Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1973, p. 2

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OROYNO WEEKLY TOM, WE»NESPAY, FÉBRUAIT ?Ub4,1973 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Second ClassMail Registratioc Number 0868 Publighed every Thursday at the office of pul&e9toù * Man Street, Orono. ontu"*. 'Phae. 83-30 A ,Worthy Venture The Letter te the Editor oia this pae frein the coach of the Lorraine Pee 1Wee hiockey club attests ta the rucoess of the Quebec visit to Orono. Not onfly in the matter of hockey but aise ini hospitality, is. the Lorraine coach' ,Most impressed. The homne and home visit between the Orono Club ;ai the Lorraine Club along with many of their parents, is an experiece and net directed solely towards-a champ- ionship i the winter sport of hockey..Too often the sport and superiority becomes the motivation of such a venture. This is flot true of the Orono-Lorraine series and much will' be gained frein this experience. The fact that the players on both teams live together, billeted by the home team, creates a warmth of frlendship as well as a desirable at- titude tewards competition. Those involved in the euting both in Orono and Lor- laijne are te be congratulated. Regional Government The main themle in support of Regienal Governmnnt, on Sunday at'Brown's by Alex Carruthers, appeared te. be a fear of massive pressures for develqpment ini the area as well, as a move to cut the tenüeicalf a glant megole. polis, -Toronte. Regional governnnxent was stated as the only saivation for the aÏea frein these two dreaded evils. Mr. Carrithers was rather emetional in soie of his pleas, and statements wnd. it did appear somewhat, of a feùar campaign for regional-government. In general we have agreed with the preposal i regionai government.as it shoi1d ,eoordinate services and planning on a more efficient and Io gical basfs. It shiould betterý the quality of life within thé region for ail residents. We do contend that the Province is now eftdeavour- ing to miake up time lost througli the past years through a lack of leadership in affairs related to 'municipal affairs. Planning bas been in the provincial works for at least fif- teen years but it sat on provincial shelves .only to be used if some municipality had the foresight ami -courage ta use it. The province mas reluctant to give proper leadership in the affairs that affected its own citizeus. MrCarhesspoke-~of the strip developinent along Highway 2 and 28 which reduces the effectiveness of thiese lùighlways as thor ough7f ares for traffie. The Taunton Roadt fron Orono to Oshawa . is another fine example 'of 4a con- nýecting route developing into a sluggish residential street. But the province nleed not have stood by as this residential development changed the character of the highways. They could have actesinl a definite wayr. The system of a conglomerate mass of individu al 1.1municipal govermnents has not been a workable -syst91 for today's society . If; bas hainpered the province teaa tegree but this &oes not jet theprevýnce off the hook. Even wth Reglonal Gevernment the Province niust set the overall plan and the framework in which the Regîen "il operate.After ail any governinent,: be it Regional, Méun- icipal or Provincial, is nothjing more than, a grotlp of, ln- 4ividuals intent in governing and mnaintai),ing office T'he Olympies DRAPEAu THE MASTER Mayer Drapeau of MontrealJ again overcomes the in- possible and prepares for the 1976 Olympic Gamès. Un- fortunately the gaines seem to be more of a dividing factor in Canada than that of unitirng. Many see the $70 to $100 illiion subsidies fromi Ottawa as a fat handout to the French. These grants range from $25 to $50 million for an OlIympic Village wvhich later becomes pubalc housing; .$20 million to sudsidize eustoms and security and'a further $25 million to the CBC as host broadcastingsystein. 