The Orono Police TruLstees hield heropeng me-eting f'or the yýear ou Monday under the chair- manship of D.). Sîmpson. The ýmeeting prepare"d the oirganîza- tion 1and a list of proposed wvorks- was submnitted, which w-ill beL con sidered wheu a budg-et can be prepared. Mr, Bruce Collinis, clerk-admin- istrator of Clarke Township, was appointed secretary for the Trus- tees. Chaiman Simpson appointe d each Trustee as Commnittee Chair- ,man for various undertakings in ',fhe Village. Planning, finance, beautificatioli and roads were al- leotted te R. Forrester, Garbage Temoval and disposi-9, SnOW re- mel(val and parking are te be 0t'e duties o)f 1H. Partner. Fire de- partj.nent, sidewalks, ,water and Municipal Building are the duties of D. M. Simpson. 1It wý--,asos decided te pubiish the dates, of the meetings and re- quest delegations te register prierï te the meetings if at all possible. An outlue of projects iorluded extensive sidewalk renewal, im- provements te road te the Orone Park, completion of the surveY at east end. of Station Street, pos- sibyle establishmnt of a parking lot on west side of Main Street, acroISS from hotel block which is believed te be publie lands, and a fountain lin the area of the water pump bouse iun Orth Or- eu. Tie VOLUME 37, NUMBEB 4 OOOWViEK.,LY UNMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24t,1973 ew Librarian On Mon0,1day eveniug the Oronoo flydro Comiion approved a uwrate strctureascsuter by Ontalo Hydro for hydro use in Orono). Atthe smeti'me tbe"y aise gave approval to a capital A caita bugetof 15,80i0 was' whcbinlueda $3,0c0ù ex!pend-l_ ture for overblead ulnes; S1,000 for a stert for underground Ides în the busine1(ss secýtion;$320 for a ½ ton truck as weil as $1,00 to renew a pogram of waereter rentais. The »cw raestructure was Qp- vroved by theCumission as pre- sented by two offiils of Ontarlo Hlydre These rates mIust now,, be aipproved by Ontario Hydro and upon receihg this iapproval will cone into effect in 0Irono on lunie lst. The average increase over al us ers in Oro'no amouints to 12.6% ar a-total increase in revenue ofanrxmtl $1,7.. Mr., 'Urquhart stated it must be. rem-. The roads budget of the United oüuatIe:S o f N o rt hutmbLerî- , l Durham was overspent ,by five peércent o $3,8969ii h ye 197, Totalexendtuescame te $2,740,377.82 and total money -avallable was $2,63,54R23. Ina.a reponrt te Counties Coune](il taldat the meeting, the reads cqmiittee suggested that addi- tion ai subsýicby money from the Mlinîstrlý of TranFqportatioýn and Communication nmay be approved. "There is ne reason for over- expenditure.» the report stated, "rýather 'a cumulative combination o>f a rumber of over-runs." such as wlnter maintenance, $64.550; paved road ret)airs and special r(-curfacing. $29,558: ditchiug ai dspecial drainage $10,116; pre- engineering, land and' fence on preJects, $68,590. An0other reOasen the roa'Is comn- rnttee gave for, overspending was that contract pices for roadwark ,contracts, as well as their day- abroperatians were significant- use.e Rge iental i' ç ïncreases ,ind 13% for a 'totaI 1 u1cr--e1 an ices f98 r$ erags 1.7%for ail aineu RTe icraes relest! -lnce b te loalgCommi s2om CO bu, aedct i op! ntce.sstatê$4h112.00 by th the y Coifncuisin reseuf taken. The average lucreâ 12.6-, will retard the de] of the' working fund which tirnated te reduice to $9,77: with the increase in rates. Iy igheîlr than the- estimates. Teoiilyrima)j or cntuto projeet twhichChe Count1ies iow haeinpogesis the southerly eýxteùnsion of Couuity R1ond 57 from thIle north limîts of the Town of Bowmianville te H11ighway 401. The roads- committee suggest that the Counties; comnl)ete their portion of the project at the same time as the miistry of Transpor- tation and Communication, which has scheduled comnPletien, for next November. Reviewing expected cutbacks iu the subsiiv mouey frem the Miistry of Transportation and Communication, the comimittee exýpeet subsidy nrnney for 1973 te be less than 1972. "If we budget for the' estimated subsidy money avallable, the 1972 overeilpenditure, as w7ell as oper- ating costs, the money te be raised by the Ceunties for road purpo0ses in 1973 will be the saine as