ORONO WEEKLV TMES. IMRSDAY, MARCH l9th. 1970O O.P.P. Report ,Newcastle, Ontario The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, during the week of March 8th to 14th, 1970, investigated 4 mnotor v ehicie collisions, in which one ptrson was injured,' and as a re- suit 2 persons were charged with. traffic offences. 1Investigated during the same period iof time, were 35 gene-raI occurrences. Only two of these occurrences- resulted in loss of property by theft. Two persons hate beeh oharegd with impair-, ed drivîng. During the evening of Friday, March 13, 1970, the Courtice Hlighway 2 public school reeiVed cons iderable damage. Unknown person (s) responsible peitedthe school with rocks, brenking ap- proxii.qtely 12 panes of glass, and the light in front, of the schooj,. We ask anyone having in- formation ooncerning this -dam. ORONO FIGURE SKATING CLUBO PRESENTSy MARCH'21 and 22 SATURDAY PERFORMANCE 8 p.m. - SUNDAY 2 p.m. GUESTS: ELINlE RICHAlRD NICIIOLS and BEVERLEY TENNANT WIamC.Hal', E. (o m. Phione Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday Aylmer or Wagstaffe Rasp. or Strawberry BEST BUY -- SAVE 12c. With pectin JAMS 24 oz. jars 5.5c SAVE 8c. Weston Plain or Salted 16 oz. Soita Craclkers .39c Save 12c! Bathroom Tissues decrator colors VI VA 6 rolsq9l9c Reg. 41c. - 3e. off Good Luck lb pkgs. Margarine 3 for $1 Reg. 89e.- lc off pack 60 to carton HETEA tea bags 69c Fruit Cocktail 2-71)c age, to contact the Newcastle" O.P.P. Detachmen't. MOTORISTS: Watchi out for in- cxperiencedcciss Now that the roads are bare, and Spring temperatures are ap- proaching, chi1dren on bikes are everywhere these davs. Some of them are experienced safe cyc- lists, but some of them are hlot. Give ,these young inexperienced cyclists tbe same, conideration you would show if one of thein were your own. Neyer startie them with a su(ddeýn blast of your horn, and pass, themn with pienty of room to spare. Withl the Eastý- er hldy prahnecit wili b,- out in futil forcfe, ricling on, the streets, and ronds. RemmfrffyÔur extra cureco)uld save a young cycist nomserjous iniuiry - and psblis,;life. SCHOOL SAýFETY PATROLS lic schlooi to assisýt smal,-I sch'ool age chIildren rsigte on at the mai itersection in ew szet mp)with -fetY patrols 'are ewateand Orono. D~IVE !When(-er yon sec schol s 'ev patrols in operation,ý doyorshr to) hel themOPCr. trol gills aPd byshI their fel- Io uplon their way to and fonschool, te crosýs streets and J SWYT/H §CE .n nd Snack Bar Phone 983-5203 Q UARTERS -- Specially seleeted, freshlly eutt-up. Stock-up at this low price1 Choice Plump 'Imported Frozen (whole-half) LEG "0' LAMB lb. 69c Ideal for broiling or frying, thlck cut, juiey RIB LAMB CHOPS lb. 59c cke)n lb.39C Three meals in one -- Roast -- ry --Stew Lamb In A Basket IL 39c Burns Fuily Cooked, boneless, smoked DINNER HAMS lb.- $1.19 -u BEST BUY SAVE 4c. Kraft, Can. Singles CHEcESE 8 o.39c Best Buy!, Brimful Faney QuaIity 48 oz. Tin Tomato Juice 27,e SAVE 10e. - Aflen's 28 o. glass jar APp le Sauce 39c Sve 9c. on Cnt Food 15 oz. tins Puss 'N' Boots 5-99 Cp'n Crùneh Il oz. or Honny Muneh 10% oz Quacker Cereals 4 eg 2 for 55e. e off banded tins 2 Lge tins Ajax Cleanser 45c Il ORNI8H'S RED& WHITE' WVe reserve the rigkt t. Unit quantities P 98 S3-5291~, Or.n, OU&. roadways safely. Sôme people tink prtrols diirect traffic - this, is flot their funiction. The stud- en1ts forining the patrols are sel- ected and trained for their im- Poitant job. The patrols hold the chiîdren bnck until it is safe te cross the road. R,ýEMEII..BER: Whenever you drive co OPeraite with the safcty patrols and kce,'p our