1The costs of hosting t he gaines in a single city is staggermngand even the International OlympiecCommittee now reconizes this fact. It may be that in the near futuire suchi gaines will be hosted in a countrybuspedotvr a number -of metropolitan centres. The case today is, however, that ail events be held in one centre. The fact that there bas been opposition to the g aines in Canada at Montreal is further evidence that a division stili exists within hscuty Srl hnw send athietes ta the gaines years upon years we have a c2ertain obligation to be host at least once. We have, shown a reafl negative attitude towards international sports whlch is. well exe iplified by with- drawing+frin the hokey scene YURCHASES NAPANEE VUSINESS Mand Mis.' Hank Vander Lrink -who formerly owned the Oroino Bake Shop andt Snack Bai mr to enter business in Napance. The Orotie couple, aff;er retir- igfrein their Orono business in January 1972, will commence the oýPeration of theijr new business on March 16th, 1973. Mr. Vander Brink bas purchas- ed a, sizeable bake shop on Mlain Street in Napane. e_ b as stated that he luay extend be business by including a snack bar. He fur- ther stated that he has tnilssed being lu business and is anxieus te take. over hîs new entrprise lu Napane. Letter to Editor 27 Bouilevard de. Nancy, Lorraine, Quebec, January 31, 197a, The Editor, Orono Weekly Ties Oýrono,, Ontario. Sir: On tbe weckend ci January 26-28, our Pee Wee hockey tean *from, Lorraine, Qucbec, had the pleasure of visiting youren mutiity for an exhibition serie, .of three gaines with Orono teams lu your locai arena. We arrived home safely, lunfinie for supper ou Sunday, after what. was truly a wenderfui experience for all of us, kids and parents alike. No sooner did our cars.pull up ýte the Orono arena on Fridayt nighf; than they were surrouuded by swainiç Of friendly people. >Uniformed Oreno plaYers toek inunediate charge 'of our 'beys by name, and after introducing thena with ar bonour guard at centre ice, hugt led theni off to, their homes fol the weekend. The-,storles we beai frein our- youngsters about thesi adventures are filled m-1th in. stances of indlivldual >ats u kiudness on the partof your Or eue, people, who obviously, wen well eut of their way te provkâ a memorable receptien for thei gucsts. The ýgaines thetnsclyes we-r rugged centests, marked by hai *skating and leternined cheekinî but at ne tipie was the hocke: adtien marred by suc1h thingsa fighting -or dirty pIay. Off th ice, close friendsIhips , develope( and-if; washard t'> te4il-as the mingled together during th banquet on Saturday, which 'boy were from Oroixo and which wer frein Lorraine. If; would aise a] pear that the, unaninous deman of the players is for theý sani pairfings when if; is Lorraine turn te play host to the Orom boys on the ,velkcn(d of Febi ary 16-18. On behaif of everyor in Lorraine, 1 would like to thar the people of Oreno for the marvn-ellous hospîitallty, and toe tend our wvamm ivt tionteas, many as possible, to accompany the Orono tcams on thieir retui visit to us. Orono bas set' standard that we lu Lorraine ca net hope ýte surp)ass, but we< do our besf; te live up to if;. Sinccrely, Bob Hill, Managî Lorr-aine Pee We( The Ontario Provincial Poli Newcastle' Detacý_-hezit, betwe Jauuary 21sf;, and Janiary271 1973 investigated 2È nnitr v icie accidents in wbl<cb 12 i sons wcre injured and as a suit 7 persons were charged driviug offences. Mlong with other duties,1 Newcastle officers completcd general inlvestigations of w)ý 3, werc break, enter and f;1g 4 theft, 4 maliclous dai complaints, -2, distixrbances, domestîc complaints, 2 MISS person reports and 3 erratie dangerous driving complau one of which a carless driv charge was pref.erred. Two occurrences involved recovery of stolen property,E there were 2 reports of foi 1property and one report of lest - ProPerty. One