that raised ia 1972." Thus there will be very little money for ,ons;tructlion projeets in the roads budget this year. P, r The Trustees aise intend te again advèrtise for e Traffic Con- trol and Deg Cotrol Officer eith- er ou a full or part timiebss A letter was aith)oýized te be seut te the Township Council sug- gestiug thet Council net grant a building permit et this time te Homne' Smith Properties for a 'lot at the south end of the sub- division. Home Smith bas held this lot open incase a direct en- trauce could be made from the south eud ef the sub-divisiou iu- te Orono. The Company is uow asking that they be alhewved te build on this lot as they have net been able te negotiate an en- trance dIrectly jute, Orone. The Trustees feit this lot should be held epen at this time. Fomily Format F DrUit - Appointed Acii i lCete lîiidlroi Ta wb'ich oeatsasu-,cccssfufl r ange south of Lcsýkard hel teir an- nuel meeting ,hast week. uThe ciub's moajor ac,-ivities do cnr arounrd the ranmge dýuring the sum- mer- mo-nths ithfemIily barbe- cue(s and] oth-er progranm asý well as pistol and shotýguln use. The rnge uring "the sumi-mer, sta-ting lu May1 is open Wednes- days 7 îr 9ad on Sunidaymr- ing<; frem 9 te 12:30 p.m. Mm thîty-ive Itwas Vpoiuted eut at the eetig tht mre emphasisý wouild be, piaced te increasee membeshipin the club. A Dlco system hfas beenint- 'led at the range te exteund use of the -?premnises. The- 1972 s~ç of offirers wer'e returued for 1973 beiug: President - James Ard \Tice-presidlent - Varice Allun Treasurer- Wayne Bailev Secretary- Marvin Lulnu Directors G. Duvall, Gary Hlan- cock, Johin Siater, Don Cathcart, age mater- for pistels, E.' Schmid, range master for shot- guns, Rg.Elliott. ChaimanOf Committee of Opernng Statement by Mr. Love- Before we commence Our mepet- ing tisç eveniug, 1 have one brief stateinent te make in ortler te clarify certain matters puiibl is hed in -the local press i-egardi ng the tendered resignations of this committee. Nothing bas occurred that arose eut of any action on the part of this Coumittee of Adjustment. This commnittee is a semii-judiîcial bodyv; required by law te render a specific decision on particular individual facts piaced before them. For reasens stlll unknown te this Committee a storin blew up lu thie local press regarding this Committee, -arieus rumeurs and balck stairs geossip aIse came ý,te the Commiit- tee's attention. Th e Comnittee felt that the only way that this matter could be clarifieçi was te bring the whole miatter squarely before Councîl, who, of course, are the elected representatives of the people, by tendering their reslgnatletis. This was net doue for the purpose of jttracting at- tention te thle Commhittee or fore- Ing auyone te do anyth-ýiug. t was done te bring -any ouitstandl- lng issues, te a hlead and te force themn into the open, It is sur- prising how gossip and inuiendlo cen disappear when challenged. We wviSh te make it a matter of record that et ne Urne did any- orle apply te this Committee te be heard or te register any com- plaints. If they had se appiied, they wvould have been heard. To our knowliedge; tisis Committee has neyer refused an audience te a-nyone. Anyoue who wished te corne forward and informally dis- cuss a problem is heard at the end of ouir regular meetings;. Couin- cil by a uinanimous vote rejected the resignations of the Committee and àsked the Comimittee te car- ry on which the Committee are pleased te do. The Cormmittee of Adjustments is net just another Committee of Council and the action of the Committee i nen way is an nct indicatiugo subser- vience te Council. t was rather an act dlesigned te clearly indicate te the Public that the Committee were prepared te stand on their record and te put their future ln the bauds of the Council for what in effect was a vote cf con- fidence. The air having been cleared; t'he Committee will do their best te carry on, forthwith. Pass Tests Thefoowg members of Or- eue Figure Skating Club were suwccessfufl in passing tests hepld et the Orono Arena on Sunday, January 21. 1973. Dutchi Wahtz: Christina Stors- bergen, Paisiey Stutt. Canasta Tango: Kerry-Lynft Grady, Nancy Madill. Swing: Michele M1ajor, Wendy Watson. Fiesta Tan.go: Joanne Mercer. Willow Waltz: Margaret Moffat. Ten Fox: Marela Lowery. 