Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1970, p. 2

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OR'.>O EEKLY TIM E WHY THE CHAOS? Anyone interesýtéd in developing a tapi of conver-sa- tion in Oronlo hîas,- only t mteonparking and they aile, on thelir way. And addle~d Vo thisone can stï.r up a good vapietY of viespoinbs as well las poited titiism !toa ahnst, any group or body. *Cerflain1y the in§sVitntinig oif parking regulations in Orono bas been ân'n turmnoil and litbas yetto totally ciearup ýA final, plan, for'the back sÏtrçets in the business setion la still up lin the air and bungling on Tuesclay husnoV- hel2p- ed the mafter. This however dacis nut mean that TegUlllaono are flot in effert for t7îey are (andl are' suîch as poýst ed on the Ligas. We rmight point out etYtihis finie that the Triafufic Con- tral oMilcer haý tire authortty to issue traffie tickets. llaàpperlhngms over thée pasL few weeuks clearly point out that fiacre iras been (a ack of ýgùod communications from ithre PoliceTr-e's This was evi denced when signs were ordercd and erected for 2 hour parking on the west eide of ýChusch Ètr&ee nortb of Centre contrary to the con- diinsof the exLiîsting by-law. Fùrther the lsign's do not state "No S1,and!l'iig or Parking" as ailso'!outiined lin the by- law rather thian just "No Parking". Socme ceitidiSim hias been leveleîd t the Townslhlp council in t;t liàt hey h id not pasÉsed the by-law official!ly ap3 irghe by-law enforcent offices. The fae*t remnains that;tire Townshp would have laid to cill aspecial meeting to paJ3 ithe by law as ulit waa not reâmed b y them uurtil f our- teen idayis after their September meeting and twenty-onc days before the Oeîlobr meeting. The fact thuat the by-law lad to ibe p2uslcd mun'. have been knlowxn well in advancc of this date !-u 'he T'u-tees. Furitier the TruiVteies presen- ted an anmending by-law ta couicil on thue aftiernoon of the October mceiting wlhiidh ýas found by council té be 1n error, aeoorduing to the intent of the Truatees. These two inci- dents fiave been awkwnrd fer counil in regardis the timing. Thêére is aiso, the point tliaî changea3 are alreaduy in the. works for he existing by-law in regards the tâme in whidh the ftuwo bous ban lis to be in effet. Rt is creditable thiat' change icna be made but t does show a weaknetsa uin the conmideraition wiýhûh nisit have beepn given the by4law in the fipst place. Parking relgulaltions are flot a new and eù- tirely istrange itemn. Theuy are In effe4ct in most centres and appareitly woring uth 1fejw problenims. Orono unfëoTuintitely lias been plaqute'd wilh isfortune, lack of comnuunidatioin, immroper aiudv -end fimling which bhas not effeCtelI thé pro- per imnpleïneltatloi of the parking regulations. The rczult i tiat setltn ', up the plan is becoming time cCnzlmmngcotier as vwell as beï,inug in a state ai flux. TO BE THANKFUL AI ýCapp, the natcd cartoonist and humorist. stiated in Torodlo this weck that e frIt no différent or saw no dif- ferere between Canada- and his native United Staitues. This, af coure aay bc truc but as anadianls we have a1Wauys frit that there ws a definite diffelrence. We samw a difference in tlhe level of crime, rio,;'(ng, bigotry, land, race degradatialn. In scanaing thre neuws it does become apparer#t tIrait'as iCanalanus we dD differ verv ifttle 1froum aur counterparts soulh ofVthe border. The difference is only in theédegree and this igap could weil close as Can- ada beudones more meltrpo,1ittm ik ih population congregua- V-mg, ia larger metra arelas. Montrel lis now facinig muany of- the big city problemis wPf itits populouus andI even todcay n B«1isb diploimat ils he)Id captive with bis life being throaiten- ed. NoVt too long ago stualcilit pËisling in thre sanie city ce.t the taxpayleiis mililonis ai dollis in destruction. WiV-out police prtection Mantreai miobs ran on-mbck resorting to de&~ruution