Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Dec 1972, p. 1

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I ,1-1~-i Orono Weeldy -VOL~UME 3X, NUMBER 51 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES-, WEDNESDAV, DECEMBER 27th, 1972 ,Reeve-ElectWatnFo Further Regioonal Informiýîon Mr. TedI Woodyard, Reeve eleet Cilaike Townhip, said lie was - ookînig at Rgoa Goverilment wiha cniea amount of interest buût unlt more facts and figures are know-mn, feels lie lias; pio efiite stateaIent to mnakc. H1e feela it not the time to take_ a> firm sý,tanid elier for or nginst ýIt until rmore detailed informa- tion, which lias been promised, is available. Mr. Kirk Entwisle,, Deputy- -eeve, elcet for Clarke Township, stated lie would like to sce pub- lic meetings held tliroughout the Township and Newcastle, with --icusions regarding Rtegional Government. H1e felt that the maintaining «~ identity, especi- ýaily with regard to the historical aspeët of Port Hope, was most important. H1e suggested the pos- sibility of having two rural areas, ojne to the east and one to the PORT HOPE MAYOR DEMANDS RESIGNATION iI>F CARRUTHERS Mayor Michael Wiadyka lias called for the immediate resigna- ion of Alex- Carruthers, MPP f'-or Durim and Russell Rowe, MPP for Nortliumberland,. This was is reaction to the inclusion oi fte Port Hope-Cob- oýurg area in a regcionial govern- X ~ inent with the city of Oliawa. Th twno nmembers, Mayor Wal- _lyka said, didi not convry the wvislies of thle peoptýe to the plan- nesat Quleeni's Parýk. "ln essenice the announeement _1y Cliles aeNauighton spelis' dioom f1 or the is$!Iýoric commriun- ;lUes of Port Hlope aind Cçibourg", The Port Hlope mayor describ- ed he provînce's'pr'onouince- nesas'IIlot a proposa1 foi- re- irbut wic ubIrtion of lo- calgovrnmntin this part of pROFOSAL SUNS Mayor Jack Hieenan of Cobourg -,was "stunn(cd" witli the Queen's .Park prorouncement that the four local municipalîties wüli be part of the Oshiawa region.. 111 am stili numb', lie said the .-rorning after the meeting. "I antbeIiLve tliatthese two hist- oretowns, with 175 years of proud iiistgry, could be wiped ut witli one stroke of the pen. ït is assînine." ,ONTARIO COUNTY PLANS MEETING ON REGION A special meeting of the Reev- es of, Ontario County munic ipal- ities wili me lield early in~ the new year to study the regional governmeunt proposais presented by Provincial Treasurer Charles MYacNaugton MVonday, December i8th. East -Whitby IDeputy ileeve Douglas Marlow failed in an at- tempt to have county council meet lu comîittee ofthe who]e an d vote on the basis of regular ,eounty voting procedure. Several members of council offered sug- gestions about how the meeting sliould be conducted. DARLliNGTON CONCERNED Darlingtoni Township's reevec elect Garnet Rickard said Tues- day alter the meeting, lie is not entiirely satisfied wvitli the prov- incial governmcnt's proposaIs for regionalism. Mr. Riekard said lie is coacera- cd about tlie large size of the area that includes most of Dar- lington Township, and that rep- resentation per person would not be as effective as at the present time, since ýthe Darlington area would have relatively f ewer'rep- resentatives. Hç also fears the administra- tion would grow ln size and re- move the people further away from local governiment instead of bringing them dloser to decision maki.ng. REP. BY POP. CONCERNS PICKEING REEVE ELEUf Pickering Village Reeve Eleet Vie Dingley la particularly wor- ried about representation of 'his municipality in the new regional goverament proposai. Under the proposai presented Mond ay, December 18th by Pro- Vincial Treasurer Charles Mac- Naughton, Pickering Village, Aj- ax 'and, the southeastera, portion of Pickering Townsh;lip will be- come a local unît withia the reg- ion. "We now have a representation of 500 per person (on council)" lie said. "It will be 35,000 for five councillors (under thc -pro- posal). "This is taking your local rep-, resentative away from the people, not bringing you dloser to them" PORT PERRY IS PLEASEI) Port Perry Reeve Robert Ken- ney said leie l generally pleased with the pro.vincial government's announcement that regional gov- erment would be coming into ef-, fect. "It's what we hoped for rather than being farther north," said Reeve