childrern safe. ATTENTION FOCUSES ON NORTH IN REGION BOUNDARIPUES DISPUTE 4jon1ern -1was Voiced (1b., gates to the Oshawa Ae ln ning and eeomnSt- inar Saturdnv if Onjtari (r,,' as a pol!jical eiitit-v wiii in an omof rgoa ment recommended for the area. The fcrncern for the ý future wasvocc b amai ority of the 400 lcted and Mu-,- staff rpeettvsfo io Convcentres o the dyln seminar at Eastdnle CollegýiaeC.. Ma1iin Point raised -was what theftr would hoid for -î county's sevenl northern town- ships if they were separated from the souterni area in the final rec- ommendat 'ion for, regional g1ov- crnment in ani Oshawa.c- ilî The con1cern wns a7initially voie- ed, by Reeve Wiiamn Gillespie and Coun., Jamres Moeof Beav- eiton in Toa onhp Ileeve Gille a"e snid Beaver- ton's výýilage 'ouncil has nlready gene on record . as favoring inclu- sion in an Oshnwa-centered re- gion. Coun. Moore said it was "flot", a traditionalists stand the vil'- ;e had taken, but rather one vvith "prgres and ,cleveiopment in mind." "We realize change is neces- sarY," Coun. Moore said, "and we feel the cag to an Ozhawn,- centred reIgion would be for the better'ment of everybody. "We've been livingÏ in a set-up thuat's 100 year (o], it*s not good eniouigh for today,"Con Moore said. Byý, day's end and wt the wraT)1p-up rports Of the Ci ght stud grop,)reqsented, it be- came quite clear, especia11,',for a nOrthern and to a lesser degree an eastern boundiary ws nw o Prime county-widle concern. The discussion on the northern and enstern bouindaries became s0 prevelant the delpgates' previ- ously major concern in past months, about Toronto rumblings for eastbonnd expansion, took a backseat in talks. Most delegates felt as did studyl chairmian, Whitby Mayor Desmond Newman, that while the basic s'itcdy area cjees not. extend into the northern townships, these ar- cas cannot help but be affected by a regional government decis- ion which excludes them. Mavor Newman snid therp 1are two alternatives. with one ' -- the. rétention of Ontario County as a Political entity with peý",ible "additions" to it, The other is having the county split, Possibly at the Oak Ridge Moraine, the Pickering, Whitby and DarlingtonU Townships. Lt is also the watersfhed of the areaý, wýith al land south draining into Lake Ontario. "If we are prepared to acoept ithe split," he said, "then we must also be prepared tVo say how the other part wili exist. "I feel thait would be r, cuit Quest(ion to answer," hie s adding at present hie can't see the the northern townships ioininc wýihanother area. Mavor Njýewmnan said this j<th "urgent concern" which wiii face studv mmb'r in the selection1 of a northern boundary. The northefrn townships invol- yod are Ramna, Mara, Thorah, Brock, Sco'it, Uxýbridge and Rteach ail outside the basic Oshawaï study area. While a majority of the dele- gates put their attention to the north and the question of keep- ing the,.county, togcether, not al were quick to accept the idea. Norman Lyons, deputy reeve of Scott Township, said it was net orienÎted to the' Oshawa region and should neot be included. (Continued page 8) Aîbrts Texace G19NERAL REPAIRS Phomle 98345349 f)r.a Why Pay More SSave WMt DX FUEL OIL 2Plioue 668-3341 - Colle ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL DX FUEL OIL CALI, US TODAY For Prompt, Courteoijs Service I ~ct -E J The Enster Bunny bias visited Our store and left a selection of EASTER EGGS, BUINNIES CHICKENS and BA'ýSKETS ail ready for Easter EASTER PLANTS miay be ordered Plhone 983-5242 - ORONO, ONT. Produce Feature l of the Week Sweet and Juicy and Seedless GAPEFRUImT 10 fer 790