Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jan 1973, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,, WEDNESDY JANUARY 31ts, 1973 UNITED Cfftti Xîidster Rev. B&. L.Long. SUINDAY, FEB1WVARW 4th Geono Unlted Church: Church Sehool - 10:0Q0 a.iii Worship Service- 11:15 am Discussion Group Fr!day, Feb- ruary 2nd, at 8:00 p.m. in the Ieuodship Room. K"ry uni" dChurch: Worshlp Service 9:45 a.mu. Church Sehool - 11,04)am. Dial A Thought: 983-4151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN PmA"blshed ilm Regular Suuday Worship sf*',tce - 10:.00 &LE. Holy Cemmunion- First and Third Sundays morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundaym Holy Baptisîn by appointmleat wth Rector 981-4745 The Rev. IL Robert Enyne, 8-%.. L.Th. DRAPES CARPE? by Harding mbd Croskey Wtu4.-Wali «rAre £«ap Complote ilbe * lukSbe.t corpet Bardsurfseo F. A. Kramp Ferniture Ltd. W? - 41 King st. r"o Deoeratlng Servie* JACK BOIVIANVILLE When Buying or Seiiing eaiu WILF HAWKE VOUE ORONO ARMA REPRE SENýTATIVE 983-5274 Moember of Oshawa and Dis-, trict Real Estate Board Up Aid Dw The 8-3-à Stacks February lst, 1973 Aduit: Remodeling 0!(! Houses by G. Stephe4n MÉiss Elizabeth Arden .by A. A. worth (fromn a jar of cold cream to a multi million dollar business, afacntg story Of the wornan vrho )cre(ated it) Disaster at Bari by Glenn B. In- field (top secret W.W. 2- catas- trophe) Dowin Amnong the Wild Men by John Greenway (1f e of the Au- stralian aborigine) Fliglit One by -Charles Carpenter (suspense aboard a superso0nle airliner) Green Darkness by Anya Seton (mystery and romance) Junior: High Fliers <Colorful Kites) by Tadao Salto Look Again, b: Tana IHoban strange photographs, to intrigue and puzzle You) The Book of Wishes and Wish- making by Duncan Enrich (how tomake them corne truc!) the Chili in the Bamboo Grave by Rosemary Harris (Japanese story) -Easy Reading and Picture BOOks Labo and Brewster byv Gladys Y'essayan ÇCreta1n (deligchtful tlog and cat story) Rumpelstiltskifl by The Brothers Grimm n(aid fairY Story ý,retold) M.L H-adley I.teresting Film Shown AtHI &S A filmn on communications by Marshall MsLuhan "The Medium in the Mlassage,," was shown last TluesdlayN evening at the Orono Honie and Sehool mieetinig. It was regrettable that more people were not in attendance. Thli film was demionstrating some of the ways the media is applied by means of different light affects and bis points were underlined by imagery which was very fast imagery. Ail Mr. Me- Luhan's ideas were thrown at you at very Ibigh, specd. Those in attendance feit th4dy would like to see the film again to-catch more of hits ldeas. Those people not attencliug really missed a good fim, You do not need to~ be a main- ber of the Orono' Homie and Sehool Association to corne to our meetings and we welcome everyboày toe- attend our. future meetings. Our next, -, event takes place February 24th when we'll be holding an Old Tyme Dance and Box Social - "The Ground Hog *Hop" Music for the dance will- be records and square dance mus- ic played by Mr. and -Mrs. Bih Buniting with Mr. Mac Ransberry calling off. So Stuedats from gradtýe > to 8 an-! aduifts, for a night of fun, attend "The Ground cgHop" on February 24. Tick-. ets will be available at the door. $1 .00 a couple and 25c! per stud- ont. The anxial mee-ting, of Ken- dal United Church was held on Monday evening Jlanuary 22. It began with a pot luck stupper. Unfortunately the fog was so dense that some of our miemrbers were afraid