Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1970, p. 5

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44 4 ORONO WEKLMYTIMES, THUR$DPAY> &PJIL 23rd4 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Tansley and famn ily have moved into their new home on Rowe St, Oron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Oxford IIRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIIAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of jSTONEWORK and I FIREPLACES We also do chimnev f Repairs on the Furi with a Fox builds the world's most wanted mini-bikes! Exciting trail models for Trail Blazing, hunting, fishing and camping ... Finest campus bikes for swingers, shoppers, swimmers A "hot dogger" scrambler that's flot a bit timid for the field or track. Marmy models are street licensable. Tuirn oentMe FUN wVith a0 winning 00eal We have lemi Low as j $19995 Rolph iHardware ORONO PIHONE 983-5207 ~3~52O7 Murray Brown who were married in Oronô UniTted Chur-ch on' St-ý uv-day. .Mrs. Biownj is the formner Doretta , Challice, daughter of Mr. and rs Orville Challice, Or- ono. The couple will reside ini PontypooL_ -Ur. and M;-r. Archie Watson rand' son Larry of aedw ,p,,it la t weekend with his par- eut, Sr _. ad ridlU,. Alex Watson. AfUr. and Mrs. George Cole of Port Ilol,ý. -who have reccntly ie- tiiriî'd .from a two months holi- day in Santa Barbara, Cal, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Nfrs. Carl Bil]ings. Mr. and Mis. Chas.'Armstrong and family, Peterborough spent Snday with bis mother Mis, Win. Armnstrong. Mi. and Mrs. 'Henry LeVaillant, Scarborough attended church ser- vice. at Orono United Church (on Sanday and xere,,lunchton guests of Mrs. Harry Bailey, also calling on other friends in Orono. Lunn's Hardware is making a: sizeable two-story addition at the' -back of their store.',The loWer floor will be used as a reception depot for the store while the sec- ond story xiii add to the living ouarters. Mr' and Mr-s.AleFotrhv been'visitin, in Virginia and Tennessee. Thcy .vplan ýto sa day with Dr. B.JB. Foster in Cii- cinnati, Ohio on thleir way home., Congratulat,ins to Mr. and Mrs Wayne Coster, ne June Geach, on the bir'fi of a son, Wayne Paul, in Bowmanville Hospital, April 7t-h. Màrs. Ethel Geary he,. been back in b-er Kendal home for the past two weeks. She spent the' VENEZIA RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 and 35 ,iMile South of Oron, phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a week Speelalizlng in Pizza - Meals wintzr in Toronto. The' Kendzil Women's Inistittute met af the home of Mrs. Win. Turansky. on Tuesday. evening,. April'2lst with 1 6 ladies p-rsent. The vice president, Mrs. M. Man- ders, opened, the meeting with the Isinging of the Cde. The ri * 71 , utes were read 1by- lY/,rs A.- Low. Amotion was pae3sed_ tlat $10,00 be given, to help pa t he expeil5- es of eaeh girl attending Quin- Mo-Lac Camp t!-is ýýummer, The treasurci, Mis. H. Foster ,read the financial report. Moved, 'by ,lms- E. Couroux,' seconded. by Ais. W.. Turansky that we boan. $25000 to sponsor MWiss C. W. Stewart's book entitled "The Ken- ai His." Plans weîe made 'concèrning thePenny Sale on May 9th. Many fine articles made by the ladies were on display. Mrs. W. Milli- gan of Newtonville, instaii-1 the new officers. Coloured pictures were shown by TIrs. A. Dem-pîs;, these were taken by her brother who, is ý a Hydro man in Northiern British Columbia. They showeéd pictures of the Alaska Highway, thé Mid- night, Sun, Many water fails mnd rivers, their camp etc. He is soon to beave for Australia