w, - - -- Fear Premssures 0f De veloprnnt l,)urham, la speikig Vo fte Browvn's :Comnfijty on, Sunday, sîaid that the Regional set-up w-as ýoinplex at tis pint "Most ,aiunicipalities are awareIwee f OfLUME 37, NUMB1-ER Z6 that change is needed," lie saîd, Hf, warned lis audience tliat ini- terests -were puirdhasing land f'hroigliout the area for develop- Ment and the pressures to devel- 'op~ these lands c Ùl be too mucli ci for thec local govenn. handlc. "I don't want to fine orchards and farinsc .inder pavement," lie citetc'l oeinstancewle eration vwas being giver- ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBiýrUAktY 7M, 1 (enles' chol Bord ats eput-Reve To Rtai PrsentAre Sp0ksAt Bro If tlie fiajority ofNntune- ýand and Durliam Couinty Board oýf Education trustce lhave fliii aythere will bu no changýes , ! the Unitedt Counties educational boundaies (- rgonal govTern- ment or net. The board endorsed a bief on 'aursday te the miinistry of cdlu- tation calling for the netention o;f existing bouindanies "unless fu- -tare expeience renpders modifi- c'ation adv-isable." To have on.e board of educa- ti1on for the propose d negion was i-alkd "untliink-able", according fto the bnief. Any expansion of Ontario County or othier boards ïinto the presejif ecational area xas deý- nidas a "denial of justice."ý The United Counties' board e- 4cm reJected, laan cosevote, the ýrequecst by onc board memiber -hat .tliree mncplte lie rep)- resntsbe llocdto secede if rional govcrmcnt becomeýsa lýact.. The nipltewos s- odary school ehu1îren attend Pýeterborougli scliools wanted to comae under the Peterfionough boardl since tliey are not part. of ehe new pnoposcd nregion. A single board for the new Pickering to Cobourg region drew uemments of disbelief fnomn many 'ustees. T12e bief to be presented la Teoronto on Fcýbnuary l4th llsted îbree passibl',e alternatives: The governient could establish a60_000 student school system 'witli the sanie boundaries as the p5ropo_4-d regi 1on, an alternative cndairsed by thicOnitario County 1.bard of edaication. The United Counties bief saw ,ici menit in h tis pr(posal. A second alternative would be a twoschoo systin isidc tlie ne- ies achn lcregion. This whuld' give tlie Ontario Èlnited Countiesý board 12-15000. Boaqrd 45-50,000 students and the Peterboroughi noôuid gaijn 100 ,students to Make 20,000 and Hast- ings board 6000 giving them- a to- tal .of 30,000. Thene was a dang-er the board miglitlie left with too few stu- dents ta mnake availahle the type of progai envisagedi by the mlin- istry. Thc brief said that te suddenly lop off a substantial pairt of the of t'c pcatngunit' Would lic te Icave an orgaizationwhcwul lie d ofnctoal i ii a number of respcts. The~ wasworry the assesmet bse 'iglt le too low and t'hrui then too costly ta- The United Cunie uvoured a t'ýýrd al!ternative. This would have a t-nae Ontanlo Cou-nty sysýtem bouddly the proDpo-sed, region, whlhc Nonthumiberand and Dunhain board nemained asý it is-, pantly inside and part]y out- side the negion. This would leave the Ontario County board with 45,000 stud- ents and the United County sys- temi with 2500. "If pupils can be pulled aut of one qchooýl system and put ln an- othen because a political boýe.dary changes, if teacelici-s who have de- libe'2ately cliosen one sehool sys- tem ena be transferred without consultation te anotler system, the clear message is that political buneauceracy is pnepared to ride rouglishod aven people," the brief said. Such aeation would reduce peo- ple to the nole of "mere pawns", it suggcstel. Two Groups Eniloy FelIowshîp An enjoyable fic was sp ent ;-t the Oddfe!llw's Hlall Tliursday, Februiary Ist, whien %iono Senior citizens ententained Newcastle Seir Citizcns witli forty,-nine rýresent, Cards were, played ai-d prizes Weat to Mi ýs Norma HaIllowell, higli lady.; Mrs. Roy Farrow, 10w lady; NI. Wmi. Morley, higli man and Mnr. Eric Wticks, low ian. The aftennooni lunch was served ,it 'bctables with tea amade liy MIrs. Barlow and sandwiches and cookies pnovided ly the senior citizens after which Mn. F. Rick-ý ard thaaiked everyonc for the good tune and good( lunch and told a few jokes. Mrs. 0, Coatham thankcd Mn. Riekard and Ncwcastle Senior Citizens for joining us. Hope we will have a good cnowd come eut and hcelp us ta enjoy theý next meeting on Thursday,. Mardi lst a t 2 o'clock in tic aftennoon. Aftcr that meetings wýill again be in the eia. Dcpuity-ueevý IIirk Ent Conitre that the Council c lýid given