Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1973, p. 2

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~1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, 4UR Oi l7 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES S,,cond Mmlai IL1 gi*traion Number d"68 PuMiLsbed ev.ry T¶tursday at the of-fice f pubhatier knStreet, Orono. Ontaulo Phoe 983-Mfl MANV INVOLVED IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT When -electors choose their local municipal council of five as in Clarke Township, it is seldonm realized how this number multiplies through council in order to operate the various and associated affairs of the Township. It lit- eralîy beconies a small army with varying degrees of auth- ority with most conducting themselves independent of council. To realize the extent 'of the number involved in these non-elected appointments onq need only read the list as approvedt by any couinil. In Clarke Township the appointments will range £rom, five members on tie Orono Park Board, t(-, three members on the Game Commission and possibly ten to twelve on the Clarke Towinship Recreation Committee. Also included will be appointments to the Abandoned Cemetery Comiittee, the Clarke Library Board, the Oddfellow's Communiay Hall, the Newtonville Conimunity Centre.AP- pointments do exist to the Conservation Areas and Hos- pital Boards. Non-elected appointmetnts are also made to the Planning Board and the Committee of Adjustment, the latter which has been delegated power of decision, egual ta that of council. In alI, the list becomes quite formidable and the 'varions committee groups do represent a fair scope of varying interests from, throughout the Township. It may possibly be said this is one of theý grass -root cores Of municipal governmen.t. Regional goyennment~ wvlll 'eliminate' this character- .istic of local, government ",andmainY of the duties now car- ried eut by volunteer groups will pass 'to the bands of el- ected representatives, bath- at the -r eg ional and at the area municipal levels. The anti-regional 'advocate will demaind that this will be a loss of local autonomy affd that onl'Y. remoteness can Sresuit. lIe will sec no good in abolishing these groups. People will have to live by the dictates of' bureaucrats. The pro-regional advocate, on the other hand, will place his view that many of these groups, are hamperedt through Jack of knowledge, Jack of1 funds and lack of sound direction. Regional goverament will provide a greater talx base for these services for the rural and smallei' centres as well as a form of professional assistance. It could also open up greater opportunities for achievements and ser vc.Althougli regional governmesit wijll eliminate num- erousc,mmîrittees and grou[Ps aS fflow appointed by local municipal g0výrnmneiits there cani still be inviýolvemnent in and a need for commiunity affaîrs groups. These, could well be ratepayers associations, clubs. and assocýiationis to or- ganize sporting activities, art activities, frîends of. the li- brary and untold oth ers that could well work in con- junction with services provided through the regional form of goverment. The Chamber of Comm erce could well take on a new stature, Regional government need not stifle the heart of a community. In fact it could well be a stimulant providing logic, prevails. The community use of sehools and this ap- plies to the Orono Public School is an e xample of logice in policy and use through co-operation.tc IMAY LAST LONGER THAN YOU TIIINK Most reports support the idea that minority govern- nient in Ottawa cannot last' too long and six mnont,iý Îl taken as the max-jimum. This JidgerflNct is aM~ade solely îi that the NDP Party cannot destroy is credlibility wlith' its supprtes b suporingprograinis foreign to üits Own poiicy In thle first place the Liberals, wholi are endeavouring to hold office, are not likely to place the NDP party in an emnbarrasing position, not utitil such time as they areý ensured of re-elec tion by the voters of Canada and this may bie sometime. 'P Secondly David Lewis and his group of thirtY sup porters are presently in a position to gain some ground for their ploicies. The minority position ,of the government enhances the hand' of the NDP who do hoid the balance of power no niatter whether it be to the Liberals or -, servatives. Lewis has also stated that hie does not see the Conservatives as a better alternative to, the Liberals,. 