Keaney. H1e. said lie didn't sec any maj- or drawback in view for Port Perry - 'excepi maybe some things wilI nccd iroaing out." A five man eouncil "la not suf- fici-nt" forflic area whiili is 30 miles fremn corner to corner, lie said. UXBRIDGE FEARS, AUTONOMY LOSS Uxbridge, Mayor- Ray Newton said lie fears the town may lose its autonomy wlien regional gov- ernment la implemented. Mayor Newton said Uxbridge, would want control of its owa lifeslyle. Uxbrîdge la a thriving community. We have ahl the ser- vices of a large- community." H1e said liaving a small town sueli as Uxbridge connected to a large area would have draw- backs for the town. New Furnace In House Suprises Local Reader, Athougli we have been asked to w71ihhold any names, if cloes seemaewswo th lat one of Our rural edr liad their furnace remvcdaada new ore instalird Iln their hbi some two or flirce wees ao. he ncientwas a to hve eendoue at a neigli- At tlie lime the occupants of flic home werc away for flic day and usiug directi 'ons given by flie rightful owner nlio was alho f0 lie away, flie heafing confract- or made flic installation. An agreement lias been reaci- cd liefween the new owner and ,the confractor and flic furnace la f0 iea. LAWRENCE, CARRUTIIERS DIFFER IN REAC'1 ON l'O REGIONAL SCHEM- The two representati;ives at the sen'ior 1,vels of ~rýncnt for this area liad shry differing reactions to the, regional gov ern- ment proposais. Durham MPP Alex Caruthers expressed a few tentative rese'rvation's but gener- ally seemed to favor the ide-as. Allan. Lawvrenee, the federal MP, rejectfed the, plans outright, Mr, Lawrence saîd, "To make a strong re'gional government Cover an11area1 of 1,000 square miles isý ridicuilous. To, include Port H-ope anjd Cobourg in that area is even more ridiculous.". Lawrence agreel with the con- cept of setting up an eastern buf- fer to inhibit the growth of Tor- onto but said that "to brin,« most of Northumberland-Durhain into the Oshawa region is a mis- take." Durham MPP Carruthers said that,' aithougli he approved of an Oshawa-oriented lakeshore area rather than one oriented to Pet- erboroughi, he fearsthat regional government may become too bur- eaucratie to administer efficient- 1y., Carruthers added that aithougli lie had reservations 'about the regional plan, it could, be ad- vantageous. CHORALLIERS COLLECT FUNDS FOR GIFTS Two indiviclwal groupa of young choralliers 'in Orono exemplified the Christmas spirit last week when tliey toured the village singing carois and collecting funds which they used to pur- chase gifts for those not so for- tunate in the area, The young group collected a sumi of $26,00 Ivhich was put to good use in the commVrnity, f romn everyone at the Orono Weekly, Times The foflowing news release was provided by Mr Paul Riley, RR 3, Newcastle, YOLJR CHOICE- The Regional Government ý ean is now published and we have been given until F'ebruary 28, 1973 to voice our re- actions to the plan, Manv, questions regarding your home, your property, your wa of life and our future need answering,' What is your response to: One Regional Government from Toronto to Cobourg Another level of taxation Planning at Regional level Services (Sewer treament, water supply etc) Regional Our area will have 3 members on a 29 member council Tax, increase lias been shown in ail Regional Govern- ments, but where and xýhy îs this money spent, Your answers must lbe heard- A group of citizens of this area are banding to getlier to give your answcrs to Queen's Park, Everyone must participate to some extent if -ye stili are living in a demoeracy It is your democratic rîght to participate, We will try to provide a forum for your opinions Watch this paper next week for details, --- - - ANS WERS FIRE CALL ON BOXING DAY Doug M olfOtt Asks uestlo:ls The Oroon-Clarke ie eat ment answcred a fire eall Tuesd- day morning before noon to Hav- ~ ~ ~ lburg Dog Kennels where a'car ~J l L SU~D f~~IJUI seat in. a parked car liad cauglit fire, Very littie damage was donc Having listened to the Hon. C. MveNauglton on Tuesday, Dec- ember l8th, explain bis ideas on regional gcvernimeat for tbis arca 1 have decided to acccpt lits challenge and sulimit specifie suggestions and questions. The Report suggests that reg- ions will li.ave autoromny and local