Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Apr 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSPAY, APRIL 2nd, 1970 H e Was A Mau Scripture Lesson John 12: 12-36 A teenager commented, "*We don't want scared littie men. Stop worrying about rebellion and start finding dynamic leaders for u3." Behind these words is the thinkine that we need faith, less fear, more t less tragedy if we are to w,-if day's necds. When people speak about- relicion it cornes b- this, "Who is this Christ? Is H1e necessary?"1 Who was this Christ who came ridinr! into.,Jerusalern P-'n cheers of the people? Then in a few hours 11e, suffered their cries, Cruc4f'ý H' was 11e? Why H1e was a Man my Christ, a real Mar,. Heàiý - - men ought to bce. This Man Jesus had respect for life and people. He had an open mind and was gentle but firm. lis hands of compassion and His words of love touohcd the live of people and they were restored. He hurt for the necds of Society. 11e wept with lis friends. This gentie'Je- sus was no effeminate peron. 11e was a strong man with a purpose who spent is life in service. H1e stood firm, resolute, unafraid lie- fore Pilate. H1e was a Man who would not Save Himiself at theý expense of' others. H1e wasmisun- derstood by those who loved Him, and by those who hated Hlm. We look beyond is entry into JerUSalem to lis experience on, the Cross. They 'stood there, a great crowd of people, differing' in so maniy ways. Some were op- enly enjoying the torture. Others were ignorantly poking fun and ridicule. $ome were grimly carry- ing out distasteful orders as soldiers doing their duty. Off to the side was a group of fearful, bewildered, sorrowing friends who did not understand. 1Some were Lilad to çse there because 11e remind1-ý of their ow n na'rrowness and self- ishnessn Others may have thought "How foolish 11e had been to in sist so unswervingly on whaÉt 1He thouglit was the lý "nf God. if 1He had comr-- little here and there, 11e could have donc a ereat dedli--' - without arousing the hatred of 4hose who opposed Hlm. If "He hadn't made lis stand so clear, if 11e had kept His convictions to IHîmself H1e could have avoided this aeony." 1. Those who loved Him thouglit this was cruel defeat. They had cauglit a vision of Him as the Son of God, the son of David but instead of setting up an earthly kingdom H1e had been forced to »~,rrender to the hatred of His people and the judgement of the Roman officiais. They didn't un- derstand. 11e was a Man, this Christ. Those who hurled insuits didn't understand. They jeçred, "You who would destroy the temple and build it in thr-ee days, save yourself and, come down from the cross." Those who taunted Him did not understand that if H1e came -down from the Cross, 11e could not save them. The Cross was meant for their salvation. That wit3 why 11e was there. The Chef Priests and Scribes niocked Hlim saying, "H1e saved others, but 11e cannot save Himself." They' didn't realize their words of mockery .yere un- realized wordq of truth. H1e couldn't save Ilimfself if 11e were to save others. The soldiers also mocked Hlm, "If you are King of the Jews, save Yourself." They didn't understand that in His sac- rifice H1e was truly Kine. One of the criminals mocked Hlm sav- ing, "Are you not the Christ. save vourseif and us." 11e didn't un- derstand. H1e iadn't learned the meaning of sacrifice. In reffly to to the very vealed that something score years icol existenc a 9 a heart of God. H1e re- God made man for greate.r than three and ten of this phys- ce. It is wrong to think that Christ- ian sacrifice always means that short, sharp,- bitter agonizing struggle or martyrdom. Sacrifice may mean the long routine nf Christian life with daily sacrifice, its multitude of services, daily struggle, hearbreaks, disappoint- ments and joys. William Barclay uses the illustration of a Roman coin with the pidure of an ox f acing an altar and a plough. The inscription read,> "Ready for eith- er." The ox had tc lbe ready for the supreme moment of sacrifice on the altar or the Iong, labour of the plougli on the farm. That is the way of sacrifice in the Christ- ian life. There is no one cup or cross for the Christian to drink. or to carry but he lias been called to sacrifice. Jesus' sacrifice means that men were in the grip of a power of evil that they could flot break. Their sins dragged them down, separated them from God, wreck- Whatm Ils M ed life for themnselves, for the world and for God. It cost the life andi death of Jesus Christ to bring men back to God. There is the great truth that without Jesus Chr'ist and His if e of service and His death of love we would neyer have found our way back to the love of God. And we too must 'walk in the steps of Hlim wi-o loved to the uttermost. As in Jesus' day so many do flot understand. They ridicule the Churcli, Jesus and the Christian life. It does flot, alter the fact or, the truth. It is sacrifice that. brings the good things of life, It- is sacrifice that brings a sense, of balance and fuilness to life and it increases joy. The, super- ficial things of life will flot lead, to happiness. Where people take a shallow view of sacrifice a, nation does flot last too 1one. t is Jesus Christ and His Cross that. reveals the purpose of life, the~- meaning of man's creation ànd. (Continued page 6) -vor AU O0asIon 1We supply flowers fo~r al Occasions Inehiding Roop- tai arrangements, weddings, funerals, 99%s etc. We woul he pleased te have Yeu visit our shoî rom at the nursery where a complote Une of plants ao,, always available. PHIONE 623-5757 IVan, Belle Gardeua Highway No. 2, West of Bow, man'ville I ' It's the sportiest Cutlass of them ail! Holiday Coupe or Sports Coupe styles, both with sweeping lines that make Cutlass S the freshest fastback on the road today. Sp:orty new hood with raised pods. Splendidly scutured rear bumper. Streamlined ventless side windows on the Holiday Coupe for windows- down looks with windows-up comfort. Standard Rock et V8 engine, with Positive Valve Rota tors to prevent carbon build-up and deliver longer, more efficient engine operation. Or a standard Action-Line 155 hp six. Smooth coul springs at each wheel. Spritely 112-inch wheel- base. Sure, steady handling that makes driving and parking a snap! Standard GM safety features to help you travel in confidence. See the Cutlass S. Shift into Oldsmobile status via Cutlass S ..you'd expeet to pay more, but you won't. Olds Cutlass S- your S-cape from the'ordinary. MARK 0F EXC ELL.tENCE SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER ROY Icis oosLsi Phone 7~8.606phoneu623e-2556A-VILEmONTART WARBLE FLY TREATMENT Ail Cattie in the Township of Clarke affected with Warbie Fly Grub must lie treated by spray or brush. First Treatment APRIL lotit to APIRIL 30 LAST TREATMENT STARTS 'MAY lst Sprayer available at 25c. per head JLyalI Lo:werýy Warble Fly Inspector Phone 7?8-6206 - Courtice BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO r-qQ OrLe ý - - -1. -

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