Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jan 1973, p. 1

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Favours ounm»,-tya Regiîon The Council of the Township- .Ao Clarke have passed a resolu- tjion il, whI,*ch- they expres that the Township favours to lie in- diudecl in a United Counties Re- gion. The resolution was pasýIed lait wee-k at a special couneil meeting yard, lie stated that the Jaiiuary after having met with govern- 23rd meet»ingc had beecn informia- ment represeîntatives on January tive. F1e feit that a United Count- 23rd in Bôm wieif4th councîl ies Rýegion, would croup together mlembers ofNecsliowa- an area th4at live aie think a- ville and DarllngtOn. like- and towns and villages of in spe-aking with Revc Wood- comparativ-e sizes, and needs. Ho * VOLUME 37, NUMBER 5 The installation of officers of Orono Lodge,No 325, A.F. and A.M. was held recently in the lodge wc iith John Foak elected mse.C- 'htýrs letdto office are p w aoe fotrow left to rigbt; D1)I'b-,,Hllwll JnirStewa:ýrd; Floyd Nijcholsoni, Iaeit a atr onFonk, ORONO WVEEKLýY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARV 3lts, 1973 MaAter; Klaas Schoenfmaker, Senior W Vardcen; Carl Billiings, Treasurer; bavek row, D. Devolmni, Senior Warden; Colville Evans, Secretarcy; Tom Hienderson Senior Deacon; Robert Rousseau, Senýior Steward; Wayne Baiiey, Director of Ceremoùniesan Lowell Gatchell, ýJunior Deacon. Former Or-ono .Presi ent Horicultural SocietyRedntDon The miny delïilos cseoe, Ms E. Browni accompianiedl on ïýlads, deserzs a ndho-ad the piano for a lively sin, song, -bicuits brouglt by miembers' to iftluding a miardi around the hall the orilticlturalI Pot Lucx~sp to the tune of "Jingle belis." per provided a sumnptueus meal Ms .Blig aeavr -Iaur thseprsntonTurda.special %welcomie to our onlychIar- Thnury 2th.ter miember. Mrs. E. Hamnm wiio it was a beautifil ilit weath- tr-wise, almostlk pig Very pjeasart cag to the ,weather we usually have füfor ou antilal meetings. ,mas seated at thie head table. Shie also mentloied the absýence 'of several who were ili, eszp(ciaillY Mrj. and Mrs Gniter, wio were to (Contintuettpage 3Z), Mr. Johin Mackey', 27, a resicl- ent of Tamworth was drowned FYlday alglit when his snowmoa- bile went througli the ice cri l3eaver' Lake near lis home. Nlr. Ma-.ckey was an employee of the Community Tetcphone Conanand for a number of ycars was station'nl at Orônô. ~r. Makey issurvivd by is wiethe formerMren Roy of Lsaunvrt and 2dhidrerL Gron-io sec any advantage to Clarke lie- ing in the Oshawa region. He was said lie could flot at this Lime of the op)inion that millions of dollars wvo1ld have to lie spent in the western section of t'he Reg- ion si«,h as 'Whitbv and Pickering to borig these centres up to thé standard of Bownianville and ev- en Qrono,. Reeve Woodyard said he did not have fears of being On the, edge of either regi don. I"Regardless, of what happen1s," lie said, "a lot depends on the type of mien who represent the people in the re- gion. Deputy-reeve Kirk Etil said lie felt the meeting had tak- en a poor formi and did not give' time to thresh out proper an.,- wers. H1e feît the Province did flot give sufficient reason whyý smralle-r relions wouldi not o7ner- H1e said that fliere cudlea adîvantage in regiona fl ve ment Ta pro îViingeffiinyl sc'as road sytems 1Onthe oth- er h-and hie said thle system woufld clit the grass roots out of local gsoverniment andf that the ordïnary man ceould not be involved. 11e said lie feared bureau'cracy and refeprý;ed to the eholsysteni where lie feit the~ staff dolnat- ed th-e board, This couicd be,,even worse in the regional system, lie said. Deputy-ree've Etwsle Said there was more compatihulity lie- twee-n Port Hope, Cobourg and Clrethan 'would exist between Clarki:e and Ajax. Councillor C!iater stated. the January 23r, m-eeting was good "ýas, far as, it wentý." in supJporting the resolution or Council le aid lie felt there was gea1ter uIniform- ity. with cmuiin athe Un- ited Counties than with those in the Oshawa area at this tme. H1e said regionalI goverament will provide a larger basis for planning- which was desirable. 