both hi an Weoodyarcd a mandate tc cha-nge. in the Provinjce'ý propa4 at tlie counaty H-e spokçe agalnst beinig lixto a negian 'with OshI -s d Clarke Council was Our of refonni but not t: incial proposai, 11e sujg, break in th~e region so tC ameas could be brouglit sudl as, the Uie on The Deputy-Reeve stai the Prvnilplan pre massive dvom4anid wliile said, ni-y. xn p aceatail. le frter st the rea.)son civen by the 'It is aur moncy thcy Cr," lic said. "We wi" equalized assessmrent and ally equalization of taxai said. "We wýil pay for se. sewens an-d waten witliout these services," lie state ,nents ta cliase a 'wlole Township. o see the Mnr. Carruthiers stated that the of Clarke Province now pays 755%, of al said. H1e costs in most areas. A suitable re consid- -canomic base must be establish- l opur- ed in order that citizens can ex- eréise control. - 11e spo-ke of the present liodge- polgel system of planning and st4rip devel!opmnent especially a- long Higliway No. 2 and 28 which lias reduced the efficiency of e, ~these hLighiways. 11e also referred to the fear of gurowth out of Met- .973 ro Toronto and saw. only regional areas as a -solution to maintain Toronto w?ýithin its confines. Mý'r. Ca rruthers pointed to P ort H-ope wliere prcsently five hous- ing, develoPmcents. are undcrwa!y witli no expanýsion of industnýial assess nTaBowmanille there- > w 5 are six ncw industries to be est-, ablished tliis yean, lie said. He, spoke of the' need to share, in- of ustialasSessmnent and Saw. this.ý twisleas one, of the main pnincipals in SuPcday fajr of regional' government. >mmum"lr"ty ie also saiîd theýre are niow many ~fClrle inqutisin mncplServices d Reevew and crd to policig. Hie also, sekastated ta esdnswould only neeioalpaIy for those services.(atr lee fsewens) which they receixc.d. Under the present system thie 10.000 people in Dan-linglton pay rothing for polic-ing whilc Bow- $dumji ed mianville pays twice, (once f'l'r iawa.' lie their own force and secondly -a 3in fav- sice te the Provincial Policeý. te Prov- Mr. Carruthers futher statc& getda tlia3t< the beart44ad of North Amn- hat rural pilca w1il be flie Great Lakes toge-ther , ekrsln ndle flic, d te neion- la'; area as proposed by tlie Pnov- ! -ce. 11e, said, Clarke, eas;t Da- !nngton and Hoýpe will be mazii- Ited that taine d 2as a green bheit arca wti supposesipi licpla. I will nat -stanïd by notiand sec farm land go dw the lot talie drain," lic- said. ýated, that Carruthe,ýrs dcnouncd 'fears of Provýince Olaado'inat-Lýing ftheRegion add u ý;and stated this hlias not hpee laotier regions. 11e ialso statedec that some 'lad ,witnesýsedJicreas- Ille also stated tliat witli increas- ed tax)Nes whule othens uent duwn. are aft- ed services taxes are bound to il have goup 1eventu- Mr. C.irrnthlers strongly stress- tion," h cd fear of excessive pressures rvcsof for deve.olpm-ents and surge of tgetting MVetro Toronto> along with nOcd of Planning as the major reasons for regional governanents. Moflfatt Somewhat Là Arment Mr. Douglas Moffatt, ND-P can,, didate iii recent -provincial elecIý- ions, stated at Brown's onSuia that lie agreed with most of what, Mr. Ca1rWuthers had said coIcIerning regional goverynment. "It is a complex problem," lie 1ai.1" back up Alex that planý ning m-ust be done -lai prices. h1ave sky-roc-ketedl in the past five, yeanrs", lie said. Mr. ,Moffatt did question how, ev er how regionai government was going to control urban sp-rawl aPnd strip developmient qieorg ouir !highwýayS~ whell most of land E now divided into lot-s. lie as said lieare with a wider tax base and'asked if it meant peoýple in Oshawa would pay sornething in Clarke. No answver was givén to this 9uestion other than ail would sh-'-re- ini coýts of planning, and other items relevant to the regional area. 1Mrv1. Moffatt questioned the haste in setting up the regiôonnl area even thoughi he said the plan had à lot of menit. "There is a lot to 'be iiuproved," he said, and spoke of library servie i rural areas such as Kendal. Air. Earl Walkey,, c7lairmaan for the Brown-P's community régional mieetin1g on Sunday stated that, I'goingr along with this plan, 11e further emphasized fthat muiialities cnnt handle pre sent day problems and that de1veloprnent was ever increasiin. He noted the need for more pow- er Uines to distribute power and the opposition to these line . "Power lines," lie said, "have te go through to supply the demanda1 of the people." Cla'rke Student Supports Capital Punishment - Orono, Ontario, Feb. 5, 1973 Dean Mnr. Edito,:' On Thursday 'of lat week, an- other policeman was kîlled in Metro Toronto; this being the 4th l il moinths. This aiudgeâ on the 'pros and cons of capital pua- ishmeat. As far as I'm concerned, I'm in favaur of the death pen- alty, and here's why:. 