Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jan 1973, p. 2

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ORON WEKLYTIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARLY 3rd~, 1973 ODRONO WEIEKLY TIMES Seo ie I la, IRegsration Nuinher 0 ý8 ?nbT1~.deT.ry Turs-day et the of1iee*k>f ust Mai S~,etOrme,. Ontair4e.Phmee935 lis A Matter of Attitude At this point there are 'somc obvious changes that wiil exList in this community following the formation of a regional area and the election of its governmant. The new form of government wil diminata the Council of the Township of Clarke and the Trustee Board, of the Police Village of Orono and these two groups will, at the end of 1973, cease to exist, providing the govern- ment holds to, its, infended sichedule. 1 This formi of governinent bias existed in Clarka Township and Orono for almost 150 years and although a conglomeqrate, has served the community well during the era. No 'doubt the Police Village structure was intro- duced somefime in the 1800's wifh the view that within this framework special attention could bce directed to- wards built-up or populated areas wifhin a rural commun- ity. t is evident that there did exist some confrontation between popuiated' and rural arcas even within sucli a small comimunity as Carke Township. The structure of Police Villages did overcome this attitude and did give some form of governniant to the populated areas in rural 'commnunities. But attitude does change and bas, we believe, clianged over the past dalcade. This change of attitude made it lass and less a necessity to creafe Police Villages and as a resuit in racent years their powers seemed to reduce tlirough the fact thaf decreasing recognition was given to them by the Province. The system bas, however, been succassful in most cases and cspecialiy so in the case of Orono. Through tlie' structure-fthe Village, by a, special levy. over the years, first instituted fire protection and other services as garbage pick-up and disposai. street lighting, sidewaik construction. In later yaars under a rcalignment of tax use fthc Village was able fo insfali a water system, iibrary service and em- bark upon a plan of grcatly improved streef s. These scliemes came to Orono more readily due to the fact that there was a separafion of sorts betwaen the Village and tlieTownship. In many instances the two identîties complimented one another. The Township as a whole did provide flie fipncial background for Village spending in sucli items as the initial purchase of fire equipment, the water works Installation and the recent road prograin. Aithougli the background existed, the costs of the programns were met solely from flic Village. On thee other hanei fli Village provided fthe initial steps in some services which lafer extended into fthc Town- ýhip. This made -sucli services. as fire protection, library services and recenfly water extensions" reasonabie and af a nmodesf. cost to ail. The two identifies 'have permit ted a logical growfli of services and yet nef held one area back where services wcre needed. If is in thae area of attitude thaf members of flic new regional govnment and new area municipalifies will ,have to bce mucli broader. For wifhinflic region and area centres there will, in'many cases,, be a mixture of 'rural, urban and city cor es. The representatives of the people will have fa cope witli many problemns from ail areas of flic region and thus must contain an open attitude to flic respective areas. We do believe people foday have a mucli wider sco pe of attitude and are-more receptive to flic daims of ethers. This lias been weli exemplified in flic conduet of fthc County Board of Educafion which is a far cry from that of, Counfy Councils soma years ago. A succe ssfui region must be flie unifying of al cemmunifies iust as a worfliy community, sucli as Orono, is flic unity of individuals. WIIERE Do cHRISTI1ANS STAND ON VIOLENcE? The- civiiized world wasappalled by flie murders of Il Israei athîctes at Munich iast August, and troubied by flic Israeli reprisais that, kilied severai hundred Leban- ese, Syrian and Palestinian civilians immcdiateîy after. But a few weeks later a routine report froni Belfast st afcd that flic Ulster faf aiity foll for tht-ce years had reached 572. A seven-line "filler" under if reporfcd: "Since flic Communist offensive began iast Mardi. 30, authorifies in Saigon -have reported confirmation of 2,588 civillans assas- sinations, 9,313 abductions, and 5,277 civilians wounded in ferrorist incidents." One is safe fu estimiaf ethat whle this hàs bean going on uncountedfliousandLs more have died at flic haads of assassins, ferrorisfs, and repressive military regim- es in Africa. Those of us who live in reiafively peaceful and iaw-abiding places need to wafch ourselves in fwo areas-one, that we give no approval or take no action that gives any encouragement for violence- fwo, that we give ne Support, aven be if liy aur silence or' our plous prayers for peace-wliere there is no justice, ta those re- pressive regimes thaf furn flie dispossessed in bitter~- ness to viôlence. Canadian Christians are already involved on both sides. Our govarnment in ifs numerous abstentions at the UN, ifs frada policies with Soutli Africa, ifs lbans fa Lsrael, ifs support of Portugal fhroug'h NATO, ifs indirect support of American policies in Viet Namn, lias put us iînflic judge- ment of sensitive Christians, on flic sida of flic