0f course lie is happy with neither. The NDP party position in the minority government la such that they can certaînly gain more legisiation to their likîng than they could have in the last parliamrent where majority ruled. Further, David Lewis has said le does not expect to get everytb~ing le wants and no doubt will be happy with haîf a loaf rallier- than ail or 'nov.2 at ail. The NDP are in a good position to seek their' end to a -d'egree. if the government shl)d faîl and the reins turned over to the Conservatives, Lewis is not sure -that his lot wilimprove and-so bas stated. If an election should, come about and the electorat e favour one of the major -parties fora' ajoityandit-s more than likeIy to happen, the NDP effectiveness in regard their desires wudmr ,than likely bie greatly,,reducedý. There is; no way at this time that the ND)P WilI form the governmiýenit. Local New, At a recent mein some changes wvere made in thie execu- tive of the Orýonio Flure- Skating club for the remaýinder of. the 1973 season. Mrs. Audrey Bdlckley. President. phone 983-5429. Mrs. Marj. Lowery. lst vice pre- sident, 983-58410. Word was rceived last week of the death of Profesýsor Milton Staples of Quelph. Pro. Staples was educated la Orono a' " many years a Professor at Quelph Agricultural College. The funeral service was held, on, Saturday with the bodv now restîni-n h, 1- Lang Chapel: Pro. Staplesis. sur- vived by bis wife and twa dan eh- ters. Classes from Kindergarten to Grade six at Orono Publice I-boni had a holiday Mondav due +~a faulty heating system. Christmas visitors witl Mrs. Ken Gamsby were Mr. and Mrs. Harold SnellDann y' and' Bob. Tor- onto; Mr'.'and Mrs.* John FI. Boyd and Terry, Orillia; Brian Boyd, Sudbury;, Mr.gilet Mrs. Jini Gamsby, Melanile, Steven and Billy, Lo:rraine, Quebee; Mr. and Mrs,. Dong Gamnbyu, David, apYid Beth, Guelph. Mr. and Mir'i. Javold S'- Toronto spent New Ye'ars with Mrs. Gamsby. Kirb-News We-welomnc M. anl M Feddéema ad f iuilv 'from am ton ^teO oC.ominli.T the seventh liewat'o Merrli Grahams. Mr. andMr.Er rn- turned, home Thuirsday vnn from a moths olidlay in Flor- ida. The weath r wa,,;-1,beutiful there while we had ýalhat iser able weather her-e. There wilI be anlother euchbre Iarty at Riby ,Centeninial Sehool this cominig Sat(uday evenin,ýg at 8:00O p.m. ,Pro-eedîs for 'the gradu- Mr. Glernrincipnal Kirbv ho',uadthe misbfortunie to break'his collar- bone 'e holidays Wh 'i le -stiowmobiling. When the snowmobile stopno didn't. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery and familv were Sundav, dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow and familv of Starkvifle. V!.sitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'IflU Wannan this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cowan and 4 and Mr--,AlvinSith and Dwaine Of BowMManville aoi ,with other callers. Mr. and M s San Cliapman and Claire and Mrs. ugene Touchburn attended th(,i" of the late Prof. Miltona Stades at Guelphi on Saturiday, Kirby U..W ek heiýr first m-eeting of the yearinithe Sun- day Sehool om Norma Rans- berry opened th îe eetig with a poem, "O TMaster ]1e!, me walk with.- you. Mlary, Forres;t read the Scriptures. Marion McKelvey a areading on Jsuspeople. An invtto v reie froni Oshiawa Pre btrllto at- tend' their eectie eeting on January l5th at West-'minster fini- ted Church. The Kirby group accepted a re- quest froni the Orono U.C.W. to hold the World's Day of Prayer at Kirby on March 2nd. Barb Cochrane' gave the Treas- urer's repor't. A pot luck supper is to be held wilh the annual church meeting on Jan ' ary l7th. Norma Ransberry received word froni the Kidney Foundation they had made $1100.00 on the 'sale of tickets on a quilt made by the Kirby ladies and donated by Don Tansberry to the Foundation. Inez Ha'rris and Grace lReid in stalled the nexv officers for. the coming .,earas follows President,GaeRid lst- vice pres'1,iden, Dora Morris Treasurer, îBarb (Cochrane. Se cretary, DrenStewart. Stewardship, MaronMKelvey. Gifts and Crs Dora Morris andi Darla Lowery. Archivez, Mrs. S. Chapmyan, Floral' Committee, Mrs. il Low- ery, Doreen. Lowery, Dora Morris. Pianisf, Mrs. :Bryson. Kit he and Quilting, I., Harris Suppiy and, Welf are, Neta Rans- berry. Progam, Norma Ransberry, Labels, Mary Forrest. A vote of thanks was given to Norma Ransberry for ber, lead- ership. The meeting closcd with the Mispah benediction and a lunch served by Darla Lowery. Clarke To Meet Government Jan. 23 Meeting s between provincial government personnel and area municipal officiais concerning the proposed regional government system covering parts of Ontario, Northumberland and Durham counties will begin later this month, aeco rding to an official of the Ministry of treasury, econ- omics and lntergovernmental af fairs. 1Erie FlemIng, executive direc- tor of the department's urban and regional development division said, "we are sorting out the de We are anxious to, meet witl' <Continued on page 6) .,NOmiatterhow:good Vourp resent chain 6saw the new Pioneer 3071 is 12 wVvays botter! See ît now 1 Pionee 'r have ai1l the best features from ail the best saws, an-d a few more the others dont hve...o make the best pirofessional pulp saw on the market today. Transistor-, ized ignition. quietest spark-arresting muffler, the best fuel economy of ail professional saws, and more. Check competition and 9ee for yourseif, the new Pioneer 3071 ,i 12 ways better. CH-AIN SAWS ROLPH HARDWARE ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 Orono 's Sports Centre Meet your friends In the friepdly atmnosphere at MaWts Enjoy the game of billards on excellent tables MATTS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Oro**,Onit %

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