ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUAUY 21th, 1973 UNITED CZURCR Orono Pastoral Charge Winter Rev. B. E. Long. B.Th. SUNDAY, JANIJARY 28, 1913 Orono United Church: Church School - 10:00 a.m. Worship Service - 11:15 a.m. Discussion Group - Friday, Feb-. ruary 2nd, at 8:00 p.m. in -the Friendship Room. Kirby United Church: Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Church School - 11:00 a.m. Dial A Thotight: 983-9151 ANGLICAN Established 1869 Special Service on January 28th at 3 p.n., followed by the îAnnual Vestry Meeting at I3:30 p.m. Ail members of the icongregation are urged to at- tend. CUSTON-MADE CARPET by Hardlag and Crouley Wafl-o-Waflior Ai-en Rugi Complete lUneof. iltchen Carpeý Rardsnrfae« F. A.kr p Furniture Ltd. 37 - 41 King St. East Phone 623-7071 Bowian nfe Free Estimates Deeoratiing Service CAUR hýn uying or Seling eaU WNILF HAWKE VýOUR ORONO AREA REPeRESENTATIVE 983-5274 ?iýhbr of Oshawa and Dis- îrict Real Estate Board -~THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 .Il Carpentry Work Reuiodeiling Kitchïea 1Cuphoards Iuidfrom the foundation up. CURRENT KILLS KENDAL MAN A 45 year old Kendal man was electrocuted in Newcastle on Frîday whenr attempting to re- wire a motor, switch to a 575 volt control panel, said a Newcastle OPP spokýesmanI. Godifrey David Wynne, RR 1, Kendal, an employee of the Adam Victor Peter Extrusions Plant, Toronto Rdi., was killed by the el- ectrical shock at 11:55 a.m. while working in the plant, The OPP spokesman said no one is positive as to how the main was electrocuited but that "ýan aluminum ladder which he was uising contributpd to his death." The incident is stili under in- vestigation by OPP Const. D. C. MacKay and Corp. Morris Nimi- gon. The regýular meeting of Heath- ,er Rebekahi Lodge was held Jan- uary 9, 1973 wthSister Carole Boyd, Noble Grand presiding, and Sister, Isabelle Trinm. Vice Grand, assisting. The Noble Grand warmly %wel- comed Sister Penrl Peacock, Dis- trict Deputy President who was fintroduced by Sis-ter Sadie Ham-' Mlon, P.N.G. Also a car load of s!stýers fiom Oshawa were re- ceived and welcomed. A full report on visitations and cards and flowers sent, w-as given, bY Sister Isabelle Trimm, V.G., Convenor of the Visiting commit- tee. Greetings and tflnnk-you notes were received also invitations for several social , functions to be held in the near future in this District. It-was decided to sendi the nec- essary additional fee to the fund for our adopted Poster Chi'ld in Koren to, further her education. The -officers and members wel- comed two new mnembers Sisters Betty Stinson and Shiarron St,-Cey who were admitted to mlember- ship, the degree staff of Henther exoemplified the Deg-ree in a very dignifield and beautiful manner. Birthday greetings were ex- tended to Sisters Betty Major, Violet Sutcliffe, Irene Murray, Loin Kennedy and Glad Gamsby. Lodge elosed after which a social hour was spent in the.ba'n- que hall where a delicious lunch was 'served by the committce in charge. Up ilAndDownî The ReknSdu k JANUARY 25., 1973 AdUIt: Auut1914 ')y Alexander Sol- zhen-1ts ' vn(controverhial -stoi-y of thýe Russian Armys' defeat by thie Germans at Tannenberg The Somnething Went-wrong what do 1 do now- Cookbook by John and Marina Bear Philosophy of Religionby George' Abernethy The Evaders by