Strawberries Pick Your'Own 3sea quart IORONO 3rd line Clarke ,strawberljy Patch NO. 2 NEWCASTLE Thesday, Thursday, $aturday Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Bring your owa quarts or purchase there 3rd limeof'Clarke, mile west o f DX Gas Station on Hlighway No. 115 WiIIiams Grove' Ltd. PIIONE 987-4563 O NTARI O J)1 P ARTMENT 0F HIGIIWAYS The Expropriations Act, 1968-69 Notice 0f Application For Approval T. Expropriate Lund IN THE MATTER of an application by tihMe stro High-; ways, for approv-al to exprotpriate lands lan the Township of >Clarke, in tiecÇounty of ýDurham, for -the purpose of acquirIng sufficica-t land for the proqosed reconstruction of Couaty Road Number 1, Higlhway 36. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat application has been made dor approval f0 excpropriaVê Vhe land described in Vhe sciedule Lcreto. Aay owncr of lands la respect of wiichnlotice is given' Who de- sires an iaquiry into whether thec taking of such landis fair, sound and reasonably aecessary la the achieveaient of flic oh- jectives of theexoraig authority shal so notify the approving authority in writing. (a) la Vie case of a registered wner, served. personally vor, by reglstered mnail witiin Vhîirty das tr i sserc w'ith Vhe notice, or, wlien lie is served by publication, wîvthin irt days after tic first pubMleation of tile' notice; (b) in the case of -an owncr w'flo is noV a registered owaer, witjiin thirty days after Vthe mrst .publication of the notice. TRE .APPROVING AUTHORITY IS Minister of Highways, Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario Minister of Higilways, Ontario H. F. Gilbert,' I Superintendeat OfProperties. NOTES: 1. Tic Expropriations Act, 19U69 ,providcs that, (a) wicrc an inquiry is requestcd, it shahl be conducted by an inquiry officer ýappolntcd by Vhe Miiter of Justice and Attorney Gencral; (b) tic inqulry officer, (i) shahl give every pyarty to tic inquiry an opportunty Vo present evidence and argument and Vo examine and cross-examine witnesses, ither person:ahly or by ils couasel or agent, and ' (il) may rccommend Vto Vie approving authority that a, party o tic ýinqitdry be paid a fixed amouint for his costs of tie inqulry not Vo exceed, $200 and tie ap- proving autliority may in its discretion order tic expropriatin.g autiority o pay suci costs fortliwiti., 2. "owner and "registered owner" are defined in VieI Act as follows: "owner" includes a mortgagce, enant, execution creditor, a -person-eatitled o a limiVed estate or interest in land, n committee of Vie estate of a mentalyII- ncompeVenV person or of a person incapable of managing uis affairs, and a guýardian, executor, administrator or trustee in wiom land is vested; "1registcred owner" means an owner of land wiosc intcrest lanVile land is defined and wiose anme is specified la an in-' strumeat in tie proper registry, land ities or sieriff's of- fice, and i;iiludeF, a person siown as a tenant of lanid on the( last revised assessment roil; 3. Th xporitî auiority, cach owner wio notifies Vie app gvinig authority thaï,lie desires a liearing la respect of the I)ands intended o be expropriated',and any owner added as ýa party by Vile inquiry officer are parties Vo Vie inquiry. SCHEDULE iht, tie and interest la Vie foliowiag land: Town-,up o f Clarke, itic Countv of Durham, being d175 n i-cr i rPART 7 o.n Plan ý i ýr- Office at Bowmanville as -'CE FIRýST PUBLISHIED JTJLY 2, 1970 Local News Mr. and Mrs. D. Evans and daugilfer Dale wcre guests at Vthe Bradley-Workman wcdding la Do- minion Oiahiaers United Ohurch, OCttawa on Saturday, June 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings were, Sunday dianer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orie Conlin, Osivawa. In honour of Mr.. and Mrs. E. Harris, SidneyB£C., Mrs. Ken Gamsby entcrtained a aumnber of -mutual frieads on Saturday, J unc 27ti: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson, Cardff. Ont.; Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Mr.* and Mrs. Walter Kilurn, Mr. and Mrs. George Flegg, Oshawa- Mrs. R. Graham, Scrborougi, Mrs. George Graham, Rcxd:ale, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell, Daany and Bob, Toronýfo; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gamsby, Paul, David and Beti, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, Orillia;, Mrs. Herb Murray, Mrs. J. Major and Mrs. G. Wason. Mrs. Wm. Siarron spcnt a Queen's Park Report', Alex Carrubilers, M.P.P, Durham Changes in the Labour Relations Act A series of ameadmeats Vo file Ontario Labour Relations Act de- sigaed to promote. industrial peace and to provide additional protection to the rigits and free- doms of workers, were proposed las week Vo thle legisiature by tic Hon. Dalton Bales, Minister of Labour. Highiglits of tic legisiation la clude: (1) Companies and unions will be hiable for damages for order- ing iliegal strikes or iockouts. (2) Tic jobs of striking work- ers to be guaranteed for up to six montis from tic beginning of a strike. (3) Construction companies wil months holiday in Gcrmaay witi daugliter Ruth and roa-inlaw. Ac- o*mpanying her was Mrs. Hughes who will finishl vacation with two wecks in England. 