Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Apr 1970, p. 2

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;; ý ý mowý» .1 - 111 - - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APlUL Sth, 1970 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Secend Clas Mail EegLtratlon Numiber 0368 Published every Thurmsday at the office of pubMce-lor Man Street, Orono, Ontaào.,Phono 983-5301 Oromo School News This week began excting. for the Grade 3 and 4 classes. This is so, for thcy played a floor hockey game. The goals scored for Grade 3 were by Dave Huttan, Tom Gus- tar and for Grade 4 Scott West anid Scott Beacock. 'l'ic Grade 8' girls, of Orona challenged he Grade 8 girls of irby in a floor hockey game and and won by a score of 3-2. The boys also played Kirby boys and tîed with the score of 3-3. Monday mrorning started out interestin;- for the Grade 1* class as they went outside ta find signs of Spring. A study of spring birds is tak- ing place in the Grade 2 class. Grade 5, in Creative Writing are making- puppets and puppet shows. Grade 6 made animais of pop- cor-n and shredded wheat. .The rade 7 are having a, sock h~op thus Friday. The sock hop held last Friday was a success. The Grade 8's have completed' art.istic v;ork with modelling dlay. !lave you seen any signs of $pring? iAssîistaùnt àIýttor - Edward Clark Editor - ]3onniu Dullop Reps., Patti Lý!mi, Cindy West, Anna Ciesielski, Susan Partridge, Tom Moffat, Jim Moffat, Gail ,MorrisQn, Judy, West, Kim West and Susan West. BATTERWOOD IS UP FOR SALE AGAIN R obert Marten has decided to seli Batterwood estate, the form- er home of the late Vincent Mas- sey, the first Canadian born gov- ern-,r general. The sale has been"listed with Gibson and Willoughby and the asking price is $600,000. Mr. Marten had planned to cre- ate a cultural and recreational ceftre at Batt.-twood but said circuml' ances ýdid flot warrant keeping Batterwood, which he had purchased six rnonths ago. HEARING ADJOURNED The Mosport Park Ltd. applica- tion before the Supreme Court of Ontario which was to be heard Wednesday was postponed until this coming Wednesday. Suffic- ient time had not been given ta allow the Township1 to present af- fidavîds in opposition to the ap- plication which -is asking for a ruling on the zoning of Mosport Park in the Township of Clarke. Clarke1Pulic IIOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30, Tu Sday6:0 -8:30, Friday 23 - 5; 6:30,- 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a-. Gel Your wnOscar For Sumnier or Any Tune - - - - - -- -- -- o KODAK fn&Wnatý,100 Outfit Instant loadng. at amazingly low, low priée! Loads instan~iy. . automaticaly.. sa you get gaad pictures more easily than ever! Just drap in the Kodapak film cartridge -the camera is instantly loaded. No dials ta set, no focusing needed. Takes calor slides as well as black-and-white and calar snapshats. Built-in, pull-up flash halder keeps you set for indoor pictures. Cames with film, bulbs, flash guard, batteries. Other Set4s starting at $19.99 OIIONO, ONTARIO PHONE: 983-5009 Orono Athletit As the Arena doors clased the past weekend after a very success- fui season, many people are ta be thanked for accomplishing this. The following coaches and man- agers devoted ap 'proximately 6 hours of their time each week ta, teach ta -the best of heir ability the fundamentals of organized hockey ta the variaus teams spon- sored by the Association: Vic Bridger, Gord- Lowery, Chuck Hutton, Don Hendry, John Slatv, Grant Wade, John. Mather, Frank Sawyer, Roy Sawyer, -Don Scott, Daug Moffatt, John Moffat. The following businessmen do- nated trophies for the tourna- ments that were sponsored by he Association this year:, Rolph Hardware, Orv.. Chatterton, Stutts Pharmacy. Another job that neyer coin- pletely satifies everybody is the job of the referees. The following fellows did an excellent job for absalutely na remuneration: Gord Lawery, Cic Bridger, Doug Taylor Don Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor op-ý erate the booth fiawlessly and can always satisfy the hunger and thirst of everybody. Our MAena Mngr Mr. Earl Taylor. who gives us excellent ice ail year, organizes ail thIe hockey games, is rigit thlere ta repair any broken mciey keeps the ice rentais fuil iand mian,,mrany more things, desfflves a great deal of credit anid tlhanks. ~lonurale e~nic~should' be alsa ivnto the Figuire Skating Club and the ()On lq wkeMati- ers Association. The s..