Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1970, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSnAY, MAY 14th, 1970 From a sermon by Rev. B. E. Long.,;* Scripture; Ephesians 4:25-32 The bible makes a great deal of the famiiy. tsays, "A good wife is more preclous than jewels." When Jesus wanted to describe God and teacb the truths of, God He used ithe image of Father and Sans The Bible says, "Honour your father and your mother." And 1 say to young people, "If you can- flot lionour your parents then You're not going to make it to wellinl life until you change your ways" That doesn't mean that you mus't agree witb your par- ents wl-yn they are wrong. But there ought f0 be a basic respect througb every experience. Now some familles have con- filets witbin them, suhbtle or oth- erwie. It may ha between bus- band and wife or with and be- twefn children. Sa I have chosen the topic, 'Ruies for famiiy fights' I beleive that canfliet within a familv is normal. Anger is a bas- ic f-'e1inLe of man that can be cantrolled but if cannot ha denied The Bible says, 'Be -angry but do nlot qin' and Do nat let the sun go down on your anger 'and give no op portunijtyta the devil. Jesus was anry ut did -not smn in His ances(r. Sin rie in' the -way la whichanger is expressed or controlled. "Do net 1let the sun go dow-e an your anger" It ?is wise to have if out and settled and go ta bed ta your rest with an easy, settled mind. Think abuat the miles af baxing in relationship ta famiiy life. TlN;v -have a refere, thev are en- gaged ln canfliit, they don't rua away, they don't quit before the fight is over and above al theyý do nof luit beiow the bR In box- igyau win if you cani. if not you âdiii defeat and try aajin îý)ime people try ta avoid con- flic t. Thecy ,give- in ail the fime andl this is n6ft good. Sonie do this Wit eblidren.. They try or a ~white then say "WhatVs, the use? It is weating nme out trying ta, W. FANK REAL ESTATE Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 1 u3-3393 Toronito 923-91741 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteoqs, effici- eut "service seUling and fo when huying or fr the fargest sel- ection of properties' in the Area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster Daxie Found Andy Sut-h [loy Stronz 983-5801 623- 3965 MS-9119 52 r il Beth aiv get them ta be and do the things I feel are best. Nor is uit gaad ta go iooking for troubleahai ofthre time' Families- do not stay ta- gether if fbey do nat resolve the conflicts. Sa you've got ta gef in- to the fight. Boxing is flot a brawi and famiiy conflict need not be a brawl either. Secondly, don't quiit before. the figh t is over. A boxer can't re- treat when the sluggiag gets fo heavy He ýhas ta stay and finish the contesf. There are Owo ways af quifting. One is burying the thing, keeping it ta yourself and pushing lt down deep. There are husbands and wives living togefh- er wha are divorced emotionaiiy because fao long they have been burying their coaflicts. There are ol.hers who walk out on It. The busband or wif e siams the door and goes autside or ta the bed- room. Or the chiidrea bang the door on their parents and there lis no commuication for a long time, a form af running away or quiting. Sometimes the contesf is a iengtby one, la a boxing match the boxers rest beween rounds and somtimes that's good for people ini a home. Take time out, think if aver and assess the situ- rt.ian. Thea get back in there with a litle wisdom and kindness and try ta gef the thing straighf- ened away. Recause anger unre- solved ýdoes nof go' away. You may think you can push il out ai siglit, gway down deep but con- fiicf thal is unfaced does nat dis- appear. Then there is another basic rule for famnily fighfing Don't bit 'beiow Ille belt. You can bit be- 'ow te, bell with an, unkind cnit- icisra aif somtbing thiaf cauidn'l bce cbanged and leave a scar for lite. If in 'an uafhloughtful moa- ment yla say ta a slow awkwaird persan, "Oh1, yau're so clumsy and st jfd," tats littinlÏ below th~e belt -on a sensitve 5pot a~nd youl may scar hlm' for luie. (Or-ta use somethiag ucagal likeu facial features and sa.."I neyer didlike y-our big ugly nase." Or drag in the -relatives and say,, "You'ie ustlike your s1tupid ugly ai 'd father." Sometimes people ,,Y.barrass, each other la public orý ridiçqule a child before others or fell intimate secrets AIl ai this is hitting below, the* belit Now n boxiag -you seek a knockotst but not la family figbf s. In a confliet between busband and wife it should end in a lincb and a warmn, expression befween par- ents and children.Paul bas- won- derful words af advice ta end ten- sion. 