asked. This is les than a cent a quart. Consurners have' had to pay two cents more a qu.qrt.' Costs of some inputs have spir- alled during'the past year said Mr. Barrie. The costs of some concentrates during the past year have risen over one hundred per cent. Soybean' meat lias gone from just over $100 a ton to (Çontinued from page 1) east. Thc Region would be callcd the -Great Pine Ridge Region. The report also provided the fniancial impact for municipal- ities with comparison between beung in the Oshawa région or separated into the PIne Ridge, area. in the case of Newcastle the report saw an incease of $29.60 fer every $100.00 of general tax rate (1970 costs) if joined with Oshawa. This was estimated to re- duce Vo) $1000 for every $100-00 if ini the proposed Pinc Ridge region. Clarke Township would in- crease by $37.00 for every $100.00 of taxes in an Oshawa région and $15j00 if ini the proposed Pine Ridge région., port Hope was stated for an $8.00 decrease in tec Oshawa ,.area an& $15.00 decrease in thc Pine 'Ridge Région. Cobourg like- wise would wttness a réductioni in cither case. $240 a ton. Fearmers Must receive a satis- fa-ctory income if 'theY are ex- pected to produce a qualitY Prod- uct for the consumer, said Mir. Barrie. The re cent banning of D.E.S., effective the first of the year, lias increased the price of beef ten to twelve per cent. This growth stimulant was widely us- ed in Canada and is generally conceded to have improved both rate of grain and feed efficiencY. This product was banned suppos- cdly because of danger to health. To date it lias not been banned in the United States and the Fed- eral government lihas not banned imports of D.E.S. implanted cat- tic Irom the U.S. This inconsist- ency on the part of the Federal government bas upset many beef producers. Hligh input costs have- also increoased the price of beef. Higher feed prices have' also resulted in higher prices'for jork and poultry produets. Rec- ently it was announcedthat three hundred thousand hogs had been sold to Japan - dellvery totake place over the next three years. At the Federation meeting it was dccided to prepare a brief' regarding Regional Goveriment and forward it to the Ontario- Government. Other executive, members el- ected were: lst Vice President Bill Allun, Newcastle; Znd Vice President - Newt Selby, Newcastle Third Vice President- Ross Me- Master, Hampton. Ted Watson and Don Welsh both of Bownian- ,ville were appointed Treasurer- and Secretary respectively. WANTED Police Village of Orono Parking Enforcemeut Officer And Dog Control Officer pected ta the underslgned by February 15j 1973. of application wlth ail personal data inedudlog salary ex- Interested applicants are invited ta send thefr letteir B. W. Collins, AMCT, Secretary Police Village of Orono Oorne, Ontario 8OUNCE FBI 100% PURE APPLE JUICE WITH PURCHASE 0F 80 OUNCE FBT PURE ORANGE JUICE BOTH ONLY $1.09 Ask our Gen Rae Dairy saiesman for our speciai deal. OFFER GOOD UNTIL FEBRUARY 24th YToitSave ,sec These botties are returnable and by getting iute the habit of buying them you no only save-money but aise areheIp.. ing te central pollution of your envlronmient. A 25è. deposit willbe charged on each returnable bottle. Ifî'sGEN RAE Itfs- Good

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