Edmund Cos- grove (truc story of eight Can, adian airmen and their escape from occupied Europe during World War II Doctor in Judgment by Elizabeth Seifert The Incurable by Nell Dunn (a young mother abandons her home for advcntures in Europe) Junior: The Aqunnauts by Arthur Schaf- fert (exploration of our under- water world) Resources of the Canadian Shield by J. Lewis Robinson Ningiyuk's Igloo World by Anna E. Rokcby-Thomas The Almost Year by- Florencýe Engel Randaîl (a novel of a youngý black girl's experience to racial prejudice) Easy Reading and Picture Books Little Hippo by Frances Char- lotte Ale~n Peng-uins, of all People by Don, Freeman. M. Hadley NO MAJOR INJURY IN TRAIN CR¶ASH NEAR NEWCASTLE Three Toronto men haù their hunting tiIp interrupted and nar- rowly escaped serious injury when the car they were in collid- ed with a CPR train two miles east of Newcastle Saturday after- noon. The accident occurred at the Lakeshore Rd. and Lovekin sid- ing at 2:30 p.m. when an east- bound train, travelling from. Tor- onto to Smiths Fal-îs, was in col- ision with a vehicle driven by Andy Konstantakos, 37, of Brown- ing Ave., Toronto. A Newcastle OPP spokesman said the CPR train, made up of more than 100 cars, was traveal- ling at a speed of about 40 mph at the time of the accident. H1e said the Lakeshore Rd.- Lovekin siding is a level crossing twithout lights or gates. MIDGETS EDGE BOWMANIVILLE SQUAD in anl exhibition game Satur- day night the Orono Midgets ed- ged a Bowmnanville team by a score of 5 to 4. Keith: Powell not Orville Chattertron ELECTRICAL CONTRACTJG ELEcTRC HZATING AND SERVICE phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARJO llensed plumb Jug & Mechanical Contractoe Who SORSl, intai Md guaicuten PLUMBING AND HEATING only scored one goal buit assisted --on thiree others for five points. Ian Brennan, StLeve Allèn, Mark Carman and Bill.Siater completed the scoringl. Further assists went to Doug Black, Larry Watson and Myles Brandt. FOR THOSE LONG WINTER NIGHTS Jig Saw For ail age groups 59e to $2.98 CHIPS -PRETZELS POP COUN NEW RECORDS Midletoois SeEMNI AN NUALSL E éM VIsp.Mer Rose anrii Paînty os2e SE 20%7 From Jaaumary 24th to February 3r4 ONE.SIZE PANTYHOSE - AUl-sheer to waist mesh Panty, PANTYHOSE- Hose. One size fits 90 te 150 lbs. regular 99c. Mesh Pantyhose with reinfor- SALE PRICE 79c. ced brief, ail-sheer te waist SOKNS p4ntyhose, double mesh panty- SOCKn ieSherSrthSok hose, Sandal foot Pantyhose.-On ieSertethtok ings in maple, spice and cinna- Ail f th poplar hade lumon. Regular 79c. All f th poplar hade inSALE PRICE 63c. sizes S, M, L and XL. Reguar $49 SLE $.19One-Size Sheer Knee High Rose in- maple, chmnamon and Pacifie blue. Regular 79e. QUEN SIZE PANTYHOSE - SALE PRICE 63c. Extra width at back and thigh top for the fuiler figure. One size to fit 175 to 200 lbs. Reg. $1.49 SALE $1.19 SALE ON FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE CONTINUES A1R MSTRONGSý Durham NDP Association Annual è ,'eeting Speaker: Dr. J. Dukszta MLA for Parkdale T opie: HEALTH CARE IN ONTARIO Sunday, Jan. 28 2 p.m. Kirby School Public Welcome ETHEMAN WHO NMI ~UALLYSBLOWS HIS OW HORNIUSUALLY STAS ~AT THE LITTLE END- G&XRALREPAMN Phon .. s e-O NEW CHOCOLATE CHEWABLES pardec Vitaunins wlth iron -TADDLE-TALE" SAFETY CAP- -WE, CARE- STUTT'IS PHARMACY PHONE ORONO 983-00