person was ch.arged with a rminloffence,' 4 persons cbiarged witl, liquor fecs ii 2 Persons chargedr with ii nre dring.ithiiPie The following is, a summiary of ýocc urrences investigated iIn the Past week:. T'he Mauvers TownshiP Main- y~ tainance shed wasbren nt i during the weekend Prie to n ~ 2, 173.Entr-v. was gained, by forcing epen the ýmain, door of sthe building. Stôlen was a quant- ls ity of gas frein the trucks inside. d' During, the evening Of January ýr 26, 1973, a group of girls, frein ý' PontypO01 diing in a car, wcre fStopped by two nmeu. One efthe o men for ne knOwi hreas'on, physie- le, ally caused <dainage t h rvr n orand wi"nd<>w Of the car oc- Is cupicd by the girls. A Inan frein dthe Janetville area was later ais erested and charged with wilful n, -A motor vehicle stolen frein :k< mpî4ned WSrecoverd a- baudn>dOn Eighway 401 near se Newcastle On January 27,, 1M7., n-1A late niedel metOr vebicle cd abandoned the sanie day. De- nt stroyed by fire, the vehicle was te iocated in a field Ou Courtice Rd. îr S. near Lake Ontario. On Jan uary 27, 1973 a chicken re groer n te MpleGrove aiea rd rpored he teftýOfapproximiat- i ely $100.00 cash frein the cash g, register at bis business location.* ep KNOW THELA Sno\1uobile RegistratiomP li Mlany snoWyoblers are beil-g )YS. mlsled with the false ýruiner that re, providing a snowmnobill is net a operatcd on a public read, if; is ri eot uccessary te register saine. ne AUi otorized snow vehicles e's whether or flot they are operated Mo, on a public road, tbe làw provides ru- that they must be registered with ýne the Ministry of Transportation. A nk registration plate for the curreuf; eir year must be attached on the ex-, front of the snowmobiife 'in a conspicuous position and nef; ob- Un structed by any part of the ru snowmobile or its load. a an- DANGER - "Thin Tee" e1. In the past few weeks, flhc O. P.P. in tourist areas have invest- îgated a number of accidents er whcre ice fishermen and snow- es. mobilers have lest their lives af- ter faliing through thin ice on - lakes and riveIrs. Be fore travell- ing on frozen lakes, check ice thickncss, bc aware of currents, *and check with local residetnts for danger areas. lice Thie ol s procedure - I ~e yeu are net certaine whether the 7tia, !ce is saf e, then stay off h 'eh- lks per- ré- ,vith the 53> uech ieft, ,age 4 siug -or its, ving the aise wund Kegodet Newsý Wtanu p and dowu wîntez nuav been having. On Wecbes- *;îv the last day of January it- was 14 below zero. On that very~ cmId day Mrs. Don',Roughleyý" carne home froin Oshawa General Hospital wlth her ncw baby daughter, Audra Ainne,ý bon Jan- uary, 25th. Don tells me he willl have bis leg in a cast for a long time, yet because of bis snowmo- bile accident. By Friday the tein- perature was almost 50 and it was raining. There was ice every- where especially at Kendal, school Monica Manning sllpped, iu front of a teacher's car that was mov- iaig and rcceived several cuts and- bruises around ber mouth. 1On Saturday a jack that -Mr. H. Brown was using 'to jack up a car slipped and bit humi on the, jaw cracking the boue. .The raie washed the snew fromn the bulis ïncluding the ski bils. They are busy making new snow at the timne of writing as the- tempc-rature is 20. some iu this area have had' real serious cases of the "flu'". 1Mr. anid14rs: Mark Wagar, DRft- ny and Donna visit~e d ber parents ini Belleville last weekend. Mi. and Mis, Jerry BYers ami' family visited ber mother Mns. H. Foster on Sunday. ,Mr. and, Mrs. G.ý Cathcart visit- cd Mrs. L. Burwash in Cobeurg on Monday. qoleLtin Gifts and Sizes b- Treat Your 7- vale ntes wath the Beslt MOTTS BILUIARDS'ý af nd Baîrbershop, om0" STUTT'S PHARMACY PHONE OIONO $USmW I I 7 i Brick -Block Voe*nr. Stone Work Carpentry .Cabinet w I..rm .-Ile 183on4C. ý 9 - No MWW»fflý - fflemioç

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