Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1973, p. 3

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Y *- N * ORONO~ WEJ~KLY T~MES, WEDNESD~AY~ FEEIWARY VU,. ~ lyAilan Lawrencke, P.C. Northumberland - Durham~ "We in the Progressive, Conserv- Sepitie Tank service GENERAL PUMPING U HROUi SERVIE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario phMee 982-5728 17 eative Pirty feel th.at there are two major problcms confronting our nation at thepresent timie -, the nlsinig. cost of living and the high rate, of unemploYnient. 1L .a 'sure virtually every Canadian would agree that these are the two greatest causes for Concern in thli country today, These were the principal issues on which Mr. Stanfield fouglit the October 3th election, and we in the Progressiàve Conservat- Ive- Party ýbelieve that they are the Issues that caused the great- est discontent among the people of Canada toward the Trudeau government. And what lias that governnwnt bcen, tkbngabout The Nation's Business nhecmmttean do several1 things. Firstly. it can mal<e the publie aware of the very complex nature of the food industry in Canada. Second, 1k can make "the - government unearth and produce ail the surveys and studies and other inormation on food prod- ucti on aid prices which its offic- ls 'and task for-ces hamme been accumulating in'their files over the rast d,ecade. RecentlY, for in- stance, several Millions of the taxPaVerc dollars Nwere spent on the ,Comlmission whieh 1stu,,died Prices and incomes. Surëly that group's work couid at least pro- vide US with some good leads. Third, the Conuittet can ifn- vestigate any monoPolistic tend- enoies that May exist within our food industry. But finally, cnd niost imPýort- antly, the Corimittee' has to corne up with proposais or sug- gest possible solutions and remf- edies to' bring the food,price spiral under control. There lis no se%'se, in using this commlittee for a witeh-hunt. That is not Our intention nor, 1 hope, wll it be. the aim of the Liberal and, NDI' members. In the recent past there have been simlar studies by ecither Parlian¶îentary commnit- tees or Royal Commissions. These have deait at great length on studyin 1g and evaluating the varn- ous segments of the food industrY This trne, with this conMMittee, especiailY when the present goV- ernmnt is 8O absolutely bereft of Ororio, Ontario ORONO PEE WEE FLYFMS HIOLDING SKAMTEATON The Orono Pee Wee Flyers are holding a skateathon Saturday, night in an effort to-raise money to purchase, team idrekr for their-tnip to Quebec later this month,. The team has !een allot- te an hbour's ice time.for ,the, event. ideas, 1our responsibility Nwl11 te to corne up with some solid, eor- crete proposais and reconme'nd- ations - in short, to try and gt the Trudeau government. off' ItS pedestal of inactivitY. the m? Thle Trudeau govýernmeftt wait- ed ' sxty-six days afte-r the elect- ion' before calling: a 'Parliarnent, ind here we. are now, ahnost a full month alter Parliament com- mnenceâ sltting, and Aith one ex- ception; - which 1 will lie dis- cussing, with you briefly the government has produced absol- utely no legisiation, rio policies and no, proposais whatzneve ,r to try to c'ure these twin ânes of uneplymntand thehgl cost of living. Certainly tfiere has been mueh talk ln the flouse of Gom- mons these. past few weeks. The government lias done its-best to create the impression that some- thlng is beixig accompli.shed, that it Is stili able to function effeict- lvely, even thougli It no longer com~mands a, mai orlty, in Parlia- ment. But the only action the goverri- ment has provided to counteract the rapidld'y rising est of living, - in partieular the hncrace in food prices - is to tome up lwithl that. oldi, time-worn devtce of ýappoint- ing a Parliamertary Coniixittee to study the,-situation. ln speaking in the Hottse i coGommons.on be- hiall of Mr. Stknfield. and the Con- serva tive Party,.I have alreadýy in- dicated that we view this col-, mittee>as-simply a delaying tact-, ic, a sniokescreen, ýa diversion on the part of the goverument to cover Up its lack of ideas and its î nability to Introduce meaningfitl legi siation.tX, ôwever,, the ýProgres- sive Conservatives are prepared to go along with the governnent and-to do otfr- best to make this coiitteet work. It is ail we bave been offered by the Iovernlnént., and we mus hope that, it will produce some construttive -and worthwhile resuits. -Now automcttic'oii end manual -override niakes the Pioneer 1200 even more popular with woodcutters everywherê, The ruggjed, reliable 1200 is specially desiqnc for farm use, ight pulpwood cutting and for casuai users who need more muscle thon a 'hobby class' machine. Make the Pioneer 1200 yourclear-cut choice to make things easier. NOW frmonily $184.95 CHAIN SANS =, lLrthinqsezsier Phone 993-5m~ Vlue Cheekel - You save Twice wlth Trim and Prie - Full Cut, * ROUND STEAK, 7 MILU CURED BONELESS . CRYOVAC HALF Fuliy Cooked Duras DINNER HAMS $1.»3 For Stuffing - Fresh Young Beet Hearts- lb. 67C Burns Campfire Mild Cured BACON Rindless 99c ONLY THE BEST .SIRLOIN. *TwDONE, 'e ING*, lb. 1.47 Heinz Condensed 10 fi. oz. tins Temato Soup 10 for 99c INSTANT COFFEE 10 fi. oz. jar AXWLLHOUSE $1.78 Westinghouse, Inside Frosted, 40, 60, 100 Wt LIGHT BULBS 2 for 39c Special! Pyrex Ware - Save $1.07 off Regular Prîe 6 Cup Peroclator Low Price $5.88 Tend"erflake Ilb. pkg. 28c ONTARIO Potatoes Nol Grade 10 ibs 315c 25 lbs $1.59 JUG MILK plus dep. Homo 3 qt. Iug 79C plus dp CORNISR'S, Oromo Pb@aqS352OI ->'maesthigs even easier wUith autonmtc oiling Wvvhy Pay More? Save Money! ON DX PREMIU QALITY FUEL OIL1 DIESEL' oit STOVE, Oit abCollect Phone 668-ý3381 DX-FUEL DII For Prompt Courteous Servce Cail Us Today Q SFASHION I NG'S CENTRE mam» Street OXONO o 93mê Valentines. u Lnerie Blous*s Sleepwear ISweaters Housecoats àPre Slippers Goe BRAS Haif Price SOME STYLES BY WONDERBRA ROLPH HARDWARE VAL NE-CHAMPA', NE DANCE 24th, February 1973 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL FREE CHAMPANGE FOR THE LADIES Special Boor Prhzes - SPeclal Draw Prize Admission $5.00 per couple Music for al by "MHE CABALLEROS" For reservations cal aU 'St Saker, 981-4827, Arnold Wtdlace 983-5614 oir R. B. Riekard, 987-4822.' 2% 3 quarts 75c . ..... . . . ..... .. ------- ........ Nom 1 CORNIISIVS, Oromo Ph*U"$3w520l

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