Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jan 1973, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES, WEDNESDAYI, JANUARY l7th, 1973 VAN? AIls FOR WEDNESDAI PUB~LICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5*00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 &WIson Insurance Age.cy t fer MO classes of personal end cemmertial coveraLyes effkee Man fit, 'Otg. 983-".U2 IYAM$ MVNno mm * U UW Solos hivlo l'pro"USBETH C'.4HARLES REID Oromui's LiceSed *mtconeer and Valuator Opestize ln Farm and Furniture Sale Cault me for terms and dates - M'ONK ORONO -9835914 Monuments and Home- "542= W'"ATSON'S Marine and Cycle Oromo Phono 9U3-5843 PrRINCE CRAFT BOAT8 AHluette Saow Moblk. MCCUllDee CHAIN SAWI Repa"rute al makes oi lawn Mowersaüdan'2d 4 cyclle Englace ALLOUETTEi SNOWNOBILES PLJMPING OU',T j SEPTIC TANKS1çý Bert Tomuný-kins PhonTesd786-2552d Monday, Tiusday Thrday aftouoens 2:30 te 5:00 pm. Satmrday 10:00 te ffl0 ama. FOR SALE Used F~orced Air Furnace complete wlth c-ontrois, oil humn- er, Duct work fan and 200 gal. oil tank. $200.030. Call evenings only 983-5624. a-c CLARKE PUBLICLIR V SALE",0F Book discards at 10ec each; also 4 incomplete s'ts of encyclopedia at $2.543 a set.ac FENALE RELP WANTEI> $40 A WEEK OR MORE SPARE TIME? AVON estizuates many Av$xi Representatives earn that much. Find out bow easy it is to get started. Clli: lira. Watsou 7234M9, 1317 Ilwleon St., Peterborough CUSTON SNOW PLOUGHNNG Contaet Orono ,LaàdmopiDR. Dependabe Service,. PHONE 9835" G1UARATERD NUFFiLEs FOR SALE 5«o Keîth Trfgunna et the Osi- îave Midas Mutier Shop' for a frm. xhauat sysîem i IuiSpctonL lit Bond st. W6et, Oshawa, J"i test et Ontarto Mieter 8.1... 0.11 57"4111. NZFEP A SUN!'P UNi HARVEY PARTNEE PLUMBING andi HEATINO Hamiltons Insuranco Service TOUR Snowm.bile MAIN STREET, ORONO Sue Sawyew Jhn gare SFor Dependable Service Box 133 Phopoe 668-3552j Staf ford rter Limited f Manufacturers of ICemetery Memo rials J 318 Dundas Street Bas% WHIBYONTARIO Purq Frosi Cider Roi ant fi (ueu Delleim E- spart"n PEED'8 FRUIT NABET IIwy. lu, OSONO FEKALE IIELP WANTED AVON REPIRESENTATIVES.. earn money! make new friends! Get more out of lite! Becom nck n Call Mrs. Watson 725-9696 EELP WANTED Waîtresses wanted, fular part-time, Phoe 9 83-ý536. a.c AGENT 14ANTED TEXAS OIÈ COMNPANY needs man over 40 for short trips sur- roundîng Orono. Contact eustom- ers. We train. Write S. K. Dick- erson, Pres., Southwestern Petra- leum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. EELP WANTEII Duitch Oven lookitig for ful and part-timie waitresses. Applyin l person to Bob Harris. b-4-c FOUND AWhite Persian Cat in Orano. Owvner phone 983-5639. a a c Wanted Dead or Crippled Fe.m 8toek PIdKE» UP PfO5IPML Telephone Colleet Z63-2721 Marrwili Fur FY&= Nee... ..W6c.U W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 Kng Street East Bowmanville, 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hope' Office 8854543 For prompt, courteous effici- ent service when buylng or selling and for the largest sel- eectin of properties in the area Contact Orona Area Represenitati 'ea Roy Foster 983 -5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 (Bethany) Dane Found ROY Strong 277-22 80 623-3965 62 r 11 Bethany FOR SALE One 1972 Kawasaki 350 2 cyl- inlder. 