planning control. H-ovvl it, then, thaft te Port Hope, '(i- bourg area is designated as a major groWtli area even before the regional council la elcctcd? Surcly the planning that Mr.. Me- Naugliton wants to sec take place lias alreadiy been doue. How doca flua idea fit in with the suggest- ions of the "OASIS" group in Port Hope? The amount of com- patibility surely shows that' the- architeets of flic new plan have not heard or at least not'listened to the OASIS propos-als. There are, no doubt, many pro- blems 10 be worked out in deal- iag witli Port -iope's idea of pre- scrving the communitv as a -sort of "ive museumn" but the region- ai govcrnmef proposals will coin- pletcly obliterate the plan. Would the Port Hopie area bic able to make sucli a planning de- cîsion whcn the proposals are enaefed? Where's the local con- trol? I fiad if particularly confus- iag f0 note, that wve wiil once again have ovcrlapping jurisdic'- tions la regard to sehool boards. 110w wiil this overlap affect tax payera? At the m'wfting in Oshawa wc receivêd lirce dîfferent answeus to the onestion "Wliaf about t11w sehool boards?" (We liad to ai because strangely flie report doesn't even mention beoards of eduralion!) The replies xere: Mr. A. Carruthers 'Oh, t fere'1l! be no change." M.P.P. Durli. Mr., W. Ne~wman "There'Il lie n change i 1971 hbt ur'b ibv soon after.' M.P.P. Ontario Southi. An employee, of the sludy- "That will come later" Someone la kidding us! Whaf grand design la there that w~e won't know about? Intcrestingly, I can remember a public meeting lu Ponfypool in' December 1967 when Carruthers saîd "The new education boards would foilow county lbt4ýs bc-, cause vwe ail knew these bounél- aries." He aiso said at the same time that Durham would be one board and Northumberland another. A week later lie said that it would be unworkabie to, have sucli a largp jurisdictiion as the United Counties. A week after that lie said that the "two counties" was the best plan. - Boy, that's con- sisteney! If the region goes on as plan- n ed liow will 5 persons represent ecd of the wards? These people will have to be full time council- lors! la that a good idea? If seems to me that having more elected members at a loW salary would give a more varicd voice and thus better represeatation. The five electcd people wiIl be fuîltlime polîticians and thus a lot of good people wililibe pre- vented from taking part in the govermeftt. Why is the use of a ward sy- stem not spelled out for ail ar- cas? Leaving an open ballot as is recommended means that a higli population area will b)e able to have all the representati.on on the council. We may wcll wind up wîth ail of the couneillot s living in Por; Hope, Cobyourg, Bowmanvillc, Oshawva, Whitby and Ajax. How willthese peop'le relate to the problems of ftio e p.~osliving on flic back co.n- cess,ýions? Beware, Mr. McNau'-lit- on you a;re crealing anr.fr (Conf'inued page 2) Clarke, High News WeIl, another year la coming to an end, and this last week at Clarke lias been full of fun and confusion. On Wednesday, Clarke's first "Seramible Day" mas held. Al day, the studeuts wverc able to go to any clas~s they wished, to preview courses that they wouid be taking in future years. The day turaed out to be a great lien- efit to the- students. The Clarke Blue Raisors have kept their record of defeats, They lost last Monday in twoc Volley Bail games againat theý teachers with scores of 15-9 andc 15-12, This is a'pretty poor sho- iag for the Raisors, as tLheir team of six was matclcd agaluast the teacliers team of four. On Tliursday, the Clarke Bant.- ama and the Senior Raidcrs played in Cobourg wliere tlc both loat., On Monday Donevan came o- c Clarke and left the winners by threcepoints. Thursday niglit was thc Christi mas dance fcaturing Cred.1 There was a large attendance and everyoae seemcd 10 have a good time. Friday was Clarke'.-, Futn Day. Iu flic moraiag a filmi andth grade l1's play were showa. lu- flic afternoon flcheaeherýiu,-'sply and flic grade 1'3 (Cirisfma Party were prescnfed. Ail; in éi if was a good day-. -As wc finish offic .ye var, we look back onitHe past yeaî wifh hfondi- morýies aa d o forward to wlif lic Ncw Yea will lriag. Merry Chi-isLfmasý. eaneJe sp - Ï2

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