'Let ah bitterness and wratb and anger and clamour and slan- der be put away from yeu with ail malice. And be kind ta one an- other., tender haarted, forgiving one another as God ia Christ forgave us." Just as in boxing, sometimes if is r.vces5ary ta have a referee la family conflicts_ Often Deople turn ta tbeir minister, a famiiy caunsellor or a p3vciatrist ta belp get ýtheir fhiaking straight- ened aut and try ta relate differ- ently ta each other. But, we al need a referee. We need ta seek -the rules ai gaod family living in the Bible. Then we ought ta open aur lives ta the wander ,nd pow- er ai the spirit ai Jesus Christ and let Hlm be the referee for us as individuals, familles or in lar- gar graups. None ai us ought fa feel thaf Weresa clever, good or perfect that we do nat cause a feeling ai confiiet within other people. The family .- far more than just a group ai people wha live lnaa home Unless we can see aur- selves as a family of Christ in this congregation then we are go- ing ta )-.- writ' - "k is gaing ita suffer. The idea of family lufe is a goo sound Bibli- cal anec that holds a nation and a cammunity together. We as Christians beleive that Jesus Christ is the centr-~, the source- Rules For FamiIy Fights Most Successful Pine Ridge Festival Dance an May -9tb la the Community Hall, Newcastle. The 1V&lls were beau- itif ully decaratfed ý'it h pietures fram 1thle past two peasons ai the Festivail. Decoratian: was thle work ai Andcrea aadl Charles Ewert, Terry ýGiécoff and fkathy, Lovekin. lxlUsic by the weii known "Am-j bassadors.'l Draw prizes w\ere donated by: Grant Cooper, J. Amderson Sifbt Ca., a table model silv-er chesl won by Mrs. Alec 4tartin, New- castle, 2nd prize: ,Raye Goadle, Goode's Hardware, Bissai cajrpet sweeper, won by J. Trimbie, Obw. 3rd ptcize: Frank llar, New- casýtie Garage,,Butane tablight- er, wan by Miss M\ary ,Raberfs, Enniskiiien. Spo.t prizes were donaied by Lamne Johason, Johnson's Drug s'tore, won by Dr. aadj Mrs. Ed.' -Ewert,, Bowmanviiie; Paul and Louise. Friesen, Port 'Hope. Up And Down , The Book Stocks NEW BOOKSMA 14, 1970 Adut- The Boat Who Wouldn't Float by Farley Mawat (a personal mis- adyenture) Religion in Canada by William Kiibourn (this is not a. relig- ious book, but abook about re- ligion) Decorating Book by Better_Homes and, Gardens The Pied Pi,ýer by Nevil Shute( (Author of On the Beach) Uiysses by Jamies Joyce Decoy by Arthur MIaling (a sus- pense Notve1) From This Timt- Forth by Audrey Willson (Romance) Junior- The Wildflower Book by Clarence J. Hylander Stars To-nigbt by- Sara Teasdale (Verses new and old for boys and girls) Miss PiekerellI Harests the Sea by Ellen MacGregor and -Dora Panteli Rogues Gallery by Edgar Parker Souider by William.11. Armstrong (a Newberry Medal winner) Kindergarten and Pre-Sehool Be Nice to Spiders by Margaret Bloy Graham The Quangle Wangle's- Hat by Ed- wa rd Lear The Grown Up Day by Jack Kent Moon'Mouse by Adeinide Holl. Olga Beauchamp SALE 0F TSCARDS 10e EACH Paper Backs and 'many Child- rens Easy Reading and Picture Books. Treutway ,Tours Specials to CalgarY Stampede - Canadian Rockies and Yellowstone Nation- al Park July 6th ta 26th July l3th ta August 2nd MARITIMES July l8th to August lst Seplember l2th ta 26th MOOSONEE JulY l19th 'to 22nd July 26th to 29th Jnly 3lst to August 3rd QUEBEC, CITY JuIy 3lst to Auyust 3rd For Itinerarjes contact TRENTWAY, TOURS - BOX 772 Peterborough - Phone 742-9192 c-20-e Boy' s Bike Trip Ends In Death An afternoon bicycle ride after sehool ended in tragedy for a seven-year-old Hlampton boy. Bonis Sonderskov, of RR 1 was kiiied Manday afternoon when the bicycle he was, riding veered int o the patb of a tractor-4trailer truck. The accident happenedl on Taunton Road west of Mitcheil's Corners about 4.30 p.m. An' am- bulance from the Bowmanvjile Memoriai Hospital was dispatched to the scene but the boy was dead on arrivai. Newcastle OPP,,wbo are invest- igating, said t be boy apparentJy moved inita the path of the truck Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock PICKED UPPROMPTLY Telephone Colleet 263-2721 MargwillPur Farm Licence No. 258-C-70 24 19OUR General Weldi'ng- and Mechanical Service Ail Work Cuaranteed Farmi and Industrial Work Your ,Preiiss or Our Shop A.S.M.E 1- C.S.A. Approved PHONE 263-8818 MAY 18 on County Road 1 as the vehicie was westbound. The truck was driven by Keith H-.arding,* 36, of 329 Elgin St. W., Oshawa. The wheels of the truck passed over the boy's body, police said. lHe is' the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Sondahskov. Hospitali'of- ficiais say no autopsy is planned. Leskard Welding, AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Welding E yenings and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 can K ProiemŽ th oluton [tes a omehaigep thnsunad vrtin ees- tsr t ve youha pstive proec- youll neure ndifa H nge s Buytopi es adut.hs anc on-y Giet tho, e rhtdimentionsu heoultin ne.ere it csyo sar singi eny. Capiteets Harvl ey a rt f nhne topUipe a nd Har eEsaTNG 1 Oe t eri so lu O tionIa u ONO 983E-5206 OCTOBER 1st, l S 0 Orono Fairgrounas ONDAY, Commencing At Dusk Sponsored by Orono. Chamber of!'Commerce Collectieon At Gate

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