to venture on the icy bis. Twenty-two sa't down .a to supper. Rev. T.Snlrv opened the mieetin'g with praýyer and Script-, urereaingfrom thll(7th ecapt- er of St. Johln's gopel. A f mroments si ilenice wasoluerved in memnory of Mrý. VWm. Jcsn, r. H. Foster and MTr. T. Garbutt wlio passed ,aWay drn 92 There wr w atssand one ma!rriagein KndlChurchi hast year. Satis;factoYry rports wr ie byý the churchscetrheSn day School uernenetand the treasurer of the IJC.W. To the M1isionary aid~ Service fun-d of our church Koftdal gave $363.00 We hel a Sunday School Pien-Ir hast year whiich began with *a shower which sent ail cars to the homo of Mr. Len Falls whero lunch was enjoyed folhowed by games, races and music on the lawn. One new member was, added, to the Board of Stewards while a second was to be interviewed. Other officers were re-instated. The Hammond Organ is in need of a complete eheck over. Mrs. K. Wood and Mrs, H. Foster were nominated as.a committee tocon- tact the Heintzman Co. to attend to this matter. Rev. T. Snelgrove, closed the meeting with prayer.,, Visi tors wlth Mr. and Mrs T. Stevens an Fridaywere Mrs. H1. Foster and Miss C. W. Stewart. on Sunday the Kendal choir sang, -I came to the Garden A- lone.- Rev. T. Snelgrove told the children a story entitled "Sihent Messengers." In June 1965 a mani set out to cross the Atlantic Ocoan in a little boat 30%k feet long named "The Trinker Bell." Orville Chatterton ELFCrICAL ONRCrN AND SERVICE OMONO, ONTA1IO mc.infl >war I Mcud ?uabkgg & I CARMAN PLUMI1G AND fIEATNG Ulis ruddýer broke on Augcust the Lst. So he put a written messagce for help inside a hottie, and prom- ising $ 15.00 reward to the finder. Then lhe dropped the bottie over- boz)rd. It reachied the coast of LUÏnited :Stateqs Ctbought sen d i ng à, his reýwardJ of $15.00 A cbrchl Portugal and the finder Cla9imedI mnessage i a bottle a'go idee. So it senOt gospel verses inbotl& and asked people to write to their churcti if they-ccieda esae Four ithousand people have wîit, ten and -ýasked to, ]earrn more-of the Good News of Jesus and Hts love., After twa wcoks of record highi tempera tures the wealher hua turned cold . again on this 29tlh day of January it is 5' above zero,, with a high wind blowing. Abert's2-0TOam MIDWINTER SALE Mlen's Jack*ts- Top Coats Clearhsg ail Men's Winter Jackets and TOPCOA'tS, Sizes 36 tg I t. 46. Broken sizes ini eaclistyle. SAVE2% . Mien's Shirts Clearance of ail Men's Lon-Sleeve Shirts. Plaids, stripes, Geometrie designs and plain shades. Sizes S, 1% L and XL. VOUR CHOICE AT 25%à OFF lA.'îDIES' HOUSECOATS RUBRER FOOTWEAR CleaÈrrg the balance of our Long Snowmobile Boots for men and for Robes, Hlostess Gowns àad Short Dusters. children. Boy's laced boots. Goloshes with Y0)U i CHOICE AT 25 percent OFF buckle on side for boys and echildrron. SAVE 25 percent LADIES' SLACKS A-W ladîies' Slacks includingc straight CHIDRE'Slegs, Fiares and those with Cuffs. Stripes C4iATS and SNOWNSUITS hcs plaids and plainshd. Sizes 1M Snowsuits for Infants andý,,m children. t 2 Coat sets for Toddlers, ak~frcîi ren and older boys. ALSO SAVE 25 percent or- more on SAVE 25% L'aides' Dresses, Pant Suits and4 B1èuses. Cards for your Valentine VALENTINE GIFTS . . - Beautiful Cantiles by Amy BOXED CHOCOLATES WATCHES RECORDS - TAPES Many othere lMidleoo ooeqwo, o0"'. STUTT'S PHARMACY, r ROY THOMPSON OrnOntario Phono 983-5759 Ail1 Carpentry Work Bemnodoiling Webuîld fror",n the fudto

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