Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jan 1973, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JAN~UARY 24th, 1913 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES s;ecoýnd Class Mail Regigtration Number 036f, Puiited eve-ry Tliursday at the office- of PulblietiOr Mfain Street. Orono. OntaxtO Plnne 983-530] ITS A TWO-SIDED POLICY The abolition of' the death penalty or the continuation of tue trail period again faces the government of Canada. It will be the goyernments and parliaments responsibility to sort tlirough the happenings and statistics of the past five years and to determine the effect that legisiation'in suspending the death sentence has or hias flot had in regards to instances of murder. It is difficuit to argue against the abolitionist when they state that nothi g is gained in taking a life for a life and that more is accomplished through reliabilitation of the offender. The pos- sibility does always exist. This is the Christian attitude, the code by which we tend to- live. Pertaining to be au abolitionist it must corneliard, to ac- cept the principle that the death penalty must remain for those who murder police and prison guards. Surely the chance of rehabili- tation is as opportune here as for those who take the life of the general public. The abolitionist ýalso contends that the death penalty is flot a deterrant of acts of murder but the retention of the deatli pen-' alty for those who take the life of a policeman or prison guard inust indicate a thèory that the penalty does contain a dtgree of restraint. The present policy, is in f act, contradictory. It must be that a haîf loaf is better than no loaf at ali. IT CAN'T BE ALL BAD> Premier William'Davis at a recent meeting in Oshawa made it quite clear that his governmnent was not lncined to extend the February 28th date for filing briefs in regards regional govern- ment in the Oshawa area. In this we would support the government as further time would really- benefit no one and enlydraw out the debate to a point that it would be most repetitious. Already the song lias become too old-liat and emotions have carried the dia- loque. Davis, in Oshawa, als statedthat th e provincial governifent idid back the airport and pronounced this development as part of the overail scheme for the- area east of Toronto. Hlis speech in Osh- awa did bring out somne facts for reasonable thought. The premier did state that it was'too soon to pass any deci- sion on wliether or not tlie Côbourg-Port Hope area will remaifi in the selieme. The Ontario Board of Education (Oshawa and district) lias promoted that tlie Regional area and tlie Board of Education area be one and the sane. Tlis is a reasonable.assumption and slioufl be carried out by the pr,wînce if only for integrated planning in itself. Surely we cannot continue witli a liodge-podge policy wliere ýeparate areas of authority liave different boundary areas. it would (;nly led to chaos. It is interesting to note that the opposition pariesi Toron- to, the, Liberalsanci NDPs, lave been quick to enter the fray, boili holdini- meetings lasi wcek in the hot-bed of Port Hope seeking opinions and in-put from wliat may be, las yet, an ill-inforined public. What we do need at this time is more out-put from tlie gov- ernmlent so the pubic can become better infonned. 'The province-is currently holding closed meetingswith municipal council members. This is'fine but we contend that at least the news media sliould be admnitted so they in turn, can be more objective in infornting public. Our electedt representatives also hold the responsibility of jnforming tlie public and inClarke we >wold suggest tliat the mun- icîpality at least liold a public meetingto inform 'their public. The need today is an informed public and leadersliip from the province. tic PORT HOPE DISCONTENTED Intimations that Port Hope is the anlv area which lias register- ed disconte t with the Oshawa centred region proposals were made by Alex Carruthers, MPP for Durhanm at the Port Hope Rotary Club meeting lild Mon- dlay of last week. Hie urgaed tlie people ta le 4'psitive" and to look at all as- pects of the proposaI. and of re- gional goverfiment before comning te a conclusion and warned about the danger of "tlirowing the baby out witl tlie bath water." At the beginning of wvlat could only le describecd as a "fr"speech, Mr. Carruthers said one of tle most dangerous enemies threatening aur demo- cratic way of if e and community development is "apatliy" on tlie part of tle public. This "apathy" was apparent rinlg tle municipal elections, le said, when less than 50 per cent of the people of Port Hope used t'heir franchise and tlie fig- ure in Hope Township was only 18 p'er cent. MATER,ýNITY WING, CLOSURE PUZZE 1ISPTLBOARD Port Hope Hopital Board :of lp Drhp todscs the pro, posd cosig othe maternhtY, faclitesin heport H-ope and EarPy i-, Dceumber Dr. Richard Poie, Miister of 1Helth in iheý Provncil Goernentanno01unc- cobourg. r. ýPotier said tha teaml gamation Of tîle m-aternitysevc 'would le an economy a nd the B'Oard (,f Trustees woufld like ta question Mr. Carr'uthers on how the 5aagarmation is saving mnon- ey. Bock to, Werk (Continued from page 1) be accepted. Committee members held a speci ai meetinig Saturday after- Grant C. Wvuodg', GVEBAL'IP48URANCE Tek,nc 788g-2021 Box CI, Port Hope, Oturh Téephone 895-ZM8 PLUMING nd EATING 24 Hour Service rm New Insalaton - Alterations Speiaizingin Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work RR. 1, Orono 983-5624 The third week of January brokf' rnany records as far as mild, wcather was concerned; on Thursday tlie temperature was 56'. Somne of the Kendal folk were in Florida last week others have gone this week for their winter vacation in the south. Mrs. Carl Langstaff Is in Bow- manvilie Hospital and Mrs. Al- len Irwin is in Oshawa hospital this week. We wisli tlim a speedy recovery following their operations. Tlie Kendal nýeiglibourhood was sliocked ta learn of the sudden death of Mr. Goàfrýey Wynne on Friday rnorning wlien lie lilmbed a ladder at the factory in, New- castle to make some repairs. Rie built a new ranch style home a few years ago east of Mér. Fred Winn's. He leaves a family of two sons, one in grade nine the other in grade eleven. Sympatliy is ex- tended ta Mrs, Wynne and thc boys. The Kendal, Women's Institute' met W ednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Foster with ten members present.' The Pres- ident Mrs. J. Hiendersan chaired the meeting which OPened, with the Institute Ode. The minutes werc read and ad- opted. Roll caîl - Naine a good table fish. -Thank you notes were read, front people who received our fruit baskets at Christmnas. Eleven baskets were seit to shut-in people andtwo bigu boxes to twa niursing homes, one in Newcastle one -in Orono. This was done by tle Institute and tlie United Churdli Women. Mrs. A. Low. cornrenor for Canadian Industries chose as lier topic, ,Let's sýave our, fishine ini- dustry.", Massive fishing by fleets of foreign, coufinries such as Rus- sia and' Japan aloh,,g the Grand Banks souili and cast of New- foundland -in the early 1960's; and since, then other natiows have clone tle samne causing the Canadian, Governmieit to lodgc a complaint to tlie Unitedl Nations. These fleets continued ta onerate within 12 miles of the~ head lands on eadh coast spoiling tlie fishing industry for Canadians wlio de- pended on fishing for their liv- ing. The date set for the spring ,Penny Sale" is May 12th. I Penny collections was taken. Meeting elosed by the singing of the Queen. L unch was served by Mrs. W. Hay and the hostess. A social haîf hour was enjoyed. The W. I. mnade a donation of $100.00 to the Kendal United Church. A vote of tlianks was extended ta tlie hostess Mrs. H. Poster. Mr.ý and Mrs. J. Fonk and fam- ily visited lis parents at Burks FaIls over tlie weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott and Mrs. H. Foster attended the ffth wedding anniversary of Mr. -and Mrs'. Wm. Bamsey of R.R. 4,' Port Hope on1 Saturday niglit at the Durham Mémorial Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Minne Wybenga moved into their new home soutli of Kendal on Janunry 22nd. Snoon and following Council's ac. tion decided-to continue as miem. bers of the Comnmittce of adjust. ment. It was also decided Jon Saturday that the first meeting would be held on Monday. CI :,rke High N;ews The girls' senior and junior voleybail teams travclled to Peterborough hast Tuesday ta play an exhibition tournament againsi Kenner Higli School. The sen- iors ticd, winning three games and losing three, but the juniors pfiyed espccially well, winning five games out of six. In boys' basketball, thc season opencd with a game against Dun- barton last Thursday,, but the senior and Bantams bath lest by scores of 56-51 and 42-25, respect ively.., But the Bantams carne back witli a 30-26 vict9ry aver Vanier on TuesàIay. During the gymnasties practiee lasi Wcdnesday nlght anc of the stuients feli off a piece of equip- ment and broke lis arm. Thi s only goes ta slow us that care must be taken inusg the equip- ment in, thc gyrnnasium., The Drama Club beId a meet- ing te dbecide wlether they would enter n play in competitionï. Good luck ta them, whatever they do. Lasi Tlursday, Mr. Smyth and Miss Bangle, took a group of students skiing at Kirby. One student sustained Injuries'during tle day, but over aIl, everyoiie enjoyed iliemscives and are Ioo>k- in g forward toa axther trip- ing forward to another trip. The first dance of 1973 will le held at Clarke an Friday, Jan- ary 26th featuring yWhiske, Howl. Admission is $1.75 per per- son an~ it is hoped that there son b an t larged attenane , by Melane Jessup CLEAN ING Agents, for: B.wmanville Cleaners PICK-UP and DELIVERY EVERY TUESDAY, TRURSDAY andl FRIDAY MATTS BILLIARDS and surbersbop orosa, ont. Hîoneermas buyin diirwtte gf'1y7>Eatsy to buy, Easyta start. ILFI.J Excluslve "Easy-Ad' gelsyou golng with the easiest two-fnger pul.Lightweight. Conpletely new muffler inakes It quietest in its class. Wicle-spiced hacdl for btter blapçe, Automnoll CHAINSAWS - nq"n es ROLPH HARDWARE ORONO, ONTAIO PHONE 868-Sm0 <j OEN7DATS A WKTEK A.Wain D AN CI N G Saturdlay NIghts iterwM» utrb Obern' 9:00 p.m. te 1:00 a.m. No cever charge; no minfimum Normal Bar Prices Complementary Snack later in the evening. Informai. Plenty of fsiee parking. Full Dinng orders taken in Main Lounge until 8:30 p. Ail evening in adjoining dining-room. Jaî .r27th Make up a party. Corne join the fun on Opening Night Enijoy the music of TeCavaliers (Ted Koss Fouir-piece Band) 17, at, OÙb C, miles northt of 401 on High-way 35 and 115 at North-eait coner Durham County oad Cail: 1-983-5001 for reservations Brick -B -COUnCr Flos-The cucul 41ORC

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