Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1973, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TMES, WEDNESflAr, J INUARY 10thi, 1973 Mar 4ouPowell Places 4th Saa ah~A ID J UIIJI~ ~U jI~IIIW1 Mary-Lun Po'wc'I of the Orono Figure Skating Club plaeed 4tlr in the prý-ju'veniIuidie.,' singles section of0ie 'Le~. Sect,*o,,al Chamnpjonsip-., held last iweeke'id ,in F ingstoý (n. The eci-aare tlu' hel oc oca competifions open to skate: e"I "' lut one stoi be low- tr anadian ciamplonships. Ma yT o cozwpeted in a cla'rs over FsenCtroand, wa onfysur e-1cdby three skafers ',rom tlhe three largest clubs in the are, Olrwi, 1intG in Ot- tawa andtheUicKinglstGni Club. The young Ciono skater, 10 years, stood rinth following her eompulsory fi-sures but an the strength of a fine f ree skatingc performance, rose to fourth plýace in.,the competition. Only,the ,ýtop ten, followi."g- figures, continued on in the championships. Lynn Cougroux of the Newcastle Figure SaigClub placedi th in~ thecopitos while Jeff Payne of the Port Hope Club, andi aise skating out of Neweastle. finished fourth in the overal standings of thle pre-juvemlle men's singles comPetition,. BETWFEN PORT HOPE AND COBOUJRG, Eleven passeng -r coaches and one of three locomotives were de- raileti Friday 'evening about 9 p.m. between Port Hope anti Co- bourg. Not one of- the 357 pas- sengers were seriously injured. First id whh h xas set rnediate-lv>follom7 iig the derail' ,ment was fonrd s:ce The apdohsd eftMont -cal at 4:30pn.atws cdue t0o'. Vr i'r'Fr, Folinu ý - I11 e d, ilment pa :,;, gcrs w re lrarsfcý-r d toanohr train orount 10.00 pin. arrivir'g in Toronto at midnight. Thrr'e of four tracks for a half mile vecre tom uii n ed tý, ail sha-M<. No estimalte was made as to whiat speeti tthe train may have been travelling at the ime of the accident. Work continu iî o ci's caito, place the cars bzock on the track and ai shoulti be cleareti tpp by niow. No information lias n-el re'eased as to the causeof thieacdet r f A 1~ Hockey Notes ORONO TYKES BLAST BOWMAN VILLE 8 - i The Orono Tykes over the week end took a onc-sided victoru V o a visitîng team from Bowmiianvillie by a score of 8 - 1. Steven Stcc andi Tocii Tani- were the pace setters with two goals and an assist. Doni Frayer also counfeti two of thre Orcico goals with Bruce Ma~cLcan anti Scott Preston completing the',scor, ing. Furtirer assh4ts were credifed. te, Bret Joirrston, Grcg Johnston, Peter Boîton and Steven Woodi, ORONO'NOVICE ATHLETICS OUTPLAYED BV BEWDLEY The Orono Athîctie Novice club werc defeateti by Bewtiley4+2. Jin Moffat anti Wayne Mac-, Lean scoredt ie'Orono goals with assists going f0, Richard Robinson and Kenny Prescott. PEEWEE ATIILETICS DOWN BEWDLEY 6-1 The Orono PeeWee Afileties founé littie trouble in &4 ' Bewdiey over the week-end. The local club took the 'victory by a score of 6-1. Scott West collecteti four points in the gaine on two goals anti twe assists. The remaining'goals went to Doug Hancock, who also had two assists, John Malda, Mark Charlanti anti Michael Irwin. 1l1 the assists tiepartinent Michael Mitchell colle-efeti fwe alon'c singles to Davidi Reiti anti Bruce MlcKenzie. ORONO BANTAM F" IEFEEAT NEWCASTLE~ The Orono Bantam £aglýs col- lecteti a 4-3 win lover y-- rer'ntl'vy. The four Orono goals we'oe shareti hv Nick Van Segglen Kenny Neal!, Jake Rleidi anti Chris Robinon. Assisf s la the game went f0 Barry West, Paul Yco- n-ars, John Cancellicire.anti Nick Van Segglcn. O'IONO AND COBOURG NID]GETS TIE The Orono andi Cobours - f tislaved f0 a 4 ail tic in an ex- hýibitiîon gaine. Mvles' Brandt scored two of fthc Orono goals with Keith Pow- ell, andi Steve Allen scoring the other two. Tary Watson proved the pl-ay- maker of the game wý agsists f0 bis credif. Doug Black and Steve Allen each tý a s-i ts. Kawartha Downs Raçeway lue ateci on H-fghway 28, juist ýsouti,' of Peterborough, willi opeii its secoid car of rachîig Mn stlntav Jiuary 14, 1973. Aftrr a very ucsfli', uial racing me in 1979.. b." Board ofDictrMngm t aàd taff of KwrhaDwsare looking aheat io w173xith n~ cinthiusias-in anti anticipatiol'. P-ans for 1973 include several Sunday afternooniS of racing. a xLîit by Hlerve Fi'lioi>NJ'orth Air. erica's leading dtiver, 1 - il, top notch stake races ýanti eveni more improvementsto one of the most modem ,lracing aiTl Nort'h ÀAnica. 