ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY l4th, 1970 <Iarke -Champions 0 f, Initational Track Meet An Invitational Interschool T1rack and Field meet was heid at Courtice- Secondary school on 1May 7th vith five area schools competing. Clarke High was the trophy winner with Courtice se- cond. Final standing were: Clarke -1igh 335Y2 points; Courtice 228/ iBowmanviiie 152; Cartwright 142 -mnd Mlibrook 52 points The Midgeit Girls Champions were L. V(oo of Clarke tied with L. Ellis of Courtice with 12 points each; Juniior Girl champion, L. McLaughlin, Cartwright; Senior Girls Champion, L. A. Hoar of the Clarke High Sehool. Midget boys calimpion, M. Tilison, Clarke; Junior Boys champion, R. Borek, Courtice; Senior Boy champion, I. Take a second look! Here is the ultimate in, lightweight chain saws, the Pioneer Holiday 11I. This. model has more features than any other light- weight and the price is low. Here are some of the bonuses you get as standard equipment: Automatic chain oiling, Sureguard safety chain, a visual prim- ing system, large fuel capacity, .9uni- body" construction and many more. Dollar for dollar, pound for pound, you won't find a Latter buy! Only i$ 54-95 1~-~ 'Ji p We reserve the right to limit quantities Grifiin, Courtice. New 'ecords set at the meet- Junior Girls Discus, L. McLaujgh- lin, Cartwright, 74'"; Senior Girl's Triple jump, Ruth Scott of Clarke 30'; Midget Boys Pole Vault, L. Eldridge, Courtiëe 1'2" junior Boy's Long jump, J. Bezu- biak, Clarke, 19'191/2"~; Junior Iloys Discus, D. Norten, Carke, 112'T'; Senior Boys Long Jump, E. Johnson, Clarke, 19'l; Senior Boys Discus , 1. Griffin, Courtice, 115'T'; Senior Boy's Javelin, I Griffin, -Courtice, 154'V". Canadian Statesman NDP7 speaker Gordon Vicelirt, President of the Ontario New Democratie Party, wili address -the provincial nominâtion meeting of the Dur- ham ridirig association 'at Orono Oddfeliows Hall on. May 23, 1970 at 8:00 p.m. The only declared candidate so far for the nomina- tion is Douglas Moffatt, Elizabeth- ville, princwipal of the Orono Pub- lic Sehool. Mr. Moffatt was the N.D.P.. provincial candidate in 1967 Mr. Vich ert will speak on "Why the N.D.P. wil win the nexît provincial election."l 'i Roiph Hardware Ltd. Main Street CHAIN SAWS Orono, Ontario HAN'S ALKERY and Snack Bar *BUTT PORTION. SHORT SHANK SKINLESS SM3OKED Cooedl59c JUST HEAT AND EAT R3AM STEAKS FulIy C@kdl~b, 9 Flavourful - Wei Streaked A Treat To Eat RINDLESS BACON lb. 79C PRIMROSE IIRAND For a quick'meal try 'Steak on a Bun' Beef Steakettes lb. 69c CUT UP CHICKEN Legs or Breass lb. 49c SCHNEIDERS ýMeat and Chicken, Piekie and Pimento, Dutch Loaf, Headcheese, Pirk, Loaf with dres sing, Bologna, Mac. and Cheese, Lunh bMeats 2 6 oz. pkg 59% ITE Phone 983-5201, Orono, Ont. Bail Schedules SCIIEDULE FOR 1970 ORONO MIDGET BALL May 17, 2:00 p.m eronto May 18; 6:30 pm. ono. May 25, 6:30 P.m , ono. May 28, 6:30 pm., Orono at Des- Kendai at Or- Whitby at Or- awa. June 4, 6:30 p.m., Orono ait Port Hope. June 8, 6:30 p.m., Cobourg at Or- ono. June .9, 6:30 p.m Orono aM New- castle. June 15, 6:30 p.m. Peterborough at Qrono. June 20, 2:00 p.m., Belleville ait 1Orono. June 22, 6:30 p.m., Oshawa at Or- ono. June 24, 6f30 p.m, Orono at Whitby. June 28, 6:30 p.m Orono at Keene July 1, 2:00 p.m Deseronto at Orono. July 4, 2:00 p.m., Orono at Ken- dal July '7, 6:30 p.m., Orono at Port Hope July 13, 6:30 p.m., Port Hope at Orono July 19, 2:00 p.m., Orono at Co- bourg. July 20, 6:30 p.m, Newcastle at Orono. Juiy 2%~ 2:00 p.m., Keene at Or- ono July 27, 6:30 p.m., Port Hope at Orono KENDAL JUNIOR BALL SCHEDULE Home Games- May 23, 2.00 p.m, Peterborough May'31, 2:00 p.m., Keene June 6, 2:00 p.m Port Hope. June 13, 2:00 p.m. Belleville. June 21, 3:00 p m., Whiitby June 27, 2:00 p.m., Newcastle. July 4, 2:00 p.m, Orono. July 11, 2:00 p.m., Deseronto_ July 16, 6:30, Oshawa. July 23, 6:30'p.m., Cobourg. Away Games- May 18,ý 6:30 p.m., ait Orono. May 26,' 6:30 p.m. at Newcastle. May 30, 2:00 p.m. at Whiitby June 10, 6:30 pm. aM Oshawa. June 17, 6:30 p.m. at Cobourg. June 20, 2:00 p.m. Deseronto June 2, 6:30 pm. Port Hope. Juiy 8, 6:30 p.m., Peterbo' roughi July 14, 6:30 p.m. Por-t'Hope J.uiy 26, 3:00 p.m., Belleville Thank You The Canadian Cancer Society is richer by over'Five Hundred Dol- lar.s this year, from the 'tillage of 0O*rono. It is with warm grati- tude that the organizers wish ito thank all those who contributed to make the canvas so woýthwhie To ail those who canvassed, a sin- cere thank you. Your work and heip i5 indeed appreciaited. Cancer Can Be Beateni! MULTI-PURPOSE Garbage Iags 26x36 1fer 48c Mfr. Freeze Po0pM ôSfor 29C Just fireeze, them at homne Mid d letonn s Phone 983-5m4 O1lONO, ONTr. Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 98-29 orae DX ServiceStio llighway à5 and 115, just forth of Newcastle Featuiring: f 'Premium QualityPout - Ai The Most Reiasonable- Prices Stove oil May bie picked up i any quantity 19.9e per gallon Phone 987-4215 JUICY SATIN - GOOD SIZE PECIAL THIS WEEK! dozý Sunkist OW"RAN'îGES dozen 49à% Corn Flakes, 12 oz. or Rtice Krispies, 9 ozs. BEST BUY_ Aylmer or Wagstaffe- Save 8c. Raspberry or Strawberry with pectin Kelloggt's 2 for 69C jam 2 o. ar59 BETvuYLnhoMet ae4c BEST BUY - 52e. Value- 7 c. OFF. Pack Prom 12. oz. fi »5C Javex 64-oz. jug 43c Best Buy! Aylmer Fancy Save 34e Save 30c. on these fine canned hams 1%/ lb Tomacto Juice 3 i.9.Hms Mide: $1.7 ËCOFFEE MOTHER PARKER'S INSTANT 1. Why Pay More $~Save Witli DX EL O*it Plhone 668-3341- CoUlect ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY, For Prompt, Courteous Service w