ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANVARY£$rd,_1973ý Number 0f 'Farms Continues To Drop Throughout. Counties The fact that the nurnber of farins iu Northumberland and Dpkrham is on the devlhie bas beeni a general knowledge for. &everai years now. However, in a table of figures for the whole of Canada released ýby the federal governmnent, the actual numbers have 1een shown and compared. Aecorilig to. the statistics gathered during the 1971 feder- ai census, there, is a total of 1,793 farms for the Nvhole of Northumnberland. In 1966, there -*ere 2,075.. In a five year span of tune the number of farins bas decreased by nearly 300. Slmilarly, the overali area of land in Northumberland Couuty tised for farming has 'declined. In 1971, a total ot 318,666 acres 44 land wa,5 . used for tarmmng whîle in 1966, 356,429 acres were EIe's Gairage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St, North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Hiome phone 987.5167 used for agriculture. Using the decrease in the mn- ber of farms, and the decrease in acres for farmland, the average. size of farrn which has ceased to exist in the last five years is 126 acres in, size, approximately. However, of the farins that re- main,- the farms with sales $5,000 or more are -up from 1966, an indication that farms -are 'in- creasing in size, although de- creasing in number.' In 1971, 888 Northumberland faýems had sales over $5,000, as coimpared to 847 in 1966. 0f the farmns in 1971, a total of 220,076 acres was used 'of the total 356,- 429 in the County. Thierefore, less than haîf the farms in the County involve nearly two-thirds of the total farm land in the eounty. In a breakdown of the total number of f arms in each town- ship in. Northumberlan4d, the foi-~ lowing figures are rèerded by Oxford BRlICKLAYERS S TONEMASONS WILLIE J.' SCIflATIL Phone 983.5600 Speeializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES IVe also do chimnev Renairs SUN-FILLED HOLIDAYS WITH TREN AY"OURS LTDe BV DELUXE MOTORCOACU Many departure, dates. Choice of 10, 14,2 or 21 Day Tours. Ail tours include Disney *:Ird. One goes to Mardi Gras ini New Orleans. PRICED FROM AS LOW AS $188.00 PER PERSON 23 Day Tours - Departing February 17, March 31, April 28, October 13th PRICED FROM $400.00 PER PERSON! MEXICO 18 Days - Departing March 29th and April 6th FOR BRÔCHURES CONTACT TRENJTWJAY TOURS LTDO 131 Charlotte St., (Box 772) Peterborough Phone 743-8181 Why Pay more? Save kMoney!l ON DX PBEMIUM QUALITY FUEL 'OIL DIESEL OIL STOVE Oit Phone 668-3381 -Collect DX FUEL DII For Prompt Courteous service the Federal Statîstics Canalda De- partment. Hamilîton Townrship had 293 farmns in 1971 adn 325 in 1966. Haldimand Township riod 236 farms in 1971 and 287 in 1966. Alnwick Township had 65 farms in 1971 and 77 in 1966, Percy Township had 204 tarms in 1971 and 242 in 1966. South Monaglian Township had 89 farms in 1971 and 93 in 1966, Murray Township had 305 farms in, 1971 and 326 in 1966. Cramahe Township had 223 faims in 1971 and 237 in 1966., In Durham County the story' is much the, same. The numberof fanms is on the dedline while those which are expanding and earning o ver $5,000 per year in sales is on the increase. The general trend will prob- abiy level off in the cuming years. There will be fewer num- ber of farmns but the farms which do remain will be hirger in size and earn more than the smailer tarins. In Durham Cotnity, theVle were 1,664 farms recurded in 1971. In 1966 thereý were 1,870- farins ini the county- 0f the 1,664 farins recorded in 1971, 736 had sales of $5,000 or more. In 1966, only 696 tarms crossed the $Ï,000 mark. In a similar comparison, the 1971 tot- ai àréa comprîed by 'the tarns earning, $5,000 or more . was 161,669 acres asr comparedto the 147,812 acres in. 1966. In 1971, the total area of couni- ty iu tarins was 252,370 acres. There was a total acreage of 290,333 in 1966 uesd, for farming. The breakdown of individual townships in the county, compar- ing the number of farms, is as follows: Cartwright Township had 155 farms in 1971, and 160 in 1966. Cava- Township had 243 farms i 1971 and 303 iu 1966. Clarke Townslxip liad 307 farms in 1971, and 362 in 196, Darlinton 'Township ïhad 442 farmns in 1971 and 462 in 1966. Hîope Township had 282 tarins in 1971 and 303in, 1966. Manvers Township had 235 tarins in 1971, and 277 in 1966. NEW HORIZONS, IN POTATO BREEDING Rebuiiding a> plant species is no easy task, but it is one which some- Agriculture Canada scient- ists have set for theinselves. They are working on the na- tions p(ttato breeding prograin - trying to broaden the genetic base of commercial species by introducing genes from those In turne, thvy hope to have zz p #u tsýe es 'with uatural vigor,_ mýany desirable qualities and no~ badun. SOIL ORGANIC MATTER AND PLANT, GRO WTT! The presence of organic mat- ter - decomposed remains of plants and animais -. lu the soil influences the uptake of' nutri- ents by plants. Studies at the Agriculture Can-- ada Lethbridge, Alta., RËesearch- uptake of such elemelits as nitro- Station, have showu tliat plant gen, phosphorus, potassium, cal- cium and iron was often greater- wi th the addition of organic mat- ter than without it. DEPARTMENT 0F RECREATION TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Country & eWestern Jamboree SUNDAY AFTERNOON January Yth, at 2.00 p.m. Bowmaenville Town, Hall Auditorium Guest Artist TOM SAWYER RETRANINGDIVISION If you are unemployed or currently thiinking of returning to the labour force, why not upgrade vour education or take advantage of our commercial' training to im- prove your eusployment possibilities. These priDgrammes are organlizd on a côntinuous intake basis to accommodate new ,entrants throughtut the ycar. ACADEMIC UP-GRADING Elementary school completion: Although we try to accommodate ail applicarits we are organized to accommodate those applicants with grade six' and higher. GRADE LEVELS 9 TO 12 Each level normnally takes 16 weeks to complete býut if you are willing to work hard enougli with our concept of individuel learming you1 can complete a level in less Lime. COMMERCIAL TRAINING Our commercial department ut fers training in typing, bookkeeping and short. hand. Von can enroîl for 12 weeks or longer depez.dirg on the time requirýed to reach a level of.proficiency to enable you to obtain employment. DID VOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAINING ALLOWANCES? FOR DETAILS CONSULT VOUR LOCAL CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE If you are not eligible for Canada Maupôwer Assistance you may enrol l i a 12 week course for $36, 16 weeks for $48 and 40 weeks for $120. For further information contact: MR. R. MALONE THE RETRAINING DIVISION DURHAM COLLEe.E 0F APPLIED ARTS and TECHNOLOGY OSHAWA, ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 57&0210 EXTENSIONS 227, 228, 2-1