Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSOAVI OCTOBER SUx, 19-40 Prize Wînners 'Durham Fair QUARTER HORSE SHOW- Trail Css - Tropiiy by Riick Enbteprises to Win'ner - Joe Cart- 'er, Branchton, Ont. 2. Vera Bonk 2. J. Doerner; 4. S'ike ilolimes' Jr. Western Ple'&sure - Ti ophy by Pine Valley Farms to WinneT Parle.y Littie, Webster, N.Y.; 2, Bll oiokerason; 3.- V. Bonk; 4. V. Bonk. 'ý\est.ern RIding - Trophy by Don \tacGregor 'to Winner - Paul oswald, Watenioo, Ont.; 2. Bob Anthio-,,%; 3. Joe Cartcir; 4. Greg B apson. ýSr. Western Pleasure - Trophy by Roy Wilson to Winner - Jim, Babcock, DreGden, Ont. 2. ROY Jonson; 3. Paul 0ý3vald; 4. S. ilolmes. Reining - Trophy by W. F. Rick- ard to Winn'ý,.r -P aul 0O wald, W.aterlioo, Ont. 2. G. RapsGn; 3., S. 1oinei; 4. Geo. Coverdale. E nglia lPea.ure - Trop'oy by cn liam to Wnier - 1 liiDfker.son, Stroudrburg, Penn 21). ai d C. Gold; &ý F. Ltle; 4. J.Babcock. 13arrei ]Race- Trophy by Vern Bonk t,ý Joe Cartcï B.ianchton, onit 2. ~ùyCranue. SHEEP 'Grand Champ ,on, Female in Chas's No. 1, N. C. Chevots and Liecestors - loyd Skinur. Grand CfharnpioflFeniale in .Class No. 2 Suffolk, Harnps'hire and O,§.ord- Glen Ga3pell and Sons. Grand Champon Fenmle in Râass No. 3 - Shroupshiire, Dorset, Cheviot and Southdown - Lloyd Ayre. tlao'u 1I: Ewe and Ljambs - 1. L. Sininer 2. Ru6s Dow 3. Don Grant 4. Glen Gaspell and Sons. Ewe - 2 -tooth - 1. L. Skinner, 2. J,. Sinner 3. D. Grant 4, G GIaspell 5. R. Dow 6 D. Grant.7, R. Dow 8. G. Giaspeîl. Ewe - fullirnouth mdik teeth 1. It. Dow 2. L. Skinner 3,- R. Dom 4. G. GIfaspeli 5 D. Grant 6. D Gant 7: G. Glaspell. Ram -2 tot'- 1. TD. Grant2 L. Skinner 3. R. Dow 4. G. Glas, Rani - fulli mouith miilk teeth -1 7. Skinner 2. D. Grant .3.R. DON 4. G. Gapl 5. L. Skinner. crIoup - 1. L. Sldlnnier 2. R. Dow D. Grant 4' G. GiaspËeil. Class 2 - Ewe and Lambs- Ross Fowler 2 G. Glaspeal 3 Hai old Sinner 4 Bùyd Ayre 5 LIloy Ayre 6 Russ Dom'. Ewe - 2 tooth - i1 H. Skinner B. Ayre 3 L. Ay e 4 R. Fowler G. Giaspeil 6 R. Dow 7 G. Glaspo 8 H. Skinner 9 R. Fowler., Ewe - f ull mouth milk teth 1 G. Glaspeli 2 B. Ayre 3 B. Ayl 4 L. Ayre 5 L. Ayre 6 R. Dow H. Skinner 8 R. Fowler. Ram - 2 tooth - 1i11. Skinner Boyd Ayre 3, G. Glaspell 41 Ayre 5 R. Dow 6 R.,Fowler 7 - Ayre 8 R. Dow 9 H. Skinner. Ram - -full mout'h milk teeth G. Glaspeil 2 L. AYre 3 R. Fowl 4 B. Aýie 5 R. Dow 6 H. Skinn 7 R. Dow 8 G. Glbaspell 9 R. Fov er 10 L. ýAYre. 1Group - 1 G. Gaspell'2 B. Ay 3 1H. Skinner 4 L. Ayre1 5 R. Fo or 6 R. Dow. Glass 3- Ewe and iambsi Ayre 2 1, Ayre 3. 1-. Skinner R, Fowler. Ewe- 2 tooth - 1 L. Ayre 2 Skinner 3 B. Ayre 4 R. Fowier R. Fowler 6 L. Ayre 7 R. Skii 8 B. Ayre., Eîwe- ful xnouth milk teet] 1 R. Fowler 2 B. Ayre 3 L. A) 4 R. Fowler 5 L. Ayre 6 H. Sk ner. Rami - 2 tooth 1; B. Ar Ayre 3 H. Skin'ner 4 H. Skin 5 B. Ayre 6 R. Fowler. 1Ram -. full mouth milk teeth L. Ayre 2 H.- Skinner 3 B. A 4. L. Àyre 5. R. Fowder. Group - 1 B. Ayre 2 L. Ayr H. Skinner 4 R. Fowler IIOLSTEINS premier Brooder and Exdibr TamianeFarm, rono. Glen Rae Farm 5 Iari Heeringa 6 Pier Skmna. Heffer, 2 years - 1 Donald Budd 2 Francis Jose 3 Donald Welsh 4 Donald Budd 5 Kari Heeninga 6 Gen Rae Ftarm 7 Karl Heennga 8 PMer Sikma 9 Francis Jose. 1 0w, 3 years - 1 Leslie Welsh 2 Raph Glaspeil 3 Ater Sikrnn 4 Glen Rae Farm 5 Leglàie Welsh 6 Faianeis Jose 7 Glen Rae Farm 8 Fier Sikm'a. S Cow, 4 yeaws - 1 Tandlane Farin 2 Ross Sharp 3 Francis J'ose 4 Gen Rae Fan 5 Donald Welsh 6 