Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1972, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1972 Oron etsTie Play- MANSTREET - ORONO Blouses Pants sweaters Sleepwear Gloves DRESSES PANT SUITS COATS, Thse Expropriat-ions Act ~ NGTICEOF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND Deprtri~u c Trn 9tatonand Communications IN ~ ~ ~ ~~) ;IUIIATEio a îppliation by the Minister of Transpor- tatoî ani (mmss ~i; o approval to expropriate lands in tise i2owahip 6 Ifîi, n ý La ise County of Northumberland, in thse Pso ceoAhil o the 1purpose of acquirng sufficient land f rthse widenîiag and reconstruction of Hfighway Number 28. NOTICE IS HERE5BY GIVEN that application has been made for appi-oval te vxproprïate thse land described in thse sehedule hereto. Any owner of lands iu respect of whîch notice is given who de- sires an inquiry ie ivwhethser the taking of such land is f air, sound and reasonubly nece ssary iu thse aciievement, of the objectives of tise expropriatmng authorïty shait se notify tise approving au- thority in writing, (a) la the cas-ea, a registercd owner, served personally or by registere Ù1 slwithln tiirty* days aftcr lie' is served xith tise no, ue, o when lie is served by publication, witis- la thirty da aïtrtihe tirst publication of the notice; (b) in thse case oc -m owncr who is flot a registered owner, v ît in tliî d afttr th-e first publication of the notice. THký e APLVlNl U ORITY IS Mini ter cft.on _sn rn ta nuncatious Liî-cct ilît c VPy Branch, L Thef rcEilo Atprov-cle ta, (a) v iîr, ai rqiryis eestesi, it shall be conducted by an i nu ofse p--litedi by tise Miister of Justice ( 'hall iry a-:st ie iaquiry an opportunity se pu~ ~ a e rgument aad to examine and cîos-e ~ £WitCsecitiser personally or by his (i1) ma~~. os sisd teeapproving authority that a pO~y iiny e paid a fixd amount fer his co~, c t oeaiy t te exceed $200 and tise apprev- Ï a y irays s discretion order tise expro- p ltin a tosiy t jay sucis costs forthwith. 2. onrasd"e dwAr are defincd in the Act 4s follows: 'owa r'rac 1' 'ea mor>gaee, tenant, execution creditor, a J1o dt loa ii~ L sate or iuterest in land, a cern- milce f tc ~aIrcf rnntalyincompetent person or of a per onincaî i~ n ms-aîîag i ffairs, and a guardian, execter adnuî trtoror rusinl whom land is vested; 'r i ~cr e av mens n onerof land wbose interest la the'land dfe asw isosenmeis specified lu an in- strument lain oprrgLty land tities or sheriff's of- fice, andi inchi a-eron -iswn ais a tenant of land on the last reviseda-c;net li 3. The expropriaitgaswry.ch owner who notifies tise ap- proviag, authe'ty tat U d _slres a hearing ia respect of the lands ir i dt b xporiated and any owaer added as a party r hqu l z re parties te the inquiry. Ail right, titie a n ýtli tifoilowiag lands: Ia tise TwsiU1imsco ete Couaty of Northumberiand, Tise Oreno Midget Hockey, Club turaed tise tables on tise Sutton Midgets who last wcek, defeated Oono 7-2 la tise openiag -game of the first round of the Ontario Mlidget playdowns. Tise second game of the series was piayed at tise Orono Arenu on Tuesduy eveniag wisen the Orono Midgets carne through wlth a 4-3 victory over Sutton thus forcing a third game lu Sutton wiih will be pluyed on Friduy night. The game at tise Orono, Amena was one of the bsrst pluypd this year and with stroag, goal tend- ing by Larry Lana and thse for- ward line of Randy Eastabrooke, Stephea BËoyd and Nico de Jonge were able te tag tise wi. Tise Eastabrooke, Boyd and de Jonge rune scored ail thse Orono goals. Tise local beys had te corne from a beisind situation ut tise bcgianing of tise tiird and tuke thse gume ini the overtîme per- iod. Tise score was lu favour of Sutton ut tise end cf tise second period 2-1. Orono postc«_I two goals lu thse tisird te Sutten's oe te settie tise score ut 3 al ut tise end cf tise tisird. Randy Eastabrooke figured in ail four goals and sconrcd tise wia- ning goai in tise overtimnsperiosi, uaassisted. He aise scoresi Oro- ne s second -goal and assisted on tise otiser two. Nico de Jonge and Stepisea Boyd scored tise otiser goals. Bots Stepisen and Nico assisted on tise Eastabrooke sec- ond goal. Brian Black assisted on tise Stepisen Boyd goal. Tise Orono Club dees play good hockey and dees warrant your support la Sutton tbis'Frîday ev- ening. On February 7ti tise Oreno 4-H Homemaking Club iseld tiseir -se- cond meeting ut tise Orono Uni- ted Cisurcis witis sevea present. Tise name cf our pmject is Sleepwear' and tisenanme we have cisosea for our unit is tise "Sieepy Seven."' Miss Rutis Chuter, the'~ assistant leader, rend tise minutes of tise iust meeting. Tise business for tise eveniag was tise ciection of officers as foilows: President, Christine Selby. Secretary, Carol Barnett Press sec., Sisaron Lowcry. Tise wso isas tiseir patteras on tiscir material eut them eut and marked theinwisile tise rcst pianed tiseir patterns on tise mu- terinl. -A~rt s Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oronlo FIRE -HYDRANT' KNOCKED OFF BY Last week a fire hydrant was knocked over by the Township snowplow while' carring out its duties in Orono. The hydrant covered by snow RYTHO,"S Orono, Ontario Phone. 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodeling Kitchen' Cuphoards W e huiid from, the' fonndation I Up. is located mid-way up Mill street, No repairs are being made at this. time due to the weather con- ditions. FIRE DEPARTMENT CLE-ARý- AWAY ICICLES FROM EAVE Durihg, the past few dy ag icîies have formed along the eaves of buildings on the wcst side of the business section. Th-, icicles grew in size and were certainly a 'hazard to those walk- ing below. With the use of the Hlydro ladclcr truck the firemen of the local dcpartment removed on Tuesday- evening. Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 11OUR SERVICE bORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-57#28 or 983-5266 The Counefl of thse Corporation 6f» the Township of Clarkse. wlsh- to advise residents' of Clarke Township that effcýtive Februaryi 1972 Couneil meetings wil bc held every month as follows: First Tuesday commencing at 10:00 a.m. Third Thesday commencing at 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p. Anyone u-ishing to appear on the agenda of these meetings, pieuse contact the undersigned within 24 bours prior to thse meeting. Hf. DeWITH, Aéfing 'Clerk, Township of Clarke, Phone 983-9119. hU C. ail, * C Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday ON DX PREMIlUM QUALITY FUE L OIL0 Phone 668-3341 - %Colle BX 1011lI F'or Prompt Courteoýus Service Caîl Us loday

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