1Mrs. Alex Watson is a eatient in Bowmanville Memoriai Hospit- al. .Mr. and- Mrs. Hank Vau den Brink left last Thursday for a holiday ln flollanad. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and Shawn aad Mrs. H-arry tailey spent Saturday la North Bay vis- iting Shawn's great-grandpareats, Mr. and Mý1rs. William Bailey. ORONO YOUTH THEATRE FLOAT A WINNER The Orono.Youth Theatre Éroup enfered a float la the Oshawa Folk Festival Dominion Day par- ade and took first place la the private float division. Thecigroup startedwork on the float at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday and aftcr working hroughout the iglit iad their entry ready for the parade on Wednesday. The floatwas la three sections with each section depicting one of the hree plays which thcy are stag- ing this year at the Orono arena. One group left Orono at 3:00 arn. with ahl the parts of two of the floats and asscrnbled them la north 'Oshawa from that time un- il parade ime. APPALOOSE HORSE SHOW COMING TO ORONO FAIR Tic Appaloosa Horse Associa- tion wiil hold a registered point show at the Orono Fair on Friday September lîti. This show in it- self will briag about one ihundred horses Vo the fair along with the colourful dress and the entertain- ing events. The, Appaloosa show is similar in nature to the Regis- tered Quarter Horse Show which wiil agaia appear at the fair ths year. ThLs show helId a great deal of interest last year and wiil bc held on Friday. Between the fwo horse shows it is expPetcd that 300 horses will lie on shaw~ and ia competi- tion. Arrangcements have been coin- plcted to have the Orono fliCs operate Vie refreshmcnt booth. COOL OFÇ IIERE! Instal an Air-Conditioning system lan*your present, furnace for living comfort in your home Also avallable- Window units For the latest dcvelopments contact Harvey Partner PLUMBING and HEATING ORONO 983-520 W., FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Kinz St. W. BowmanviHle 623-3.993 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteouks, effici- eut service when buying *r selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties ini the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Poster 983-5801 Dane, Pound 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 R.y Strony 52 r il Bethanv Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc. and Gas Welding Evenings and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 Th Great Pins Ridge Festival 0f The Arts Due to the fact that we were unable to negotiate a lease satisfactory to us, with the Newcastle Community Hall Board, the Board of Direetors of the Great Plat Ridge Fest- ival 'of the, Arts has, been compeiled to suspend production for this year. We are stili very mucli alîve and active and it' is our sincere belief that we will shortly be able to oh- tain a lease mutuially acceptable to ail parties and be read3V for production next summer. To ail tiose young people -who h ave taken part la the productions during the last two yeaurs. and were looking forward to this season, as well as to) ail our loyal friends and patrons, we express our sincere ýregret. To the Orono Youth Theatre we wisli every success in their venture for tiŽis season. Our purpose always lias been, as we trust is th 'eirs, to provide a vehîcle whereby the youth of this area may be given an oç»portunity to test and, develop their theatrical abilities. Whether ths be done inx Orono this year or back in Newcastle next year is not imi portant. It iîs important ýthat it be done somewhere. We have already made available to the Orono Youth Theatré materials in our possession for their use this season. Some may suggest that we sliould have carred on our production this year in Orono as we were invited to do. It is our contention that the idea for the Youth Festival was conceived in Newcastle and Vie productions for the 'first two seasons were held tiere and therefore, is in Newcastle that it should remnain. 'rhe 73niwdOF , dcY"r5 Grecat Pine dR;C" Festival of the Arts Ail ri In tb p it ORO?40 WEKLY TIME, TJUBSDAY, JULY 2nid, 1970 he allowed to form their own " unions" to bargain colkectively with building trades unions. (4) Fines will be increased for labour law violations to $1,000. from $100. for individuals and to $10,000 from $1,000 for compati- les or unions. (.5) The Minister of Labour wjll be eatpowered to order specýa1 inqulries into uniusuaily long strikes or strikes affecting the public interest. (6) Indivîduals will be exempt- ed frcm paying union dues on religious grounds provlded they make equivalent payments to an approved ch arity. (7) Bargaining units ý'will beý certified by aliowing certification votes if 35% instead of 45% of workers ask for one. (8) Workers wîll be protected from job loss due to internai un- ion, disputes and unions will be required to give "f air represeat-' tation" to ail their members. (9) Secret ballots will- be re- quired for ail contract ratification and strike ballots. Described by the press' as' a "aear-revolutionary re-writiflg of Oatario's labour laws," the Arn- ended Aet 'will briag a greater degree of stability to the'construc- tion industry which has been faced with maàny serlous prob- le'ms in recent years. Rozeil Roofing ALUMINUM SIDING CHIMNEY REPAIES and EVETROUGHING PHONE 576-7271 158 Bloor St., Oshawa