1-0 Mils. Ron HYÏadley, who has be assistant librarian eat the Clarkýe Public1Library, was rcnyap- rcn- pointed librarian fLown he reineinof Mrs. Olga Bea ,,u- chmpUrs. Beauchamp handed in o brres-ignïIationj to the Board at tac ecebrmeeting. She ill haeeconitinue on with work ise of Tn theannuelreport itws Lverae staed tat the lbarùontaifis ,800a total oýf 7,47F) books on th1e !shel- WIse a'v- ves which compares wîth 7,005 at ntof Cthe (end of 1971. 0f thle total 1nm- brof bookls 2,197 are aduito- fiction, 2,045 aduflt fiction, al;ong, inýtro- wth3,153 in the -Juior cpart- le local thocusand te' a total of 22,824. Mebrhpnunibers -5Q00 resi- dents frem the Township, 'lY bas C)nsideration is being given to ital of exteiid the services of the libr-ary be re- including a vertical file of inf or- end of mationi on a number of classified tinder- sujcs ,ase of The Board is to include two pletion inew meinbers in M.iss Carole Or- h is es- douez, R.R. 1, Orono and Mr. 12 ev-en Kirk Entwisle, Deputy-Reeve of Clarke, as well as Messrs. 'Llew; HalwlRay Dicksen and Roy ___ Forriester. Orono Police T rustees To Place Emphasis On1Siewalk ]Repair '0', rono Wee,.I, A family night format again ft -.i OinoUnited huc annual m li~g eld on Tedy January l6h. ho se ent mix- busincsis wIth pleas1re for theý evening and at the smetime vcre ente rtaindwtayms Thebuiesooprtn th chrc as in n wyovrooe but confine-d to as hor-'t a imeac as sesio1a rgram uof etertain,-,ý met apr1ovided !as1 well as oth. Membershipboth rsdn n nonrescletat the end of 1972 in1971. Baptismrs durling thle year, recport also noted an a iea , t tend-ance et Sunday Schoo1 of 19, out of, nenrolmient of ?223. 1, figuire had ed constant during the past tre -ears. The church was also shown te be aýcti ve ia youth g1roups anmi that these groups withiin themn- selves were active. These 'group>s include Messejnger-, with enroil mient of twveiityfive: C.A.T. witb' 2,4 pmenbers; Hi-C's with 30; Tyro Boys and Sigma-G's. Aetiv-. itis withijn the croups range. from gamres, hobbies, study and wership to fund raising campingç and colle'ctirug toys te be rpair- er and redistributed. The Orono Hi-C thoug thir ctivitiesý durng he ear. showed ashre- ceipts of .some $2,650.C00 ibthe major portion beingu earne&* through the boothi at the 0Ono "nir. -1iM 'Ile Committee of St-eward's report reviewed t'ne work Of the churcli1 for 1972 and Presen1ted thle financial report vith, local givinlgs amoutin to $21,170.54 eompaî),red to $21.302.54 in 1971. Total receipts including thle sale of a bond for $3,950.00, totalled $2,52.0.A su- of S4,051-30 wa,,s transferred to the Mission anàd Service Fu'nd. The report noted a balance of S798.F 9 as 01 De<?mrnber 3lst, 1972. With Mr. Carios Tamblyn as ,Master of Ccermonles, a pleasing p>rogram of entertailiment waS provided. The- pregram started with a rousing singsong9 conduct- ed by Mr. Donald Staples withl Mrs. R. D. Morton accomrpanying on the -piano. Young Edward Morton, playing the piano and, also ittig Sophia Tucker, pleased lis, audience. Mr. R. D Morton fyllowed bis son on stage with ai trombone solo. The Glenn Allun famîlY also en- tertained with vocal musical nurn, bers, and'a trio of the three child- ren. Miss Carol Barnett further complimeflted the progran ih a piano solo. Foliowiag the entertainment square dancing, cards and re- freshments were enjoyed. Musie for square dancing Nas provided by Mr. and Mýrs. Wm. Bunting with Mac Ransberry caiing the numbers. Records were also used. Bock To W.Ork On Monday The Clarke Township Commit- tee of Adjustment is now back te work following'a series of events during last week. The three crn- mittee members, K. Schoenmnaker E. F. R. Osborne and E. R. Love- kmn, as well as the secretary-treas- urer Mrs. Fred Yeo, had handed their resignations to the Couneil of the Township following what they termed unfound commenta by individuail members of coun- cil. The letter' of re.signIation, receivftd by cour-cil, tempo-aiiy had îouncii in a mlld uproar at their meeting last Tuiesday even- couffiles Rond 8w,ý 17" t Fer 1972 Wes Overspeut,