~inWüuld like ta think thteeyh Ly'hat partici- pated In any a t the Aiena Deanos 69) Che-v Belair Sedan 6 cylinder, autamatic, radio, wh i te wall tires,, wheel dises, locqi onie-owneýr car Lic. N37007 $2193 67 Buick Lesabre Sedan V-8 automatie, double power, white waIl tires, trim rings Lic. N37358 $1998 66 Chev Sedan 6 cylinder, automatie, radio, white wali tires,, wheel dises, local one-owner car. Lic. 37704 $1318 NO CASH NEEDED IF YOU QUALIFY this year bhas fully enjoyed them- selves and we now look fprward to' Basebali season. Orono Amateur Athletic Asso- ciation - Russ Major., Amateur Athietie Association 1969-70 May - '69 - Paid $1000. off Arti- ficial Ice Fuit.d Sept. - '69 - Annual Street Fair made $880.00 Bank Balance $2880.00. Nov. - '69 - Arena opens for -an- other season. Boards and dress- ing rooms painted. New furu- ace li upstairs small low rooms 3 new directors appointed. Bank balance of $2980.00 Dec.- '69 - New players boxes and penalty box built.,11. New extension on east side completed Santa Clatus arrives at the Ar- New lights in parking lot ena sponsored by Chamber of Commerce.' Hockey and Figure Skating in full swing. Bank Balance of $2675.00 Jan. - '70 - Pai4 $1500 off Ar- tifici al Ice Fund. Booster Banquet arrangements being made. Feb. - '70- Booster Banquet on Feb. 21- Profit $430.00. Bank Balance of $1350.00. Mardi - '70 - Hockey Mothers' donated $1l000.00 ta Artificial. Ice Fund.* This completely pays for the Artificial Ice and,êquip- ment. Bob Best Memorial Midget' Tournament March 13 Arrangements beïng. made for Street Fair inù August. Bank Balance of,$2850.00. APril - '70 - Basebaîl Registra- tion April 3, Arena closed for another sea- son. Many things to do at Arena be- fore'next year - New Boards. - West Side Seats - New compressor and chîller etc. Cotineoel Sauna and STEAN BATH GENTLEMEN ... W. have a Sau»a »d Wb"rI yodl ready for yoeur » Dçp la aad give tlmm a try Grup a"esA"B"êl En«. te set 1 p»u.' 1 a. 1 Su. 8 am .- i P.u. 16A 014TARIO STREET 728440 OSHWA Timex Watrhes and WATCH BANDS for both Men and Women We have a wide selection also PHILISHHAVE ELECTRIC SHAVERS' MATTvS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 -Must Clear 69 Buick LeSabre 2-door Hardtop, Fully equipped indluding stereo tape Lie N37356 69 Pontiac Laurentian' 2-door Hardtop V-8, Automatic, power steering, radio shade lite glass al Lic. N38680 69 Pontiac Parisienne, 2m-.or Hairdtop Fully equipped, Iess than 2000 miles Lic. N37357 65 Ambassadar Sedan V-8, automatie, radio, witie wall tires, wheel dises, real sharp. Lic. iN39023 $1291 65 Ford Custoni Sedan 6 cy linder, autoamatic, radio, white waIl t.res, good transportation. Lic. N36515 $1092 64 Pontiac Laurentian 2.-door coach, V-8, autamnatie, radio, white wall tireg. wheel discs, local owner. Lic. N36760 $493 63 Chev Sedan 6 cylinder, stick, a real good buy, dlean in and out. Lic. N24654. $499 -MOST PEOPLE DO AT COWANS 30-Day 50-50 Warranty on Engine and Entire Drive-Line System VISIT OUR LOT - LOOK OVER OUR SELECTION 0F GOODWILL USED CARS Tom Cowan, Pres. Roger Swan Ray Lathangue , Stew Preston, Sales Mgr. - Weldon Brown lo Cet. eady For Sprlng "'The Challenge of the Sevenities" Subjeet: Speaker: HON. GEORGE KERR, Q.C., M.P.P. Minister of Energy and Resources Wednesdays, April 15 8 p.mi.Shairp DR. POWER SCHOOL Progressive Conservative Party EVERYBODY-WELCOME No Reasonable Offer Refused

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