to. visit his wife's family. Lunch w-as provided by Mrs. Sweeeney ald Mrs. W. Mercer. TIhere was a fine attendance at Cturch on Sunday including sonme visitors from Eli_;'za \-thville. Rer. T. Snelgrovie told the child- ion thestr of "Thýe TwoMules" Rlis sermn was taken from Acts 6; verseb 1 to 15. Our Sunday School Anniversary wiIl be on Mother's Day, May lOth. PRIZE MONEY- GOES TO BOWMAN VILLE - ORONO MEN The _April Branchi 178, Building Fund Draw, Royal Canadian Leg- ion was male at the monthly dance on Saturday, April 18th. Chairman. of this monthly draw, president Stan Dunn, again is happy to announce an increase in 9.U-ENT DCHJRCiI Or... Pastoral Charge Bl. B. E.z e SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1970 orO.UuIt. chureh- $=&dy &h" ut 100 Set'véoe a: 11:15,ai]. Kkb- IM.rnk~g Srvle. et 9:461&AU. Suu~~ & a t 11»0 l1970- sales to. a total of $3100.00. The intc£rest in- this monthly diance seens to bc, increasing with, lu ap-acit - crowds enjoying,< the u sc wiudhospitality o! thc brandimmdltec 1970-71 enter- t H~4~j( 1fl ~fl"l, laurice An- -0! 1 ttOoo xho seems to k u h~ '4~11'roll;n ;.ak)n44 xxih vrityof prizes, spot, ~ di~' '-"non vasthe winner o! the firsýt door pr,'ize aild n ýe, . Stan was rcadv fort 1110 draw hé asked lrs. Carr-]oil to come forward an(-] k 1I <v t, j dr-mrs. This f imet t i (Il<J w Cramp- of 6' Frederick St., Bow- manville' who- received !$1451' <00 Mi. Cramp, after having been tel-, "oýhoned by the chairman came to the LngIon ýawnd hadhiq cbOou4I( presented to hlim. T!hle sefler's plIize o $150 wm wrn j(InfIVý hvr Don Wright and ,Ed. Luke. The second ticket dî-axn by MVir. Carroll. was ý ticket no. A1544.. mrhich was pu4ýchased hv Mr. Bob S. Rousseeati of Om-ono. Bob's tick- et, entitiecl minm -to the se-ond prize of the customary $100.00, and Mr. Maurice Annaert, the Branch entertainemt ehairmami received a cheonue for..the, sel ler'; avdof $10,00 for the sale:of thïs ticket. Braniie No. 178 wish to thank the bu3 crs of the mnonthly tickets in the support of the, building funid and thc increased intercst being showm. Chairman. Stan could still do with more help in selling tickets throughout the month and would welcome any assistance that mnay - be offeîed. On, top. of 'hàvfng, a chane.tb ;Wý9- w'ith a lucky tickIet as a llt s gL lui. you stand a chalice oi llsng the Seller a~d.of I10% of ',the For- tickets caîl Stan Dunn, 6-,623-r 5769 or Branch 178, iBowmnvit7le Ed 3~ , d' .lajer4987-4236 lNek- c&tcoi"3Miiice Ann.aert 983- ,5/11 Orono and tickets! wilI be, b)rouýght to;!you. ST." SAVIUURS ANGLICAN Esýtablîshed 1869 Regular Sunday W orship Serviec -9:30 a.m. Holy Comlmunion- First and Third ýSundays Morning Prayer- Secoid, and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by a4ppointment with Rector 987-4745, Fhe Revý. Il. Robiert Hay ne, B.A., L.Th. Service GENERAL PUMPING- 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDYý, Leskard, Ontario Telephone 9k835266 or 983-5728 llý- Turn Fer AU Occasion We eod b. U- w to ha"ve yu viSit Our dhow ro,-a et 'alneury ert e a ne of plan.t R» P¶ONE M6-757 Vau Belle Garions Hlghway No. 2, West of Bawmauffle IS NOW BEING ASSEMBLED LIST NOW FOR, MAXIMlUM COYERAGE AND EXPOSURE DURING THE ACTIVE SELLING SEASON Thtis Catalogue is mailed to thousands of prospective buyers GIBSN WILOUGSY UITà 9% King Street East Bowmanville Telephone 623-3383 - Newtonviile:- Telephone 786-2911 Sce Our Ne&w Blouses ajd Pant Tops Shorts ,dHandm:as akSROG .-4 ~t -4 'c. h. * ~ v 5 .4-4 s ~ 41.b4. 4~; el~i s --I 4- I 4, . t

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