and violence. The ingredients for thiat which we conde-min in (the Sbtmts is- present in Canada. It only takalsisthre prýoper clirnâte, Vo nature. Hoawever, Vhs week-endlis Thanký-ig9iviflg, atime to sing out praise for those things-tirait muake lfe worth its existanude. As Canadiani as well as Americlans we have amenities th'at we should surely be truely thanikuul for. They are evident day upon day, year upon 'year and for these we do give our thankus. Continental Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. We have a Sauna and Whîl- po.l ready for your use. I Drop in and give thèmn, a try Group Rates Available Mo«. te Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 aj. Sun. S .M. -.1i p.. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-Z4M OSHAWA D, DROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUS WE BUY AND) SELL 101d Glass, China, P'ien Artieles j Toysu ad ü&!d'ties IF iT'S OLI) .. . CALL US WE PAY CASH Phonle (-'2-5342Palte? (6 P.M. Cavan Candyý MAKERS 0F MAPLE, VANILLA and CHOCOLATE F UDGE Available at MATTS BILLIARDS and Barbershop 1Oroné, Ont., Phone 983-5310 FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Aftr. and Mrs. RibeaTt' Enke PBdien3txia wish Vto ann)ounce ,the forthûoniin'g marriiagec of their daugtter Idska Anna Vo Mr. Pat- rielk ihael Buntingl, son of Mr. and Mies. Bunting, Otaw a. The rnarr-iake o take plaee on Satur- 4&y, Otober thîrty4irst,_ 1970 at eleven o'ciock in Oiiono 'United BIRTH TENNANr-F rancis and Dorie (nee Iiread re proud to a n- 1)ouhee the arrival of their first châl'd , a soin, 'Michael Francis Roy, 7 potincs 8 ozs., on Septemnber 17, 1970.É Proud granciprarents are Mr. and Ms Ovid Reyno1ds and finsIt egrdchiid for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tennant, al of RR 2, Orono. Speclal thauks to Dr. McKenzie an'd Meria1 Maternity Staff. a-c CARI) 0F TH1ANKS We, wouldi lke to tliank our fredn egihburs and reltatdvc-,s for joinding wât'i our fanffly to, makeour 25f1'h weddig aiýniver;- a'ry such a ham.py occasion- A special th'ank you Vo O huck l- Patr-ick and the ban'd wd also to our daghter,Betty and those xvho helped 'her make the beauti- fui cake. - Ho Word and Besýsi e Bei1lo rny CARD 0F THANKS On behiaf of the UC.W., Orono United Cliusch, I should 1ke to thank-&R ihe ladies of Orono, Làsk~ard, Kirby and' Kendfil for thedr help given ait edn s- ceptions ansi alisa forpo"?n dS;pners for the Orono Yoth Thate oup ca Ill te sumrnr thaals the young I.oplpe ho acted as uý1ers and 1 Ldus wit vms- jiso al activiUitaes, w'1]en bue need aý'ose dur4ig the suirmner. Presý!1cent, OromiaU.CW. ac PICTU RE THANKSGIVINýG. Snap, then bri.ng your film te, us FOR PROMPT PROCESSING STUTT'S PHARMAcY Aduit Counseing Service Every Weduesday Eveniiig 700 to 9:00 *.M. AT BOW31ANVILLE HIIGII SCHOOL In The Guîdance Office The service is free, confidential and no appeintnent Is necessary. omation regarding (Crrespn~c Courses , ommuily CoIlegeý Prograni,*U4rst CoursesanI Extension Courses in general can be ob- tained if the individual iwishes to upgrade lis education. WiliamC.Hall, B. comm. Churtered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday The 1971 Capri Avery reaconabIe 292 ce, 20 H.P. F.O.B, Factory> ONLY MOTO-SKI GIVES YOU A 2-YEAR WARRANTY Fov iust $745.OOyou qet a machine with a track ot rubberlzed steel cleats, thats guaranteed for teo years*. Dual headlights. A welded body. Stronger <steel skis Control câb1es that virtually never freeze. And a suspension system that makes big bumnps littie bumps. Butthe.best thincg a Moto-Ski Capri has, is a price tag of just St 45.01). v.~rop rny. aint weil show you. *Oe cylinder models. o-r- We're tougher7iways. SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE 0F '71 MOTO-SKI MODELS ON DISPLAY NOW AT ORONO WEEKLVTIMESI TBUBSDÂY OCTOUER 84h, 190 ORONO, ONTARIO BOX 249

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