oppressors. (Contlnued froni Page 1) provements have been requested, and in view of fthc fact that C.N.R. officiais advised me that the town Council appeared to be satisfied with conditions as they were, I would like the suggested improvements co)mplcted before being forceci to resîgn.Afod ing probleiem alo xists in the Trefusis Street area and on farm land adjacent f0 the Rose Glenn Road. The residents Of fthe Tre- fusis .Street area hlave contacfed me '.ith respect to flic, condition which causcd silnieicanjt bas;e- basement flooding jA s spring wifhout any apparent action lie- ing taken. ,,The prolein ïvoîves more flian One municipalitv and more than one level of govern-; ment, and I advised the resi- dents to await the installation of the new Councils. I have made representation to the Council re- specting flie Rose Glen situation without resuifs, but wouid iike to mnake further representatioxy in this regard. 1 have also cornmenced nego- tiations with the Ont ario Devel- opment Corporation respecting industry for port Hope which wiIl not require addifional in- dustrial land. L would like to further the iioferests of Pr Hope in this reg-ard. These are but a few of fleic public atr with which I amn dealing at thei present time, and which do nof inciude a large number of per, sonal probleis affecting the live liliood of - Durhanî C Ç,)nty resi- dents and wvhich etn over the wliole riding. In addition, as Chairman of the Ontario select Comfmitteýe on Moforized Snow Vehicies and Ail-Terrain Vehicle's,, we have just eompleted an agendîa for further hearing.s whicl xvii in- ciude the, United Counties area. We, are aiso in the' Process of preparing an interim! report on the Committee's worlç for presý énfation to the Springý Sessioni of the Legisiature.,' As ail these maOztter's will re- quire a great deal of conisidera- tion On my part, ma1 respect- fully request -that yu demanid for mY immediate' resignation be changed to a iater date. May I in closing, state that 1 have flot at any time -committed myself to the proposed1 region as Out1lied, but have stated both publicly and. in the ýPress- that aithougli I have certain reser- vations respecting the Proposais my study of the and, my invol- veinent in the discussions over the past months have influenccd mîy thinking to the extent that uniess practical alternatives are presented, the restructuring, as suggested, wiil to a major extent eovethe many problims fac- ing our, municipalities. At the pre5ent moment i have no intention of resigning, but 1 am prepared to sit down withthe citizens of Durham County', whose confidence 1 have enjoy- ed ýand respected for over thir. teen years, and diseuss thec ad-' vantages and -disadvantages as well as possible alternatives to the proposais, which'as Mr. Mac- Naughton stat-td, are subjeet to *modification. As I re',present ail the citizens of Durham County, may Iý re- spectfuiiy r-ý.que.st that, now ap- pi#rent]y having the consensus of opinion of the ci'tizens of port Hope, that i -the interinm period you obtain the opinions of flhe citizens of the whoie riding re- specting the demand foi- my res- ignation. Yours very truiy, Aiex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durham. Letrto Editor Deebr29. 1:)72 LETTER TO TUIE EDITO, May I respectfuily commntf on an item appearing in the local press of a few days ago, aîd which formed part of a stafement on the ragional government p)ro- posai, by Mr. Douglas Moffatt. The item referred to is the answer Mr. Moffatt states I gave hlm to bis question concernintg the future status of the Nortli umberland-Durliam School Board. ,The answer I gave, as quoted by him, wvas to flic effeet fliat thée would be no change. 1 recail shaking hands, with Mr. Moffatt and exchanging very briefly some casual remarks as- wc were making ourway ouf of the !crowdcd audit ortur4. I do not recaîl making the stafement he attributes to me, but if in the exehange of views with him and the people around me at the fimie, I inadvertentiy made the above ramark, 1 must ask for for- giveness as 1 had no facts or in- formation on which to base sueh a statament. If the regional proposai pr oves (Confinued page 7) No miatter how good youirpresent chain slaw s. the new Pion*eer 3071 os 12 wvays better!1 See itnow i Pioneer have ail the best features from ait the best saws, and a few more the others don't have.. . to make the best professional PulP saw on the market todlay. Transistor- zed ignition, quietest spark-arrestJng muffler, th-e hast fuel economy of ail professional saws, and more. Check competition and see for yourself, the new Pioneer 3071 is 12 ways better. ROLPH HARDWARE, ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 '&FiEN- LOADING A 5NOôWMOBILE ON A TIL.-SEP TKAILEKJ TH4EE ERr5 AT mEKuRy 5NôWM15ILr-5 ECOMMEND EITPIERU5EAWINC140OKPUe11 ITON 5V IANP. NEVEir DRIVE 114E 6NOWMOBILE ON TO THE TRAi LM ý5E-UkEL'I TIC- DOWN TîýE MAÉI-INE UINR( NYLôN RIVE, Ékli-AN OR IUBsEpR 6NUSSING5.1-4E 5NÔWMOB1LE 5F4ôULP B~E 6ECDU: Iê nTHE ZACK > FIONT ARP dN 3 1-951PE5. !L-'EFr-ôE I4EAPIN6 I4MEJ-MAKE6URIE T14ETFAIL.ER )4ItCKF 16 5ECURELY' FA6TENEP ANP 5AFETEWC14AIN AflCIED. C4ECK IKA1LER LIGRT CôNNEC1ON, ANPT-E6-r To EE -MAT uL4re WcôKIROe'ERLY. Sp.rS Centre* Meet your frîends in the friendly atmesphere at Matts En.joy the gaine Qofiffards on excellent tables MAlTS BILLIARDS und Barbershop Orono, Ont. ORONO WEEKLY' CHAIN SAWS

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