1) If a jury ýof 12 men and a judge coavict a ian of murder- ing another person, for whidh the penalty is death, then what night lias Parliamnent to nullify that de- cision. (Not 1 persan has been put-to deýabl since 1967, even for 1be murden of a policeman). 2) Whule listcning to the aews on. Thursday niglit, after hearing of the death of Constable Malt- PIRE DEPARTM4ENT KEPT BUSY Man Duies -In9Il lamIng Car Oun 401 A 28-year-eld Qucbec ian dicd ,m a flamingý car Monday aften- ,ionj on Highiway 401 followintg a -thnee-car acc(ide-nt. Dead is Pierre :;renier of St. Thenese, Quebec The îishap occurred at a noad -block set up by the INewcastlc OPP on 401 just east of Ncwton- vjille.' Mr. Grenier was a passea- gen in a car diven by Allient -{urffle, 24, Blaînville, Quebec. It was stated that the car stopped be-hind a car driven by George ,7,ames Ayers of Kitchen-Ier which' was also stopped at the rond block set-up foliowing a hold-up at the Cann,dian 'Imperial Bank< îf Commerce i Port IH.pc wlere $2000 was stolen. Another car divea by a Ton- enta ian struck the rean of the Hundle car pushiag it inta the Ayers car. Both the Breau and Hurdile vehicles burst labo flames, it lias licen stated. Mr. Grenier, tnapped in the car, die din the fire. Thc incident happcaed about 4:00 p.m. The Orono-Clanke 'Fine Depant- ment atteaded the accident and extinquisled thc fine. Monday .îorning the Oronio Fine Departient answened a cal ta Mr. Stan Ollin's, fourth i Une, Clarke. The fine, la the chumney, caused no damage. Tuesday morning the Depart- ment answened a cali ta west of Newcastle whcne Lcland Payne's backhoce had. cauglit fine. The win- iag was burat off the machine. land, a member of Panliamfent had the gailta speak out and say something ta the effeet that, "Well thiags Uike this happen!ý" The man killllng Constable Maitland ladl been out on bail for various charges. This man should neyer have been set free. But did the shooting of another policeman shock Panlianient en- ougli ta malce refornma on the bail act? N it did not. Taken from the Toronto Star General Warren, Allmand said in Ottawa tliat Maitland's slayiag was a horrible thing but lias not clianged lis conviction that hang- ings cannat deter potential kill- ers. What does it take to get action? Do we have to wait until a "Mass" killer comes aloag and shoots 20 policemen? That's the whole story, wait unrtil it's too late. 31 Tlçrcsliould lie no argu- ment about dfeternent. There is none. Panliamrenit sets drtn a law, that any persan jkilUllnga policeman or prison cuard shal srve the deatii penalty. But then they turn arouind and break, their ow,ýn law. by communtinig sentences Killens kaaw that they will only get' life imprisonnient; (at the taxpaýyers' expcase). So what? 10 an 15 yeans out of their life and they're freet-of walk the streets again. By killing anothen humran being, this person lias forfeited lis i-iht to life. 'One more thing abouît the deterieent. Howý canr somre of our supposedly knowa ledgable and respectable leaders camne out with statements saying haniging is ne deterrent ta inurd- erers, when no one is hanged? 4) Some dlaim a inurceren is 'capable of being "rehablitated' hag wash - You tell that ta soine .grieving wife, husband or cliild.- 5) Onj the religious side of thiags, if a murderer truly ne- pents lis sins, lie will be forgiven by God and will 1stant a new 111e, However lie is of no use ta thÎr, society.. By killing . anc of hMs fellow humnan beings lielias glv- en up lis right to) life. 6)ý Why should we cater to some persan wlio can pick up a gun and just shoot a penson wlth- out giving a hoot. Then we give hlm 3 meals a day, a nice warrn lied, and ail the luxury lie could want, for 20 ycars. You can talk'about bail, capital puaishnient, the deternent, any- thing, but wliat it ail comes doýwn (Continued on page 4) Regionali Mîeeting At Clorke High Mn. D. Mafatt, a member of a Clarke Citizens gnoup, aninounced Sunday thait Mr. Irwin, panlia- mentary secretary to the Minister of Municipal Aftains, is to attend a meeting at Clarke H-igli School to answer questions an Regional governnient. The meeting is to be held on Friday, Feliruary l6th. Oroýn,,,10