Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1973, p. 7

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WÂWV AMS Or WE UAI "MRICATION AeC~TI #MTIL 50t p.a. UMSDAT PHONE OBONO 98"»fl SS. MIIsn lusurautte Agency ~M classes of personal and Cmpmercial Coveraoees Wffee: lMan St.. Orn~o ~9332 $es. 983-5754 - YAMS P ANG aud ss$IVA7W» *@m UR EWR 8! ZIW w" 'B~ut" T1ro, WP2SO. CHARLES REID Orono'8 Licenfed 4aeùoneer anid Valuator OpeciÎallze în Farm and Furniture Sales Oomult mie for terms and dates FIIONE ORGOJO 983-5914 Monuments and Famïly Memoria»ls, 0wr qua»ity and service leaves nothing te be deslred Aakà the persoon who boughit fromx m& a neighbor, friend or relative IYe RLJTTER G'RANITE, COMPANY 73 Ontario treet PORT HOPE Phone etil0ct V. W WTTER * fl OfSc - 5216 Homne -S854= ALLOUETTEI PUMPING OUT' SEPTIC TANKS ; Bert Tompkin-, Phone 786-2552 Cla rke Public LIB RARY Ngonday, Tuesday, Thut-A, and flday 6:3b to 8:30 Pm. Nonday, Thursduy, Pnida) Uer»oens 2:30 to .00Wpi onhr)by1000t.4 ii Iay &y FOR SALE One Tero 2-stage Snow ý,Blrwer; and one baby carnage, P1bone 983-532L.a- Twýin lauindtry Tubs with taps, stand and drain. $5.00. Phone Orono 983-5494, a-p FOR SALE '68 Mustang Fast Bach-, V-8, auto- matic, power steering and! brakes, excellent con-.dition. Must seil. orono, 983-5104, ask for, Gary ac LOST Young Germnan Shecpherd, Ced- ar Valley Resort. For further inx- formation phone 786-2562. a-c 1IREP WANTED Kitchen help wanted aleo full ançi pert Utimewaitçses. Phone tarat Sb 8 ~1thTregunta a#th* Oâb- av a aI4sMuft ushop for' à frop exhoAuâtsycteMim npfttîoo. il$ Bond& st. W«.utc4Ob"x, Juo tast of Ontario liie Rlf. Call 57"111. NED A NEED A SUM? PUN? PRESSURE 8YSTE14 HARVEY PAItTNEr& PLUMBING and HEAtTINS ORONO 983-6266 OROINO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvaifl 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING .1ELECTRIC HKATINO ELECTRICAL APPLIA XCR T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOu8I ICA GUARANTIED SEEVUt MAIN 8 Sadii Sue J'i For Del )wnî.bIe STREET, ORONO le F amIt.n e Sawyer lm Rare -pendable Servie. Pure Fresh Cider QuaJI*y APPLES snd PEAUS mhclatosh Rp4 and Golden Ddiclous Rumst Sparta FRED'S FRUIT MARKET HWY. 113, ORONO FENALE BEU> WANTED A~VON REPRESENTATIVES -. earu money! make new frends! Get more out of lite! Become eone Cal l Mrs. Watson 725-OS ORGANIST Aplications are inited for the postiosnof, Orgaist and Choir Leader for Orono United Churh Teaching facilities available. 'Ad- dress. replies, stating qualifica. tions and salary expected to: Dlon Staples, R.R. 1, Orono, ÇOnt. a-e CUSTON SNOW PLOUGM G4 C;iotact br0n0ý ludcapInc. Depmndabde SrÎe TRENTWAY TOURS CALIFORNIA 23 DAYS Departing. Feb. 17, March 31, April 28 and October 13 For further information contact: Box 772, Peerboroughi Phone ToIl Fee, 1800-461-7615 Wanted, Dead or Crippled F'arm Kstoek PICKED II1 PROMPTLY Telehon ColeeSOI-27U. Margil Fur Fnu WF RANK REAL. ESTATE AIMITED (M8 King 8tret £»at Blownianvifle 133.8393 ToroMt. 93-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 for prompt, courteous ef fiel- ent service when buying or selling and for the largest sel- ection et properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 William Turansky 1 (Kendal) 983-54201 Ray Finnie 277-2280, (Bethany) Dane Found 623-3966, Roy Strong 52 r il, Bthbl Your own Snowxnoblle repair parts and accessory Catalogue - "Latest Re'visedt Editioq1 - Guaran- teed Savings of 3o% or more." Just mail your naine anxd addréss to "Direct Distributing Inc., P.O. Box 1178, Hull, Quebec, Canada". A complete selection of Parts and accessonies to choose No matter where you live, you1il always receive fast service. Note: Present customers please do-flot re-apply. Your new catalogue is being malled automatically. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS -Now you can train r ight here Inx Canada! Accommodation, and ex- penses paid while training! Tuition Tiax deductible! For ap- plication an~d interview, write:- Safety , a4men Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay Webt Toronto 117, Ontario or ca»:- 416-864-9381 COMING EVENT The Orono Girl. Guide and Brownie Local Association~ are sponsoring a Tea andi Bake Sale on~ February 24 from 2 p.rn. t 4 p.m. ini the Main Hall of Orono United Ohurch. Corne nd. support our Girl 4uides and Brownîes. c-Sc H1ORTICULTURAL BUS TRIP TO O'KEEFE CENTRE March 7Lh. Leaving Town Hall at 9:00 a.m. $2.410. Phonoe for tickets: Mrs. Gunter or Mrs, Couvier by February 28, 1973. b-7-c NOTICE Thie Carpentry business oper- atedi by the late Roy Thompson of Leskard ill be carnied or, by his son Randy, Thompson. a-c NOTICE Mother's Day Out, Wednesday, February 141th at 9:30.a.m. Church Main~ Hall. Everyione attending please eall Lynn lCinmpntt 983-5719 or Lois Brawn 983-5918. a-c VARUETT NIGWI' AND BAKE SALE Wednfesday, February l4th at 7:*45 p.ni. Oronù School Band; The Allin Éainily, H.-C entertaininent and other nuunbers. Admission: $1.010: ebildren 25c Lunch included. Sponsored by Unit 3, a-e TRENTWAY TOUR AU Inclusive Vacatî»,t, To 31EXICO By Air and lotorcoacli - 18 PAYS Departing - March 29 te) April 6ý For further information coutzekt Box 772, Peterborough Phone ToI Fmre. -O48. TRENTWAY TOURS To FLORIDA Many Departure Date&. Choice «# 10, 14, 20 or 21 Day Tours.Al Tours include Dlsney, World. One, goes to Mardi Gras. New ren For furtler information ûotxa-ý_ Blox 772, Peterborough Phone TOU Free 10~84~ NOTICE 1, Gary Hall, wlll net ho roe spansible fo*pr ~y purchases 01 'debts made by My wife as of Jan- ulary 22, 1973,.- Gary Hlai Oroto~, Ontariè. BLOOD CLINIC Wednes4ayr, February 7tli 1973 Lions Centre, Bowmanvile ta 'o4::0 and 6:30 ta 9 p.xný Transportation provided. Please celi 623-9010t. -: CARD 0F IHANKS I would like to thank My fam- i1y, neighbours and friends for their visits, cards and flowers. duning my stay in hospital. Special thanks the Past Noble Grands '62 for their kindness top mie during the hioliday season. SIpecial tak also to Dr. J. Di. Rundle aïfinilnuses of the 3rd. floor, Bowmqanville Memiorial Hos- pital. a-c, An.McKenna Donald and Çarol Roughley (nee Marlow), are pleascd to an- nunce the safe arrivai of their- daughter -Audra Anne, 5 lbs, 12" Mz., on Janiuary 25th,' 1973.,'A sister for Deanna and another, great grandchild for Mrs. Alva Swarbrick. a-c - IN IMEMORIAM Parker, George E. - In levipg meni.ory of a wçxnderful F'ather,. who passed away February 2nd,. 1910. We liad a IYad with 'a heart of gold is memory we wml always hold Inx our hearts 1w w*ll remain Until the 'day wel ee again. Rexnembered b<y sons StanleY, Charie, daughters Hlattie, Elina. Junior Ho.ckey News On Tuesday, January 23rd the Newcastle and Orono Combines defeaited the first place Lakefield team on home ico by a score of 7 to 3. Eyen though Lakefield, scored the first goal, the Combines came back and scored twice by the end of the period. Credited for the two- goals are Robbie Russell from Bob. Tonnant and Doug Rickard from Jamie Wright and Glenn Murphy. The Combines -scored two more lu the second. Jamie Wrighit as- sisted by Darreil Barrett and Ro-b Russell unassisted. Lakefield scored only once. real fine effort with a lot of creditot goalie Roy Verburgh. 1The Combines travelled to Ban- Prç -r on Sunday, January 28th v r.e they got off to a good, start Ilh one goal in the first by Greg rray unassisted from the blue line., Bancroft was held scoreless. In the second period the Com- binles slackened off a bit by scor- ing only one goal to Bancroft's- four. Bill Wagar scored the Com- bine goal witih assists to Jamie, Wright and Dean Cox. Newcastle failed to corne back in the third veith Bancroft adding, one goal and winning the game 5-2. Roy Verburgh agaîn played well in the Combine nets. In the final period the Combines outplayed Lakefield for three PLAYDOWNS BEGIN more goals. Grog Gray startedTh Cobnsfiheinout themn off with assists to Jamiie Thae Cmnd ae fihed in fth Wright and Dean Cox. Next Jamie plac an. tfa e kfildthe- Wright scored una ssÎstod with p1aysowns witli tix îrs 1thgame G le n u~ P Y fr qi ~ f a rr lc h is lî e'd n a ,ubea l h z1xe~1ile , BOX 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Llnxted Manufacturer$ of Cemetery memor; a1F 318 Duildas Str-ec Eaut ...........

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