Glen Rae Farm 7 Francis Jese 8- Pier Sikrna. Cew, 5 years - 1 Glen Rae Farm 2 Ralph Glaspeli 3 Kari Heeringa 4 Pier Skma 5 FrancIs Jese 6 Tamilane Farm-s 7 Tamlane Farms 8 Mier Sikma. Cow, dry - 1 Tamlane Farms 2 Tamlane Failms 3 Frandis Jose 4 Donald Budd 5 Met Sikmna 6 R. Giaspell. Breede~s ferd - 1 Tamlane Parmns 2 Francis Jose 3 Donald Welsh 4 Glen Rae Farm 5 Karl Heeringa 6 Pier Sikma. Sr. Heider Cla3s 1'Pamiane Farmfs 2 A. Muir jand Sons 3 Douglas Broome 4 Tami ane Farm 5 Terry Rose 6 Gnrdie Mvalcomi 7 A. Muir and Sons 8 Kathryn Hut- WeISh. GUERNSEYÎS Bull, caif - 1 F. Fry 2 F. Sut- liffe and Sons 3 H, Baird 4 G. Wilson 5 E. Davey. Bull, yeaoling - 1ILH Baird 2 F. Fry 3 E. Davey 4 F. Sute1àf1e and Sons. Grand Champion M'ale H. Baird. Ejeserve Champion Maie- F. Fry. Heffer calf - 1 .E. Dvey2 H. Baird 3 Larmer Brtos. 4 Larmer Bros. Heiter., 2 years 1 H. Baird 2 P. Sutcliffe 3 F. Fry 4 G. Wilson 5 E. Davey 6 Larmer Bros. 7 F. Sutcldffe 8 E. Davey 9 Larmer Bros. 10 H. Baird. 00ow, 3 years m i H. BeTd 2 E. Davey 3 F. Sutc'li£ee 4 È. Fry 5 E. ]avey 6 baniner Bros. Cow, 4 years - 1 G. Wilson 2 H. Baird 3 Larmer Bros. 4 E. Davey 5 F. Sutdlffe 6 F. Fry 7 F. Fry. Cow, 5 years - 1ILH Baird 2 Larmer liros. 3 G. Wilsbon 4 H. Baird 5 F. Sùtciiffe 6 F. Sutcliff e 7 G. Wilson 8 E. Davey 9 F. Fry. Grand Champion Female -.H. Baird Reserve Grand Champion- G. Breeders Herd - 1 G. Wilson 2 E. Davey 3 H. Baird 4 banner Biros. 5 F. Fry. Best Udder - 1 G. Wilson 2 F. Get-of-Sire - 1 G. Wilson 2 E. Da'"ey 3 F. Fry 4 Larmer Bros. 5 H. Baird. Premier Breeder Bançner - 'Gor- don Wilson. P.reanieh Exhibitor Banner - Hugh Baird. JERSEY CATTLE Grand Champion Bull - R. Canada Savings Bonds help you N à plan ahead-loOk to the- future e« n wvithout worry. They're Canadci"S aveaa most popular persorial investmeiit. Canada Savings Bonds are easy to buy for cash or on instalments, in amounts ranging from $50 up to $25,000. inu ahi Canada Savings Bonds are coid, nara ,cas- instantly. They can be redeemed any time at their full face value plus earned interest. Canada Savings Bonds are safe-backed by ail the resources of Canada. They re a very special security. Stenger and Son.« Reserve Ohaniin Bull - R- Stenger and Son. Grand Champion Feinale - .. Steng-er and Son. Reserve Champion Female R Stenger and Son. Bull caif - 1 R. Stenger and Son (Continued page 6) No matter how you slice it! Thenew Pioneer 2071 gives you more great features than any other, Iightweight chain saw ever bulit Yetitfs only $179.95 The new Pioneer 2071 has an exclusive, new "Easy-Arc"ý starting mechanism. A gentepull s ail t takes ta get t going. It also has a semi-autonlatiç chain tensioner t0 help you keep the chain snug. And auto- rnatic oiling for longer bar and chain life. Cut loose with a new 20711I CHAIN SAWS Orono, Ontaria PhQne 9835207 4> , New Canada Savings Bonds ial nteest yield an average of 7Y4% a year ialinefiS when held to maturity.1 iintyEach $100 Bond begins with $6.75 interest for the f irst year, pays $7.75 inter- est for each of the next three years, and then pays $8.00 interest for each of the last seven years. On top of this you can earn interest on your interest. You can make each $100 grow to $227.50 in just eleven years. That's why we say, Canada Savings Bonds are good today, better tomorrow; an investment that grows and grows. c.s.70..a ~ ROLPH HARDWARE GoodtodlaY...b" terlo le M

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