4,000 miles on~ Bike.,Asking $600.00 or best offer. Phone 9183-5206, Harvey Part- ner J.a-c COMING EVENT Reserve Wednesday February l4th (Valentine's Day) for a Var- iety Night and Bake Sale spon- sored by Uinit 3 U.C.W. Further particulars later. a-c HORTICULTlURAL NOTICE? 0Orono Horticultgral ,Societv Membership Supper will be held on Thursday, January 25th at 6 p.n.iin the AMain Hallai of~ United Chuirch. The menu4"n Luek se please bring your favour- !te dJish. Mir. C. Gunter will show bhh lights oiftripa to Newfoundland and British Columbia. Adm~ission: $1,00 for yout meni. brship ticket. Everyone wl'i b-4-C NOTIëE Kittens givexi away free. Clean ail sizes. Phone- 983-9395, Orono. a.c COMING £VENT, The Atnial Meeting af the'L'ot Holders ili the Orono Cemeterv Ce. wiIl be held in the Lang Chapel at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan- uiary 22, 1973.ac NOTICE An ns Beauty Salon will be elosed froe January lSth to January 24th. b-3-c TRENTWAY TOURS LTD. Speclal To W.W.V.A. JAMBOREE Wheeling, West Vîrgixila FEBRUARY 16th to lSth For further information contact: Trentway Tours Ltd. Box 7J72, Peterborough Phono tell fre 1-800-461-7615 Durham Centrai Agricultural ANNUAL MEETING Main Hall, Orono United Churchi on Satuirday, January 27th at 1:30 P.mn. Everyone welcome. b4-c FORMER RESIDENT PASSES IN WESTFIELD, NEW YORK Dr. Floyd Cuttel of Westfield, New York, diedi on Thursday,' January llth. Temporary inter- nlfnt was iil Lang Memnoial Chapel onl Monday, January lS5th. Dr. Cutteil was a former resident of Orono being the son of the, late Mr. and Mrs. SamuelCUttell. M1iss Aima Cutteil, Orano, is, a cousin. CARD 0F TIIANKS 1 would like ta thank rny re- atives, neighbours and fý!rindS for their flowers and cards while I was ini Hospital. Special thanks ta Rev. Long, Pather Ray, Dr% Gi, Dr. MeKen- zie and staff of the first floor. Thank you. Robbin Winter - CAR» OF THANKS I would sincerely like te thanL - Dr. Westgarth, Dr. John Runâle, nurses and staffro Third afkd' Surgical Floors. To Rev. Long al- s0 the many orgainizations, frîends and. relatives fer flowers, gifts and cardsanmd thase who toek time te visit mie Christnmas day while a patient iii Memairial Has.- pital. Your thoughtfulness was~ very much appreeiated. t Bernice Partner, You need neyer'buy another muffler agai n! M fdas Mutfies are guarax- tecd, ftr as long as yeou . the tar, wItb free Installa- tIon at M t hops lu North Amerlea. *Cps;tom pipe bending for 6orelgn, antique andi Ahtr- loin matie cars. MID AS We Instail mufflers for a fi««h We have to de a botter é meet your MIDAS mn tat. OSHAWA 116 Bond St. W. Phone 57648111 Kelth Treguna, Brian lsImb, TerrirSuteliffe P'hone !Ne ca8t'e987-4240 Al 'day J. nesdeay and &Saturday Higiwa 35and115, just north af Newca>tle Featuring: Premium Quality Prod nets - jAt The Most Reasona-ble Prices Available in any quantlty Phono 987-4215 Family Memoriols anti sderv.1ce OR NO LECRI lethtag te ti esred FtiN LETI 4>r the. person who bought troua Ierb liset erry Duvrll » eighb.r, Menti or relative 9350 ELECTRICAL CONITACTINO lhe RIJTPER GRANITE EpuxC HEAifTINQ COMPANY BLECTRICAL APPLIÂNdER 73 Qatarlo Street TN,. - COLOUR T.V. PORTHOPERADIO - mi-Fi lOIITHOPEWESTINGIIOU-SE Phono cofleet BA V. W. BUMTR ELECTROHONE Offle - 885-52-16 GUABANTEEJ) SERVICE

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