Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1970, p. 4

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~.-- ~ ORONO WEEKLV TIMES., THURSDAY, OCTOer,,R 1.17 At Life SrpueLeswsn: Matt. 5: 1-14 Taken from a sermion by Rev. Baisti Long. When Jesus sàid, "BJeeted are those Wiho hunger and thirst after iigiteousness, fer th'ey shail be filled", he yens taiking about à quîaiUty of lilfe wvhich far exceeds tharît cf the average pcv on. Tlhere is a sitex'y abourt certain offieens of the army visiting a certain vIllage in the hope cf re- c'ruitinig more mcn for the army. In thre. course of their v4s§itations tmhley noticed thtat here and liere threughout the village targets had been put up, cnich target wth a ichot dead centre in the bUl4'aeye. Threy made inquniies and were informed thut thre iarksmnan was t'he village fool. Deapite the fact tiant lis mentaltity vasa iow, the cf icers decided te locate hlm and see if lie were net usable in the ,army. When they found hlm, tliey spoke cf lis perfect marks- manship aud aaked h'ow he liad bin sbie te get to the point wJere lie could make a perfect bul's-eye every' time. "It is easy," ie, said, "I shoot first then draw ia circle around the mark of the bul-t." When Jesu s 'said, "ýBlesed are you who do 'hunger landl thii rst after ,ri,,ît e ou ne ss, " he was repeakipig out against that kirid of li feý or response 'to Iife which rnnnyv of mua muke, for like the marksman, we 'are ditlined to act ffirst then draw a oircle of rigLht-- eousne-scareund the act.' Involveil in ail thls is the liact fcf our univcý7r ajj ifli which takes the Christian fatth for'*ranted. 11ow often wre heuar someone just- ifying thimself or hierself by the commenït, "Oh, Il went te Sun'day School when i utas ùhat age. 1 even helped teach a cliass for a year. Whiat more ds there?" Thàs svoul'd seem to be the Pighteaufi- fldsi of niany. But what-did Jesus me«n by niighteoui3ncss? Few words are as capable of interpre- tatiens as the word righteous. Te i nterprctatmn usd1 i ange frorn hfe consmon man who will t2ke J4 --ls 0'sbr'ý ir<i P qs'uch as, "Ii an l b lI a al- e't ,iýa - -leni tien by faitlî" set forth by St. Work rgforthe5cumfflat' on cf mirit anothîrfrI o i [àoition. Bîv eonforitlg te the lavv, by ,givýing ;aiman, by the eh- serviarîlce nof east and fast days, sine felithlat they will acqujire enaugh menit to square thi e cont w' ti Gol. 'The injadequacy of this apprench to rightýeeusneas la peinted eut ini Paula letter to the Cornnthiian Church wben he e'i,"Thbugh I bestew ail my gonds te feed thýe peor, )and thougli I give mny body te be burnied, and lîfýc fot ilove it proffits me nîth- iriýg." Thie deing of cert-ain dieeds to acquire, menit coul be done ,and atill the licart remaàn cold te (led ad te our feilow nien. a e I s sterEWh't ta Ihe red ouAmd " fTr)a ire e ean- swerîl, "Ilhe thougd-iof *my ac- ceut~bityte Gd"Now this ila- net a rua da that suddendy oru tr ~~to rct- bot ceectr Pii, s uic. We may net like it. W m w nefnlre te admt it.. Buot cae-nnot banish it. Sorne- tirria it-iý strong, impenieus, sub duing, sometimes it ls wCak, stiif led, flseeting, but it is nev-er ab- sept. We ffil knew that in snme way we are accountable te God. By anîd large here are only f wo kinds ef ansvrer te hs ques- tCo. Onie is It eél that wc corne e I cirryl4ng our ceehiiorhn est obedience te thec moral a. juî., icord of bïsnevoienr'es, o claim to glory. ýBut that is not the DON'T 1'4ISS THE AUTO -SHOJ"W Fri. Sut., Oct. 2-3 ALL THAT'S NEW For, 1971: SUB COMPACTS TOO IMPORTS MOBILE HOMES FREE ADMnISSIONt -PRIZES - FREE PARING 'e e An ahnouncement on the new Minimum Wage and some improvements of Employment Standards ini the area of job security. As of October 1, 1970, the general minimum wage goes up to $1.50/hour, and the construction minimum to $175! hour. Then, on April 1, 1971, the gen- eral minimum jumps to $1.65/hour, and construction to $1.90/hour. If your wage depends on the estab- lished minimum, get the whiole story on the rising mi nimum wages by writ- ing or phoning the Regional -office of the Ontario Department of Labour naetyou. At the saine time the minimum wage goes up, new regulations corne into effect to improve your job security. For example, if you work for one Of an associated group of companies and are assigned to another' company in the group for a period of time, you'Il get paid for lany overtime you work just as if you were stili working for the original company. Ail the other provi- sions of the Act apply the samne way, Ifor an y reason, your conipany closes clown, ail wages owed to you (up to $2,000) have preferred dlaim againstL- the assets of the employer. The saine rule covers any vacatic -i pay you may have coming (vacation pay must now be heldin trust for you by your employer). .How much vacation are you en- titled to? The law says you must get at least one week's paid vacation after your first twelve months of employ- ment, and two week's paid vacation after each of the next twelve months, Some new teeth in the law. The Employment Standards Branch has the power to assess any money owing to you, either wages, overtime or vacation pay, and to collecf it from your employer on your behaif. Employers must also pay the Department a 10% penalty for with- holding any money from you. For the whole story on what these changes mean to you, write or phone your nearest Employment Standards Branch,' Toronto 74 Victoria St. 365-5251 Hamnilton 32 James St. South 527-2,951 1ri-~3~1 Ottawa - Pebb Bldg., 2197 Riverside Dr. 731-2556 Sault Ste. Mari 125 rokS JION. DALTON BALES, Q.C., MINISTER. TURKEY SHOOT ORONO FISH and HUNT CLUB SUND)AY, OCTOBER 4tb, 1970 Hunt Club, Range - Foliow signs off Taunton Road at the Leskard Intersectîon. From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch seirved at Range SHOTGUNS ONLY

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