'Kawartha Downs xvil rce ,' Sunday aiternoon forutOje mo,,i of January, Fcbruary ,vanti a p; <-t of March. The first race çdate, of the)r' w" meet will bç SuitdayJauý l4th. Port, timue for th- firs. a wîll be 1:30 p.mi., wihqUifialifyv iug races going at 12:30,. For the Sunday aflernoon ras'(,. ing sehedule Kýawartfhla Downs will run a new format, ýconsistkc-5 of'fine races ~iha daî4y ioubkl,, a quinella in the 3rd and 5th races and exactorýs ilu'the 7th anti 9th. Complete facilities will be OP- en ait Kawartha Downsi f, day raeing with the usual finle meSls and refreshments' available li the dining lounge. Due to the fact that thle Jockey Club Circuit is, net racingî on SUD day at this time of year, Kawar- tha Downs is confident ;hat hon7u es and horseme'n from thre mainr, circuit will be available to race at the Downs. The ncw presiti -I Jutige at Kawartha Dowq s for ncw meet will be nativle Har-' ci Rutledge, one of the besýt iii the business. Thre Managenienf of Kgaatha Downs is confidenýt that flici 9Wý racing season willx i~rat better than ever. First racingdteofte nw year - SundaY Jnir'lh Post Time 1:'30 pi. (Continuet f romt page 2) thein as soon as possible,"e 111 exnect the mneetings to start the latter part of i.lalüary, may- be extending inlto Fbrary." EE DISCUSSONS1 11e said the nteetings ýill prob- ably cover ail aspects oftire reg- ifiilplan andi municipaÏ, officials will bie free f0 bring up anythin2 they want te discuss at thre meet- ings. "We don't want te cofifine the discussion te any particu ar area" Mr. Fleming said sevEral muln- icipalities wil be groupel ýqgeth-, er for the meetings and probablY just one meeting for each amea although that coulti change. The way -is now being cleared te 'holti such a meeting for Bow- inanville, Darlingtori, New.castle andi Clarke on January 2 rti.1 25% Off ROLPH HARDWARE -1 ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 i. a iet 19 f The Bouquet Invitation uine Good taste needn't be expensive*. Oui' beautiful Bouquet Invtaton inoProvesthis wÎth the Mnost exquisite papers, type faces and workrnonship you could wish for! It feotures Thermo-Engraving-rich roised letterinq-elegant as the finest craftsmanship - yet costing so ltIe! Corne see our unusual selection. fo two weefle " " OreooWekyTlues ona Brand New 1973 CLEARANCE SALE wh/Iile they'last at participaîIj-ingMoto-Ski DeLers *1 973 "-Capri- Mode! 340 cctwi'n- 25 h.p. Regular Price - $995.00- You save Sale Price -$789.00** '$206.00 e 1973 "Capri" Mode! 440 cc twin - 30, h.-p. Regular Price - $1 095.00> You save Sale Price - ,$849.QQ** $246.00 a 1 973 "Capri" Model 295 cc single cyl.-20 h.p. Regular Price - $745.00 Ypu Save Sale Price - $61 5.00*' $126.00 *LIMITED OFFER Check with your local Moto-Ski dealer to see if he is one of the participating dealers. See the Yellow Pages for the name of your nearest dealer. -F.O.B. Factory algbway 115 and 35 44mue South of (hon. PHONE 983-5651 OYPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. Bpoebaldng ln Pizza N-eIs Psiso Week-End Specilts 3rd ANNUAL OSRF "fA" SANCTION RACES Children 12 and under.,Free Jan-12-1 3-14- MOSPORTý Over $25000 Prize and Coritingency Awards Larn Speed Run Bring Vour Own Snowmobile 500 Acres Trail Rides Warm-up Tents

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