11e pointed out that most of the authority had now heen lost by the municipalities and tmder the regional systeni it was supposed bo lie returned, to the People. Chater did regret the loss of rep- resentation which would bey fur- ther reduced with bhe consIruct- ion of the new airport city. "Councillor Chater did state that inanay case whether inaa United Counties region or Osh- awa region Clarke would fil1 the sýanie roll, a green beit. Like ail couincil ipembers lie saw little. change froin the orig-, tuai proposa] of the Province. Ail interviewed stated that a change mdll exist. over. the soubli two concessions in Manvers and a poss;ible change in the west boundar-y of Darlington. TwentY lots of Darlington are now propos ed to go to the Oshawa municipal- ity. Councillor Reid stated that the meeting had been informnat- tive. 'Like other memlbers Of Council lié foît that Clarke was more oriented to the municipal- ities in the United Counties than to the Oshawa region even thougli >most people workcd and shopped Neye nowThe Diffierence, t esCha"irman Simpson TheDurbam Riding;NDP As- offleecrs for 1973a b ib Publi:c c Shool onSunday ,k7 ary27h treasurer, Fian 7-1-tt, -nd 1, memersipcommitt,-ee adJ im alteratE-. Gerry Brw, w castie and Ken Brigneil, New- castieee elected totb Region- ai Committee,; Jim Bon social cver.Connie Skinner, Port Hope--, Ted White, Ma.pIe Grove, StanGolehiCourticean Eu geheDb's Bowsnanvil, er 1'.t das Members at Lre D. M. Simpsom, chirman of the Orono Police Trps,-tees, attended the J11an uary 23rd Provincial iiieeting lai Bowmanville and on i nter-view-\ said the meeting re- vealed a lot of inform1'1ation an that lie was well satisfied with the disýcussion. lbt was a real ed- ucatio," ý'lie said. Chairi-nnSipsnsaid be lias now- a lot less fear, of Regional Gofernmetanditt-'olb is rnot su'-,iýan ssume mnst er. Ie was of the opiniion that the averagile citien nt venk-now lb bis change--d. ,lb iloki f people eget lie- hind the reegi onal systfem a d work," >lie said. "We- have to eleet the best moýn pssbl, iesaid, "to the regý-ionIal and first level government."l Simipson said thiat the Orono, area woffld ch-ange ve rýr lt tle fromn whab lb is non-, rural. Hie also said that ths area could benefit to a dgrefromi the ln- dustrial assessment of Osliawaý. H1e also pointed on.,t that proi-. le mseyist todiay tlhat have to lie worked out. Problem-s uill exist in the region, lie said. Mr.Simsonsaid that M'vr. Ir- (Contilaued page 3) ýCI.arke Tentative Proposai Fr"om 0MB ForSenior Tie Northumberland and Dur- ham County Board tf Educationi lias received tentatiýe approval froma theý Ontario Municipal Board for the finaancing of a Senior El, ementary Scliool. The school is proposed to 'ser- vice students of Oror7ïo, the Town- ship el Clarke and the Village of Newcastle. lb would àceornmodateI students of grades 7 and 8. Ib is also proposed, that, the sehlool be built ln conjunction with the Clarke Hligli Sehocol as an addition oCra a separate school on the Sa3me site. Tabe PopoolFor New Cobourg Schýool' The EBoard tabled. the niatter of constructlng a proposed sen- lor elemnentary sehool in Cobourg to serve studepts of grades 7 and a in Cobourg and Hamoilton Town- slip. The Township lias literally opposed the proposition as lb would close two 2-room -Public schoolsý. The liold-over la the mat- ber will exlist until ,meinbers can, visit thje school and on th- eall- injg of a special meeting. Red Cross lu Nqeed 0fN Blood, The Red Cross Blood Transfu~s- ion Service was introduced in Canada with the opening of the first Blood Depot ln Vancouver inn 1947. By 1959, 16 bloec) de. pots were supplying all the blood of patients in Canadian hospitalî. Wo't you help meet ,the need by beecomng a blood donor? Visit your local Clie on. Wednlesday, Februar-y 7, 1973 1 *30 to 4:30) and G:3O)ý to 9 p.m. Lions Centre, to the wesb.lie pointed out that this area was the fastest growing area in ail of Canada and as sudh mnunicipalities miust work an* plan together as neyer before. 11e said there was a lot Of prOS and cons. Councillor Reid definitely f dbt that Dariagton would retaïn ter of the- bweaty lots whichi are, aI. lotbed to lie included ia the Osh- awa municipaliby. lHe also feLt that the two southern concessions of Manvers would go to Victoria coupty.

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